Printable Money Jar Spell for Monday


Printable Sun Spell

Pagan Meal Blessing Spell

Meal Blessing Spell

You can do this any day, or on a special occasion, before preparing a meal.

1. Light a candle in the kitchen and pass your hand three times, clockwise, over the food you are preparing.

2. Say softly three times:
“A blessing on the meal and peace on earth.”
3. Before setting the dining table, carry the same candle to the center of the table.

4. When the food is on the table, or just before you serve it, say:

“Give thanks to the Mother Earth.
Give thanks to the Father Sun.
Give thanks to the plants in the garden,
Where the Mother and Father are One.”
If you know the people well, you could say these blessing words before the meal. But if not, say them silently in your heart.

Printable Return to Sender

This spell is from

The Witch Said What?!

For You Viewing Pleasure

Guided Meditation with Pluto

Guided Meditation with Pluto Living on YouTube

For Your Listening Pleasure

Wiccan Goddess Chant

Let’s Have Some Fun – Printable Coloring Page

Smells like witch spirit: How the ancient world’s scented sorceresses influence ideas about magic today

Most perfume ads suggest that the right scent can make you sexy, alluring and successful. A blend by Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs, meanwhile, offers to make you smell like Hecate, the three-faced Greek goddess of witchcraft.

As a classics scholar who studies both magic and the senses in the ancient world, this idea of a witch-inspired perfume fascinates me – and “Hecate” is just one of many magic-inspired fragrances available today.

What does a witch smell like, and why would you deliberately perfume yourself like one?

Smells are impossible to see or touch, yet they affect us emotionally and even physically. That’s similar to how many people think of magic, and cultures around the world have connected the two. My current research is focused on how magic and scent were linked in ancient Rome and Greece, ideas that continue to shape views of witches in the West today.

Greeks and Romans of all walks of life believed in magic and used spells ranging from curses to healing magic and garden charms. Magical handbooks from the time show that Greco-Egyptian magicians used fragrance extensively in their rituals, even scented inks, and doctors believed strong-smelling plant species to be more medically effective than others. The gods themselves were thought to smell sweet, and places they touched retained a pleasant odor, making scent a sign of contact with the divine.

Witches wielding perfumes …

To read the rest of this article from

Printable Healing Potion

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Conjuring: The Healers of the Appalachians

Printable Freezer Spell for Binding

Printable Mars Spell

A Thought for Today

Moonstone Travel Spell

Moonstone Travel Spell

This spell will call on Meness, the patron moon god of travelers.

Find a spot that faces east or that is illuminated by moonlight. Or try setting this up under the moon, in the garden, or on the porch or your outside deck. Get some atmosphere sphere going! Try using a scented candle, such as jasmine or gardenia, to coordinate the fragrance with the moon’s energies.

Gather the following items:
• A photo of your destination, your travel itinerary, or your airline tickets
• 4 small tumbled moonstones
• A scented white votive candle and holder
• A lighter or matches

Set up this spell on a safe, flat surface. Light the candle and place it in the holder. Place your paperwork/tickets or itinerary to one side of the candle. Arrange the four stones in a circle around the holder. Place your hands on the travel paperwork, and ground and center. Then repeat the following spell three times:

Meness, patron of travelers, watch over me
Whether I travel in the air, on the land or sea
Like a talisman in my pocket a stone will I tuck
Moonstones do encourage a safe journey and bring good luck.

Take one of the stones and keep it in your pocket while you travel. You may close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, with harm to none By the moon and stars, this spell is done.

Gather up your papers and tuck them away for your trip. Allow the candle to burn out on its own. If you performed this outside, then move your candle and the remaining stones indoors to let the candle safely finish burning. Never leave your candles unattended.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

Developing your Spiritual Abilities? What are the “Clairs”?

When a person begins to awaken to their true self and divine potential, spiritual or psychic gifts will begin to emerge and develop.

Here is some information about the different kinds of ‘Clairs’ that describe some of these abilities and a few tips to help you practice.

‘Clair’ is from the French language and means ‘clear’. There are a number of ‘Clairs’ that we all have the ability to use.


The term we all recognise the most is clairvoyance. ‘Voyance’ means ‘vision’, so clairvoyance means clear vision.

A psychic vision is a term used to describe the way that those who are clairvoyant receive messages from Spirit. It usually begins with very short periods of ‘seeing’ things.

It is possible you may be able to see a ‘picture’ and the more you develop this gift the more detailed the vision will be and the length of time you will ‘see’ it will also increase.


Clairaudience means clear hearing.

Clairaudience may start when you are very young or during meditation. You may hear a voice speaking to you, or you may hear other sounds, such as music. Spirit plays me songs all the time!

This may be your guides or other…

Click here to read the rest of this article

Tales from the Unwavering Witchlett Chapter #2

Merry meet kindred souls, welcome! If you have tripped across this blog, know that it is not by chance. I believe, nothing happens by chance. Everything has a divine purpose. There are no coincidences in life, only synchronicity ‘s attempting to take us where we need to be on our journey.
It has been far too long since I have shared my story with y’all. For it has been quite the challenge I must say, body, mind, and spirit! But I am still above ground so I SHALL continue on my journey.
As we all know, being ill can be extraordinarily difficult. With the pandemic that large I’m sure all of us have experienced a form or two of difficulty. It certainly hasn’t been fun! With multiple sclerosis and THEN contracting the latest form of Covid I thought I would be pushing Up daisies. But instead, I am here to share with you something I learned. Something I’m sure some of you may already know. When you feel like you cannot endure much more pain, know that this pain is going to be part of your product! Because when Life knocks you down & the messenger of misery comes for you, what are you going to do?” What is it going to take to get you back up on your feet again?! I have learned when you overcome life’s biggest trials, you will look back & discover they were not a curse but a blessing in disguise. If it wasn’t for them, we would not grow. These challenges offer us the chance for personal spiritual and physical growth as human beings.
Oh, & yep, you’re stuck with me, lol!! I hear lesson nine calling my name.
So my friends, if you are like me and have seemed to take in the advanced course in life, hold your ground! One of my favorite sayings,” Tough times never last, but as tough people do. “
And speaking of courses I want to say a public THANK YOU to Lady Beltane. I appreciate all of your compassion, and patience as I battle my physical issues. I sure am thankful for every bit of it! That’s from the bottom of my heart! I don’t know how many others would’ve been as patient.

Familiars In Witchcraft and Paganism

Familiars are an often talked about and highly debated topic in the witchy world.

As with most things, I don’t personally believe there is a “right” or “wrong” way to think about them, but there are definitely many options. I’ll share a few of them and let you know what I believe!

Familiars Throughout History

Familiars have made appearances for a variety of purposes and in a variety of ways throughout time.

Some perspectives view them as demons that inhabit the bodies of small animals like cats, dogs, rats, birds, and toads. They are there to help a witch with their workings.

In some cases familiars have even said to exist in human form!

Some accounts describe inheriting familiars through family members, covens, or mentors, usually around the time of an initiation. Witches were also thought to be presented with a familiar after making a deal with the devil.

Others say a witch’s familiar will appear to them out of the blue during mundane activities.

During the European witch hunts, animals believed to be familiars were often used as evidence of witchcraft. Even the presence of a fly or bee was enough to convince some witch hunters of an accused witch’s guilt!

Familiars Today

Today, familiars are not seen as something negative and …

Click here to finish reading this article about familiars on

Familiar visualization spell

Visualizations are a great way of manifesting the reality you desire. Visualizations, like all magic, are based on the law of attraction principle. You can manifest almost anything you desire: a new job, new girlfriend/boyfriend, new magical pet? It’s up to you.

The key to making this work is pouring as much energy into your visualization as possible. This is where ceremonial magic and ritual items can be very helpful. For summoning a familiar I recommend this visualization spell:

  • Light a candle in a dark and quiet room
  • Use a magical wand or a dagger to draw an inverted pentagram in the air above the candle
  • Next, use the same ritual item to draw the shape of the animal spirit you wish to summon
  • Now, close your eyes and point the ritual item at the candle flame. Visualize the familiar manifesting in reality the candle flame as you pour your energy through the wand/dagger into the flame.


A Thought for Today

Blessed be dear Sisters, Brothers, and Honored Guests