Spell For Sunday – Sun Spell


Spell – Samhain Blessing Printable

Spell – Daily Devotion of the Goddess


Spell – One Way to Dispose of Used Spell Components

“Give a witch a spell and the witch can do the spell. Teach a witch The Craft and the witch can do magick!”

How to Dispose of Used Spell Components (Step-by-Step) on magickalspot.com Written by: Morningbird & MS Team

Often, after we’ve finished a spell, we find ourselves with candle ends and ashes, incense sticks and bits of herbs and maybe even some gross liquids.

The question of what to do with the stuff arises. How you dispose of used spell components will depend on the spell and the items themselves.  Some components are safe to release into nature and some are not.

Plan Ahead for Disposal

During the planning phase of your spellwork, think about the ultimate destiny of your spell components. If your spell is meant to be buried or thrown into water, make sure that you are using safe, biodegradable materials. Choose candles made from tallow, soy, or beeswax versus paraffin or gel which are petroleum products. Choose natural fibers for any fabric you are using in the spell for poppets or mojo bags or whatever.

This way, when you dispose of these items, they will eventually decompose into the Earth and cause no harm. Sometimes, putting items in the regular garbage is the best option, but there are some spells that benefit from more specialized consideration.

Often a spell will tell you what to do with the components when you are done. If it doesn’t, or if you are writing your own spell, then you can use these guidelines:

For Drawing Spells

If you are casting a spell meant to draw something toward you, your home, or your place of business, bury your spell components nearby, in the yard. They will continue to draw energy as the items biodegrade into the Earth. If you’re trying to draw energy toward someone else, it should be their yard.

Burying your items on the East or South side will utilize the sun’s energy to help grow something. The East is better for things like communication, bringing in new customers, etc. The South is best for things like love and creativity. If your spell is focused on creating a solid foundation or security, I would choose the North.

If your spell is about deepening existing relationships, I might choose West.  You may decide to bury your spell components on the side of the house closest to where the target sleeps.  If there is no outdoor dirt to bury it in, a large potted plant may serve the purpose.

If burying is not an option, tucking your bundle of spell components in the crotch of a tree or hanging it from a branch might be a good option for you. When doing this, I like to make the item look decorative, to reduce the creep-out factor, but if you are cursing someone, the creepier the better.

If you have no yard, you may wish to bundle up your spell components and put them inside a wall or in the back corner of a closet that touches an outside wall or put it under the bed or inside the box spring of the target. In this case, you want to make sure that none of your spell components are easily biodegradable so the package doesn’t start to stink and attract vermin. Use dried herbs rather than fresh and no liquids.

For Sending and Banishing Spells

If your spell is designed to send energy out into the world, you can burn your items (again, choose items that are safe to burn) or send them out into the world by tossing them into moving water, like a river or a storm drain (please make sure they are safe for the local wildlife).

This also works for banishing spells. As does flushing the items down the toilet (assuming they won’t back up your system) or down a drain or putting then in the regular garbage so the garbage truck carry them away and bury them in the landfill.

For binding spells, I like to tuck the bundle under a large rock or paving stone.

For Cleansing Spells

Many cleansing spells involve absorbing negative energy into an item that you then discard. Traditionally, this is done by leaving the item at a crossroads or burying it at the base of a tree. In the case of an egg cleansing, for example, the egg may be smashed at the base of a tree to neutralize the energy or in a crossroads to send it far away.

In the case of cleansing washes, the water used can be sent down the drain while visualizing the negative energy washing away. You can also flush it down the toilet. Make sure any bits of herbs have been strained out and never send oils down the drain.

Depending on your septic situation, you may need to make special considerations with salt and products that may disturb its natural digestive cycles. Floor washes may be sent down the drain or tossed out the door with conviction.

Spell Waste

Waste, like ashes and old herbs should be returned to the Earth. The compost will do this for you just fine. Candle ends made of natural materials will eventually break down if you bury them, but there is no reason not to throw them in the regular garbage and it’s probably safer for wildlife. Paper, glass and most metals can be added to the recycling bin.

Reusing Spell Items

Some non-disposable items can be re-used with a good cleansing. Use your judgment on this. Sometimes it feels too weird to reuse something. If it feels uncomfortable, don’t do it. The advice for candles is generally not to reuse them or to make sure you use them for a similar purpose because of the sheer amount of magical energy they absorb and retain.

Things like jars, crystals, fabric items, and tools can be carefully cleaned in the appropriate mundane manner, and then cleansed using smoke, salt, or whatever means is most appropriate to the item.

Spell – 1 Way to Bless and Indoor Container or Outdoor Garden

I wrote and used this spell for my growing house plants Aloe, Apotheose, and 7 different herbal seeds I put into a mini greenhouse to germinate on April 6th and already started seeing tiny seedlings on April 9th. Today I saw my house plants starting to take root in their bigger containers.

(YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE ANY SPELLS POSTED TO A DOCUMENT TO PRINT AND/OR SAVE ON YOUR COMPUTER. Please feel free to tweak this spell so it will work best for you and whatever you are growing.)

Any Type of Garden Blessing Chant

What You Need:

Your voice

Possibly your wand or staff if the garden covers a lot of ground.

Chanting Spell

Chat in multiples of 3 as many as you feel the need to repeat it.

Flora, I dedicate these seeds or plants to you,

Fauna, I dedicate these seeds or plants to you,

Help me bring them to life

To use them in ways that will not cause anyone strife,

I will give them Air to breathe,

I will give them Water to grow,

I will give them Earth to take root in,

I will ask Ra to use his Fire to give them warmth and light,

As my plants grow,

I will tend them well,

In return I will ask them for pieces to help my health and magick grow,

I promise you I will always tend them well.

Spell of the Day – The Knots Prayer

When I have used this prayer/spell I start with a rope with one knot in it for each thing the spell/prayer helps to untie. I take my time concentrating on each knot as I undo it to feel the knot inside of me untie. Let us know how the spell/prayer works for you in the comments section.

Spell for Today – A Healing Prayer

Spell for Today – Easy Altar Blessing Ritual

From spells8.com

Working with Magic requires being organized and perceptive. An altar is a sacred space where we can exercise creative action, self-discipline and intuition.

Follow this guided ritual to bless your altar at home. Find a table or any surface that is not currently in use and set it up with an altar cloth and your witch’s tools.

Easy Altar Blessing Ritual

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

An altar blessing ritual and prayer for new Wiccans and other Pagans. Bless your altar and tools for working with real Magic.


Chalice or cup



Athame or knife

Altar cloth (optional)

1 White candle


Arrange your tools on the altar and light the white candle.

Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Visualize a bright light coming from the candle flame. It surrounds your altar and yourself.

Take the wand in your dominant hand and point it to the sky. Say:Wiccan Altar blessing prayer

Use your wand to touch the pentacle as you take a deep breath in and out. Do the same with the chalice, athame and your altar cloth or table.

Place the wand back on the altar and say:
“Blessed Be My Altar”

Sit down or remain standing as you meditate and think of all the great things that your altar will bring to you: peace, serenity, awareness, intuition.

When you’re ready, blow out the candle and dispose of its remains by saying Thank you.

Spell for Today – Prayer to Hecate or Hekate – Printable

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – Daily Prayer to the Goddess – Printable

Spell for Today – Printable

Printable Jar for Home Protection Spell

Printable Sun Spell

Pagan Meal Blessing Spell

Meal Blessing Spell

You can do this any day, or on a special occasion, before preparing a meal.

1. Light a candle in the kitchen and pass your hand three times, clockwise, over the food you are preparing.

2. Say softly three times:
“A blessing on the meal and peace on earth.”
3. Before setting the dining table, carry the same candle to the center of the table.

4. When the food is on the table, or just before you serve it, say:

“Give thanks to the Mother Earth.
Give thanks to the Father Sun.
Give thanks to the plants in the garden,
Where the Mother and Father are One.”
If you know the people well, you could say these blessing words before the meal. But if not, say them silently in your heart.

Happy and Blessed Mabon Dear Sisters and Brothers – Printable

Happy and Blessed Ostara Dear Sisters and Brothers – Printable

A Morning Prayer/Blessing

Printable House Blessing to Hang Up