A Yule Drink and Litha Cake Combined Them for Brunch Solstice Feast – Flashback to 2012

I know I have been doing separate posts for Yule and Litha things but when I came across these two recipes, in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2012, one for each season of the year the two hemispheres are going into, they sounded yummy to me to have together. I apologize in advance for not calculating from American measurements to other parts of Mother Earth. I just found this website https://www.europeancuisines.com/ while it says European Cuisines it covers other countries measuring styles as well.

SIDE NOTE if you do not have a Sun shaped disc to pour the batter in use cookie cutters for whatever shapes remind you of the Sun or use a knife to cut out a shape. Even a young child could use cookie cutters with the child’s caregivers supervising. Than either eat the scraps from the cut outs or put them outside for the wildlife in your area to celebrate the Solstice with your family. This is a good day to have breakfast for dinner/supper/tea or use for part of your feast after your families Solstice ritual

Sun God Supreme

1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

2 Tablespoons of melted butter or oil

1 egg

3/4 cup yogurt

Garnish with 3 cups cubed fruit, all colors

Sift dry ingredients together. Then separately whisk wet ingredients together. Combined wet and dry ingredients, mixing for no more then 20 strokes, one for each day in June (or December) until the Solstice. Let mixture sit for 10 minutes     while you prepare the fruit, set the table, and heat the frying pan lightly coated with oil or butter on a medium heat.

(SIDE NOTE Depending on the ages of the people attending your celebration feast designated cutting the fruit, setting and clearing the table, and doing dishes along with wiping the table and kitchen surfaces. If you allow a child of 3 to cut up their pancake with a plastic knife this can also be used to slice bananas or other soft fruit. This is a family celebration so let the family help with the work and as you are your homes’ Priestess or Priest you can relax and enjoy the feast and time together with a lot less stress) 

Pour batter into sun-shaped discs (or pour batter from a measuring cup with a lip to get lovely round pancakes.) cook until bubbles that have formed in the batter burst and make little dry craters. Flip one and briefly cook the other side. Serve on brighly colored plates surrounded by fruit of all colors, which represent the abundant growth and glory of the Earth Goddess. Drizzle with honey or maple syrup and enjoy.

Pancakes combine the traditional foods of Litha — butter, milk, cakes, and honey — represent the Sun God at the height of his reign.

Copyright Dallas Jennifer Cobb page 77

Magical Mulled Cider

(SIDE NOTE This cider contains no alcohol so the whole family can enjoy it. If you want to spike it for the adults I have used dark rum measured to taste of the person drinking it. It is also good cooled to room temperature but I did not like the taste will chilled in the refrigerator)

1 quart (or 1 liter) apple cider

6 orange, sliced to look like the sun

12 whole cloves

1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

6 cinnamon sticks

Honey to taste

Toast the return of the Sun God, and the holy rebirth, with this warming drink when you gather with friends and family on the longest night of the year, Best made over an open fire, but easily concocted on a stove indoors will warm the hearth, heart, and home. Sip this and know anything is possible.

In a large pot combine apple cider which represents the Sun God, cloves, nutmeg, and ground cinnamon. Simmer for at least half an hour to make your house smell wonderfully festive, or longer for a stronger mulled taste. This simmering symbolically brings the God and Goddess together. and adds a little “spice” to the mix. Pour into a mug, carefully an orange slice into each cup. Add cinnamon stick and serve. Makes 6 servings.

Copyright by Dallas Jennifer Cobb page 129


Spell for Today – To Use on Decaffeinated or Herbal Beverages – Coffee or Tea to Still Wake You Up Without the Caffeine Jitters

Here in the Northern Hemisphere the days are getting shorter as we look forward to Samhain, Yule, and Imbloc. This is the time of year many of us switch from a cold beverage in the morning to a hot one. I have been 95% caffeine free for almost 15 years but on days that I had to go to work on little to no sleep I would have caffeinated coffee and wind up at the worse with a migraine or at least feel jittery. SO I had to figure out how my decaf coffee or tea or herbal tea could give me the boost that caffeinated beverages did. Standing in the kitchen one morning, while it was still dark out, waiting for my morning wake up sip I came up with a spell to put natural universal energy into my decaf coffee so I wouldn’t fall asleep walking to work. To my surprise, keep in mind I am still more asleep than awake, the spell work fantastically. This spell does work and is much better for the human body than caffeine and/or energy drinks.

Please print off this spell is you want to and hang it in your kitchen somewhere close to where to fix your cup of coffee in the morning.

Even if you drink your coffee or tea or herbal black you can use this spell to energize your beverage.


Your Favorite Hot Beverage Cup/Mug

A Regular Teaspoon

Cup of Decaffeinated Coffee or Your Favorite Tea (this spell does work on herbal teas and beverages like regular Gatorade, or even plain water also)

Milk, Cream, Half and Half, Powdered Cream or whatever you use to make your beverage have a whitish color to it

Sugar, Artificial Sweetener, Honey, Or Whatever you use to sweeten your beverage


Brew your decaf coffee or steep your tea

Fill your Cup or Mug (Your beverage will be HOT. Be careful and watch as you pour so you do not over pour and get burned by your beverage)

Fix it how ever you like it – Do not stir it yet


Put the teaspoon into your cup/mug stir counterclockwise wise three times while saying:

I stir all out all tiredness from my mind and body

Make sure the liquid comes to a stop before stirring it clockwise three times while say:

I stir wake up energy into my (coffee, tea, herbal tea)

You can do this once and keep adding the spells more times, making sure the liquid come to a full stop before reversing your direction of stirring, until you know what is right for you. When you have stirred it both ways for as long as you want finish the spell as you would any other spell that you do.

Lady Beltane 2002 Permission is granted to print this out for your personal use. It can not be share on another website or sold.

Spell for Today – Full Moon Goddess Blessing Salts c. 2017

Full Moon Goddess Blessing Salts

What You’ll Need: 1/2 cup of salt Desired herbal blend (See conjuring instructions for amount)

Protection Blend Dill Cedar Clove Sage Lavender

Healing Blend Cinnamon Lavender Pine Rosemary Sandalwood

Self-Love Blend Chamomile Lavender Rose Jasmine

How to Conjure: In a glass jar or bowl, mix 1/2 cup salt with desired herbs. While mixing, focus your mind on your intentions (i.e. protection, health, self-love). Picture your intentions manifesting. Feel the safety and peace rippling through you if your salt is for protection. Imagine your body (or your loved one’s) healing if you’re manifesting health. Picture that person up and about, running and jumping and feeling amazing! If your blend is for self-love, imagine yourself standing before a mirror, liking what you see. Smile at yourself. Tell yourself you are loved, that you are human and you are doing your best, that your best is enough. That you are worthy of love, especially your own.

Once you can visualize the outcome in your mind’s eye, place the jar outside or on a windowsill where it will be exposed to the moonlight all night. In Goddess pose (arms above head like the “Y” in the YMCA dance), thank the Goddess Moon for lending her energies to your spell and take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is a full moon.

Leave the jar on the windowsill until the following morning. Cover it, put it on your magic shelf, and you’re done! Now you have a blessing salt you can use to protect your home or vehicle, to circle a table for a healing spell, or to bless a special piece of jewelry or crystal to keep with you to remind yourself that you are worthy of love!

These herbs can be added in any amount. Generally I listen to instinct and see what the herb is saying to me (so to speak. I don’t hear herbal voices, but how cool would that be?!) If you find yourself drawn to one more than another, either by scent or smell or pure instinct, follow your gut! Magick is all about instinct. The best spells you will ever cast are the ones where you followed your intuition.


You Download a PDF file on this material at The Penniless Pagan

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

PDF Printable Witchcraft Book for Charms, Spells and Herbs

Charms, Spells, and Herbs PDF from witchcraftsecretmanual.com

I found a few interesting things I want to try in this PDF that is free to save and/or print. I think it will be a nice addition to my Grimoire.

Delving Into Divination – Tea Leaf Reading

Divination Through Tea Leaves

Predicting by using tealeaves was in the 19th century in Europe quite popular, but nowadays it is hardly practiced. Not, because the techniques were that extremely difficult, but much more because almost everyone uses teabags in stead of just unpacked tealeaves. That causes, that no leaves are left in the cup after drinking.

So if you feel invited to this prediction method, the first thing to do is drinking tea at that ‘old-fashioned’ way. You need for each cup one teaspoon with tea and one extra for the teapot. You’ll notice it tastes nice, but if you plan to use it too for prediction, I suggest the use of white cups, because it gives a better background for the dark leaves. Each person in your ‘tea session’ who wants to hear something about their personal future, should leave a little liquid behind in their cup. This is stirred to let the leaves floating in stead lying quiet on the bottom of the cup. Immediately after that is done, the liquid part is carefully poured out. By doing this, the tealeaves stick behind on the inside and the bottom of the cup.

Than comes the moment for you to fix a strong and deep concentration on those tealeaves. Close your eyes halfway and give your powers of imagination ‘free way’. Try to discover in these tealeaves a known picture, i.e. a book, an axe, trees, a hat, etc…etc… The following step is the interpretation of that discovered picture. You can use for that the next explanations:

A journey, at the end of that trip happiness.

Luck in love affair(s).

(A pickax or a saw is also possible)
Be warned to deal carefully with your money and your emotions.

(Also a non-army airplane):
An unexpected promotion, going for the better or inheritance.

See: flag.

Ask advice before going further going on in things your are (or are going to be) involved.

Your social activities will increase.

There will come a meeting or a date that is important for your further life.

Your partner/spouse/life mate takes your affair not as serious as is essential/ necessary in your view.

In a certain activities in your professions you should give more and better efforts.

Clock or watch:
An important meeting will happen.


Big tough luck. If you can see a second picture in the leaves, than that can give more details on the area that is involved.

Avoid risks.

You may expect good news.

Good news is coming.

You will get unbelievable news from far away.

Your level of prosperity will increase.

Expected good news will not come.

Gate or door:
An unexpected change in your personal circumstances.

You should make more efforts to give your best.

Harp or harpsichord:
Prosperity and luck will become yours.

You have to go through some touch luck.

You will get emotional excitement.

You will get a better understanding about certain things that are unclear to you now.

You’ll get a quarrel or even a row.

Ladder (Household):

Moon (Waxing):
A little profit will become yours.

A lot of non-material luck/happiness.

In short time you will get some problems. (Not very big).

At home with you something will change.

You should improve your dealing with weighting advantages and disadvantages. Things have more than one side.

A journey will bring luck and happiness.

(Two tealeaves straight between each other):
Business in which you are involved will go well.
(Two tealeaves not straight between each other):
Business in which you are involved will not turn out well.

Everything will bloom.

Such a picture that is close to the edge of the teacup points to a time period from three till six weeks on the things that are predicted. If the picture is on the bottom it means a time period of at least two years before that prediction will happen. In the middle of the inside means about a year.

By training and experience you will become able to interpret more pictures as are described here.

Don’t forget: as with every prediction method, it will only work as it’s fully implemented in yourself. The fewest doubt will make that your efforts to predict will fail. (The ‘client’ need not believe that).

For Your Viewing and Listening Pleasure

Something new from YouTube.com a channel that plays calming music and show LIVE, no I did not mess up…lol LIVE, feed from under the water. Give it a try and tell me what you think of this? As I am typing this up the music is mostly piano, which I thoroughly enjoy, and the scene is showing different types of salt water fish. I do not know if the film the live action in from of aquamarines or if it is someone scuba-diving.

Relaxing Music and Underwater Scenes 🔴 24/7 Calming Music

If you would like to suggest something to put under Viewing and/or Listening Pleasure please email me at CovenLife’sCoven@gmail.com with the link . Please remember WOTC and Coven Life are family orientated witchcraft/paganism website. Somewhere for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc to share a more natural style of Spiritualism,  Please do not submit Rap, Heavy Metal, or Song with a lot of swearing, a minimal amount is ok, the decision is up to me if it is something I would want my teenage grandchildren to listen to. Absolutely none of the 3 biggest word no-nos to me at least, F__K, C__T, NI__ER. If you submit something with anything bashing any lifestyle Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Non-Binary, Cross Dressers, etc. If you submit something in appropriate for ages 9 years old and up your submission will go no further than “Trash” with a reply to you that you have had your 1st strike. You will have a 2nd chance but 3rd strike you will be banned not just from submitting songs, videos, topics for all of us to learn from – your way of thinking or a link to an article, you will be forever blocked from ever commenting or reading WOTC and Coven Life and Heart’s Spirit Coven gatherings and Open Chats.

N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions for 8/8

Current Moon Phase


The Moon today is in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

Current Planetary Positions

August 08, 2019
06:14 pm GMT (1:14 PM CDT)
Tropical Zodiac

Sun:15 Leo 55
Moon:28 Scorpio 43
Mercury:27 Cancer 01
Venus:14 Leo 24
Mars:24 Leo 00
Jupiter:14 Sagittarius 31 Rx
Saturn:15 Capricorn 10 Rx
Uranus:06 Taurus 37
Neptune:18 Pisces 09 Rx
Pluto:21 Capricorn 18 Rx

Wassail (Non-Alcoholic)

Yule Comments & Graphics

Wassail (Non-Alcoholic)

2 quarts apple juice
2 1/4 cups pineapple juice
2 cups orange juice
1 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
1 (3-inch) stick cinnamon
1 tsp. whole cloves

Combine all ingredients in a Dutch oven; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes. Uncover and simmer an additional 20 minutes. Strain and discard cinnamon and cloves.Serve hot.

Yield: 3 quarts

Wassail Punch

Yule Comments & Graphics

Wassail Punch

1 dozen apples; baked
1 cup water
4 cups sugar
1 Tbsp. freshly ground nutmeg
2 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. ground mace
6 whole cloves
6 allspice berries
1 stick cinnamon
1 dozen eggs, separated
4 bottles sherry or Madeira wine
2 cups brandy

*Ancient England gave us the custom of “wassailing”. It is based on the tradition of friends gathering in a circle, whereupon the host drinks to the health of all present. He sips from a glass of hot punch or spiced ale, then passes the glass. A special bowl was used as the vessel. As each friend raises the vessel, before sipping he or she proclaims the Saxon toast, “Wass hael!” meaning “be whole” or “be well”. Although many versions exist, this one contains the symbolic ingredients: apples, representing fertility and health; spices, signifying riches and variety; eggs, a symbol of life and rebirth; as well as wine and brandy. This beverage is served hot, so plan on a heatproof punch bowl. this makes enough for a crowd. Just how large a crowd depends on your groups taste for rich, spicy wine drinks. Figure on at least 16-18 servings.*

**Cook’s notes: This also can be made with a combination of beer and wine, preferably sherry, with roughly 4 parts beer to 1 part sherry. The resulting flavor is authentic to the Colonial period, but far less familiar to contemporary palates.**

Prepare the punch: Combine water, sugar, and spices in a large stainless steel, enamel or glass saucepan. Bring to boil over medium high heat, and boil for 5 minutes. Meanwhile beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks until light in color. In separate pans, bring the wine (and beer, if used) and the brandy almost to the boiling point. Fold the whites into the yolks, using a large heatproof bowl. Strain the sugar and spice mixture into the eggs, combining quickly. Incorporate the hot wine with the spice and egg mixture, beginning slowly and stirring briskly with each addition. Toward the end of the process, add the brandy. Now, just before serving and while the mixture is still foaming, add the baked apples.

Presentation: Serve in heatproof cups or punch glasses. Guests are welcome to take part or all of an apple

The Perfect Brew


As most of you will start of using herbal remedies in the form of herbal tea I thought I would write directions for what I consider the perfect pot of tea.

Warm your teapot or cup – this maintains the temperature once you add the water. It makes a lot of difference for very little effort. I like using glass or pottery. Of course you can dig out the good china too. If using metal, there are some great cast iron pots or stainless steel pots when making decoctions.

Do not over boil the water – it drains the water of oxygen. Water temperature: Use water just below boiling point – as low as 70C is perfect for fine aerial parts of the plant. If you are using a kettle, the water is ideal when it starts to make a “rumbling” sound.

Brewing time – adjust your brewing time depending on what herb you are using. Some teas can become quite bitter if left to infuse too long. Others can withstand a number of brews. As a rule of thumb use a standard of 10 – 15 minutes to infuse your herbs. You need enough time to release the active ingredients but not so much to make it too strong and unpleasant.

Sweetening herbal tea – if you like a sweeter tea you can certainly use some honey to improve the flavour. I personally use a bit of sugar as honey adds another flavour dimension which may not always be what you want. However, I would not recommend adding milk.

If you are planning to use herbs to make your own remedies at home then you will likely encounter the process of both infusions and decoctions. Infusions and decoctions are time honoured methods of delivering the health benefits of herbs.


Making Herbal Remedies (Herbology At Home)

Anke Bialas

Various Teas & Brews

Various Teas & Brews


Seven Flower Tea

You can make this fragrant tea with herbs from your garden or dried herbs that you buy. Seven Flower Tea cools you down on a warm summer’s day, helping to keep you calm and soothe your digestion.

1 quart boiling water

2 teaspoons chamomile flower

1 teaspoon linden flower

1 teaspoon calendula flower

1 teaspoon lavender flower

1 teaspoon honeysuckle flower

1 1/2 teaspoon passion flower

1 1/2 teaspoon orange flower or orange peel

Pour boiling water over the flowers. Allow to steep for 20 minutes. Strain. Drink.


Headache Tea

Put a pinch of Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary, and Mint into a coffee filter and make it like you would coffee. Or you can put the herbs in a spice ball and leave in hot water for 15 to 30 minutes.


Keep Me Healthy Tea

Prepare this tea when you are already in good health and want to maintain it. As you drink it, visualize yourself in the days to come as healthy, happy, and active.

4 parts calendula flowers

1 part mullein leaves or flowers

1 part marjoram leaves

1 part St. John’s Wort



Heal Me Tea

Although your potions should never replace a trip to the doctor when you are ill, this tea can give you a magical boost to speed your healing. Focus on ridding your body of whatever ails you. If you are running a fever, add 1 part of Feverfew.

4 parts rose petals

3 parts violet petals

2 parts dried apples

1 part dried blackberries

1 part eucalyptus leaves

1 part ginseng root



Sip for Success Tea

While sipping this tea, envision yourself succeeding at a current project you are undertaking. Use tangible images such as seeing the project complete. Feel yourseld doing your job successfully. This tea works best when working with specific projects or situations. Don’t just imagine yourself successful—define what success means to you.

4 parts clover flowers

2 parts lemon balm leaves

1 part ginger root



Cramp Alleviating Tea

To stop menstrual cramps, drink a half cup of the following tea twice a day.

Place one teaspoon of feverfew in the filter cup of the coffee maker and add one cup of water. As the tea brews, chant:

Herb and water, powers thrive,

Bring your magick now to life.

Pour the tea and sweeten with honey, if desired. Before you drink it, chant over the cup:

Feverfew, now herbal tea,

Send painful cramps away from me.



Desert Sage Third Eye Brew Extra Strength

Brew tea from desert sage, white sage, mugwort, lemon balm, peppermint and orange zest.



Desert Sage Third Eye Brew

Desert sage is a popular ingredient in commercial psychic-inducing herbal teas. It has a smoky flavor and is less bitter than mugwort or wormwood.

Brew tea from desert sage and white sage. Drink to enhance clairvoyance, psychic vision, and reception. (The Third Eye is the area between the eyes, just above the bridge of the nose, and has long been associated with psychic powers.)


Protection Brew

3 parts Rue

2 parts Rosemary

1 part Vetivert

1 part Hyssop

1 part Mistletoe*

Brew as usual, strain and anoint each window and door of the house. Pour the rest down the drain to safeguard them. Do not drink!!


Purification Brew

Collect any nine sacred plants, such as vervain, rue, rosemary, oak, pine, acacia, rose, carnation, thyme, basil, jasmine and so on. Place in a nonmetallic pot or bowl. Add rain water (or fresh water) and let the herbs soak, covered and away from light, for three days. Strain. Use for asperging the house, others, or yourself for purification.


Purification Brew #2

1 part Lemon Verbena

1 part dried Lemon peel

1 part Chamomile

Brew, drink for purification prior to ritual. If desired, add a splash of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey or sugar. (Sugar is used by Peruvian shamans in purification ceremonies).



Rainbow Brew

When it rains, wait for the clouds to break somewhere and look for a rainbow. If you find one, put a saucer or some other nonmetallic pan outside where it can catch rain. If it rains while the rainbow is still present, save the water for ritual uses. It has been blessed by the rainbow’s appearance. Because the rainbow contains all colors, this “brew” is useful for all types of magick. Bottle and label. Add to bathe or anoint the body and hands while visualizing your magickal goal.


Sleep Brew

1 part Rose petals

1 part Myrtle leaves

1 part Vervain

Soak rose petals in a pot of water for three days. Add more rose petals each day. On the third day, add myrtle and vervain at sunrise and let soak all day. That night, just before going to bed, bathe your forehead with three handfuls of the brew. Your sleep should be free from nightmares. Use the brew until gone, then make another batch if needed.


Tea Recipes

Tranquility Tea

2 tablespoons nettle

4 1/2 teaspoons oat straw

4 1/2 teaspoons chamomile flowers

1 1/2 teaspoons St. John’s wort

1 1/2 teaspoons skullcap

1 1/2 teaspoons passionflower

Combine the ingredients thoroughly and place three tablespoons of the mixture in the filter cup of the coffee maker. Add a full pot of water. As the tea brews and drips into the pot, chant:

Herbs, mix your energies

And flow now into harmony

To soothe and calm and bring new peace

With every sip I take of thee.

Drink the tea hot or over ice. Sweeten with honey.




Sleep Inducing Tea

Add one tablespoon of chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water. As the tea steeps, chant:

Soothing flowers, bring to me

The sleep that I so sorely need.

Sweeten with honey if desired.



Psychic Tea

Drink this tea during psychic and divination works.

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon rose petals

3 teaspoons mugwort

1 teaspoon yarrow

Combine all ingredients. Use one tablespoon of mixture for every cup of boiling water. As it steeps, chant over the tea:

Tea of richest psychic power

Enhanced awareness on me shower.

Bring the visions I should see.

As I will, so mote it be!




Seven Flower Tea

You can make this fragrant tea with herbs from your garden or dried herbs that you buy. Seven Flower Tea cools you down on a warm summer’s day, helping to keep you calm and soothe your digestion.

1 quart boiling water

2 teaspoons chamomile flower

1 teaspoon linden flower

1 teaspoon calendula flower

1 teaspoon lavender flower

1 teaspoon honeysuckle flower

1 1/2 teaspoon passion flower

1 1/2 teaspoon orange flower or orange peel

Pour boiling water over the flowers. Allow to steep for 20 minutes. Strain. Drink.


Various Teas



Truth Awareness Tea!

Sometimes it’s nice to give yourself a boast of psychic power before you tackle a problem! This is great to use just before you want to see if someone is telling you the truth or not!

Place a few tablespoons of Mugwort & a small Crystal in a Tea Ball & put the Tea Ball into your Mug/Cup.

Pour Boiling Water into the Mug/Cup and let the Mugwort/Crystal seep for 3 – 4 minutes.

Remove the Tea Ball and sweeten to taste (is a good idea to do as Mugwort is not very tasty). Drink the Tea and pose your question — but be ready to “hear” the truth!



Headache or Insomnia Tea

Put a pinch of Willow bark, Chamomile, Wild Clover, and a Catnip in a coffee filter in your coffee maker, (or a teaball in a mug) with enough water for one serving.

Brew. (For insomnia, Willow bark can be excluded because it acts more as a pain inhibitor.) Within about 15 minutes to half and hour of drinking the mixture, you should feel quite tired and less sore. Be sure to have a comfortable place to sleep.



Dream Tea

2 parts Rose petals

1 part Mugwort

1 part Peppermint

1 part Jasmine flowers

1/2 part Cinnamon

Mix. Add one teaspoon to a cup. Pour boiling water over this and let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Drink before going to bed to produce psychic dreams.



Anti-Anxiety Tea

Add two teaspoons of valerian root to one cup of boiling water. As it steeps, chant:

Nervous anxiety, you are dead.

Roots and water, soothe my head.

Bring to me your calming peace.

As I will, so mote it be!

Though very effective, this tea has a strong flavor that some people find unpleasant. To cut the taste, you might want to heavily sweeten it with honey.




Anger Relief Tea

This tea works equally well for soothing anger and the antsiness associated with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). The mixture lasts indefinitely when stored in a jar with a screw-on lid.

2 tablespoons catnip

5 tablespoons chamomile

3 tablespoons rose petals

2 tablespoons lemon balm

4 tablespoons lavender

1 1/2 tablespoons vervain

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Use two tablespoons of tea for every cup of water. As the tea steeps, chant.

Fiery anger, go away,

Calmness come, and with me stay.

Soothe my mind so I can think,

Steep peace of mind within this drink.

Sweeten your tea with honey, if desired




Centaur’s Tea

Chiron the centaur served as spiritual teacher and mentor to many Greek heroes. Centaury, the herb name in honor of centaurs, a favorite of medieval witches’ brews, is said to serve as a magickal teacher, inducing psychic power. Like mugwort and wormwood, plants with similar power, centaury has a bitter taste.

Create centaury tea: play and experiment by adding herbs whose flavor you like so as to create a palatable brew.




Cup of Psychic Courage Tea

Chamomile replenishes and reinforces courage as well as psychic power. Have a cup of chamomile tea as a cup of courage.




Apathy Relief Tea

Use two tablespoons of dried peppermint leaves to one cup of boiling water. As the tea steeps, chant:

Add excitement, herb of spice,

Restore my interest in this life.

Indifference, please, now chase away,

Remove this villain now, I say.

Drink the tea hot. Sweeten with honey if you like.

Various Brews




Moon Brew

Set a silver container filled with water out on the night of the Full Moon just as it rises (which will be at sunset). Allow the water to soak up Lunar rays all night. Just before dawn, rise and retrieve the water. Place in an earthen jug and cork tightly. (Never expose to the rays of the Sun). Add to the bath for love; anoint money to increase wealth; touch to the brow to promote psychic awareness; place in the bath to attune with the spiritual planes or prior to Lunar rituals




Money Brew

3 parts Sassafras

2 parts Cedar

1 part Allspice

1 part Clove

1 part Dill

1 part Vetivert

1 part Calamus

Half fill a green glass bottle with fresh water. Add about a handful or so of the mixed, empowered herbs. Cap tightly and leave in full sunlight all day. At dusk, sniff the water. If the scent is strong, strain and add to baths, wash hands, anoint money charms and so on. If it isn’t strong enough, chill overnight and return to the Sun the following day.




Kernunnos Protection Brew

1 part Pine needles

1 part Caraway

1 part Bay

1 part Basil

1 part Anise

In a red glass bottle half-filled with water, steep the herbs in the Sun for a day. Strain and add to bath water, or anoint your body for personal protection. Also, anoint protective amulets and talismans.




Isis Healing Brew

1 part Rosemary

1 part Sage

1 part Thyme

1 part Cinnamon

Half fill a blue glass bottle with fresh water. Add the ground, empowered herbs to it and let this sit in the Sun all day. If by sunset the water has been colored by the herbs, it is ready for use. If not, store in the refrigerator overnight and steep in the Sun the following day. Strain. Anoint the body or add to bath water while visualizing yourself as being in perfect health.




Headache Brew

Ingredients: A pinch of: White Willow bark, Blue Vervain, Feverfew leaves, Rosemary leaves, Skullcap.

Directions: Brew and drink half a teaspoons of dry tea daily. Can be used daily. DO NOT TAKE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR LACTATING.

Indications: The herbs in this blend can help relieve pain and fix the underlying cause. Chronic pain is often a signal of an underlying problem, so please get diagnosed by a doctor. Do not take this tea if you are pregnant or lactating. Always ask your doctor before taking any herbs




Exorcism Brew


3 parts Rosemary

1 part Bay

1 pinch Cayenne*

Mix, add one teaspoon mixture to a cup, pour boiling over the herbs and let steep for nine minutes, covered. Drink a few teaspoons a day, or add to the bath. (Cayenne pepper is marked here with a caution because it is a strong herb. Use with care and respect)




Cauldron of Cerridwen Brew








Boil water in a cauldron over an open fire. Place all ingredients into the cauldron. Sit before it and entrance yourself by watching the flames. Smell its mystic scent and receive wisdom. (Do not drink. Why? It’s poisonous, that’s why)




Cauldron of Cerridwen Brew (nontoxic)

1 part Bay

1 part Tobacco

1 part Damiana

1 part Mormon Tea

1 part Broom

Boil water in a cauldron over an open fire. Place all ingredients into the cauldron. Sit before it and entrance yourself by watching the flames. Smell its mystic scent and receive wisdom




Clairvoyance Brew

3 parts Rose petals

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Nutmeg

1 part Bay

1 part Mugwort

Place in teapot, fill with boiling water, let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Remove cover, sniff steam (not so that you burn your nose) for a few moments, visualize the mystic scent opening your psychic awareness, then lie down and prophesize. If you wish, drink a bit of the brew as well, and let the steam continue to rise as you stretch your psychic awareness.