Spell for Today – Gratitude Salt Spell: Attract More Good Luck in the New Moon

From Spells8.com


To attract luck to your life, you must vibrate in faith, joy, and gratitude. This Wiccan “Good Luck” spell was designed to attract abundance and success, whether you use it for work and career opportunities, for love and relationships or to solve money problems. If you believe in your Witch Powers and trust that your Higher Self is listening, then all the doors that are locked now, will open for you.

Why this Spell Works

Salt will be the main ingredient of this ritual and will act as a cleansing agent. Salt has traditionally been used to clear and purify negative energies. It will help bring new energies and offer protection.

Rose petals are the perfect offering for this powerful request. The rose is considered the sacred flower of the West and represents the wheel of life, a symbolism paralleled by the Lotus flower in the East. It represents the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Roman Catholicism and it has inspired writers, painters, musicians, architects, philosophers, and spiritualists for hundreds of years. Its powers of Manifestation are uniquely effective. 🌹

🌑 Cast this spell on the New Moon to welcome the lunar cycle that begins with the best intentions.

🌘 If you are casting it on the Waning Crescent Moon, focus less on attracting good luck and more in giving closure to a cycle with gratitude.

Difficulty: Easy

Attract Good Luck by promoting Gratitude with a simple candle ritual. This New Moon spell for Luck can be done really at any time and it is totally Wiccan-safe Witchcraft.


white candle

red rose petals (dried or fresh)

Coarse salt



Place the dish on your altar.

Use a handful of salt to make a protective circle on the dish.

Place 7 petals of a red rose on top of the circle of salt.

In the center of the dish, light a white candle.

Sit, breathe slowly, and relax. Visualize all the paths in your life clearing and all the doors opening for you.

When you’re ready, say this chant out loud:Gratitude Guidance Moon spell

For seven days, repeat this same ritual, using the same ingredients and candle. On the last day, let it go out on its own

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – Sunday Pagan Worship

Finally, it’s Sunday, the official day of rest. Not only do Christians acknowledge this day but I’m sure many pagans appreciate this day, as well. Everyone needs rest and a lot of people need a good day to worship their creator (whomever or whatever that may be), however they deem fit to do so. With the Sun being the central theme of many ancient rituals, Sunday just seems to fit, in name and theory.

Sunday Pagan Worship

What you will need:
Your voice
Your body
1 bell (optional)

Find a quiet, private area, without distraction. Sit down in a comfortable position. Take a few, slow, deep breaths. Allow your body to become very relaxed. When you have done this, if you brought a bell, ring it seven times. Allow the last ring to resonate throughout your body. If you have something you want to say, to God or The Goddess, now would be a good time to do this. When you are finished, say this prayer or chant:

“I know there is a higher
being than me.
I am not alone.
You are with me,
Day and night.
You’ve rode the lows
And watched the heights.
If angels are real,
I’m sure to have a guardian.
I am so thankful
And so grateful for your hand.
You’ve blessed me.
You’ve fed me
You’ve quenched my thirst
And even dressed me.
A ‘man,
A ‘man,
And Blessed Be.”

When you are finished, ring the bell seven more times, to end the ceremony


–The Modern Day Spellbook: A Collection of Spells for the Modern Day Witch
R. Marten

Printable Full Moon Affirmation

Thank you for everything.

All my needs are met in all areas of my life.

I have all that I need while walking towards what I desire to have in my life.

I release thoughts, worries, fears, attachments, relationships, situations, and all that doesn’t serve my Higher Purpose or Higher Self.

And so it is.




The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “Restore or Earth” As Pagans and/or Witches it is our duty to help clean up, plant new life, etc. for the Earth Goddess (Whatever name you may caller by). We are conservationists working at ground level to restore and keep the Earth Goddess clean. This way she can continue providing us with all living things that we make our shelter from the weather from, the clothes we wear, and the food we eat.

Remember to pick up after your dog as their scat has E.coli in it which if enough of it seeps into the ground our water and food sources could be come contaminated. Making our water undrinkable and our food inedible.

Treat her with love and respect

We thank you (insert the Earth Goddess’ name you use) for nourishing all living things that help to protect and nourish our physical bodies.

May we always strive to make you a beautiful and healthy in our every day lives.

These are our words to offer our help. This is our will to make our word rings true.

So Mote It Be ( Use whatever words you end your spellcasting and/or prayers with.)