Spell For Wednesday –



This crystal magic spell can help you improve communication at work, at home, or even online.

One of the easiest ways to work crystal magic is to charge a small stone with a particular intention and then keep it with you as you go about your day. These talismans are especially effective for situations that feel challenging or intimidating. This spell is intended for any situation in which you need to communicate something important, such as a job interview, a business meeting, a serious discussion with your partner, or even working out agreements with roommates regarding bills or chores.

Lapis lazuli is considered “a stone of truth,” helping you communicate honestly and effectively, both with others and with yourself. Its name comes from Latin and Persian and means “blue stone.” Blue is the color of the throat chakra, associated with the ability to express your true voice. It can also protect against negative words or thoughts from others, returning that energy to its source. It stimulates intuition, helping you to sense the best words to use with others. With a charged lapis stone in your pocket, you will have more confidence and peace of mind in any potentially challenging conversation.

Adding amethyst and/or clear quartz to the altar when charging your lapis will “boost” the energy of the spell, but this isn’t strictly necessary for your talisman to be effective. (Read more about the magical properties of crystals.)

You will need:

1 piece lapis lazuli

1 or more amethyst and/or clear quartz crystal pieces (optional)

1 white or yellow candle

Instructions for this crystal magic spell:

Place the amethyst and/or quartz, if using, in front of the candle and light the wick. Hold the lapis lazuli in both hands. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Visualize yourself feeling relieved and satisfied with the results of the conversation. See the positive energy of this feeling flowing from your hands into the stone, while speaking the following (or similar) affirmation:

“I communicate clearly and effectively from the essence of my true self.”

When you sense that the stone has been sufficiently charged, place the stone near the amethyst/clear quartz and leave it with the candle burning for at least one hour. It is now ready to assist you with your discussion.


Spell For Wednesday – Make Someone Call You

(YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE ANY SPELLS POSTED TO A DOCUMENT TO PRINT AND/OR SAVE ON YOUR COMPUTER) Use the link below for more information from Tea and Rosemary about the following spell.

Make Someone Call You Source: teaandrosemary.com

This spell to make someone call you is pretty simple, but you will need a few ingredients to cast it effectively.


A bay leaf (or piece of paper)

A red candle (you can substitute white if needed)

Your cellphone

A pen

I like to use a tall candle or chime candle for this spell, but you can also use a tea light candle if that’s all you have.

First, always cast a circle before beginning any spell work. Not only does it protect you from negative entities, but it keeps your energy within the circle, making the spell much stronger.

Once the circle is cast, you’re ready to begin your spell work.

Write down the name of the person (who you wish to call you) on the bay leaf using a marker or a pen, then light the candle.

Turn your phone off and flip it over so you can only see the back. Place the bay leaf on top of your phone.

Gather your energy. It can take 10-15 minutest to gather energy energy for a strong spell, so don’t rush this part. I like to use the candle flame to pull energy from, but this is a personal preference.

When you feel ready, focus on your intention and repeat the following chant:

“The desire is strong
You want to call me
You cannot stop it
Do it
Do it
Do it
So mote it be”

Repeat this chant as many times as you feel is needed. I typically say it only once, but you can say it 3 times, 7 times, or as many times as you’d like.

When you’re done, burn the bay leaf in the candle flame then snuff out the candle; use a snuffer instead of blowing the candle out as that effectively blows your spell out.

The spell to make someone call you is now complete: you can close your circle and turn your phone back on.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence and Spell for Wednesday – Printable


Spell for Today – Coffee Spells: Energy, Speed, Magickal and Medicinal Uses

From Spells8.com

Coffee is not only one of the preferred beverages around the world, its many properties make it popular in health and beauty products and also in religious practices and contemporary Witchcraft.

There are over 75 known species of coffee. But most of the world’s coffee production comes from the Coffea Arabica species Being a fruit that strongly connects with mother earth, its energetic properties stimulate physical and mental performance, clear blockages, stimulate pleasant emotions and eliminate negative thoughts.

Uses of Coffee in Witchcraft

In the world of occultism, coffee has many uses and benefits, such as:

It provides peace of mind and grounding.

It helps to dispel nightmares, negative thoughts and overcome blockages and unhealthy emotions. It is ideal for protection and to get rid of all kinds of negative energy.

Coffee is a stimulant and can be used to give spells, potions and amulets a boost to speed things up.

Coffee grounds can be used in divination and they can be read like tea leaves.

It is considered excellent to break curses and clear blockages.

Can be used as an offering to deities, spirits and ancestors.

The movement of a bubble on the surface of a coffee cup can be interpreted. It is a sign of money in the future if they move towards the drinker. Unfortunately, it means the opposite if they float away from the drinker.

Spells & Potions with Coffee

Try these potion recipes with coffee! The following are simple spells with caffeine for the Witch’s daily practice or daily devotion.

Try these potion recipes with coffee! The following are simple spells with caffeine for the Witch’s daily practice or daily devotion.

Spell for Today – Herbs of Communication spell

From learningwitchcraft.com

This is one of my charms, easy to the herbs and cast I’ve listed are herbs you may have on your spice rack at home or if not they can be found in the local supermarket. Enjoy.

You will need the following items for this spell:

You use to comunicate with. Example : your mobile phone, home phone or even netbook or laptop.
A small bit of paper the size of a stamp.
A Pen

Casting Directions for ‘Herbs of Communication spell’

This isnt just a love spell, A good example of when I throw it was when I was waiting to hear about a project and that I was reckless with worry, everytime my mobile buzzed I would jump on it thinking it was a call to inform me that I had got it, I checked my emails twise a day, everyday. I waited and waited. I was going the way many girls go when they’ve been out on a few dates with someone they REALLY fancy and… not even so much as a like on Facebook or an email from him since and no explaination as to why he hasnt got in touch. I was like that over work. CALM DOWN! And do to whatever it is your obsessing about something none related. But rather than having any money, It was hard for me or a job at the time got me down. So I cast a spell. You need your comunication instrument or why not use more then one. Your phone or Notebook will do or use anything you desire. Write on the tiny piece of paper the initials of the person you need to call you or the name of this place if you are waiting for a phone call from to get work and dont know the name of the person who will ring you.Put this bit of paper beneath your telephone or laptop then slowly scatter the herbs in a clockwise direction around your phone.Picture that individual picking up their phone and texting phoning or calling your telephone or walking to your computer. What do you want this person do you just want them to see how you are with a friendly phone call or to say in their message to you? Consider it and concentrate. Say: Herbs or Mercury, speed to me the call I wish to receive or you may change the term call to text or email because we live in a busy modern world and texting has, in some instances replaced telephone calls and its some prefer comunicate. No worries. Leave your phone using the herbs scattered around it while you sleep, it to turn off not because of the spell but its good every time and concentrate on you. Not the person you need to call you or what results you want but you. Plus, getting facebook updates can be somewhat annoying when you are trying to get your forty winks! Turn the phone on in the morning. DO NOT ATTACH you’ll get your call and any feelings into the situation go on with your day/ text/ letter/ email. Ive tried this charm with friends I havnt heard from in years, Would – be employers and even men and It works. I get a response and I don’t call them I leave them to get in contact. Enjoy.

Spell for Today – 3 To have Someone Call You Spells


To Have Someone Call You

Put a glass of water in the middle of your altar. Pour two or three teaspoons of salt into your dominant hand, and use it to make 3 equal armed crosses over the glass allowing some salt to fall into the water while doing this chant:

Hear me, call me get in touch
We need to talk please hurry rush

Expect to hear from the person by the time the water evaporates.



Another Spell To Have Someone Call You

Firmly push a needle into the center of a yellow un-anointed candle until the eye is flush with the candle. Inscribe the persons name onto the candle using your athame or a pin, light the wick. The person will usually call before the candle burns halfway down.



The Phone Charm

Take a piece of fine writing paper, inscribe the person’s name twice in a circle to make the ends meet. As you do this concentrate on their face and your desire for them to call you, then while still concentrating put a needle through the circle then place the charm by the phone. In either 5 minutes or 5 days your call will come, depending on how much energy you put into it!


Cottage Witch, Natural Magick for Hearth & Home
Ellen Dugan

Spell for Today –

Intuition Spell – Receive Clearer Messages from the Spirits

Our intuition is the Universe’s way to communicate with us. Once we have cast a spell, the Universe will respond by sending us the people and circumstances we have asked for. So it is important that we listen to our gut feelings, always, but particularly in the days and weeks after casting a spell. If we follow our intuition, the Spirits will lead the way. So how do we know what is intuition and what is merely our imagination? That is what this intuition spell is about. We will create a talisman which we can keep with us to receive clearer guidance. (Note: For lots more tips and tricks regarding intuition and spiritual communication, check out  “The Essence of Magick – A Wiccan’s Guide to Successful Witchcraft“.)

What you need for the intuition spell:

1small pouch (purple is preferred)

1 crystal quartz

1 amethyst crystal

5 purple candles

Sandalwood incense

1 small piece of paper and a pen

Let’s begin…

Start by placing the five candles around you in a circle. As you light the candles, invoke the Spirits and ask for protection and connection during the casting of this intuition spell. Sit in the middle of your circle. Light the incense. Breathe deeply and relax into a meditation, with your palms open to receive the Universe’s energies. You are going into your Higher Self to receive a symbol that represents your higher wisdom. Set this intention as you visualise your mind climbing from your Third Eye out through your crown and higher up, to a place about 1 metre (3 feet) above your head. This is your 10th chakra, where you Higher Self resides. Go into this place, feel your mind merging with this chakra. Breathe, relax, let it flow. When you are ready, say out loud or in your mind: “For clearer sight, for clearer mind A symbol of myself I’ll find” Repeat this a few times, then slowly move your mind back down into your Third Eye. Once there, you will see a symbol. It can be absolutely anything.

As soon as you see it, draw it on your piece of paper. This symbol, as I say, represents your higher wisdom and your Higher Self.

Place the piece of paper, together with the quartz and the amethyst, in your pouch, as you say the following words: “Universe, Spirits, Angels and Guides Receive my eternal gratitude for all that is I ask for clearer guidance, as I will listen with a sharper ear May this talisman heighten my intuition To receive your messages more clearly So mote it be”

Close your circle by blowing out the candles.

Thank the Spirits for their presence.

Keep the talisman with you, and keep it under your pillow at night. If ever you are confused about certain messages or a specific situation, meditate with your talisman. The best way to receive clear messages is to silence our minds. Stop trying anything; simply sit with your talisman and open your heart and soul to the never-ending guidance of the Universe, and the answers will come to you. As an alternative to this spell, you can use a Vision and Intuition Spell Kit or a Spirit Ritual Bath Kit, both of which come complete with all ingredients and full instructions to cast spells to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.

Read more: From wiccanspells.info


Spell for Today – Clear as a Bell

From freewitchspells.com

This is a clarity spell to get rid of misunderstandings and to help make yourself better understood when dealing with certain people.

  • A silver bell
  • Long yellow ribbon
  • Strip of paper

Write the name of the person you are dealing with on the paper. If it’s not really a certain person, you could write “my family” or “the people at work” to help gain some clarity with a certain group in your life.

Fold the paper in half once, and then in half again. Draw a pentacle on the top of the folded paper.

Wrap the yellow ribbon around the handle of the bell as many times as it will go. Ring the bell over the folded paper 7 times. Wait for a few minutes, then ring it again for another 7. After a few days, the person (or people) in your spell will start to listen to what you have to say.

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Printable Spell to Stop Gossip and Slander

Calm Communication Candle Spell