A Thought for Today – Soul Contract

The idea bred false conclusions

And a fateful contract

Signed in blood

Ancient text with ancient rite

Demon summoning

Lonely crossroads

It sounded easy

No payment due

Saved until a future day

Bargaining with your soul

What’s the value

None can say

They rather trade it away

Earthly pleasures

They’re easy to see

Wealth, fame, power

Living life so lavishly

Yet time

Time’s a mortal enemy

Try not to think

That eternal damnation

A constant cycle of cremation

But only after pain

And so much suffering

Distract yourself

Try not to see

Deal with it eventually

You want it now


Eternal youth and diamond rings

Pleasures only flesh can bring

Forgotten was the ancient spell

Your private highway

Your road to hell

Tied now to the hourglass

Amazing run will travel fast

The pact fulfilled

The payment due

Now he comes

Comes for you

Famous Pacts with Demons

Robert Johnson – American Blues Musician – His shadowy life and early death at age 27 gave rise to the legend that he traded his soul to the devil for fame and fortune

Johann Faust – Fifteenth century alchemist, astrologer, and magician whose life became the focal character in the popular tale of Dr. Faust who entered into a pact with Mephistopheles, exchanging his soul for 24 years of service.

Urbain Grandier – A French Catholic priest who was burned at the stake for witchcraft in 1634.  One of the documents used in his trial was a pact between the devil and Grandier, written in Latin and covered in strange markings.  It was known as the  Pactum foederis Urbani Grandieri.

Salute to Aningan – the Inuit God of the Moon

The northern sky is broad and flawless black, 

A vast expanse from which most look away,

But Aningan the Moon is on the track

Of caribou and seals, and will not stray.

His barking dogs work hard to pull his sleigh,

Weighted down with fur, and ivory tusks, and meat.

Watch over us, Brave Moon. We pass your way.

And come as brother hunters, on hushed feet.

We ask for your forbearance as we meet

The challenges laid out along the trail.

We brave the winter’s cold, the summer’s heat,

But know that with your wisdom, none shall fail.

Though harsh the path, your patience will not pall;

You serve as an example to us all

By Elizabeth Barrette in Llewellyn’s Wiches’ Datebook 2004 Page 31


By: Forest🐾Devi✨ (Novice in the Heart’s Spirit Coven)

Voices from the spirit world whisper in the wind.

Tonight two worlds come ever closer the curtain waivers thin.

Hear the crackle of the flames burning in the hearth, while loved ones in the Summerlands 

Return to walk the earth.

We welcome in the new year, a time to shed our skin.

With gratitude for lessons learned the future ushers in.

As entities from other worlds come feast with us again.

All commenced in celebration of MAGICKAL Samhain

Sweet Beltane

Image result for beltane southern hemisphere
By Fawn Devi
Swirling around the maypole
Dancing to the drums
Celebrating sweet Beltane
Summer has begun
Mother earth breathes New life
Under the sun aglow
The marriage of the earth and sky
Fertility bestowed
Swirling around the maypole
Flowers in our hair
It’s the Goddess and the green man
& they’re blessed love affair
See the source image

The Witch Says….What?

I call to the Witches,

Both near and far.

No need to name you,

You know who you are.

Come Dane with me,

By the firelight,

and give praise to the Goddess,

this full moon night.

It doesn’t matter where you are.

Send your soul,

it travels far.

I’ll wait for you,

as the sun goes to rest,

tonight will be truly blessed.

Brothers, Sisters, dance with me.

As I will it,

So more it be.

By Shines Gaughan

Some Thoughts for Litha

Solstice Poem


General Search for Summer Solstice Spells and Traditions

Reminder for Lady Abyss’ Remembrance Ceremony


Just a reminder the Remembrance Ceremony for our beloved sister, friend, and mentor is tonight Friday, November 15th. In Coven Life’s chat room starting at 6:00 PM CST with ceremony starting at 7:00 PM CST.

What You Need for Remembrance Ceremony

1 – 4 inch White chime candle With Lady of the Abyss craved in to it (you can use a large candle if you want but any size candle needs to safely burn down completely)

1 Candle Holder

1 Piece of Paper size is up to you

Something to write with

Matches or a lighter

A container to put paper in to finish burning safely

Something to put under container so the surface it is sitting on is not damaged.

A laptop, tablet, computer to follow the ceremony on and to talk in the chat room.

A full piece of paper towel

Chat room is closed for general talking while we do the ceremony

My goddess



Hekate is a goddess

from long long ago

way back in Greece

long before I began to grow

Hekate helped me to understand her ways

and there are times for levity

and that there is times for seriousness

that’s something I will have to remedy

I had made an error

I knew I had messed up

I had upset my guide

Causing me to tear up

She took me to a dark and misty place

A trip that went on through the night

I felt no fear along the way

I knew that I would be alright

I walked a long path

with many many turns

I felt my guides

Who voiced their concerns

The message was felt

I was not spoken

Your guides are here

Unless they are forsaken

I was on the right path

The evidence was clear

There were things to do

But i was to have no fear

I was to go back

I was to return

To the true ones

That had showed concern

I was to end

The long negativity

I was to smile

And always to be positive

I was to apologize

To those I had hurt

To light the incense

And repair the cuts

I was to be patient

In my greatest desires

To end the anxiety

But to find my power

If I maintained

And if I prayed

I would return

And find my way

If I continued on my current path

If I did not slow  down

Things would go badly

And I would slowly drown

You know who loves you

I was told

Follow your heart

but don’t be bold

Be patient and kind

and let them lead

They know much more

Of what you need

You will get there

But not today

You need to learn

Along the way

There are good and bad spirits

along this long path

Some are there to help

Some will cause a wrath

You know the difference

You can read the signs

Now follow your heart

and not your mind

Jennifer dawn 2-25-18

Can We Help You to Teach Your Children and/or Your Descendants About The Craft?

One of Coven Life’s Elders thought, and I agree, that we should post a survey to help us help you to teach your children about The Craft. If you do not want to put your answers in a comment below please email them to covenlifescoven@gmail.com, please include your child’s age so we can post information by age groups. This whole idea of helping you to help your children learn is in the planning stages any ideas and/or suggestions to make it how you think will help our descendants to learn are very welcomed.

1. As pagan parents, would you like to see children’s activities posted on WOTC?
2. What age groups would you recommend activities for?
3 – 4 years old (mostly coloring pages of the different Sabbats with a small paragraph on what the Sabbat is for)
5 – 6 years old (Coloring pages of the Sabbats and Moon Phases with a small paragraph in wording they can read themselves to bring about a dialogue about what they are learning)
7-10 years old (Printable Information delving deeper into Moon phases. Brief introduction to Sabbat and Esbat rituals)
11-14 years old (Information for considering following a Pagan path building on what they would learned above)
15 – 18 years old (Introductory information on what it means to follow the Old Ways of The Craft including an introduction to Gods, Goddesses, Spellwork, Rituals. The spell work and.or rituals would be geared for the young adult to help their parent, grandparent, or care taker to prepare a spell and how to set up an altar if wanted and what preparation goes into writing and doing a ritual.)
This is a way that a child or young adult can build an understanding of the magickal and spiritual sides of witchcraft/ It will also help prepare them to become a novice in our coven or just to have the knowledge to work better with the adults that are solitary practitioner.
3. What topics would you like to see addressed?
4. What type of activities?
5. What other suggestions would you have for children’s and young adult’s activities ?
Remember you can answer the questions in the comments or email your answers to covenlifescoven@gmail.com. If you have any questions or ideas about this project please ask or share your idea. We are willing to start any child or young adult of any age so please do not think your child would have to start as a preschooler. There is no charge as you will be able to use what we post to teach your child the way you follow The Craft. We are here just to answer questions or help in anyway we can. We will be posting things for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the appropriate times for Sabbats.

Life is fragile

The precipice of life is so fragile.
Life is also so very very short
The choice of who lives and who dies
These choices are often beaten about
A right turn here
A wrong one there
A life could be saved
maybe a few will care
To be on that cliff
To sit on the edge
To look at the trees
Fallen from the edge
Most of the trees are dead
And this makes you wonder
How was the decision made
Of which would be thrown down
Some trees will live
And some trees will die
Is it just the trees
Or is it people who strive
The creek made a turn
The erosion was sudden
The place that I sit
is soon to be flood in
But I sit on the edge
And I ponder the day
Did I make all the right decisions
Or did I use my day to betray
When I die I will become dust
And return to the earth
But my spirit will travel
For there will be a rebirth
Will the path be difficult
Or will it be easy
Will the way be made simple
Or will it make u queasy
I look at the water
And I think and I pine
How can I get down there
And what would I find
The rapids and eddies
The whirlpools and ponds
They are all formed by erosion
Before the dirt was moved on
I wonder what they have seen
I wonder where they will go
Have they ever made a wrong turn
And how would they ever know
Will they make it all the way down stream
Will they continue to move
Or will they evaporate
And come down anew
Sometimes I wish I was water
No feelings for yesterday
Just flowing and turning
In so many different ways
No choices to make
no decisions to regret
No worries about
No one to have left
It is a dark and grey day
The wind is so cold
The water looks sparkling
In its ever changing mold
Who knows of the future
We can only study the past
The water will continue
To flow along this path
To find our valley
To find our stream
To find our happiness
Is what we all dream
Nature is beautiful
she makes this world a wonder
We all need to love her
Or we will make a blunder
She is all that we have
She is all that we need
to the gods and the goddess
We must all believe
I have always found my peace
Living within nature
The trees and the water
Are all here to be nurtured
Jen dawn 04-14-2018

A Beautiful Poem Called “TODAY”

Today I sing and laugh and dance.

because I gave my inner Goddess a chance.

She lifted the veil of darkness from me,

She opened my eyes and helped me to see –

the birds and butterflies dancing here and there.

She filled me with hope –

She removed my despair.

Today I say Thank you,

because She taught me to love me,

EVEN THOUGH, I’m just me.

Written by Victoria Copyright 2016 from her book Coloring the Soul With Hope

This book is available on Amazon.co in Kindle and paperback formats along with her other two books. If you want some ideas on a wide variety of topics to visit her website newfound-life.com

Welcome to a Stormy Sunday or a Moody Monday

Sorry for the late start today but household duties took longer than planned. This coming week we are going to take a look at astrological signs beside the Sun signs we are all used to. I will be posting things about the Chinese and Celtic signs and if I find any other type those too.

I wish you all a relaxed Sunday in the north or an easy Monday at work in the south.

Brilliance of Flowers

Savannah Skye


These are my words celebrating the brilliance of flowers
For they true contain beauty bestowed by nature’s powers

The petals of dahlia are traced with burnt red edges
Filled in with a brilliant yellow as bright as the sun
To cheer up your surrounding colored space

The orangeish Iceland poppy opens it’s face
With a brilliant smile
To shine some happiness onto your day

The fuchsia colored flanders field poppy
Shoots it’s tendril at you right out of it’s center
To catch your attention if it’s beauty wouldn’t

The red-spotted yellow petaled humboldt lily
Dances wildly in the wind
While telling the breeze, you can’t catch me

The dark pink painted daisy
Is beautifully brushed onto nature’s canvas
More perfectly than any Monet or Van Gogh

The meadow foam’s yellow run’s into it’s white
Like the moon chasing the sun
Out of the sky at night

The white water lily
So pure and pristine
Is a true beauty in any light

The pink rose’s charm
Swirls out from it’s center
Spinning into the world with love’s delight

The African daisy vivid and orange
Intense and dazzling
Is crazy with love

The California Poppy
Paler orange with yellow dancing
on the edge of it’s wings
Is so light and delicate to the thought of a touch

The calla lily is so sensual
With it’s phallic like center
Jetting erotically out of it’s pure white petals

The Japanese flowering cherry
Is white with vivid delight
Awake with color and sight

The English daisy
With it’s white face and button yellow nose
Will sit perfectly with your afternoon tea

The stunning yellow viridis
Jumps out at you
Taking your breath completely away

The African iris
Is stunningly beautiful
In it’s white with gold lilac outlined dress

The queen of sheba’s yellow tulip
Tempts the passerbys with it’s sensual petals
Of the most curvaceous kind

The purple iris
Whispers to you from it’s yellow-white edged center
Look at me, I am the most beautiful of all

The yellow and red gloriosa daisy
Whose petals grow so wildly crazy
1,2,3,4,5 – oh my, they are all so gloriously alive

The violet blue iris named caesar
So charming, so stunning, so full of delight
Opens it’s mouth with a touch of white

All of these flowers do possess brilliance
For they are all beautiful in their own right

Wolf Rede

Ritual time

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others;
even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their stories.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself to others you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career …
however humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is:
many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly to the council of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune;
but do not distress yourself with these imaginings;
many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars
You have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with your Gods, whatever you perceive them to be,
and whatever your aspirations in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace with your soul.
With all of it’s sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be careful. Strive to be happy.

-Max Ehrmann

Song of the Witch

celtic blessings

Song of the Witch


Will you be of Wicca, tonight?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
Then come with me to the Circle of Light.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Take up these herbs and brew up a tea.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
And drink it all down; the gods you shall see.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Take up the glass, and look at your face.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
Go into yourself and find a new place.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Go to the Woods, and find an Oak tree.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
And cling to it tight, and strong you shall be.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Go to the Mountains and call to the Wind.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
And fly through the Air with the Thoughts that you send.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Fly to the Sun, and touch its bright Flame.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
Open your Mind; now choose a new Name.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Go to the Sea, and call to the Moon.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
Raise up your arms, then sing out Her tune.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

Now join your hands with Those who surround.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
Now share the Power that we send around.
Bend the Will; the Wish you shall find.

We shall part, but meet again soon.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme.
To dance, and sing, and Call Down the Moon.
Bend the Will, the Wish you shall find.

–Selena Fox
Published on Pagan Library

The Cauldron Chant

We will get back to posting Witchcraft information, just as soon as I figure out which end is up. Till then, please bear with us….

The Cauldron Chant

We form the Circle,
The Circle most round.
We form the Chalice,
The Chalice now found.

We call the Goddess,
to meet the great need.
We call the God,
To plant His fertile seed.

We call the quarters,
which we call four.
We summon the powers,
that contain the force.

We stir the Cauldron,
from which we were born.
We call the Gods,
from whom we were torn.

We say the words,
which lead us round.
We pass the kiss,
with our lovers found.

We face our dreams,
in nights psychic flight.
We face our hopes,
in bright moon of the night.

We face our fears,
on the Dark Lords Horn.
We face our failure,
in the Mothers new planted corn.

We live our lives,
drumming and dancing on the meadow.
We confront our Death,
in the dancing moon light shadow.

Our paths run quickly,
on fleet foot and wing.
Our Circle is joyous,
with our Queens and our Kings.

Let our little Circle be happy,
with Bell, Bowl or Bow.
And form now this Circle,
with gracious Love, Joy and Hope.

–Ammond ShadowCraft,
Published on Pagan Library

The Awakening

celtic doves

The Awakening

Let me sing you a tale of magics of old,
of powers that slumbered through long years untold.
Let me weave you a song of a memory revived,
calling the Old Ones, their time has arrived.

Bale fires are lighting through all of the land,
the fey folk are dancing, their hour is at hand.
Their music is heard in the chattering stream,
their call echoes out on the wings of a dream.

Beyond the townships, where common folk sleep,
in moors and in meadows, in forests so deep,
Witches are gathering at the dark of the night,
to dance and to worship, bathe in moonlight.

They’ve winded the horn, they have opened the door,
the magics returning to slumber no more.
By the spells they have woven, the runes the have told,
they’ve awakened the Goddess, and the Horned One of old.

And those who have gathered now join hand in hand,
their voices are chanting, throughout all the land.
The God and the Goddess, at last will be heard,
their children, the witches, are spreading the word.

They sing songs of power when the moon, she is high,
They chant songs of joy when the sunrise is nigh,
They dance through the meadows, and through darkened streets,
join their ancient rhythm, when your circle meets,

Come dance to their rhythm, when your circle meets.


Andrew Daws, Author
Originally Published On Pagan Library
Republished on Witches of the Craft

Sometimes I Just Have to Be Reminded

Burning Times Comments & Graphics

Reminded that we are still feared,
Reminded that we are still associated with all
the old myths and stereotypes
Reminded that we still have a long way to go
to change our stigma and remove the fear people
associate with us.
Most of all calm the fire that burns in my spirit
when I think back to 1950 before I was born,
before I ever got to meet one of my dear family
members because of fear and hatred that ran
through the people’s heart and veins, hatred for witches.

I never knew my aunt but I have been told the stories,
stories that will always burn in my heart and my soul.
How the mob came for her one night in 1950,
her and two other women they took behind the floodwall.
There the mob played judge and juror and passed
sentence on my aunt and the other two women.
“Guilty” was the cry, Guilty of witchcraft they declared.
With that they put the noose around my aunt’s neck
and in a matter of moments, she would be no more.

I never knew my aunt only through stories do I know
her now.
It burns deep within my soul and my heart what happened
back in May of 1950.
My blood boils and vengeance I want to seek
Anger at the ignorance, intolerance and hysteria that took
my aunt from me.
Seek vengeance, oh, yes indeed
But what good would it do,
I can accomplish more by remembering her and
telling her story so others will know her and her plight.
A woman I never got to know but took from me by
an angry mob.

Fight fire with fire, no!
Fight fire with the truth.
Letting the ignorant know our true story and history.
Our persecution throughout the centuries.
Let them know, we have suffered and some have
paid the ultimate price.
We are the survivors, descendants of great ancestors,
We are the ones they couldn’t burn or hang and
We say enough is enough.

Now is our time
Our ancestors paved the way for us,
Now we proudly walk that Path.
Never resting till no brother or sister
has to fear being a witch.
Never again fear being a witch,
How wonderful and glorious that sound
Never again, be afraid to call yourself a witch
Instead proudly proclaim it,
this is my goal
this is my purpose.

My heart burns and my heart aches when
I think back to 1950 for the woman I never

Vengeance I do not seek, truth I do.

-Lady of the Abyss

The Power of Circle

witches magic

The Power of Circle

And so they gathered
and within the circle
became more than
when they were apart.
The sharing of laughter,
of wailing, of joy.
The rising together
to dance upon the earth.
Women laughing, weeping
shouting to the skies
one in strength and power
open and vulnerable together.
And here, right here was known
the Divine Feminine.
Together, apart, we are
She Who Loves, Who Nurtures,
Who Guards and Guides.
Sisters, let us join hearts together.
Join hands around the earth.
Singing, laughing, dancing,
weeping, shouting, stomping.
Each in our place, together in our hearts.
May our love and power
be set free and may
we usher in the Light.


~ Joss Burnel ~
Poetry Inspired By Three Wise Women
Joss Burnel, Priestess Mystic, Wild Woman