For your Listening Pleasure

Beltane Night – Jaiya

Down for Lack of Energy

The reason I post that I’m not feeling well and not doing regular posts is So you don’t wonder where the posts are. I am taking another day to feel well enough to post.


Until next time we meet blessed be sisyers, brothers,and guests.

For your listening pleasure –


Can We Help You to Teach Your Children and/or Your Descendants About The Craft?

One of Coven Life’s Elders thought, and I agree, that we should post a survey to help us help you to teach your children about The Craft. If you do not want to put your answers in a comment below please email them to, please include your child’s age so we can post information by age groups. This whole idea of helping you to help your children learn is in the planning stages any ideas and/or suggestions to make it how you think will help our descendants to learn are very welcomed.

1. As pagan parents, would you like to see children’s activities posted on WOTC?
2. What age groups would you recommend activities for?
3 – 4 years old (mostly coloring pages of the different Sabbats with a small paragraph on what the Sabbat is for)
5 – 6 years old (Coloring pages of the Sabbats and Moon Phases with a small paragraph in wording they can read themselves to bring about a dialogue about what they are learning)
7-10 years old (Printable Information delving deeper into Moon phases. Brief introduction to Sabbat and Esbat rituals)
11-14 years old (Information for considering following a Pagan path building on what they would learned above)
15 – 18 years old (Introductory information on what it means to follow the Old Ways of The Craft including an introduction to Gods, Goddesses, Spellwork, Rituals. The spell work and.or rituals would be geared for the young adult to help their parent, grandparent, or care taker to prepare a spell and how to set up an altar if wanted and what preparation goes into writing and doing a ritual.)
This is a way that a child or young adult can build an understanding of the magickal and spiritual sides of witchcraft/ It will also help prepare them to become a novice in our coven or just to have the knowledge to work better with the adults that are solitary practitioner.
3. What topics would you like to see addressed?
4. What type of activities?
5. What other suggestions would you have for children’s and young adult’s activities ?
Remember you can answer the questions in the comments or email your answers to If you have any questions or ideas about this project please ask or share your idea. We are willing to start any child or young adult of any age so please do not think your child would have to start as a preschooler. There is no charge as you will be able to use what we post to teach your child the way you follow The Craft. We are here just to answer questions or help in anyway we can. We will be posting things for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the appropriate times for Sabbats.

Coven Life’s Coven Invites You to July’s Full Moon Esbat Gathering on 7/16

This month we are going to try a musical/sharing circle instead of someone leading us in the types of Esbat rituals we have been doing in the past. After the circle is opened please let us know if you would enjoy doing some more a little out of the witch’s standard rituals for our Esbat gatherings. We would like to do more Esbat gatherings where everyone attending can participate, unless it is for an initiation.  So, to bring you the types or rituals and/or circles you want to learn more about we have to hear back from you to know what you want.  Yes, I am the Priestess, and we have one active Priestess, and also Adepts that write and lead rituals but this coven and the type of things you want to know more about the variety of things you can do in a circle is a very important part of your novice, adept, and priestess lessons. So, please let your fingers do the talk in the comments or if you feel more comfortable send your ideas via email to As long as a ritual you would like to see done does not involve any type of dark magick I or Priestess Hypatia will be happy to help you write and lead the ritual. It does not matter what course you are taking novice, adept, or priestess you can either comment below or send an email about a topic for a sacred circle. The only exception to leading a ritual is you have to have already done the novices lesson on “What is an Esbat and actually write and performing an Esbat ritual” for your novice course lessons. If you have not gotten that far in your studies yet you can still submit a topic for an Esbat circle.

Playing a specific song with or without lyrics and/or using a drum, maracas or any type percussion instrument that has a steady, rhythmical sound to it can help you to go from being in the mundane, hectic everyday world into place of peace, quiet, reflection, and center you for magickal workings or even bring more power to the magick and/or spell you are doing.

An inexpensive way to make a drum and reuse what would otherwise be thrown away (they cannot be recycled because of the wax coating they have on them) use an empty cylinder-shaped oatmeal box by putting the lid on it and hit it rhythmically. To decorate it if you want to here is one idea on how to do it: take some copy paper or whatever kind of solid color paper you have and glue it to cover the writing on the oatmeal container. Let it sit out in the open for about 24 hours to make sure the glue is completely dry. Then decorate your drum to reflect you and your magickal/spiritual journey you are on. For the one or two sticks you can use to drum with these too can be decorated. People usually use some runes craved into the sticks and/or you can attach a string with bead and/or real bird feathers on one end of them.

Don’t have to time to create your drum than you could by one or just use a plastic bowl and wooden spoon to hit it with. Or just hit to sticks together or clap your hands to the beat of the music.


TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2019

Socializing starts at 6:00 PM CDT


Please do not enter the chat after 7:00 PM CDT. Thank you!


Coven Life’s Chatroom


Something to use as a drum or percussion instrument

and/or enough room to dance around if you feel you want to

Sing along it doesn’t matter what your voice sounds like if you feel like sing with the song…go for it

A device that can play the “Grandmother” song found on


A beverage for yourself and as an offering to the esoteric Grandmother

A small snack for yourself and as an offering to the esoteric Grandmother




LADY BELTANE: I walk this circle three times three in the direction the sunrises with the Maiden and Lad , Mother and Father and the Crone and Sage along be side of me. I ask Luna to put us in a dome. I ask Earth to come up to meet Luna so we reside in a bubble that is out of time and in between worlds.

EVERYONE: Please introduce yourself (first or Pagan name only) and tell us what state or country you are from

When everyone has their drum in hand and the video ready to play. Type in “ME” please.

LADY BELTANE will count down from 5 to 1. When she gets to 1 turn on the music and start getting the beat of your drum in time with the music and dance and sign or whatever you feel the Lord and Lady are leading you. Let your mind just wander wherever it wants to go. You may receive messages from your Spirit Guides and/or ancestors. If you do listen closely to what they say. This is also a type of meditation. When the song has ended, we will take a minute for those who went into a trance like state to fully come back.

LADY BELTANE: I will call on you one at a time to share the experience you had as you drummed and listen to the song.

EACH PERSON: Each when called upon to share will have between 2 to 3 minutes to share their experience in this circle. Lady Beltane ask that no one asks to be passed by when called upon to share. Every single persons experience is important and we may learn something new from you experience that we didn’t.

LADY BELTANE: I walk this circle three times three in the direction the sunsets with the Maiden and Lad , Mother and Father and the Crone and Sage along be side of me. Triple Goddess and God thank you for helping to protect us and joining our celebration this evening. I ask Luna to take the dome away above our heads. We thank you Luna for helping to protect us and joining our celebration  I ask Earth lower yourself so we reside in a bubble that is out of time and in between worlds. Earth thank you for your help in protecting us and joining our celebration. I have brought us back into the physical plane with reside in.

Our circle is open but never broken. I send each of you blessings of love, joy, harmony, and peace.

Time to visit drink your beverage and eat your snack. Remember to save a sip or to of your beverage and a bite or two of your snack to take outside to give an offering of thanks to the goddesses and gods that were with us this evening/morning

Good Thursday Morning Brothers, Sisters, and Welcomed Guests

Thank you for bearing with me taking yesterday off. I asked Sirona, Celtic healing Goddess, and Kwan Yin, oriental healing Goddess, to please help me to heal enough to get back to one of the most important things in my life. That being bring you the daily posts and other things of interest.

Today I am going to leave you to listen to a favorite song of mine I found jumping around on while I get all the posts done for you. I hope you enjoy the song and hopefully feel the Goddess’ presences while listening to it. I wish you all a day with only positive experiences.

I Walk With The Goddess