Just for Fun – “Pick Up Lines By The Signs”

Pick Up Lines By The Signs

Aries I’m on fire. Can I run through your sprinkler?

Taurus I just had to come talk with you. Sweetness is my weakness.

Gemini Do you have any overdue library books? ‘Cause you’ve got the word “fine” written all over.

Cancer Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the person I’m going to marry.

Leo Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

Virgo Baby, you must be a broom, ’cause you just swept me off my feet.

Libra If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I’d be walking through my garden forever.

Scorpio Your place or mine?

Sagittarius Hi, I’m writing a term paper on the finer things in life. Can I interview you?

Capricorn Have you always been this cute, or did you have to work at it?

Aquarius You’re hot. You must be the reason for global warming.

Pisces Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?

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Calendar of the Moon for February 27th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Calendar of the Moon for Wednesday, February 5th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Grant Me Peace

Witchy Comments & Graphics
Life is full of noise and bustle
Rush and hurry, run and hustle
People ‘round me with demands
Open mouths and open hands
Lend me now a quiet place
A moment’s peace, a silent space
Time to think and time to plan
A quiet, peaceful, restful span
I ask the Gods to grant me peace
A brief time for the noise to cease
An hour or two out of my life
Free from hurry, free from strife
Peace and quiet for my soul
A restful place to make me whole
Grant me now this time and place
So I might live my life with grace.
So Mote It Be.
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Daily Motivator for Feb. 3rd – The more life changes

The more life changes

Life moves quickly and changes at a relentlessly rapid pace. Sometimes that  can be frightening, but it doesn’t have to be.

After all, every good thing that has come into your life has been the result  of a change. You have the proven ability to deal with the changes and in fact to  transform them into fulfillment.

With each new change comes the opportunity for new value. Even if the change  seems to be overwhelmingly negative, you can find a way in which to add new  goodness to your world.

The more life changes, the more new possibilities it brings. Rather than  cursing the changes, explore the possibilities.

Each day brings many opportunities for you to successfully adapt and prosper  in the face of change. You can use the changes to grow stronger and more  capable, and to move your world in a positive direction.

With a true and generous love for life, there is no need to fear change.  Embrace life as it continues to change, and give so much of your love that life  continues to grow in richness and fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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Calendar of the Moon for Monday, February 3rd

Calendar of the Moon

3 Nion/Anthesterion

Day of Llyr

Color: Sea-blue
Element: Water
Altar: On a sea-blue cloth place a chalice of salt water, a skull, a dolphin, and a ship.
Offerings: Paper ships. Deal with fearful emotions that threaten to drown you.
Daily Meal: Fish or seafood.

Invocation to Llyr

We cross the sea at our own risk,
Be it the sea of water
Or the depths of our own
Internal tides of feeling.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
Knowing that the smooth expanse
Could at any moment become turbulent,
Degenerate into a vast whirlpool
And draw us screaming into the darkness.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
Navigating our way with signs
And symbols that have nothing
To do with the vast expanse we see,
But are just numbers, spun out of
The mind’s vast abilities,
The world of air and sky,
And sometimes they fail us.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
But if we do not cross it
We will be separated forever
By those terrible watery chasms.
Ocean god, we pray to you for mercy;
Bear us up and do not let us drown
In any ocean, within or without.

Born of water, cleansing, powerful, flowing, healing, we are…..

(Let one who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual come forward with the bowl of salt water, and each shall dip their hands into it and mark themselves on their heart chakras and their heads. Then the salt water shall be poured out as a libation.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Calendar of the Sun for Monday, January 3rd

Calendar of the Sun

3 Solmonath

Festival of Sulis Minerva

Colors: Blue and white
Element: Water
Altar: Set with a blue cloth and lay upon it a great earthenware bowl filled with well water, in which are laid several crystals. Around it place a dipper and many cups, and a blade.
Offerings: Secret offerings whispered into the cups and poured back into the bowl.
Daily meal: Nothing to drink but spring or well water all day. Light, cold, raw vegetarian food except for fresh-water fish and crayfish.

Invocation to Sulis Minerva

Lady of the sacred well
And holy spring,
You whose cold waters
Cleanse our hearts
And clear our minds
Of the collected grime
Of everyday life,
You who inspire us
With one sip from your flowing stream,
You who hold our secrets
And give us respite,
Keep us clean and flowing,
Water bearer, water giver,
Like the purest spring,
And may our depths
Echo with your song.

Chant: Sulis Minerva Aqua Vitae

(All circle about the altar and receive cups, into which water is ladled out from the bowl. Each takes a sip of the water, whispers, “Hail Sulis Minerva”, and then whispers into their cup some private personal offering that they agree to make to Her. They then pour the water back into the bowl, and it is poured out as a libation to Sulis Minerva.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Magick is…?

Magick is…?

Author:   Darksky  

Magick. We are all here to do magick. Call it what you will… spells, circle, ritual… it’s all magick. It’s all the same… high magic, low magic, candle, poppet, herb, and so on and so forth. Magick. In a nutshell: Magick is the ability to manipulate your surroundings within your environment, to manifest your desires, and protect yourself from outside unwanted energies. That is how I define magick.

So, if we are going to manipulate our surroundings and our environment, don’t we need to be in a position to do so? Meaning, don’t we have to have our spiritual house in order? Is the true magician able to manifest his or her environment even if their inner space is in turmoil? Does magick require us to first have ourselves in order before anointing a single candle or casting a circle?

Circle casting has a great deal of importance placed on preparation. Why is that? Is it about the tools, altar cloth, food, participants, the right moon phase, or even the right time of day and color? They are important factors to consider, but I feel they are adjuncts to the Magick itself, not the whole of the equation.

We chose to pursue a belief system that has no rules per say but yet has numerous procedural protocols. Protocols are merely guidelines. Isn’t it about energy and intentions? The preparation starts way before we check to see what phase we are in or if Mercury has gone retrograde. The prep actually starts with that initial spark of a thought to cast, conjure, and manifest.

I believe magick starts by challenging us to master ourselves. Being able to place our consciousness in another realm, another plane of existence is more than colors and oils. It’s magick; regardless of your practice — Gardenerian, Dianic, Wiccan, Luciferian, Thelemite, Asatru, to name a few — still at the core, it’s magick.

The practice of manipulating your environment has to start from the inside out. All of the belief systems have varied circle/ritual celebration, spells, and different types of celebration. The belief systems start basically the same… meditate, and find yourself so as to not have doubt in your abilities, understand the path and purpose you are on before pursuing the practice of magick and attaining higher states of consciousness.

Magick, in all its various forms, is all around us in everyday life. We are just moving so fast at times that we don’t realize or appreciate it. Some folks don’t even know they are doing magick in everyday life. Take for example church-going folk… they deposit a few dollars into the collection box, take a long match, then choose just the right candle, light it and then kneel and pray. They are empowering that light. They are transferring their intentions to the candle, be it for health, money, peace, or guidance. They are performing candle magick without knowing it.

Does magick have to be ceremonial, with a full circle cast? If magick is the manipulation of one’s environment to manifest one’s desires, is blowing out the candles on a birthday cake after making a wish, magick? What about a coin in a fountain, blowing on a dandelion, a shooting star?

I believe some will disagree, that to manipulate, to be able to manifest, starts within ourselves.
Magick seems to be at work whether we are conscious of it or not. Vibes, intentions, desires, emotions… they are sent out from us every day in staggering volume. How many thoughts would you say you have in a 24-hour period? These emotions, intentions, vibes, and desire flow from us, both positive and negative. We sometimes don’t realize how much magick we do.

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.’ –Peace Pilgrim

When we cast spells, perform ritual, and/or commune with our Gods and Goddess, we are emitting energy. We are sending out vibes, intentions, desires, and energy that is emotionally charged. Sending up smoke, burning oils and incense, offering food and drink… all charged with our energy, our essence. Think about it. We should not just go through the motions, to perform a circle/ritual/spell (or whatever your belief system may do) . It’s not to just be “performed”; it’s the essence of the practitioner that envisions, builds, executes and completes the act of circle/ritual/spell.

Magick requires a certain level of commitment. Magick is a living, breathing, consuming thing. Most all belief systems have some rules, mantras, or credo (for example, in the Wiccan tradition, the statement “in perfect love and perfect trust bide the Wiccan rede we must”) . How far does that go? What is that applicable to? Is it just for magick or everyday life? Do we light candles, cultivate herbs, dress our altars, cast our circle, have ritual and then turn that off? Is magick a ready-made thing? Just add water, break glass, needs no batteries? Or is magick and being a magician a lifestyle?

My wife and I took some classes a while back and they where very informative but we were taken a back at the teacher and with the other people in the class. It was not what we expected. It was a coven atmosphere, there was a HP and a HPs during class and ritual. Almost everything seemed to be in its proper place — a general feeling of respect, reverence — but the gossip and petty drama that ensued was confusing. Perfect love and perfect trust? Karmic pattern? Three-fold law? Is it all just words?

Magick, I think, needs to be a way of life. Not a controlling facet, but one that is integrated into everyday life, actions, words and deeds. Magick, I believe, is correctly executed when we mesh with the universe. Magic doesn’t have an on and off switch. Magick must flow uninterrupted, without obstacles placed in its way by us.

Witches are not a rare breed. We were here long ago and shall endure the ignorance of others and their belief systems and persevere, prosper, and pass on our traditions. Being accomplished at anything takes time, patience, commitment, and practice.

If you look at some of the most astute and learned people in any chosen field, notice a common thread: the path they walk, the call they answered, the vision they saw, is a lifestyle. It’s not a hobby; they are manipulating their own environment to manifest whatever it is they want. They perform magick.

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The Witches Magick for Jan. 27th – The Cauldron & The Knife Protection Spell

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Just before going to bed, fill a cauldron (or iron bucket, bowl or pot) with water and place it inside your house near the front door. Take a very sharp knife or Athame and place it point-down into the water, saying:

“Into the water I place this blade,
To guard against the thief and shade.
May no flesh nor astral shell
Enter this place wherein I dwell”

This is a good protection spell, and can be performed every evening. In the morning, remove and dry the knife, and place it somewhere safe. Then, without touching it, pour the water outside, (or down the drain if necessary) and put the cauldron away. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to do this spell if you’re expecting company, as it could be dangerous (and wet).

You can do this at each door if desired, and protects against more than corporeal forms.

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Your Animal Spirit for Jan. 21 is The Wolf

Your Animal Spirit for Today
January 21, 2014


Wolf can survive either as a loner or as part of a pack, and he howls to remind you that you have to balance the needs of others with the needs of the self. If you’re giving yourself away to your own detriment, you are living in opposition to Wolf medicine. Return to balance—and begin feeding your emotions, your mind, and your body.

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Let’s Talk Witch – Respect for Water

Let’s Talk Witch  – Respect for Water

Water, like all the elements, can bless, or kill. A real understanding of the immense force of all the elements is essential to understanding our true place in the world. The very noise of the ocean, so soothing when you meditate from the right distance, can buffet your sensibilities, too. Similarly, waves of emotion can cleanse us or, bursting out inappropriately, can be profoundly damaging. Water can glamour us; stay aware, to learn life lessons about balance, allowing grace and beauty to enter. We are small, but we have a right to our place in the world; we can also be mighty in our effect, so we should deal compassionately with each other. And, like the tides, our fortunes will wax and wane. This is being human, being alive. Be joyful!

Water takes the line of least resistance, yet remains completely itself. Waves may fret around large obstructions, but the river’s impetus carries it inexorably onward. Water constantly moves in a cycle, evaporating, becoming clouds and dispersing as rain, hail, or sleet to rejoin the earth or sea. Amphibians and many insects live dual lives between water and the land. These are seed-thoughts for visualizations, which will keep us on course in the changing, moving flow of life.

Excerpt from:
The Joy and Magic Of Water
By Penny Billington
Llewellyn’s 2014 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living

Daily Motivator for December 31st – Too precious to waste

Too precious to waste

This is your life, so don’t settle for a cheap imitation. Live each moment of  it with substance.

Life is too precious to waste even a little bit of it on meaningless junk.  Give your time, your attention, your efforts and your energy to what really  matters.

If something doesn’t concern you, don’t let it consume you. If something  doesn’t really matter, then let it go.

There are only so many hours in this day. Choose to spend every one of those  hours in the service of what truly matters.

Your priorities are based not on what you say or intend, but on what you  actually do with your time. Choose positive, meaningful priorities by spending  your time in positive, meaningful ways.

Devote yourself to what truly matters. And add more richness to your world  with each passing moment.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Your Feng Shui News for Dec. 30th – ‘National Bicarbonate of Soda Day’

It certainly makes sense after all that holiday eating and drinking that today would be called ‘National Bicarbonate of Soda Day.’ Here’s a little holistic secret that will put that soda to good use by balancing your entire digestive system. First thing in the morning, put a teaspoon of Swedish bitters into warm water and drink it down. Do this before each meal to maintain a state of digestive health. If, however, you find that gas and bloating are building, then put the bitters into the bicarbonate and drink that down. This will quickly settle your stomach and neutralize the acid that’s potentially causing the indigestion.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

Calendar of the Moon for November 28th

Calendar of the Moon

Reed Month

Color: Blue-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of blue-green place a vase of reeds, a single blue-green candle, a great bowl of water floating with wetlands plant leaves, and a knife.
Offering: Recycle something useless into something useful.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian soup and sandwiches. Only water or herbal tea to drink.

Ngetal Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the bleak cold.
Response: Now the reeds whisper in the swamp.
Call: Now is the time when we see the growing dark.
Response: Now is the time when we begin to shiver.
Call: Now is the time of bare trees.
Response: Now is the time of rain and wind.
Call: Now the rain fills the wetlands to overflowing.
Response: Now the swamp overflows into our lives.
Call: We feel our feet dragged down into the cold waters.
Response: Yet the wetland is the source of greatest life!
Call: We feel ourselves pulled into the unfamiliar.
Response: Unfamiliar to us, but no less of value.
Call: The damp cold begins to reach our bones.
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: We must keep it far away with fire’s warmth!
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: Why should we not ban it from our lives?
Response: For this, too, is a Mystery of water.
Call: Not the deep mystery of the Ocean…
Response: Not the running flow of the river…
Call: Not the crystal of snow and ice…
Response: But the secrets of the still waters.
Call: From the still waters springs the greatest number of lives!
Response: And it is this that we must honor.
Call: Welcome into ourselves the song of the whispering reeds!
Response: Welcome into ourselves the oncoming winter.

Chant: Cold as stone
Marshes heart
We will own
What is apart

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for November 26th

Calendar of the Moon

Reed Month

Color: Blue-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of blue-green place a vase of reeds, a single blue-green candle, a great bowl of water floating with wetlands plant leaves, and a knife.
Offering: Recycle something useless into something useful.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian soup and sandwiches. Only water or herbal tea to drink.

Ngetal Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the bleak cold.
Response: Now the reeds whisper in the swamp.
Call: Now is the time when we see the growing dark.
Response: Now is the time when we begin to shiver.
Call: Now is the time of bare trees.
Response: Now is the time of rain and wind.
Call: Now the rain fills the wetlands to overflowing.
Response: Now the swamp overflows into our lives.
Call: We feel our feet dragged down into the cold waters.
Response: Yet the wetland is the source of greatest life!
Call: We feel ourselves pulled into the unfamiliar.
Response: Unfamiliar to us, but no less of value.
Call: The damp cold begins to reach our bones.
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: We must keep it far away with fire’s warmth!
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: Why should we not ban it from our lives?
Response: For this, too, is a Mystery of water.
Call: Not the deep mystery of the Ocean…
Response: Not the running flow of the river…
Call: Not the crystal of snow and ice…
Response: But the secrets of the still waters.
Call: From the still waters springs the greatest number of lives!
Response: And it is this that we must honor.
Call: Welcome into ourselves the song of the whispering reeds!
Response: Welcome into ourselves the oncoming winter.

Chant: Cold as stone
Marshes heart
We will own
What is apart

[Pagan Book of Hours]

The Daily Motivator for Nov. 21st – Positive approach

Positive approach

Conflict can be interesting and enticing, but is not particularly useful.  Rather than giving in to the drama of conflict, choose to be genuinely helpful  and cheerful, and make yourself much more effective.

Sure, you can get attention by being negative. But you can get much more done  by taking a positive approach.

Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, offer some workable options for setting  things right. When you feel like giving criticism, find a way to give it in the  form of encouragement.

You don’t have to be nice just to be nice. Be nice, helpful, positive, upbeat  and encouraging because that’s how you, and everyone else, will make the most  progress.

You’ll never be able to get back the time and energy you waste on conflict.  Yet when you invest your time and energy in being a positive influence, the  rewards for doing so will expand exponentially as time goes on.

Your most effective, productive, profitable, compassionate and intelligent  choice is to be positive in your interactions with others. It’s a choice that  lifts the lives of everyone involved.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

The Witches Spell for Nov. 19 – Spell to Deflect Evil



Creek stones and an Earthen bowl of water are used in this ritual. Its purpose is to deflect negativity.

Fill the bowl nearly full of creek stones, then fill the bowl with water. The chant used here is:

Bowl of reflection stones of protection
may the reason of my harm feel the power of this charm
Sisters three come work for me
bowl detect stones deflect and water reflect
peace and harmony now come to me as I will So Mote It Be!

Change the water once a week and renew the chant. Throw the old water on your doorstep.
The sisters of the Wyrd are incorporated here. The bowl stands for the first sister, she of the past; the stones stand for the present and the second sister; the third action, that of reflection, is for the sister of the future.

Calendar of the Moon for November 17th

Calendar of the Moon

Reed Month

Color: Blue-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of blue-green place a vase of reeds, a single blue-green candle, a great bowl of water floating with wetlands plant leaves, and a knife.
Offering: Recycle something useless into something useful.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian soup and sandwiches. Only water or herbal tea to drink.

Ngetal Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the bleak cold.
Response: Now the reeds whisper in the swamp.
Call: Now is the time when we see the growing dark.
Response: Now is the time when we begin to shiver.
Call: Now is the time of bare trees.
Response: Now is the time of rain and wind.
Call: Now the rain fills the wetlands to overflowing.
Response: Now the swamp overflows into our lives.
Call: We feel our feet dragged down into the cold waters.
Response: Yet the wetland is the source of greatest life!
Call: We feel ourselves pulled into the unfamiliar.
Response: Unfamiliar to us, but no less of value.
Call: The damp cold begins to reach our bones.
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: We must keep it far away with fire’s warmth!
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: Why should we not ban it from our lives?
Response: For this, too, is a Mystery of water.
Call: Not the deep mystery of the Ocean…
Response: Not the running flow of the river…
Call: Not the crystal of snow and ice…
Response: But the secrets of the still waters.
Call: From the still waters springs the greatest number of lives!
Response: And it is this that we must honor.
Call: Welcome into ourselves the song of the whispering reeds!
Response: Welcome into ourselves the oncoming winter.

Chant: Cold as stone
Marshes heart
We will own
What is apart

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for November 13th

Calendar of the Moon

Reed Month

Color: Blue-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of blue-green place a vase of reeds, a single blue-green candle, a great bowl of water floating with wetlands plant leaves, and a knife.
Offering: Recycle something useless into something useful.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian soup and sandwiches. Only water or herbal tea to drink.

Ngetal Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the bleak cold.
Response: Now the reeds whisper in the swamp.
Call: Now is the time when we see the growing dark.
Response: Now is the time when we begin to shiver.
Call: Now is the time of bare trees.
Response: Now is the time of rain and wind.
Call: Now the rain fills the wetlands to overflowing.
Response: Now the swamp overflows into our lives.
Call: We feel our feet dragged down into the cold waters.
Response: Yet the wetland is the source of greatest life!
Call: We feel ourselves pulled into the unfamiliar.
Response: Unfamiliar to us, but no less of value.
Call: The damp cold begins to reach our bones.
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: We must keep it far away with fire’s warmth!
Response: We must welcome its touch.
Call: Why should we not ban it from our lives?
Response: For this, too, is a Mystery of water.
Call: Not the deep mystery of the Ocean…
Response: Not the running flow of the river…
Call: Not the crystal of snow and ice…
Response: But the secrets of the still waters.
Call: From the still waters springs the greatest number of lives!
Response: And it is this that we must honor.
Call: Welcome into ourselves the song of the whispering reeds!
Response: Welcome into ourselves the oncoming winter.

Chant: Cold as stone
Marshes heart
We will own
What is apart

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Magical Thinking Or Magickal Living?

Magical Thinking Or Magickal Living?

Author:   Stifyn Emrys   

Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

Father Christmas?

Or yourself?

Children live in a world of magic and wonder, where knights rescue fair maidens from fire-breathing dragons, where witches command the elements with an incantation or a flick of the wrist. And we believe that somehow, somewhere we should be able to do the same.

We believe we should be able to keep mommy and daddy from fighting so much. That it’s within our power to stop our alcoholic uncle from drinking. That if only we could harness these magical powers, we could bring back the devoted puppy who played fetch for endless hours in our back yard and knew just when to wake us up with a playful kiss when it was time for school.

If only …

When I was 8 years old, that puppy – a Shetland sheepdog named Frisky – was hit by a car in front of our house. Mom told me she was dead, and no amount of wishing or hoping could bring her back. I shouldn’t have let it happen in the first place. I shouldn’t have allowed her to get out of the house and now, worse still, I couldn’t bring her back. I remember calling her name again and again, but she simply wouldn’t come.

And I was convinced that it was all my fault.

Now, years later, I realize that it wasn’t. The world doesn’t revolve around me, and I don’t have the power to bring back Frisky with a wave of a magic wand. I’m simply not that powerful. But at the time, it was natural to believe that I was. “Magical thinking” is a psychological term that characterizes a certain stage of our childhood development (around the late preschool age) during which we believe we have control over our environment. We haven’t yet developed the capacity to differentiate between causation and coincidence, so we bemoan the fact that Daddy got sick because we threw a tantrum and refused to eat our peas.

As we mature, we leave that stage, but it can be tempting to return – especially if our lives are out of control. Our parents divorce, or Daddy hits Mommy, or we are sent away to school. We grow older, and we yearn for a simpler time, when the world wasn’t so complicated and (we imagine) there was magic at our fingertips. In individual terms, we seek a return to the playful innocence of youth; in a historical sense, we long for a golden age or Camelot, where magical forces were at work to ensure that all was right with the world.

But did such a world ever really exist? Was it ever really that easy? Or was it simply that we, as children, just weren’t ready yet to confront the harsh reality of life beyond our parents’ protection?

Magical thinking can be very seductive. And Pagans who fall prey to it, pass it on to their own children, taunting them with the promise that they can somehow control their environment through spellwork, visualization or mere force of will. If we do so as parents, we do our children – and ourselves – no favors. Have you ever tested a teenager’s will? It’s pretty strong already. Even without magical powers, teens are very much a force to be reckoned with.

But we fan the flames of this magical thinking with entertainment and literature that offers the illusion of control. We glamorize Witchcraft as a pop culture phenomenon on the level of the Backstreet Boys or Brittany. Teen Witches can use spellwork to achieve good grades – never mind cracking a book or studying for a test. And what about those so-called Witches on “Charmed”? That Book of Shadows works more like Aladdin’s lamp than a compendium of spiritual insight.

Pagans are hardly the only ones who indulge in such fancies. Christians cling tenaciously to such illusions as a virgin birth and a bodily resurrection, hoping by the force of their will to overcome their fears of sex and mortality. The greater the fear, the more severe the distress, the greater the temptation to seek shelter in that golden age that never was, in that Garden of Eden we never planted. People are afraid of death, of sexuality, of abandonment, of violence. So they hide behind a cloak of magic.

When we present the Craft as something out of “Bewitched” or “Charmed,” we dishonor our children as well as our tradition. (This is not to denigrate those series, which have value if viewed for what they are – pure entertainment.) The Craft is not something that can be mastered like a computer game or worn like a pentacle necklace or garb at a Ren Faire. To be a Witch, the word’s origins themselves tell us, is to be a “wise one.” And wisdom is not a commodity cheaply purchased or easily won. It comes, most often, with experience and trial. Do we therefore bestow this title too lightly? Do we forget that the wise women of the village were most often the crones, who had learned by hard experience to shed the cloak of magical thinking and walk spiritually skyclad in humility and oneness with their source?

The lesson they had learned was simply this: That to combat the temptation of magical thinking, we must move toward the practice of magickal living. What we must, in my view, accept is that the Craft is not about bending the environment to suit our will. That’s the kind of thinking that has produced global warming, rampant pollution, widespread starvation and mass extinctions. It is instead about honoring that same environment and coming to terms with it – and with our own true selves.

If we place ourselves at odds with our surroundings by seeking to control them, we isolate ourselves from the true source of all magick. Where then will be our power? If we, in our arrogance, declare war on Mother Earth, how can we prevail? Indeed, why should we wish to? It is only when we bring ourselves into harmony with the greater whole that we can achieve the truly wondrous. It is only when we connect with the source that we can transcend the narrow bounds of ego and step beyond the constraints of childhood fancy. No longer do we seek to control the source.

We manifest it.

We spend such energy tilting at windmills that we forget to ride the wind. We seek to compel the impossible, we deny the inevitable … but we dare not abide the unthinkable: That we are the magick we have spent our lives pursuing. We are the very change we strive in vain to manifest.

Father Christmas was your own dear father, placing gifts beneath the tree at midnight. The tooth fairy was your loving mother, who cared enough to leave a dime beneath your pillow. They were magick in these moments – and no less so if at other times they quarreled. If they lashed out at you in anger. If they left you when you needed them. If they divorced.

Magick is reality, affirmed in any moment.

We can’t mend our parents’ broken marriage.

Force an alcoholic to stop drinking.

Or a bigot to stop hating.

Or an army to stop killing.

We can’t bring a beloved pet back from the grave.

We can’t wave a wand and conjure up a happy ending.

Not by wishing or willing it.

But we can know our true selves, and be our true selves – secure in the knowledge that this, in itself, is enough. We won’t be able to foresee what wonders will be born of this; but wonders rich and bounteous are sure to manifest. The choice is ours alone to make: We can isolate ourselves in magical thinking …

Or we can empower ourselves through magickal living.

That, in my view is what it means to be a Witch.