Celebrating Legends, Folklore & Spirituality 365 Days A Year – St. Agnes’s Eve and St. Agnes’s Day

Love's Witch

January 20 & 21

St. Agnes’s Eve and St. Agnes’s Day

St. Agnes was a Roman Catholic child martyr who was beheaded in the year 304 A.D., for refusing to marry. Her eve has traditionally been a time for lovers’ divination—especially divination by fire. One very old custom tells: To be sure to dream of your future husband tonight, fast strictly and keep silent all day. On no account allow anyone—not even a child—to kiss you. At bedtime you must dress in your finest night-dress, then boil an egg. When the egg is hard, take out the yolk, fill the space with salt, and eat the egg, shell and all. Then walk backwards to bed while saying:

“Fair St. Agnes, play thy part,
And send to me my own sweetheart.
Not in his best or worse array,
But in the clothes he wears every day.”

You will then surely dream of your intended, but tell no one of your dream or the spell will be broken.

Aradia: Gospel of the Witches (Chapter 2: The Sabbat, Treguenda, or Witch Meeting)

Chapter II

The Sabbat, Treguenda Or Witch-Meeting

Charles G. Leland

Here follows the supper, of what it must consist, and what shall be said and done to consecrate it to Diana.

You shall take meal and salt, honey and water, and make this incantation:

I conjure thee, O Meal!
Who art indeed our body, since without thee
We could not live, thou who (at first as seed)
Before becoming flower went in the earth,
Where all deep secrets hide, and then when ground
Didst dance like dust in the wind, and yet meanwhile
Didst bear with thee in flitting, secrets strange!

And yet erewhile, when thou were in the ear,
Even as a (golden) glittering grain, even then
The fireflies came to cast on thee their light
And aid thy growth, because without their help
Thou couldst not grow nor beautiful become;
Therefore thou dost belong unto the race
Of witches or of fairies, and because
The fireflies do belong unto the sun…


Queen of the fireflies! hurry apace,
Come to me now as if running a race,
Bridle the horse as you hear me now sing!
Bridle, O bridle the son of the king!
Come in a hurry and bring him to me!
The son of the king will ere long set thee free!
And because thou for ever art brilliant and fair,
Under a glass I will keep thee; while there,
With a lens I will study they secrets concealed,
Till all their bright mysteries are fully revealed,
Yea, all the wondrous lore perplexed
Of this life of our cross and of the next.
Thus to all mysteries I shall attain,
Yea, even to that at last of the grain;
And when this at last I shall truly know,
Firefly, freely I’ll let thee go!
When Earth’s dark secrets are known to me,
My blessing at last I will give to thee!


Here follows the Conjuration of the Salt.

I do conjure thee, salt, lo! here at noon,
Exactly in the middle of a stream
I take my place and see the water around,
Likewise the sun, and think of nothing else
While here besides the water and the sun;
For all my soul is turned in truth to them;
I do indeed desire no other thought,
I yearn to learn the very truth of truths,
For I have suffered long with the desire
To know my future or my coming fate,
If good or evil will prevail in it..
Water and sun, be gracious unto me!


Here follows the Conjuration of Cain.

I conjure thee, O Cain, as thou canst ne’er
Have rest or peace until thou shalt be freed
From the sun where thou art prisoned, and must go
beating thy hands and running fast meanwhile:
I pray thee let me know my destiny;
And it ’tis evil, change its course for me!
If thou wilt grant this grace, I’ll see it clear
In the water in the splendor of the sun;
And thou, O Cain, shalt tell by word of mouth
Whatever this my destiny is to be.
And unless thou grantest this,
May’st thou ne’er know peace or bliss!


Then shall follow the Conjuration of Diana.

You shall make cakes of meal, wine, salt, and honey in the shape of a (crescent or horned) moon, and then put them to bake, and say:

I do not bake the bread, nor with it salt,
Nor do I cook the honey with the wine;
I bake the body and the blood and soul,
The soul of (great) Diana, that she shall
Know neither rest nor peace, and ever be
In cruel suffering till she will grant
What I request, what I do most desire,
I beg it of her from my very heart!
And if the grace be granted, O Diana!
In honor of thee I will hold this feast,
Feast and drain the goblet deep,
We will dance and wildly leap,
And if thou grant’st the grace which I require,
Then when the dance is wildest, all the lamps
shall be extinguished and we’ll freely love!


And thus shall it be done: all shall sit down to the supper all naked, men and women, and the feast over, they shall dance, sing, make music, and then love in the darkness, with all the lights extinguished; for it is the Spirit of Diana who extinguishes them, and so they will dance and make music in her praise.

And it came to pass that Diana, after her daughter had accomplished her mission or spent her time on earth among the living (mortals), recalled her, and gave her the power that when she had been invoked…having done some good deed…she gave her the power to gratify those who had conjured her by granting her or him success in love:

To bless or curse with power friends or enemies (to do good or evil).
To converse with spirits.
To find hidden treasures in ancient ruins.
To conjure the spirits of priests who died leaving treasures.
To understand the voice of the wind.
To change water into wine.
To divine with cards.
To know the secrets of the hand (palmistry)
To cure diseases.
To make those who are ugly beautiful.
To tame wild beasts.


And whatever thing should be asked from the spirit of Aradia, that should be granted unto those who merited her favor.

And thus must they invoke her:

Thus do I seek Aradia! Aradia! Aradia! At midnight, at midnight I go into a field, and with me I bear water, wine, and salt, I bear water, wine, and salt, and my talisman – my talisman, my talisman, and a red small bag which I ever hold in my hand – con dentro, con dentro, sale, with salt in it, in it. With water and wine I bless myself, I bless myself with devotion to implore a favour from Aradia, Aradia. (emphasize italics and repetitions)

Aradia! my Aradia!
Thou art my daughter unto him who was
Most evil of all spirits, who of old
Once reigned in hell when driven away from heaven,
Who by his sister did thy sire become,
But as thy mother did repent her fault,
And wished to mate thee to a spirit who
Should be benevolent,
And not malevolent!

Aradia, Aradia! I implore
Thee by the love which she did bear for thee!
And by the love which I too feel for thee!
I pray thee grant the grace which I require!
And if this grace be granted, may there be
One of three signs distinctly clear to me:
The hiss of a serpent,
The light of a firefly,
The sound of a frog!

But if you do refuse this favour, then
May you in future know no peace nor joy,
And be obliged to seek me from afar,
Until you come to grant me my desire,
In haste, and then thou may’st return again
Unto thy destiny. Therewith, Amen!

The Witches Magick for April 29th – A Juicy Spell for Removing Bad Vibes

Book & Candle Comments

A Juicy Spell for Removing Bad Vibes


To remove sour feelings and bad vibes, take a small glass bowl, ceramic dish or coffee mug and sprinkle a few inches of salt in the bottom. Next squirt a bit of lemon juice on top of the salt. Say:

“Lemon juice and white salt, by mixing thee

No bad vibes will cling or hang around weet

Remove all the negativity and despair

By the powers of earth, water, fire and air.



Cottage Witchery
Natural Magick for Hearth and Home
Ellen Dugan

Post Necromancy Cleansing Spells

Post Necromancy Cleansing Spells

After communicating with ghosts, strong cleansing is recommended.

Get into the tub and scrub virgorously with salt.

Make a paste using salt, Holy Water or one of the other formula waters and cleanse the body.

Form a paste with olive oil and salt and scrub the body.

Create a paste with salt, olive oil and fresh rosemary leaves. Scrub the body.

Any of these methods should be very effective for cleansing.


*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us.

We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Calendar of the Moon for Monday, February 3rd

Calendar of the Moon

3 Nion/Anthesterion

Day of Llyr

Color: Sea-blue
Element: Water
Altar: On a sea-blue cloth place a chalice of salt water, a skull, a dolphin, and a ship.
Offerings: Paper ships. Deal with fearful emotions that threaten to drown you.
Daily Meal: Fish or seafood.

Invocation to Llyr

We cross the sea at our own risk,
Be it the sea of water
Or the depths of our own
Internal tides of feeling.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
Knowing that the smooth expanse
Could at any moment become turbulent,
Degenerate into a vast whirlpool
And draw us screaming into the darkness.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
Navigating our way with signs
And symbols that have nothing
To do with the vast expanse we see,
But are just numbers, spun out of
The mind’s vast abilities,
The world of air and sky,
And sometimes they fail us.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
But if we do not cross it
We will be separated forever
By those terrible watery chasms.
Ocean god, we pray to you for mercy;
Bear us up and do not let us drown
In any ocean, within or without.

Born of water, cleansing, powerful, flowing, healing, we are…..

(Let one who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual come forward with the bowl of salt water, and each shall dip their hands into it and mark themselves on their heart chakras and their heads. Then the salt water shall be poured out as a libation.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Enhanced by Zemanta

The Witches Magick for December 30th – Lemon Uncrossing Spell

Lemon Uncrossing Spell

Purpose: To get rid of negative energy.

Items You Will Need:

A cup of salt
A fresh lemon

Light white candles and protection incense. Anoint brow, heart and throat with oil. Put the lemon in the center of your altar and cut it into 4 slices (round).

“All spells against me congregate in this lemon, that’s your fate.
Sour spell to sour fruit, you must go there cause it’s your suit.
Bound to this lemon evermore. Each spell against me that’s your store.
All in this lemon, now I see, and as my will so mote it be!”

When you feel that the chant has captured the negative thought forms in the lemon, begin to sprinkle the salt on the lemon.

“Uncrossed! Uncrossed!
This salt for me breaks up the attacking energy.
As lemon dries in salt and air,
I’m freed from harm and all despair.
Uncrossed and happy now, you see!
And as my will so mote it be!!!”

Use lots of salt and when you are finished, thank all the elements.
Leave the lemon near your altar where you can watch it.
If it dries out, your work is done. If it should mildew, repeat the ritual.

Simple Toothpaste

Simple Toothpaste


Baking Soda

Salt Water


Peppermint oil (if possible, if not, try dried parsley just make sure it doesn’t get stuck between your teeth!)

Mix 1/3 cup of baking soda, ½ teaspoon salt, water and glycerin until you have a past you are happy with. Use more or less water for the type of paste you wish–thinner or thicker.

Calendar of the Sun for July 23rd

Calendar of the Sun

23 Haymonath


Colors: Blue and blue-green of the sea
Element: Water
Altar: Set with sea-colored cloths, figures of dolphins, the figure of a ship, a compass, and a great bowl of salt water.
Offerings: Sea salt. Face some emotion that seems overwhelming to you.
Daily Meal: Fish. Seafood. Seaweed.

Invocation to Neptune

Great Bull from the Sea
Crashing against the rocks
Master of the waves and depths
Foaming horses champing wild
Break against the yielding shore
And you, Lord of bitter brine,
Sink not our ships as they make their way
From safe harbor to safe harbor.
Show us the depths of our own souls
As you know the depths of the ocean itself,
And give us safe passage there as well.
Save us from the whirlpool and the drowning tides,
Save us from the circling predators
That would drag us to the bottom.
Earth-shaker, loudest voice
In the world between heaven and underworld,
The voice that booms up from the depths
Of every water-borne soul.

Storm Maker
Lord of the Wave

(The compass is then passed from hand to hand, and each person in turn says, “Guide me in my navigations, Lord of the Unending Waters, and bring me safe home again.” The bowl of salt water is then passed hand to hand, and each splashes a bit onto their heads. The rest is poured out as a libation.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

H is for Home Protection





Home Protection



  • Water
  • Salt
  • Bowl
  • Garlic Salt (optional, see procedure)
  • Powered Rosemary (optional, see procedure)


Time: A bright, sunny morning


Start by mixing water and salt in a bowl. Add garlic salt and powdered rosemary if you need to clear out ghosts or spirits. Consecrate the mixture.

Begin at the main entrance of the house or apartment.  Sprinkle some of the consecrated water by dipping your fingers in it and making the sign of the pentagram. In a firm and commanding voice with all of your power behind it, say:

Evil shall leave but not enter.


Proceed counterclockwise through the house, repeating the procedure in every corner of each room, at all the windows, doors and mirrors. Don’t forget telephones, fax machines, televisions, modems, radios, computers that are connected to the Internet — any outside connection to your house. (It doesn’t hurt to do the mailbox after you finish with everything inside the house.)

Repeat the spell annually, or whenever you feel in need of it.

Calendar of the Moon for February 2nd

Calendar of the Moon
3 Nion/Anthesterion

Day of Llyr

Color: Sea-blue
Element: Water
Altar: On a sea-blue cloth place a chalice of salt water, a skull, a dolphin, and a ship.
Offerings: Paper ships. Deal with fearful emotions that threaten to drown you.
Daily Meal: Fish or seafood.

Invocation to Llyr

We cross the sea at our own risk,
Be it the sea of water
Or the depths of our own
Internal tides of feeling.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
Knowing that the smooth expanse
Could at any moment become turbulent,
Degenerate into a vast
And draw us screaming into the darkness.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
Navigating our way with signs
And symbols that have nothing
To do with the vast expanse we see,
But are just numbers, spun out of
The mind’s vast abilities,
The world of air and sky,
And sometimes they fail us.
We cross the sea at our own risk,
But if we do not cross it
We will be separated forever
By those terrible watery chasms.
Ocean god, we  to  mercy;
Bear us up and do not let us drown
In any ocean, within or without.

Born of water, cleansing, powerful, flowing, healing, we are…..

(Let one who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual come forward with the bowl of salt water, and each shall dip their hands into it and mark themselves on their heart chakras and their heads. Then the salt water shall be poured out as a libation.)


[Pagan Book of Hours]

Protection Bowl

Protection Bowl


You will need:
1 glass jar
1/2 to 1 cup salt
3 cloves garlic
9 bay leaves 7 tsp. dried Basil
4 tsp. dill seeds
1tsp sage
1tsp anise
1tsp black pepper
1tsp fennel
1 bowl

In the morning ideally on a bright sunny day assemble the items.
Place in the bowl and say:

“Salt that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Add the cloves of garlic: “Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Crumble the Bay leaves and place in the bowl: “Bay that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Add the basil and say: “Basil that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Add the dill and say: “Dill that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Add the sage and say: “Sage that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Add the anise and say: “Anise that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Add the fennel and say: “Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within.”

Mix together the salt and the herbs with your hands, throughout the movement of your hands and fingers lend energy to the potent protective items, visualize your home safe and as a shining secure place.

Pour the mixture in the jar and cap tightly,
Place it in your home with these words: “Salt and herbs, nine times nine Guard now this home of mine”

Daily Feng Shui Tip for August 29: ‘More Herbs, Less Salt Day’

On ‘More Herbs, Less Salt Day’ I want to wax poetic about one particular herb that is considered a ‘super food’ for very good reasons. Cilantro, an herb traditionally used in Mediterranean, Mexican and Spanish cuisines, has many known health benefits. Cilantro (or coriander) is believed to protect against the salmonella bacteria while also acting as an all-natural chelation agent. It’s great for a healthy heart, is known to aid digestion, and it acts as an anti-inflammatory that can alleviate arthritic symptoms. It can also help lower blood sugar, bad cholesterol and blood pressure. Rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, it’s an excellent source of potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. So the next time you reach for the saltshaker, shred some of this spicy herb instead and pepper your whole life with happiness and health. Now that wasn’t too hard to swallow, was it?

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com