Daily Feng Shui News for April 7th – ‘Sweet Taters, Yum!’

For some reason, today I’m thinking of a sweet potato ritual to make a wish come true that I learned eons ago. This exercise says that you should carve your name and birth date on a sweet potato and make a wish. Then insert toothpicks into the sweet potato and hang it over a glass of water. Once the potato starts to sprout ‘eyes’ you should bake and eat it. The sweet promise is that this potato will make your dreams come true.


By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

H is for Home Protection





Home Protection



  • Water
  • Salt
  • Bowl
  • Garlic Salt (optional, see procedure)
  • Powered Rosemary (optional, see procedure)


Time: A bright, sunny morning


Start by mixing water and salt in a bowl. Add garlic salt and powdered rosemary if you need to clear out ghosts or spirits. Consecrate the mixture.

Begin at the main entrance of the house or apartment.  Sprinkle some of the consecrated water by dipping your fingers in it and making the sign of the pentagram. In a firm and commanding voice with all of your power behind it, say:

Evil shall leave but not enter.


Proceed counterclockwise through the house, repeating the procedure in every corner of each room, at all the windows, doors and mirrors. Don’t forget telephones, fax machines, televisions, modems, radios, computers that are connected to the Internet — any outside connection to your house. (It doesn’t hurt to do the mailbox after you finish with everything inside the house.)

Repeat the spell annually, or whenever you feel in need of it.


Witchy Comments=



Sometimes in my mind I hear you call
Your ways are not my ways though difference is small
I don’t know your path it’s strange to me
Can we put them together just like potpourri?
And isn’t it sweet and isn’t it right
That your ways and my ways are our ways tonight.

You’ve got your signs that set you aflame
I have mine also and they aren’t the same
Tradition will hold for tradition is dear
But sometimes we meet in the middle frontier
Our paths are not always that clear.

It can be hard to let yourself go
When you can’t be sure and you just don’t know
When ideas you hold become so enshrined
You’ll be a machine whose eyes have gone blind
The let yourself out of my mind.

But if we can shape and if we can bend
Perhaps we can meld, our traditions will blend
Putting together our lives is the lure
If we can adapt then our love may endure
And isn’t it sweet and isn’t it right
That your ways and my ways are our ways tonight

And isn’t it sweet and won’t it feel right
When your ways and my ways are our ways tonight.


Author, Our Ways
Lady Bridget 1994
Music To Celebrate By
~Magickal Graphics~

The Day After Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Comments & Graphics

The Day After Thanksgiving


I ate too much Turkey, I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie.
I’m stuffed up with muffins and too much stuffin’
I’m probably going to die.

I piled up my plate and I ate and I ate.
But I wish I had known when to stop,
For I’m so crammed with yams, sauces, gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop!

I’m full of tomatoes and French fried potatoes
My stomach is swollen and sore,
But there’s still some dessert so I guess it won’t hurt if
I eat just a little bit more!

Brain Candy

Magickal Graphics

Wishing You & Yours A Very Blessed Saturday, Dear Brothers & Sisters!

Good Saturday Morning, dear brothers & sisters! Long time no talk too! How ya’ll been doing? I must admit I am feeling fantastic today. The Sun is shining and it is about 60 degrees here. I finally got my staples out from my surgery. Since then I have been going 90 to nothing around here. Everyone babied me so, now I am driving them crazy. They keep hollering I am going to over do, HA! They don’t know it but when I feel a pull or a little pain, I stop and sit down. Gee, you would think I was 2 years old and didn’t have sense enough to take care of myself. But I guess I shouldn’t complain I know they all love me and have good intentions. I just hate being sick. It gets on my nerves. I have never been a person to sit around and do nothing. I have always had to be in something. That sitting in the wheelchair like to have drove me rabid. Anyway it is said and done, I appreciate and love all of them for their caring of me.

Hubby and I got up this morning and went down to the animal refuge to check on them. We have had a pack of dogs running again. All the critters were ok. We fed them, hubby cleaned out the stalls and I coached him on how to do it, lol! Then we took old Tom Turkey to town to have him smoked this year. You want to hear something hilarious? My daughter bought a new house. She decided she would cook Thanksgiving dinner for everyone. I was talking to her on the phone and asked her what time we need to be there. Her reply was, “Oh, I have been aiming to talk to you about that!” I thought “oh, shit!” And I was right, she wanted to know if I would come over to her house, spend the night and cook the turkey. I said, “I don’t think so.” Then she wanted to know if I would cook it here. Hubby spoke up and said, “no.” He told her I had no business pulling and tugging on a heavy turkey. She then asked me how to cook a turkey. I gave her instructions and asked her if she needed anything else (boy, do I know when to stick the old foot in the mouth, lol!). Her answer was, “oh, yes, momma could you cook the dressing, sweet potatoes, devil the eggs, fix a green bean casserole and a pumpkin pie.” She doesn’t want much does she, lmao! I finally asked her what was the point of us having dinner at her house, if I was going to do all the cooking. That pissed her off. She said, “well then just fix the dressing, sweet potatoes and a pie.” I know why she want to have the dinner at her house. But I just wish she would learn how to cook before she starts showing off her house. Her husband was telling me that the house had a huge kitchen to it. It was hilarious, her husband and I both said at the same time, “What a waste of space, lol!”

I am going to fly for now. I have a lot more to tell you about things that happened during my recuperation. It was like being at the zoo around here. But I feel 100& better and now things are going to get back to normal. I have missed all of you and look forward to hearing from you.  Till then….

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A



More Saturday Comments

Best and Worst ‘People’ Food for Dogs and Cats

Best and Worst ‘People’ Food for Dogs and Cats

  • Nicolas, selected from petMD

By PetMD

Like buying candy for kids, we often think snacks that have been specially packaged for pets are the best treats in the world. Why would they want anything other than a tasty treat? But a lot of those packaged pet snacks and treats are the equivalent of candy. They are not a big deal, as long as you don’t do too much of it, since they are mostly devoid of nutritional value.

And just as we encourage kids to eat their veggies rather than another candy, we can also encourage a love for veggies in our pets. These low calorie, low fat, vitamin and mineral-packed “treats” are a great alternative to the packaged dog biscuits and kitty chews.

Which Vegetables Are Best and Which Vegetable Are Not Safe for Pets?

There are some plant foods that are toxic to pets, so you will want to be familiar with what to avoid and even prevent access to. If you are unsure, check with your veterinarian to make sure that your planned treats are not going to be harmful to your pet. Also keep in mind that while dogs are omnivorous and thus more open to trying different kinds of foods. Cats, on the other hand, are carnivorous. They are not just picky about what they eat — they are constitutionally incapable of digesting some types of foods.


Good Foods

  • Apples – without seeds or core (apple seeds contain chemical compounds that are poisonous to animals)
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon – without seeds
  • Frozen bananas
  • Green beans
  • Carrots – raw or cooked
  • Sweet potato – cooked, cubed or mashed without butter or seasoning; regular potatoes are also good, but in limited amounts since they are high in sugar and can increase weight
  • Squash, zucchini
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Popcorn – unsalted and unbuttered
  • Catnip or cat grass


Bad Foods

  • Grapes and raisins – contain chemical compounds that are toxic to dogs
  • Garlic and onions – both have chemical properties that can be toxic and even life threatening to dogs and cats
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms – particularly wild mushrooms
  • Fruits with pits, such as peaches, cherries, and plums – in some cases the pit can be toxic or can simply present a choking hazard
  • Nuts – particularly macadamia nuts, which are toxic to pets


What is the Best Way To Feed These Types of Treats?

The foods should be baked or steamed, cut up into smallish pieces, and only given in small amounts at a time. This will prevent both choking and an overload of carbohydrate- and calorie-rich foods. You can give the vegetables and fruits by themselves, or you might mash or puree them and mix them up with the prepared food and given at meal times.

Replacing your pet’s dense, high fat packaged treats with healthy treats like fruits and vegetables will be one of the most beneficial things you do for your pet. Over the long term, your pet’s health and immune system will be stronger, aging will not be as severe, its weight will stay steadier, and if weight is already an issue, you may even see your pet’s weight become more manageable — if you stick to it and include moderate exercise.

With any change in diet, it is important to observe your pet for issues that can arise in response to the change. If your pet begins to show digestive or behavioral changes, stop feeding the new foodstuff and consult with a veterinarian if the problem does not go away in the absence of the added food.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Treats for Pets

Top 5 Thanksgiving Treats for Pets

  • posted by Samantha, selected from Animal Planet

By Joy H. Montgomery, Animal Planet

As you gather around the table this Thanksgiving and give thanks for good food, good friends and even your cranky family members, don’t forget the furry or feathery member of the family — your pet. Of course, a pet doesn’t need a toast in its honor to feel appreciated, but a special treat would probably elicit an extra lick or cuddle from your best four-legged friend. Just remember that the holidays aren’t an excuse to break from tradition and serve your pet chocolate or other foods that might upset its sensitive stomach. However, there are some terrific Thanksgiving treats that are perfectly pet-safe and guaranteed to make your critter feel extra-thankful for such a thoughtful pet parent. Here are just five.


5. Fruits and Veggies

Not all pets can eat meat, including most pocket pets like gerbils, hamsters, rats and birds. Many people love these small pets, but often overlook them when it comes to holiday treats. Pocket pets can have small treats occasionally, but according to the educational staff at Drs. Foster and Smith, they tend to like treats better than real food, so it’s best to dish them out sparingly. In general, raw vegetables like carrots and broccoli are OK to give a small rodent, so when you’re preparing your Thanksgiving meal, save a few pieces for your pet. Pet birds also love fresh veggies and fruits, including cooked sweet potatoes and cranberries, which are both common staples on many Thanksgiving tables. Cooked vegetables like pumpkins, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, and peas are terrific options for cats and dogs, too.


4. Bones and Chews

It might be tempting to toss a turkey bone your dog’s way during the holiday, but according to L.A. Animal Services, turkey bones can easily break, and the sharp splinters could cause damage to your dog’s intestines. If your pooch goes nuts for bones, look for store-bought bones or chews in special Thanksgiving flavors that will be a real treat without the risk. Pet trend expert Janet McCulley recommends turkey-flavored bones, or even organic dog chews made out of sweet potatoes or apples. Make no bones about it, you will be thankful your canine has a yummy Thanksgiving treat without the threat of a visit to the emergency animal hospital


3.Turkey Treats

If you like a traditional feast with a big turkey as the main dish, your pet is in luck. There are quite a few ways you can prepare some of your leftover turkey that will be paw-licking good. Be sure to remove any skin and bones and don’t serve your pet any turkey that’s been sitting out longer than two hours to avoid risk of salmonella poisoning. Skinless, boneless turkey is a great treat for most cats and dogs. Cut up a few pieces and add it to your dog’s regular food to give it its own Thanksgiving meal. For cats, try pureeing turkey with sweet potatoes or pumpkin and adding it to their regular food or letting them lick it straight from the spoon. And if you’ve ever wondered what to do with turkey giblets, try boiling them up for a yummy pet treat.


2.Biscuits and Other Treats

If you aren’t up for making your own treats or don’t have any leftovers, you can find a large variety of treats available at pet superstores or even your local market that will leave your pet feeling gracious. McCulley says ingredients like pomegranate, acai berry and quinoa, which have been fads in people food for the past few years, are now crossing over into pet treats. Look for items that are made with human-grade ingredients to ensure your furry friend is getting the very best. Many organic treats are made with natural ingredients such as pumpkin, sweet potato, and apple with ginger or cinnamon for a fun Thanksgiving twist.


1. Toys

If your pet is on a restricted diet or doesn’t usually handle new food well, pick out a toy that your animal will go gaga for. Consider a squeaky toy shaped like a turkey bone or a carrot. Some retailers carry “pampered pet” lines, in which you’ll find toys shaped like wine bottles or sushi (if turkey and all the fixings isn’t your thing). McCulley recommends interactive toys that dispense treats as a great way to keep your pet occupied while you’re entertaining human guests. By the time your furry friend has gotten all of the kibble out of the toy, you’ll be cleaning off the table and ready to spend the afternoon curled up in a turkey-induced coma with your pet.

Food to Avoid

  • Chocolate
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Raisins
  • Sage
  • Turkey skin and bones

Some one-on-one time like this is probably the best treat of all for your pet, but any of these five ideas can also help make sure your pet is a grateful gobbler this Thanksgiving.

Please forgive me……

Thanksgiving Comments & Graphics

 for having to cut today’s postings short. I have to run to the grocery store and get Tom the Turkey. He is my special guest every year. Along with dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes and etc., just thinking about it, I’m getting hungry. 


Anyway I am sorry. I will try to put some information on the blog tonight. Thank you for understanding,


Lady A

Magickal Graphics