H is for Home Protection





Home Protection



  • Water
  • Salt
  • Bowl
  • Garlic Salt (optional, see procedure)
  • Powered Rosemary (optional, see procedure)


Time: A bright, sunny morning


Start by mixing water and salt in a bowl. Add garlic salt and powdered rosemary if you need to clear out ghosts or spirits. Consecrate the mixture.

Begin at the main entrance of the house or apartment.  Sprinkle some of the consecrated water by dipping your fingers in it and making the sign of the pentagram. In a firm and commanding voice with all of your power behind it, say:

Evil shall leave but not enter.


Proceed counterclockwise through the house, repeating the procedure in every corner of each room, at all the windows, doors and mirrors. Don’t forget telephones, fax machines, televisions, modems, radios, computers that are connected to the Internet — any outside connection to your house. (It doesn’t hurt to do the mailbox after you finish with everything inside the house.)

Repeat the spell annually, or whenever you feel in need of it.