Spell to Banish Personal Negativity

Spell to Banish Personal Negativity

We have all from time to time experienced feelings and thoughts that there is a negative force around us. To banish these feelings you will need the bowl of water and the salt. Sprinkle some salt on the altar cloth and, using your finger or your Athame, say,

“I bless this salt to make it fit for these my rites. Blessed Be.”

Now add a little salt to the water and hold the bowl up towards the sky. Visualize your past relative being present and say

“I ask … (say the relative’s name) to let this bowl be the receiver of all my negativity, so that I can cleanse myself and became whole again once more. Blessed Be.”

Place the bowl down safely, dip the fingers and thumbs of both hands into the water, and visualize all your negative thoughts and feelings moving through your body, down through your arms and out of your hands into the water. As you do this be aware of yourself becoming lighter, of losing the weight that has been on your mind.

When you are sure that this is completed, remove your hands, shaking the last drops of water from them into the bowl. Take a moment to centre yourself once more, and again, holding the bowl up, say,

“I ask … (say the late relative’s name), to take this negativity through their power of the Elements to keep me safe in their hands. Blessed Be.”

Now throw away the contaminated water into the earth, but not near any plants that you are trying to grow, or down the drain.