Spell To Upset the Plans of a Foe


To upset the plans of a foe, buy a thick white candle and carve it into the
rough shape of a human being. Write the name of your enemy on a strip of paper
using red ink, and wrap the paper around the chest of the wax image. Hold it in
place by thrusting a steel pin through the chest of the figure. Think hard of
your enemy as you insert the pin. Tie a length of red thread around the feet of
the image, and suspend it upside down, saying:

“As this image of [enemy’s name] is overturned,
so are the plans of [enemy’s name] overthrown.”

Leave the image suspended. From time to time bat it with your hand to make it
twist and swing, and repeat the charm.


by: Donald Tyson

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Calendar of the Sun for October 27th

Calendar of the Sun

27 Winterfyllith

Nekhebet’s Day

Colors: Red, Blue and Gold
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon cloth of red, blue and gold, place two red candles on either side of a figure of Nekhebet, along with a bowl of chopped meat and grain.
Offerings: Beer, barley, millet.
Daily Meal: Beer, barley, millet, lentils, flatbread.

Ancient Lady of Upper Egypt,
Wearer of the White Crown,
Great White Cow of Nekhb,
Wife of the rolling Nile river,
Vulture Goddess whose outstretched wings
Hover over the royal child,
Protecting him from harm, seeing him safe to adulthood,
Help us to know what it is to eat rot
And turn it again into nourishment,
Cleaning and purifying the earth
With the transmuting power of our bodies.
Lady who protects the rulers, the crowned ones,
Protect those of us
Who must take on responsibility
And whose hands work for the lives of many.
Nourish them with your attention
That they may not burn out like a candle.
Guide them with your wisdom
That they may always remember
The nourishment of their people,
Of the body, the mind, the soul.
Protect the sleeping infant child of our hopes
And goals, and future,
And see it safely to fruition.
Spread your wings over us, O Nekhebet,
And may your watch keep us ever safe.

Nekhebet Shen
Nekhebet Shen
Nebty Mamissi Shen

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Your Charm for September 18: The Crescent and Hand

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:   

Guests and visitors will come calling. Their visit brings happiness and joy. This aspect will reflect these emotions for weeks after the visit.

General Description:    

Crescents were worn by the ancients to safeguard them against witchcraft and danger. From the very early Eastern symbols, horseshoes came to be regarded by the Greeks and Romans as charms against sickness and the plague. In the middle ages horseshoes were used as amulets for witchcraft and even today are looked upon as lucky. When the representation of the hand of strength was worn with the crescent it signified hospitality and generosity. Hands of Might are painted on houses in Italy, Syria, Turkey and in the East to protect the buildings from misfortune and the inmates from death. The blue beads were worn to avert the evil eyes.

The Witches Spell for Sept. 17th – Spell To Keep Evil Away


Spell To Keep Evil Away

Items You Need:

Black candle
Black Cord

This spell can be done as a general insurance policy and the black cord can be put on your altar or in a bag hung up over the entrance to your home. If you truly feel under attack, you can use a long cord and wrap it around your waist (under your clothes) or use a short one and tie it around one wrist. To make it extra powerful, use three thin cords and braid them together as you perform the spell.

Use as needed, but this spell is best casted under a New Moon in a formally cast circle. Place all the spell ingredients on an altar or table in front of you, light the candle, and do the actions one by one as you recite the spell.

(Sprinkle Salt on the Cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

With power of earth, block evil’s sway.

(Sprinkle Water on Cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Water clear, wash evil away.

(Hold Cord Carefully Over Candle Flame)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Fire’s heat it must obey.

(Light sage, and waft the smoke over the cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Air protects me as I pray.

(If Planning To Wear Cord, Put It On Now, Otherwise Hold It in Your Hand)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Safe I am and safe I’ll stay

So Mote It Be

Protection Bath Spell Kit $8.95

 These Protection Bath Spell Kits are help aid you in protection yourself or your living space from negative influences and energies. These bath spell kits are highly effective when the instructions are followed properly.

Protection Bath Spell Kit Specifications:

 bath salts

2 candles

1 candle holder

  instructions on their use

Only $8.95

plus shipping & handling $5.95

Total:  $14.90

For your convenience you can use the PayPal button on this page.

Good Late Night, My Dear Family & Friends!

Good Evening My Dearest Family & Friends,

I woke up this morning full of energy. I could feel the Goddess refreshing my spirit as it ran through my very body. Everything was going so grand. Then I sit down at the computer and guess what? The first thing that pops out of someone’s mouth is “Did you pay the bill? I bet you didn’t pay the bill? I bet we are cut off!” You know people like that you just want to hit them in the head with your mouse. I just ignored the person with all the “cute” comments and politely called the cable company. Went through the regular mumbo jumbo, telephone number, what are you having a problem with, and so on, and so on. Come to find out there was an outage in our area. Of course the technicians are working at it. And your service will be restored at 3:05 p.m. It still amazes me how they can get their repairs down to the very minute. Either they are very good or they think we are very stupid???

I have been wanting to talk to all of you so bad I couldn’t stand it. My dear family, you deserve one big pat on the back. Do you remember when I pleaded and get right down to it, begged you to pray and petition for peace? I hope so and I hope you are still doing it. We are not out of the woods by a long shot. At the time I had called for us to come together and pull our powers, Obama was getting ready to bomb Syria. He had decided he didn’t need Congress approval. He was going to do it! Then all of the sudden the world was calling him fickle because he was going to Congress. Congratulations on making a fickle pickle! Then we came to Congress. That night I went to bed, I heard on the News that Congress was all for war. The next morning I was honestly scared to get up (oh, hell I might not have even woke up, lol!). I turned on the TV and Congress has divided. There suddenly more Congressmen saying “no” to bombing Syria than the night before. I wonder if those Congressmen has some dreams involving the results of us bombing Syria. Then there were other events that happened the reporters called unprecedented. We know why they happened. Admit it! Does it feel good when you can conjure your power for the betterment of mankind? Truthfully. There are times when outside observers need to quietly give gently whispers in their ears or a soft nudge in the right direction. This is not only their world they are screwing with, it is ours. Days like today, I am exceptionally proud to call myself a WITCH! Shouting from the highest rooftops, I AM A WITCH!

I don’t want you to forget that we have to keep an eye on our own government while we have another task.  This task involves justice for those people that suffered from the chemical attacks from their own government. I guess growing up in the States I have a very hard time understanding why people let this go on and happen. I hope and pray to the Goddess I am right. If our government did something like this to us, they would only do it one time. The people would be up in arms, storming Washington. We wouldn’t stand for it. Don’t get me wrong because this is a slippery slope I am treading on right now. But to have your own children die in your arms, wouldn’t that do something to you. I know my two kids treat me like I am not even their mother at times. But if something like that happened to me, I would be filled with rage. Uncontrollable rage and I would lash out at whatever had caused this to happen. I have to stop and think that these people have been oppressed all their lifes. They have been pushed around and treated sub-human. I take what we have in this country for granted at times. It just dawned on me I need to say a prayer thanking the Goddess for giving us this great Country we live.

Our plate is now starting to become full. But with each of us pulling together, we can accomplish anything. Never forget that. We need to petition our Gods and Goddesses for the people of Syria to have strength. Strength enough to let them say “ENOUGH!” Rise up against the government that is torturing them. Bring a new government to power. One that will treat them like they are human instead of lab rats. We also need to petition that the monsters that did this to them get exactly what they deserve plus a little bit more. How any person could harm a poor innocent child is beyond me? To make them suffer and die such a horrible death? It breaks my heart to even to try to imagine what must be going through that precious baby’s mind. This is one of those situation were I want to scream out for the Universe to strike those dead in their tracks that done these horrible actions. But I know better. Justice will be dealt to these monsters.

One more thing then I will leave you in peace, my brothers and sisters. As we all know 9/11 is fast approaching. I believe that was one of the worse days in all of our lives. Whether you lost a loved one or just watched in horror, it was horrific. All I remember is that I wanted my family with me, close to hold and hug. To tell them so much how much I loved each of them. You never know, that’s for sure. After the bombings, the cosmos ripped open. I know myself and several others felt it. In fact, it liked to have drove us crazy. So many souls, lost, confused, not knowing what happened, wanting to see their loved ones but couldn’t. Light a candle and say prayer this September 11th that all those souls have now found peace. Let us pray they have been happily reincarnated and now walk this plane with us once again. Pray for the loved ones they left behind. Pray that they have had the strength and courage to move on, as their loved ones would have wanted. Time passes, some of the pain eases but there will always be that hole in their heart. Pray for the families’ that lost that special loved one. Pray for the souls that were taken so quickly from us. Bless them all that they might find peace and comfort in our Great Mother’s arms.

Blessings to this world that we live,
We pray that one day we will all know
peace and love in our heart for each other.
Until that time arrives, Oh, Mighty Goddess,
teach us tolerance, patience and most of all
love for our fellow man.
So Mote It Be!

Blessings, Peace & Comfort,

Lady A

Do You Remember……..

The Dove Of Peace

Copy the Dove
Paste into Your Reply 
Take the Dove to your Group
Help send Peace around the world

I went back to our old group yesterday. I ran across “The Dove of Peace.” I hadn’t seen her in years. It seemed sort of strange I would find her now. I go back and forth to that site all the time. But this is the first time, the Dove actually popped out at me. Perhaps there was a reason it did.

I know there is a horrible mess in Syria. I also know the President and a few others are ready to drop bombs on this country. Personally, I have a very bad feeling about this. I feel so bad for the people in Syria. Just stopping and thinking that their government would do something like that to their own people, makes me sick at my stomach. I can understand the President wanting to take action against the Syrian government. But we are trying to get out of two wars we are already in. Which I don’t believe we will ever completely get out of. We will have to maintain a military force in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

It is horrible to say but it seems like we have turned into a country of war-mongers. Or perhaps I am totally wrong about this. You know opinions are like a**holes, everybody has one, lol! If Obama thought he could have gotten away with it, he would have already bombed Syria. I think he finally realized he doesn’t have that authority. Thank the Goddess!  Our forefathers definitely knew what they were doing on that one!

After the last two wars, of which I think only one of them we should have fought (Afghanistan). I think it is time for the U.S., to become a peaceful nation again. Bring all of our soldiers home. Let them return to their families. Let them rest for they have gave so much for this great country of ours. Let them rest and most of all let them know peace again.

Let the U.N. step in and talk over. Let the U.N. decide if Syria needs action taken against it. Then let the U.N. call up it’s military forces. Of course, we make up about 88% of. But let the U. N. do it’s job. That’s why it was formed. Let it do its job!

I think that some of our Leaders need to stop beating the war drums again. We need to ask the Goddess or what Divinity you honor to give our leaders a cooling off period. Let them come together with the U.N. and decide what is appropriate to do. Not go off on our own and take actions into our own hands. Let us pray that cooler heads will prevail. Pray for peace, my fellow witches. Pray for peace. Then while we are praying for Peace, let us also pray that the Syrians that have done this gets exactly what they deserve. There is more than one way of handling a situation like this. Pray that those son of a bitches that dropped those chemical weapons on those poor people get exactly what is coming to them. Let them know the suffer and horror those children felt and their parents.  Pray they get what is coming to them plus some extra.

It is in our hands, we can turn this whole situation around. You ought to have realized that the last two times I ask us all to pray and petition as a community. It didn’t surprise you when the Boston bombers were caught so quickly. It didn’t me because that is what we petitioned for. You see when we combine our powers there are no limits to what we can do.  I am asking you once again to Pray and Petition that cooler heads will prevail in Washington. And also the monsters in Syria get exactly what they deserve. Also, my family, pray the peace will rule over our great Nation and nations everywhere. Pray that our grandchildren will never have to fight in a war. Pray they won’t even know what the word “war” means.

Take the little Dove of Peace and place it somewhere on your site. Let it remind you to pray everyday for Peace. Pray for Peace, my family! Pray for Peace!

Calendar of the Sun for January 30th

Calendar of the Sun

30 Wolfmonath

Day of Pax

Color: White
Element: Air
Altar: The same as yesterday’s Concordia ritual, except with a cup of clear water instead of milk.
Offerings: Work for peace, in the home or outside of it.
Daily Meal: Fasting today, in honor of those who are caught in war.

Pax Invocation

Peace is not an easy thing to maintain.
It is not strong; it falls away
With an upraised hand or an angry word.
It is an act of constant balance.
It is true that there is peace in solitude,
If the cacophony of the mind will allow it,
But it is no true peace if the mere voice of another
Can so easily destroy it, like a child’s paper castle.
Peace must be achieved within the group of voices
Or it may as well be a mere pastime.
Peace must be more than a sanctuary;
It must be the work of every hand.
And yet it cannot be kept by force,
But it can only be achieved by understanding.
True peace does not come after victory,
For victory requires one  and one to lose,
And a true peace can only be found between equals.
Therefore, we honor you, Pax, delicate bird
That we must protect and sustain with our strength.

(The clear water is poured out as a libation. All sit in silence and on peace, and then go. There can be discussions today, but all who disagree must go into the discussions ready and willing to make peace, and see beyond their differences.)


[Pagan Book of Hours]

Special Kitty of the Day for Spring Equinox!

Za'rour, the Cat of the Day
Name: Za’rour
Age: Eight months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Orange Tabby
Home: Damascus, Syria
Hi there, my name is Za’rour and my name is Arabic for “Hawthorn.” When I first heard this name I told myself “what kind of name is that???” then I understood that the sound of my name is similar to the Arabic translation for “Mischievous.” Still, I do not know how my parents chose this name, I mean I am so kind and gentle, my voice is hardly heard too, and I do not disturb them at all, unlike my cat-friend who keeps nagging and running around the house. Humans are strange.

Anyways, let me tell you more about me, I remember being so skinny and weak before, but now I am so fluffy, healthy and handsome. I also remember having a family of four cute sisters but now all I care about is my human family, especially mommy who loves me so much to the extent that she is ready to wake up when I do just to play and cuddle with me, although she works so much and she’s most of the time tired, I really appreciate that.

I also love the fact that she always gives me treats when I behave, and man those Salmon treats are sooo delicious.

In a nutshell, I live a life that most of other cats would envy, I am pampered, taken-care of – although I hate the bathing and nail-clipping part of the care I get – and I would never think of leaving this wonderful family I have.