Hints for Success Spellcasting



Success in spellcrafting, as with any art, comes from practice and patience.
Medieval monks didn’t learn to brew world-renowned beverages overnight, nor did
da Vinci create a masterpiece without making some mistakes. So, be patient with
yourself in honing your magical arts and follow these suggestions to help get
over the rough spots:

Bring as many of your senses into the magical procedure as possible to clarify
and delineate its purpose(s).

Always visualize your intentions in detail while you work.

Repeat spells whenever you feel the need. Each reiteration provides supportive
energy for manifestation.

Phrase the verbal component to be geared toward your specific intentions.

If you are uncomfortable with vocalizing spells, you can mentally recite them
just as effectively. Remember, thoughts are words uttered inwardly.

Eliminate, substitute, or augment any prop/focal you desire.

Be certain to maintain the congruity of meaning.

Use the timing as a guideline, not as an edict. Any time is the right time for

Make notes of your successes and failures. These memos will prove immensely
helpful in the future.

It is not necessary to use all the props and focals listed in devising your
spell. In fact, trying to do so would probably make the spell unmanageable
(unless you have three hands). Choose only those items that intimately sym-
bolize your goals, and that you feel are necessary to the spell’s construction.

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To Do I Vow To Do My Best

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Focus can be powerful

When used for spell or charm

But too much focus gone awry

Can cause both woe and harm.

Today I vow to do my best

To let go of obsession

What I crave’s not good for me

And I have learned my lesson.

I seek to walk a balanced path

Of healthy wants and needs

I ask the Gods to lend me strength

And grant me my release.

So Mote It Be.

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The Witches Magick for October 21st – Letting Go Of The Past


Letting Go Of The Past

Items You Will Need:

White or black candle

Bowl of water


Sometimes our pasts can hold us back from moving forward into our futures or keep us from enjoying our present. This spell is intended to help you let go of yesterday so you can move on.

Light the candle, then wash your hands (a symbol of washing way the past) and dry them on the towel. Then say the spell:

“I pledge this day to do my best
To put the past behind me
Walking straight with head held high
So fortune’s favor finds me.”
“Yesterday is gone and done
Tomorrow lies before me
I will not let myself be found
By history’s faded story.”
“No longer looking toward the past
Except for lessons learned
I’m moving toward the future now
And all that I have earned.”

So Mote It Be.

Ethical Spell-Casting

Ethical Spell-Casting

by Skye Alexander

Whether simple or complex, all spells involve focusing the power of intention to produce outcomes. Your intention not only provides the fuel that energizes a spell, it also colors the spell. As discussed in Chapter 1, your motive for doing a spell determines whether it’s “white” or “black” magick, or somewhere in between.

There’s nothing wrong with doing “gray” spells — most spells, in fact, fit into this category. It’s not incorrect or selfish to use your magickal talents to improve your lot in life. However, a wise witch always examines her reasons for casting a spell before she takes any action. Sometimes the only difference between a gray and black spell is your intention. Let’s say, for example, you want a certain job. It’s logical to do a spell to improve your chances of landing the position you desire. But if your spell intentionally causes someone else to lose the job so you can take over, that’s black magick.

Black magick doesn’t always involve the ritual of casting a spell. Many people perform black magick without even realizing it. If, in the heat of the moment, you curse someone or wish something bad to happen to him, you’re doing black magick.

It’s also important to feel good about the spells you do. Witches have different opinions and preferences when it comes to working magick, and although certain practices may not be wrong, they might not be right for you. For instance, some witches engage in sex magick, but it’s not for everyone. Stay within your own comfort zone.

Witches subscribe to a few general guidelines that constitute morally responsible spells. Here are the basic spellcraft “don’ts.”

  • Don’t design a spell that might harm another person or interfere with his free will.
  • Don’t cast a spell that includes components or methods that violate your own personal taboos or ethics.
  • Don’t work with languages or symbolic items that you don’t fully understand.
  • Don’t do spells if you are ill, angry, or otherwise off-center, as this can affect the outcome dramatically.

If you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll avoid the problems, pitfalls, and unpleasant ramifications that can sometimes accompany spell-casting.

Good Blessed Thursday Morning to my wonderful family & friends!

(Wow, it is finally Friday! This seems like it has been a loooong week. Way to much going on in the world and personally. I hope you are planning on a nice relaxing weekend. I am!!!)

Well I figured I would just leave the graphic and opening message. I have run a day ahead all week long. Sure indicator I am definitely ready for Friday to get here, lol! Please, Friday hurry! All the other info on this post is correct. I am sorry again but like I said it has been a loooong week and now my bubble is bursted 😦

Just a couple of reminders real quick……The spell for Washington to get its act together ends tonight. Then we will wait a day or two to see if any effects result from the spell. I know it was a mild spell. But these days, when it comes to the Government, you have to be careful what you post. Websites are being monitored and we really don’t want the CIA carrying any of us off. We would have to be smuggling in a saw in a batch of wands. So if by Monday or Tuesday of next week, we will try a more potent spell. It won’t be posted on the net. I have never been in jail and don’t won’t to go. Neither do I want the site closed down. But I think Washington is starting to make some progress perhaps not as quickly as we would like but what can I say?

I think one group that has stepped up during this whole mess deserves to be mentioned in our prayers. That is the Fisher House. It is pitiful that a private organization has to bail the Government out of their obligations. Thank the Goddess for them though. They stepped up and helped out our grieving military families. I know I am going to thank the Goddess for them and also ask that She bless them. Thank you, Fisher House, for being their when you are needed most!

Lastly and I will get to work…..It is that time of the month again for us to update our Pinterest site. After the dailys have been posted today, we are going over there to update and keep our site current. As you know if you don’t post so often the sites are shut down. You know us we wait to the last minute to do anything. So if you want to come over and check the site out, come on. We will be there working our little rumps off.

Now off to work, I go!

Have a fantastic Friday and a safe & relaxing Weekend,

Luv & hugs,

Lady A

The Witches Spell for Sept. 17th – Spell To Keep Evil Away


Spell To Keep Evil Away

Items You Need:

Black candle
Black Cord

This spell can be done as a general insurance policy and the black cord can be put on your altar or in a bag hung up over the entrance to your home. If you truly feel under attack, you can use a long cord and wrap it around your waist (under your clothes) or use a short one and tie it around one wrist. To make it extra powerful, use three thin cords and braid them together as you perform the spell.

Use as needed, but this spell is best casted under a New Moon in a formally cast circle. Place all the spell ingredients on an altar or table in front of you, light the candle, and do the actions one by one as you recite the spell.

(Sprinkle Salt on the Cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

With power of earth, block evil’s sway.

(Sprinkle Water on Cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Water clear, wash evil away.

(Hold Cord Carefully Over Candle Flame)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Fire’s heat it must obey.

(Light sage, and waft the smoke over the cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Air protects me as I pray.

(If Planning To Wear Cord, Put It On Now, Otherwise Hold It in Your Hand)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Safe I am and safe I’ll stay

So Mote It Be

Protection Bath Spell Kit $8.95

 These Protection Bath Spell Kits are help aid you in protection yourself or your living space from negative influences and energies. These bath spell kits are highly effective when the instructions are followed properly.

Protection Bath Spell Kit Specifications:

 bath salts

2 candles

1 candle holder

  instructions on their use

Only $8.95

plus shipping & handling $5.95

Total:  $14.90

For your convenience you can use the PayPal button on this page.

To Stop Unwelcome Guests

To Stop Unwelcome Guests

When someone drops in on you at an inconvenient time, you can make him want to leave your house with this spell. Take your trusty broom, put it, with the handle facing the visitor, behind the door of an adjoining room. Soon the person will feel very uncomfortable and leave.

(This is a one-day spell only; the next day the person regains his usual desire to visit you.)

To cut out someone’s visits entirely, cast this spell. At midnight, put your broom across the threshold of the door the visitor uses and say:

“Guard well this threshold.
Guard well this door.
Make sure that (the visitor)
Will cross it no more.”

The Witches Spell for Sunday, February 17th – Three Times Three Spell

Pentagram_by_artgeza_IIThe Witches Spell for Sunday, February 17th

Three Times Three Spell

This is one of the best known binding spells. This three times three spell is to use on people who were corrupt in their ways. It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting it.

“Wind in the north, run through the trees
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
Three times three, set them free, set them free
Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Water of the west, flow to the seas
Three times three, set them free, set them free.”

It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail. The spell may not work instantly; you may have to repeat it for the person to see errors in their ways. Please be sure you’re not being hypocritical, because that may cause negative feedback.




This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business

Relationship  that you no longer wish to be in. It is a fire spell.  To work it, gather herbs of protection and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.) Something written in their own hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing

or a personal object will also do. Put everything into a fireproof container – iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever – and set fire to it as you perform the spell. Add the photograph or a piece of paper with the person’s name on it if you have trouble getting the fire going. It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes. The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain.

Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry. Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person:  gifts, letters, photographs, etc. It is especially important to get rid of jewelry.   Move house if you have to.  Be careful with this spell. It’s permanent, so don’t use it unless you really mean forever. It’s also powerful. The person I used it against had a pregnant wife, and their child was born with a hole in its heart-lived about six months or so and died! . So be careful!

Recite with me here now, and then again if you decide to actually use this spell, but be forewarned is very POWERFUL and the outcome you so desire may not be the case unless you truly meditate and focus beforehand!

” By the crimson and the gold

By basilisk and bloodstone

By the garlic in the fields

By the poppies and what they yield

Invisibly I make my shield

To detect thee and deflect thee

And keep thy harm from me.

By dragon’s blood and salamanders

By horses when their hooves strike sparks

By the dragon breathing flames

From the Book of Life I erase thy names

I cut the cords and unlock the chains

I sever all the ties by which we were bound

And with impenetrable walls myself I surround

Against thy power and its source

Against thy evil and its source

Vesta, Pele, Lilith

Kali Kali Kali

I banish thee forever from me

And any harm from thee to me

Doubles back and tables turned

Thou shalt by thyself be burned

Lilith, Vesta, Pele

Kali Ma Kali Ma

By the power of three times three

I banish thee, I banish thee, and I banish thee

I am set free

So mote it be!”

The Witches Spell for January 9th – A Spell To Ward Off Evil

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments

The Witches Spell for January 9th

Spell To Ward Off Evil


To ward off evil spirits or energy:

In a small jar, place sage, sandalwood, galangal and brimstone herbs. Mix well and sprinkle sea salt on top. Cut a three inch piece of red string, and tie one knot into it, and place it in the jar. Next, place three pins or nails in the jar and close it shut. Light a black candle and say:

“Pins that prick, herbs and string, to protect me now, my guardians do soar!”

Hid the jar in a dark place to ward off any evil.

A Wish Spell


On the night of the new moon, write your wish on a clean piece of paper.

Light a white candle and turn off all lights. Think about the fulfillment of

your wish for several minutes then say:

As I sleep tonight, may the divine power of spiritual love and light grant my wish!

Then think about your wish as you burn the paper in the candle.

Repeat this ritual at the same time on 12 consecutive nights.

If you miss a night begin spell from day one.

Listen and Open Up Spell

Listen and Open Up Spell

A Spell to help someone listen and open up to you.

If ever there is a time that you need someone else to hear what you are saying, try this simple spell. Position yourself so that you are sitting lower than the person you wish to speak with. Visualize a wall between the two of you, a wall that is made of collapsible material. Imagine a sharp object, such as a sword, in your hand and something such as a shield in his/her hand. “Put” your sword down and watch the wall crumble away. In you mind, ask the person to set aside their shield as well. Ask the person to speak what is on their mind. Allow them to talk as long as they need to while you only listen. Their defenses will slowly melt and they will become more open to hearing what you have to say.

Identify a Liar Spell

Identify a Liar Spell

By Ghost Writer

Spell to expose a liar.





Traditionally, copal has been used to cause dishonest people to slip the truth. If you feel that someone is lying to you, or to prevent dishonesty, burn copal and allow it to fill a room completely. Invite the person you suspect into the room. If they lie, they will expose themselves through what they say or by some obvious visual clue.

The Witches Spell for December 23rd: Spell For A Job Promotion

Spell For A Job Promotion

Items needed:

Red or Gold Candle


Use a red or gold candle and do this spell on a Sunday. Repeat these words aloud eight times while the candle continues to burn:

“Like a giant balloon,
To the heavens I soar.
Climbing three steps at a time,
I now make the touchdown score
To claim the job that is mine.
That is waiting for me
What others envy, I now

More Winter Comments

Today’s Magickal Spell for December 19th: Releasing Intense Emotions Spell

Releasing Intense Emotions Spell

Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing with intense emotional family or other issues. By ridding yourself of this excess emotional energy, you will allow your mind and body to stay healthy during this stressful season.


a piece of unlined paper  

a pen  

a black candle  

a bowl of purified water  

sea salt



Light the candle. On the paper write down any fears, frustrations, or concerns   you may be feeling. Let the words come flowing from inside you, do not hold   back. If you feel like saying the words aloud as you write them do so. Once you are finished fold the paper up and burn it in the candle flame. After you   burn the paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it while saying:

“I release these words, I release this tension, I release this  

negativity from my life”

You’re done!


More Wednesday Comments

Ah, so you come looking for a spell, huh? Follow Me Quietly Now, There Be Witches At Work!

Book & Candle Comments

A Spell To Open The Doors of Communication


Have a special someone you wish to contact, an old friend that you’ve had a falling out with, communicate with anyone. You will be amazed at how many way you will be able to use this spell.


Light a blue candle. Write a personal, positive, and meaningful letter to someone your desire to contact. Burn the letter in the candle flame (carefully). As it burns, visualize the person’s face and the goal or message you want to send. Toss some thyme, yarrow or cinnamon on the burned letter. Concentrate on what manner you hope to receive their response. Pick up the remains and scatter the ashes and herbs.

~Magickal Graphics~

Seeking A Spell, Let’s See What We Can Conjure For You Today – Three Red Leaves Spell

Witchy Comments
 A spell to protect the most powerful part of your being, your mind…

Three Red Leaves Spell

This spell is used to protect the mind against things such as nightmares, negative thoughts and ‘invasions of evil.’ First you must gather three red leaves from any tree, plant or bush. Lay them in a triangle on a flat surface. In the center of the leaves, place an already lighted candle, and place a few drops of chrysanthemum oil on each leaf.

Repeat the following chant three times:

“Red leaves, gift from Earth,

Birth to death and death to birth,

Keep all evil far away.

Day to night and night to day.”

Then extinguish the candle and wrap the leaves in a white cloth or pouch. Place this near your bed within three feet of your head and it will stop all nightmares and negative thoughts.

~Magickal Graphics~

The Witches Spell for December 4th: Releasing Intense Emotions Spell



Releasing Intense Emotions   Spell

Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing   with intense emotional family or other issues. By ridding yourself of this excess   emotional energy, you will allow your mind and body to stay healthy during this   stressful season.


a piece of unlined paper  

a pen  

a black candle  

a bowl of purified water  

sea salt



Light the candle. On the paper write down any fears, frustrations, or concerns   you may be feeling. Let the words come flowing from inside you, do not hold   back. If you feel like saying the words aloud as you write them do so. Once   you are finished fold the paper up and burn it in the candle flame. After you   burn the paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it   while saying:

“I release these words, I release this tension, I release this   negativity from my life”

You’re done!

The Witches Magick for Nov. 15th: Three Times Three Spell


To have someone see his errors

This is a three times three spell to use on people who were corrupt in their ways. It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting the spell.


Wind in the north, run through the trees
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
Three times three, set them free, set them free
Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Water of the west, flow to the seas
Three times three, set them free, set them free


It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail.

The spell may not work instantaneously, you may have to repeat it for the person to see error in their ways.