Your Ancient Symbol Card for October 23 is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree


The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for August 28th is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree


The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for August 18th is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree


The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for July 21 is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree

The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for July 13 is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree


The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for June 22nd is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree


The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

A Little About October Birth Symbols

  • October Babies

    “There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.” —Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Zodiac: Libra until October 22 and Scorpio from October 23

    Gemstone: Tourmaline, Opal
    Tourmaline is available in many colors — and many stones are bi-color or tri-color, containing multiple hues. It is often referred to as “the gemstone of the rainbow,” and signifies love and friendship. Opal means “precious jewel.” Like the tourmaline, it’s often multi-hued, and it signifies faithfulness and confidence.

    Flowers: Marigold and Cosmo
    The marigold brings a message of undying love. The other October bloom is the cosmo, which symbolizes peace and serenity.

    Tree: Rowan, Maple, Walnut


    October’s birth flower is the pumpkin bloom. Just kidding—it’s actually the marigold. Marigolds are often given as a sign of warm or fierce, undying love, or as a way of saying that you’re content with being with the recipient. The other October flower is cosmo, a symbol of order, peace, and serenity.


    October Birthstone – Opal

    The Opal is the birthstone of October. The name, “Opal”, means “to see a change in color” and might make one drift off to daydreaming and envision a rainbow following a summer rain. Ancient monarchs treasured the opal mainly for its protective powers. Thus, they were set in into their crowns and worn in necklaces. The opal dates back to prehistoric times and according to Arabic legend, fell from heaven in a flash of lightening.

    The Latin word, “opalus”, means precious jewel, and that it is. It contains up to thirty percent water and must be protected from harsh chemicals and heat. If not, they can cause the opal to dry out and may lead to a loss in its luster and cracking. It can also be broken very easily and must be guarded from any knocks or blows. The opal is made up of a non-crystallized silica, that can be found near the earth’s surface, typically in areas where geothermal springs once existed. Opal is mainly found in Australia, where ninety-five percent of the world’s black and white opals are mined. They are also found in Hungary, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and Canada.

    For centuries, before time was even recorded, the discovery of precious gems within the Earth’s crust inspired many. With each discovery, humans believed that there was a cosmic connection and energy emitted from these gemstones. As time went on, they became symbolic of certain times within the year. The calendar we are all familiar with today, the Gregorian Calendar or Western Calendar has a stone symbolic for each month of the year. For those offering these gemstones as gifts to their loved ones, they have been believed to possess magical or healing powers, or sometimes seen as a gift offering protection. Each of these precious stones are unique not only in their compositions, but their energies and strengthening powers.

    The gift of an Opal symbolizes confidence and faithfulness and can be used to ward off nightmares. They have even been ground and ingested for healing properties to treat issues relating to the eyes. It has also been gifted to those going into battle for protection and utilized to ease child birth. It symbolizes hope, loyalty, happiness, innocence and purity. It should be stated that the most common of all opals, recognized by its pearly iridescent hues of aqua and baby blues and pinks, should be given as a gift to only those born in October, otherwise they can be a token of bad luck. However, lucky for other lovers of the October birthstone opal, the opal ranges in many colors and shades from all over the world. Another form of opal known as fire opal is transparent of orange and red colors with flicks of yellow, but the most valuable are that of the black or gem opals, which showcase one or more colors against a background of black.

    Other Symbols of October:

    October Flower:

    The Candula. It is usually associated with grief, sorrow and despair.

    October Birth Trees:

    The Rowan, Maple and Walnut. The Rowan tree will guard against enchantment, and was also used in the art of metal divining. The berries of the Rowan tree feeds birds during long winters and have a pentagram shape. This shape is an ancient symbol of protection. Due to the berries shape, it is no surprise that it has also been referred to as the “Witch Tree”.

    Famous People Born in October:

    Zac Effron- October 18, 1987

    Kate Winslet- October 5, 1975

    Suzanne Sommers- October 16, 1946

    Susan Surandon- October 4, 1946

    Jeff Goldblum- October 22, 1952

    Charlton Heston- October 4, 1923

    Usher- October 14, 1978

    Peter Tosh- October 19, 1944

    – See more at:

Blowing in the Wind Spell [Element of Air]

Lovely breezes and windy days can be used to connect with the magical element of Air and this magick charm is one that anyone can easily do for themselves and their friends. On a breezy day, find a piece of blue material or ribbon and tie one end to a fence, a tree branch or a clothesline.  Then, as you watch the ribbon fly and wave in the wind, repeat these words out loud,

“Blow laughing winds from North and South, from fairy lands and East to West, I’ll be happy as I say send me magic every day,”

You can leave the ribbon there for as long as you like and add any others to it for a magickal message to family and friends.


Witches Magick for Tuesday, April 22nd – Plant A Tree Spell

Witches Magick for Tuesday, April 22nd – Plant A Tree Spell


Plant A Tree Spell

Balled and burlapped trees should never be carried by the trunk but always by the ball. Dig the hole three times as wide as the root ball but no deeper than the top of the root ball. Remember to remove twine or wires. Soil should be compacted around the ball not overly tight so that it prevents water from seeping through the peat moss, compost, and topsoil. Water the tree after planting and repeat this spell:

Bless this tree I plant today.
And for generations may it stay.
Always strong and growing tall.
Providing beauty and shade for all.

Water the tree once a week when there is no rain, and a bit more often during hot summer months, repeating the spell, substituting “water” for “plant” in the first line.

Llewellyn’s 2006 Witches Spell-A-Day Almanac

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Feb. 14th is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


The Tree                       

 The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Calendar of the Moon for January 1st

Calendar of the Moon

1 Luis/Gamelion

Day of the Rowan Tree

Color: Light grey
Element: Earth
Altar: On a cloth of light grey set a vase of rowan twigs, gathered ahead of time and forced into budding, dried rowan berries from the preceding year, a single red candle, a pot of soil, seeds, a bowl of water, and a bell.
Offering: Plant seeds. Keep your dreams alive.
Daily Meal: Vegan. Red food.

Invocation to the Green Man of the Rowan Tree

Hail, Green Man of the Winter!
Rowan tree of the mountains,
Slender of stalk and many of leaf,
Sacred berries that break any spell
And ward any home,
Red as the ochre of our ancestors,
Red as the food of the gods,
Brigid’s pride, magical branch,
Protector of doorways,
Protector of children,
Expunger of evil,
Fire of the forge,
Floods across the plain,
Duck who rides the flood,
We hail you, sacred rowan tree,
Green Man of the Winter,
On this the time of your dreaming.

I rise with the sap,
I feel the deep spark,
I find joy in the cold,
I bend with the winds.

(Each comes forward and plants a seed in the pot of soil, saying, “Hail Green Man of the Earth!” Water is poured onto the pot, and then the rest is poured out as a libation. Ring bell and dismiss.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Dec. 11th is The Tree

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Tree

The Tree symbolizes spiritual health and growth. The healthy tree is rooted in a rich, nurturing medium, has a strong trunk from which leaf laden branches fan out to capture the sun’s energy. The Tree represents a healthy spirit entrenched in experience and strengthened by wisdom. It is a spirit that is happy with itself, but continues reaching to become even wiser, more complete, happier, stronger. While The Tree represents a strong and independent spirit, it is also a life-force that owes much of its strength and growth to being surrounded by other healthy spirits.

As a daily card, The Tree denotes a time when your spiritual self is especially powerful and open for further growth. Now is a time for you to seek out streams of wisdom and knowledge that you can not only draw from but contribute to as well. Don’t disregard sources that seem improbable, as they often produce the most profound revelations and spiritual expansion.

Calendar of the Sun for December 9th

Calendar of the Sun

9 Yulmonath

Evergreen Day

Color: Dark green and red
Element: Earth
Altar: Bare, with a red cloth. This is the day when evergreens are brought into the house from outside, to honor the spirits of the forest. All will go out at the beginning of Sponde and gather armloads of them, and bring them in to be laid in great heaps upon the altar.
Offerings: Put food outside for the forest spirits.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian

Evergreen Invocation

Hail to the Spirits of the Wild!
Hail to the life of the trees
Who do not sleep, but are awake and alive
Even through the coldest of winters!
Hail to the oldest, those who stood their watch
Long before tender leaves grew
On the branches of your descendants.
Hail to you who show us life
Even in the midst of death,
Hail to you who give us scent
Even in the midst of sleeping.
Hail to you who give the creatures
Of the wild their winter sustenance
And shelter among your branches.
Hail to the Wild Men, the spirits
Who danced through the houses of our ancestors
Bringing your blessings to the people.
Now we shall warm you in our home,
Until the time comes that you shall warm us.

Song: Evergreen: Song for the Wild Men

(All shall then take the evergreen branches and disperse them through the house, making wreath and garlands and hanging them wherever the blessings of the wild spirits are needed. A Yule tree is decorated on this day, with symbols of our faith.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Ritual Tools That Won’t Break the Bank

Ritual Tools That Won’t Break the Bank

Author:   Bronwen Forbes   

We’ve all seen them, either on EBay or some online Wicca supply shop – or even the Pagan bookstore in our own town: ritual tools and altar pieces that are apparently only for the independently wealthy. Well, seeing as how I am still a full-time student, i.e. broke, I’ve been searching for alternative sources for ritual tools and other altar accoutrements priced reasonably enough to guarantee I could afford to eat meat for the rest of the month. I’d like to share them with you.

My first stop was, believe it or not, my local Wal-Mart. And if the items mentioned below can be found in my Wally World out in the middle of southwestern USA nowhere, I’ll bet they’re at your Wal-Mart, too.


I remember a few years ago that tree branches given a “spiral” look by having a grapevine grow around them were quite the popular item at various Pagan gatherings. Unfortunately, these polished, um, sticks were priced at seventy dollars each, if not more! Ouch!

Even here on the edge of the great Southwestern desert, we have trees. Which means your chances of having access to free wand material are even better than mine. Find a tree you like, either because it’s your favorite kind (oak, maple, etc.) or because it’s located near your home and you think it’s friendly, or whatever. Note: if the tree is not on your property, get permission before you cut a branch or two. Also note: get permission from the tree before you start chopping. Tradition holds that a wand should be the length of the owner’s arm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow. Let the wood “cure” for a season or two; carefully remove the bark, and presto! Free wand!


If you’re not totally into the traditional athame, which is a double-edged blade with a black handle, Wal-Mart is your new best friend. If you’re drawn to kitchen witchery (herbalism, cooking, food spells, etc.) , the housewares aisle has a plethora of really nice kitchen knives (and I mean pretty darn nice) starting at around three dollars each. Or you can check out the hunting and camping department. They had some wicked (and I mean that in a good way, of course) hunting knives, averaging around fourteen dollars apiece.

Either way, these are much cooler, cheaper and more practical (!) than the easily bendable mermaid-shaped athame with Austrian crystal eyes for twenty bucks on EBay.


If you’re very lucky, once or twice a year there will be some sort of arts fair in your town. These fairs attract a lot of potters. Potters like to make chalices, and will sell the ones where the glaze “didn’t come out quite right” for five to ten dollars. And then you have a handmade, one-of-a-kind chalice!

If you’re mostly lucky, there is a paint-your-own-pottery shop nearby. For about five dollars per painting session and three to ten dollars for the cup, again, you have a one-of-a-kind chalice that you glazed yourself. How cool is that?

However, there is always our friend Wal-Mart, which sells something call tea goblets. Tea goblets are basically short, fat wine glasses with very little stem and lots of cup space. Last Friday I noticed a choice of green or brown tea goblets for $2.22 apiece, or a box of four clear ones for about nine dollars. They looked pretty nice!


Assuming you don’t want to pay at least $40 for a brass or copper disc with a pentacle etched on it (and since you’re reading this, I’m guessing that’s a pretty fair assumption) , again, you’ll find everything you need to make a nice wooden one at Wal-Mart. A wooden disk six inches in diameter costs $.97 and can be found in the craft aisle. A protractor (assuming you don’t have one left over from geometry) costs about a dollar. Craft paint is also pretty cheap!

Or, you can forego the wooden disk, find a nice free round-ish, flat-ish rock somewhere, and paint a pentacle on that.

Even if you have absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever (like me) , it’s not that hard to draw a perfectly symmetrical 5-pointed star (that’s what the protractor is for) , and then paint over it.


Wal-Mart sells soapstone stick incense burners for just under $2. They’re not fancy, but they’re nice. If I didn’t have a plethora of wooden ones all over the house, I’d probably get one (I think the wooden ones breed when I’m not looking!) . They also sell reasonably nice cut glass candlesticks for about $3 each. In the potpourri section (usually near the fabric/craft section) they have potpourri-replenishing oils. I wouldn’t use the oils straight, I’d mix them with a small bit of unscented baby oil, but they smelled pretty good.

If you just can’t bring yourself to shop for ritual and altar items at Wal-Mart, don’t panic! Check out garage sales, flea markets, junky little antique stores, and estate sales. With a little time, effort, and patience, you’re very likely to find exactly what you want for next to nothing – like my prized pentacle-shaped cast iron pot trivet that set me back a whole three bucks at a junky antique store.

A ritual tool is not made more powerful by a high price tag or fancy decoration, but by use, by respect, and by intent. Let me give you an example: when I found myself unexpectedly living alone a few years ago, I went to the local flea market to pick up some kitchen items. I was broke, but I needed pots to cook in!

One of my finds was an old white enamel pasta pot for next to nothing. It came with a few dings in the enamel, but I have proudly served my coven many a soup, stew, or lasagna whose noodles were cooked in that pot. That pot is practically part of the coven, now. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Calendar of the Sun for November 15th

Calendar of the Sun

15 Blutmonath

Nidhogg’s Blot

Color: Black
Element: Earth
Altar: On a black cloth set several bare tree branches in an earthenware vase, a horn of mead, and the figure of a dragon.
Offerings: Pieces of wood with the name of a missed duty scratched on them.
Daily Meal: Tree fruit such as apples or pears or cherries or peaches.

Invocation to Nidhogg

At the base of the great World Tree
Dwells a black dragon
Whose name is Nidhogg,
Whose sole task is gnawing
At the roots of Yggdrasil.
As quickly as it gnaws away,
New growth comes forth
In a never-ceasing spiral.
At the base of each soul
Dwells a black dragon
Whose name is Conscience,
Whose sole job is gnawing
On our blithe thoughtlessness.
As it gnaws and forces us
To do what should be done,
It clears away our disorder
And allows for new growth
In the tangle of our lives.
Teach us, gnawer at the roots,
How to listen and decide.

Roots of the Tree,
Hidden, mysterious,
Reveal them to me,
Dragon of Earth.

(Each person shall snap a twig from the branches on the altar and take it with them, laying it under their pillow to remember Nidhogg and their own consciences. The mead is passed around and shared, and the remainder poured out as a libation to Nidhogg.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for October 24th

Calendar of the Moon

24 Gort/Puanepsion

Apaturia Day 3: Koureotis

Color: White
Element: Air
Altar: Upon a white cloth set the carved root of a tree, the leafy branch of a tree, scattered seeds, a bowl of water, a loaf of bread, and either fresh milk or nourishing herbal tea.
Offerings: Oneself, to the Order.
Daily Meal: A feast of any correct foods of the harvest, prepared for all.

Koureotis Invocation

Hail to those who have come together today!
Hail to those who live outside the Houses,
Yet follow the Rule as best they can,
Spreading the seeds of our Light beyond our walls.
(One comes forth with a handful of seeds, and gives them out to the lay members who have come to the House on this day, and says, “Take these with you, and plant them well.”)
Hail to those who are like the branches of a tree,
Reaching for the light, seeking for grace,
Who come to us like birds alighting,
Perhaps to stay and nest, perhaps to fly away.
Hail to you, and may you touch that Light
With your outstretched arms.
(The tree branch is carried around, and all Branch members brushed with the water.)
Hail to those who are rooted here,
Flesh and bone, heart and soul,
Giving up their lives for this our Life.
Hail to those who are the ground beneath our feet,
The stone beneath the field, the mountain
Beneath the path that climbs. Hail!
(The carved root is carried around, and all Root members are touched with water via the root.)
Bring forth those who would enter,
Who would come further, who would go deeper!
Bring them forth and hear their vows!
(All cry, “Bring them forth!” and those who would enter the Order as lay members are brought forward, and then those who would enter the Houses as Branch members, and then those who would take Root vows. Each in turn makes their vows before all.)

Song: Blessing Song


[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Sun for October 20th

Calendar of the Sun

20 Winterfyllith

Festival of the Boychild

Colors: Any mix of bright colors
Element: Water
Altar: Lay cloth of bright colors. On this day, let boy children below the age of puberty come into the house and lay upon the altar their most beloved toys, and hang pictures that they have drawn, and set on the altar what food they would offer, of their choice, to be provided by the house.
Offerings: Give gifts to boy children, especially of time and attention and companionship.
Daily Meal: What the boy children choose, so long as it is within the eating rules of the house.

Invocation to the Sacred Boychild

I sing the song of the Boy Child,
Rising with the dawn,
Eyes full of wonder,
Spirit like a kite riding the winds,
Spirit flying among the gulls and swallows,
Golden with the light of all beginnings,
Explorer of the old seen anew,
You breathe possibilities.
By breath and scent, by bud and blossom,
By hands that play and feet that wander,
By eyes that see and touch the sky,
We hail you on this day,
Spirit of the Boychild
Who lives within each of us.
Spark of fire that will one day be a flame,
Rushing, tumbling brook that will one day
Become a river and roar into the ocean,
Leaping sapling who yearns to be a tree,
Climber of trees who will one day be
The climber of mountain peaks,
We hail you on this day,
Spirit of the Boychild
Who lives within each of us.
May you fill us with laughter
And with mischief, and wonder,
And the bright days of springtime
That rise with the dawn in our souls.

(All drum and dance in a circle, including those boy children who wish it.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for October 16th

Calendar of the Moon

16 Gort/Puanepsion

Day of the Blackthorn Tree

Color: Dark Blue
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a dark blue cloth set a vase of blackthorn twigs, a single dark blue candle, a knife, a pot of soil, herb seeds, a bowl of water, and a bell. Several wooden staves lean against the altar.
Offerings: Plant seeds. Face conflict.
Daily Meal: Vegan

Invocation to the Green Man of the Blackthorn Tree

Hail, Green Man of the Autumn!
Blackthorn tree of the hedges,
Whose thorns dissuade cattle
And intruders from trespassing,
Tree of the walking staff
Whose name is Strife
And whose job is Boundary,
You teach us that sometimes
Guardianship can lead to battle,
And that not everything can be held
Peacefully, be it land or goals
Or objects or rules or values.
Sometimes there will be strife
By the very nature of the universe,
Which encompasses both equally
And sees conflict as the necessary
Adjustment that points out our blindnesses.
Tree of thorns, hulking and sullen,
You will not stand to be mistreated
Or taken advantage; your nature
Does not lend itself to yielding.
We hail you, sacred blackthorn tree,
Green Man of the Autumn,
On this the day of your bloodshed.

(Let one who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual arm themselves with a staff, and guard the altar. Each approaches the altar, and is swung at; they take up a staff and meet the blow with it. After this they are allowed to approach and plant a seed in the pot of soil, saying, “Hail Green Man of the Earth!” Water is poured onto the pot, and then the rest is poured out as a libation. Ring bell and dismiss.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Sun for October 16th

Calendar of the Sun

16 Winterfyllith

Laufey’s Day

Color: Green
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon cloth of pale green set a miniature willow tree in a pot, a goblet of fruit wine, five yellow and green candles, many mugs of some nourishing herbal tea, and many plates of nourishing oat-cakes.
Offerings: Plant trees.
Daily Meal: Tree fruits, soup and bread, herbal tea from tree-leaves.

Invocation to Laufey

Laufey, Wise Goddess, I hail You.
Mother of Loki, Nurturer of the flame,
I honor You.
You are rooted and ancient wisdom,
The strength of the trees that wind their roots
Deeply into the earth,
Of rich dark soil,
Of solitude, and seasons,
Dissolution and quiet change.
You are patient endurance,
Wise weaver of the threads of fate,
Luck-warder, mother of warriors,
Fierce defender, skilled healer.
All of these things You have been.
You restore and rebalance.
You sustain
And grant to Your children
The enduring strength of the forest,
The quickness of flame,
The swiftness of light, liquid and untouchable.
Lady of the Leafy Isle, no ornament
To Farbauti’s hall but to Your own alone
Wherein You shine, ever shall I speak Your praises.
Hail, Laufey.

(One who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual shall bring forth the oat-cakes and herbal tea, and all shall eat and drink of Laufey’s generosity. The wine shall be poured out as a libation, and then all should go forth from the House to plant trees in some place that is needful of them.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Good Blessed Thursday Morning to my wonderful family & friends!

(Wow, it is finally Friday! This seems like it has been a loooong week. Way to much going on in the world and personally. I hope you are planning on a nice relaxing weekend. I am!!!)

Well I figured I would just leave the graphic and opening message. I have run a day ahead all week long. Sure indicator I am definitely ready for Friday to get here, lol! Please, Friday hurry! All the other info on this post is correct. I am sorry again but like I said it has been a loooong week and now my bubble is bursted 😦

Just a couple of reminders real quick……The spell for Washington to get its act together ends tonight. Then we will wait a day or two to see if any effects result from the spell. I know it was a mild spell. But these days, when it comes to the Government, you have to be careful what you post. Websites are being monitored and we really don’t want the CIA carrying any of us off. We would have to be smuggling in a saw in a batch of wands. So if by Monday or Tuesday of next week, we will try a more potent spell. It won’t be posted on the net. I have never been in jail and don’t won’t to go. Neither do I want the site closed down. But I think Washington is starting to make some progress perhaps not as quickly as we would like but what can I say?

I think one group that has stepped up during this whole mess deserves to be mentioned in our prayers. That is the Fisher House. It is pitiful that a private organization has to bail the Government out of their obligations. Thank the Goddess for them though. They stepped up and helped out our grieving military families. I know I am going to thank the Goddess for them and also ask that She bless them. Thank you, Fisher House, for being their when you are needed most!

Lastly and I will get to work…..It is that time of the month again for us to update our Pinterest site. After the dailys have been posted today, we are going over there to update and keep our site current. As you know if you don’t post so often the sites are shut down. You know us we wait to the last minute to do anything. So if you want to come over and check the site out, come on. We will be there working our little rumps off.

Now off to work, I go!

Have a fantastic Friday and a safe & relaxing Weekend,

Luv & hugs,

Lady A