Calendar of the Sun for February 27th

Calendar of the Sun

27 Solmonath

Day of the Elders

Colors: Grey, silver, and purple
Element: Earth
Altar: On cloth of purple, grey, and silver place three lit grey candles scented with cypress, a branch of yew, a silver chalice of fruit juice, and a silver tray of frosted white cakes.
Offerings: Food or other aid given to organizations that give aid to elders. Offer to spend time helping or keeping companionship with an elder.
Daily Meal: Allow the three eldest members of the community to choose the meal.

Invocation to the Elder Spirit

Hail, Old One,
Crone and Wise Man,
Silver of hair
And adamant of spirit,
Aged like fine wine
Through years of experience;
You who watch the young ones grow
And remember their path
And tell them the pitfalls ahead,
You who have made a friend
Of changing Time,
You whom Saturn has blessed
With a double circle,
You who keep the mysteries
And the secret knowledge,
You who mentor and teach,
Show us how to walk gracefully
Into the sunset of life.

(The chant for this day should be a wordless harmony. First the cakes are passed around, served in order of age, eldest first; then the juice is likewise shared. Then each member of the community, starting with the youngest, goes before each member who is past their second Saturn return, or if there are none the eldest among them, kneels, and asks for their blessing. After the next eldest has asked for the blessing of the eldest, the ritual is ended.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Dealing with psychic attack

                          Dealing with psychic attack
Zhahai Stewart

What to do if you think you are being attacked.

1 – Question if it is really either imagination, or coming from within
yourself.  Something may be trying to get your attention, but it may not be
external, and by focussing on an external “enemy” you may be missing the

2 – Check to see if you are yourself inadvertently sending something out;
maybe someone is just reflecting some energy back!  Nothing is gained if you
get into adversarial mode in that case.  Many people have been taught that
reflecting is the proper response.

3 – Put up a grounding shield.  Ground it out, send it to the Mother who
can recycle the energy.  Grounding is usually taught to every student. If you
don’t feel you can be a “conduit” safely, ground it by reflecting  it
downward to the Earth; that is a big target and easy to hit.  By  grounding
it out, you are protecting yourself, yet not being caught up in it.

What not to do.

1 – Figure out who is sending it and counter attack.  You might be wrong,
and may be starting a feud.  You might be right, but they may not realize
that they are “sending” so you may start a feud or cause unnecessary harm.
Even if you are right, you are escalating a feud, of which we have too many.
This is commonly discussed as a bad idea.

2 – Put up a reflective shield which will return the energy to the sender.
This is commonly discussed as a good idea, but we disagree.  We think this is

For one thing, it is not necessary; if you can make an accurate return
reflection, you can certainly reflect it to Earth instead (where it can be
recycled).  There is no reason you should not be able to ground out more
energy than you can accurately reflect to the sender, if viewed properly.

For another, your accuracy in returning it may be less than perfect.  You
might hit close but not close enough; if you can’t reflect it to earth, you
are going to have trouble reflecting it to an unknown person.

Sometimes this is discussed as if once you return it, the sender will just
stop; because they will awaken to what they are doing, or because the
returning energy will be too much to handle. The thing which is seldom
mentioned is that if the sender (assuming there is one) was consciously
attacking, they will likely already be prepared with their own mirrors, etc.
Great, if we put near perfect mirrors at each end and pump in energy, maybe
we can get a psychic laser effect; guess who is just on the other side of the
mirrors to catch the intensified leak thru?

If they weren’t aware of sending, they will probably just assume they are
being attacked and take countermeasures.  If they follow the 3 steps above,
fine, nothing is damaged.  But many of them will immediately think they  have
to put up a defensive mirror, or maybe worse (see below; they may decide to
teach you a lesson for attacking them).  Few people naturally respond to
perceived attacks positively (especially if they are in such a bad mood
already as to be sending without even realizing it).

Another serious concern is getting drawn into a unacknowledged feud by       your
own weaknesses.  It is often agreed that one should reflect back exactly
what is received, without adding anything of one’s own.  But the same people
who advocate that may use terms implying “returning it with enthusiasm”.
There appears to be an easily tapped source of self-righteousness in most
people feeling attacked, and it is _very hard_ not to get drawn into
imagining, at some level, the satisfying effects of the energy going back to
the attacker; that draws one into a “counter-attack” even without realizing
it.  Grounding it does not.

Watch for yourself when people are discussing “returning to sender”; see if
there isn’t very often a hidden desire for revenge or retribution lurking
there grasping for their “control panel” – and deflecting their normal
attempts at staying centered by claiming to do no more than is “justified”.
Justified is not the question; self knowledge and balance are.

There is another thread which shows up often in discussions like these; the
need to “teach the sender a lesson”.  In some cases, I have even heard this
justified as “protecting the community”.  This way lies many… ….PRINT D did
the goddess give you an “agent of threefold return” marshall’s badge, that
exempts you from any consequences “because you are just an agent”?  That
hubris is gonna teach some hard lessons, but the self appointed marshall may
be the major recipient.  It would be a little bit healthier to just shed the
self-righteousness and call it an ego driven feud.  “Teaching them a lesson”
gets filed under the pitfalls of righteousness, the ways that one’s own
weaknesses seduce one.

Also consider, what if despite your initial impression, the negative energy
is really coming from inside, from part of you?  Are you going to be better
off “reflecting it back” (maybe with additional conscious or  unconscious
oomph) or grounding it?  “Gee, I returned it but good, and now  they have
stepped it up; the sender really needs a lesson!”.  That may be more true
than you know, bucko.

Notice that nowhere do we say that one has no “right” to put up a
reflective shield; of course one does, and is fully justified.  Also,
possibly, unwise. There is a distinction between what one has a “right” to do
in “self defense”, and what is wise to get drawn into.  Reflecting it is
neither necessary, nor likely to produce positive results, but if _that
itself_ is the lesson to  be learned, what can I say?  Each chooses their own
path, and that is as it should be.  At least if one has considered the above,
one should know what they are stepping into.

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A Little Humor for Your Day – You might be a redneck if…

You might be a redneck if…

Your dad walks you to school because you are both in the same grade.

You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie at the House of Tattoos.

You have flowers planted in a bathroom fixture in your front yard.

Ya can’t get married to yer sweetheart ’cause there’s a law against it.

You dated one of your parents’ current spouses in high school.

You think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk.

Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.

You can change the oil in your truck without ducking your head.

When you run out of gas, you put gin in the gas tank.

Your screen door has no screen.

Aha Jokes

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Obtaining Herbs: Growing

Obtaining Herbs


Growing your own herbs is an intriguing art. Herbs can be difficult to successfully grow, but when they do, you’re rewarded with a plentiful supply of flowers, leaves, seeds, barks and roots.

Any bookstore or library will have good books outlining the basic steps in growing herbs. Find one and utilize the information in it, taking into account local growing conditions. Most nurseries and department stores stock herb seeds and starter plants.

Magickally guard herbs when growing them by placing small quartz crystals in the soil. To ensure that they flourish, wear jade when watering or tending them, or put a piece of moss-agate in the earth.

When the plant has matured or is large enough, begin harvesting by using the basic system mentioned above. Thank the plant and the Earth for its treasures.

Scott Cunningham

The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews

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Starting the Herbs

Starting the Herbs

Herbs can be grown from seeds, cuttings or roots.

If you know someone who grows herbs from seed, see if you can beg or barter a
few seeds from them – why buy a whole packet if you can get just enough for your
needs? Seeds are easy to work with. You can start seeds growing in trays filled
with potting mix – try using egg cartons, paper cups, cut-off milk cartons, or
plastic trays (try take-away food trays, or the kind you buy cakes, etc, in).
Keep the soil damp and preferably have the trays somewhere where they will catch
a great deal of light and be kept warm. Transplant them into a larger container
after the second set of leaves has formed and the seedlings look strong.

If you know someone with herb plants, perhaps they would let you have a few
cuttings. Herbs that grow well from cuttings include rosemary, lavender, mint,
thyme, scented geraniums and oregano. Take the cutting in spring or (preferably)
summer, using a section of stem without flowers which is at least a few inches
long. The stem should be firm enough that it can’t be merely pinched off. A side
branch growing from the main stem of the plant is best. Use shears to remove the
stem, and make a slanting cut below the lowest set of leaves. If you can take a
cutting which has a ‘foot’ on it, so much the better – this means that there
will be more space for the stem to suck up water and nutrients from the soil.
Remove the lower sets of leaves, leaving a reasonable section of bare stem –
this is where the roots will form. However, you should leave a few sets of
leaves at the top of the cutting. Poke a hole gently into the potting mix and
insert the bare stem of the cutting, then press the rest of the potting mix
firmly around it. Water well, and after the first watering keep the soil moist
but not completely saturated. The cutting will be ready to transplant when it
has started to grow more leaves, or when it has formed enough roots that it
resists being pulled out of the ground when you tug very gently on it.

Certain herbs grow best from root pieces – comfrey and ginger being good
examples. Take a healthy-looking ‘finger’ of root, plant it in the soil and keep
it well-watered and in a warm sunny place. The root will grow into a healthy
plant, which in turn can have more root fingers taken from it when it’s mature.

Care of Container Plants
I suggest you buy, beg or borrow a good book on caring for herbs in your own
country, as what you should do with them does vary greatly depending on

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Calendar of the Sun for February 13th

Calendar of the Sun

13 Solmonath


Color: Blood-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Set with a red cloth, and unlit red candles, and symbols of Mother and Father.
Offerings: Written words of thanks for one’s childhood. Be a parental mentor to someone young.
Daily Meal: Soups or stews, and bread.

Parentalia Invocation

Perhaps you gave us life,
Sowed our seed, gifted us with
Your chromosomes and genes.
Perhaps you birthed us
Or were there to greet us
As we entered the world.
Perhaps you fed us, cleaned us,
Held us when we cried,
Sang us to sleep, taught us
Many skills, or perhaps
You merely led by example.
Perhaps you were tied to us by blood
Or by marriage, or simply came
Into our lives when it was needed.
Perhaps you were a parent to our bodies,
Or to our minds, or to our hearts,
Or to our souls.
However it was, you were there,
And we are grateful,
For the flame you kindled
Has warmed us ever since,
And we will pass it on.

(Each steps forward, lights a candle, and speaks the name of a parent, or one who has parented them, and everyone else calls it back to them, as in “I honor Maria, my stepmother who taught me to read!” “We honor Maria!” The next person lights their candle from the last one, until the ritual is over. At the end, all chant in two-part harmony the names they have spoken.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Daily Feng Shui News for Feb. 11th – ‘Satisfied Staying Single Day’

If today’s ‘Satisfied Staying Single Day,’ describes you, then read no further. But if you’d like to find someone special to spend your happily ever after with, you might want to put a red and a yellow candle in the ‘Romance/Relationship’ area of your bedroom. Light these candles for a few seconds each day for 49 straight days. While they are lit, visualize yourself enjoying a burning and passionate love life that will eventually lead you down the aisle. But if you’re satisfied staying single, then definitely skip this tip.

By Ellen Whitehurst for

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Dressing A Candle

Dressing A Candle

Candles have been used for many many years in rituals, to set an atmosphere and help to focus on a desired result of a the ritual.  Here are steps to to take
when dressing a candle for a ritual or for requesting a desired result.When
working with candles, you will see that no two candles are alike, they each
have their own character. (drip, flame, sound )

* Choose the candle to be used : type and color ( green for money, black/
white for cleansing).

* Cleanse the candle from prior energies. Here are some suggestions for
A: Holy water
B: Sea salt
C: Pure soap
D: Baby oil

* Bless / Consecrate your oil to be used.

* State and engrave (if desired) what the candle is to represent (money,
love, job, taking away unwanted habits, etc.)

* Anoint the candle with the oil you have chosen (it is important to focus on
your desire when doing this).
A: — To achieve : start on the top to the middle in a downward
motion(stop) then go the bottom to the middle in an upward motion(stop).
B: — To banish : start in the middle to top (stop) then go from the middle
to the bottom (stop).
Do not use a back and forth motion, it defeats the purpose.

* Bless / Consecrate the candle.

Your candle is now ready to use. Light your candle with an incense of your
desire or deity. Do not use matches, a lighter or incense should be used.
honestly I know not why, just that the sulfur is the problem. But every
book  I have read states this, and I have read many.)

Meditate as long as possible (many don’t have a lot of time past 15min.) on
your desired outcome while your candle is burning. Let the candle burn till the

If and when you need to extinguish your candle, snuff it out or swipe your
hand enough to let the air blow it out. Do not blow or pinch it out. As blowing
it out blows your desires away from you and pinching it out also pinches out
your desires.

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The Witches Magick for February 5th – Banishing an Evil Spirit

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The Witches Magick for February 5th

Banishing an Evil Spirit

Items You Need:

bay leaves
rose petals
white candles
paper and pencil


The Spell:

1. Crush any combination of the herbs and make into an incense to burn during spell

2. Burn white candles while doing the spell

3. Cast a circle

4. Invite deities and or elements

5. Either draw a pentagram on paper or in the air with your wand (for protection)

6. Visualize what you think the spirit looks like, then imagine a ball of white light forming inside of it and expanding until it makes the spirit explode.

7. Say:

“Begone evil spirit,
Begone from my life,
Begone from my house,
I want no strife,
Return to your master,
And bring them the word,
That I am untouchable,
Just like a swift, flying bird.

8. Imagine the spirit leaving you and going back to where it came from and exploding again.

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WOTC Extra – Psychic Protection Bag

Celtic & British Isles Graphics
Psychic Protection Bag

You Will Need:

4 black candles
A small fabric bag in either purple or black
About a tablespoons worth of:
One piece each of:

This little charm bag is a potent Wiccan protection spell that you should keep on you at all times to protect against psychic attacks or other such phenomenon.

The Spell:

Before you use it, you need to assemble and charge up this protection charm. Set the four candles up in holders in the shape of a square. In the middle, pile all the parts of your charm bag. Light the candles and concentrate on their light. Visualize it flowing into the center and filling up the herbs and stones you have there. Repeat the following:

By the light of four,
Harm me no more.

Repeat several times while you charge up the materials. When your satisfied, gather everything together and fill the bag with stones and herbs. Tie it tightly shut and place back in the center of the candles. Do the same visualization and repeat the same words again. When you feel that the bag is ready to go, snuff out the candles and start to carry the charm with you.

Remember that this Wiccan protection spell is intended to block psychic or astral energy, but it will do as a more general protection amulet in a pinch.

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Calendar of the Sun for February 4th

Calendar of the Sun

4 Solmonath

Amaterasu’s Day

Colors: Red, orange, yellow, gold
Element: Fire
Altar: Set with a handwoven cloth in solar colors into which is woven a great sun, and place upon is fire-colored dragons and a figure of Amaterasu the Sun Goddess, and many candles.
Offerings: Rice crackers, cooked rice dyed with saffron, paper origami figures.
Daily Meal: Japanese food, preferably with at least one dish in bright colors.

Invocation to Amaterasu

Summer’s Joy
Queen of the Sky
Giver of Life
To our entire world
Weaver of sunbeams
Into golden robes of finery
Which you drape over us
Each time we emerge
Into your sacred light.
Laugh, Queen of Day!
Laugh and let your delicate
Fingers play across our eyes
That we may blink, and sting
The tears from them,
And open them again to see
Your golden world break
Over the eastern horizon.

Chant: Omikami Omikami Arigato Omikami

(Each person takes a candle and a procession is led from the room, which divides into several groups. Each group goes to a different room in the building and shines the light of their candle into all dark places, corners, closets, under beds and in drawers, bringing light and the gaze of Amaterasu into all places. Then the candles are returned to Her altar to burn down, and are not snuffed until sunset.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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A Little Humor For Your Day – You might be a redneck if. . .

You might be a redneck if. . .

You might be a reneck if…

You’ve ever given a set of Tupperware ice tea glasses as a wedding present.

Your dungarees expose more than half of your crack in the back because the weight of your pocket knife.

Your idea of heaven involves two shotguns and a keg of beer.

You picket your horses on your lawn so you won’t have to mow it.

You’re wearing a camouflage jacket and dipping in your driver’s license pic.

You stop to flirt with the person running the drive through at McDonalds.

You save old kitchen appliances for target practice.

You save old kitchen appliances for children’s Christmas presents.

You get up EARLY on Saturday to go yard sale shopping for entertainment.

Your gun cabinet takes up half your living room.

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Hold An Imbolc House Cleansing Ceremony

Hold An Imbolc House Cleansing Ceremony

By ,

Give your whole house a thorough cleaning at the end of winter.

A clean physical space feels good spiritually.

Be sure to clean your windows so they’re free of winter’s grime.

No one really likes to clean, but we all know we feel better when our physical space is tidy. It’s one of life’s necessary chores. Start your spring off with a good thorough cleaning, and then follow that up with a spiritual cleansing. This is a great ritual to perform at Imbolc — remember that for many of our ancestors, washing came only a few times a year, so by February, a house was probably smelling pretty ripe. Pick a bright sunny day to do a clean sweep, and then invite friends and family to join you in a blessing of your home.

First, do a complete physical cleaning of your house. Put on some music and thoroughly clean every room. Strip sheets off the beds, turn the mattresses, dust every surface, and vacuum every floor. Sort through those piles of paper on your desk, and get rid of things you don’t need to keep; file everything else. Gather up the kids’ toys and put them in baskets for easy storage. If you need to get rid of things, do it now — set aside a box for charity and put gently used items in it. Set aside another box for trash, and see if you can fill it up!

Once your house is clean — and this assumes you did the kitchen as well — it’s time to have some fun. Call up some friends and invite them over for a potluck. Cook up some Imbolc-themed comfort foods, such as Braided Bread or Beer Battered Fish & Chips, and have a small potluck celebration. Ask each guest to bring a small token to bless your house — pebbles, shells, interesting bits of wood, beads, etc.

You’ll also need the following:

  • A bowl of water
  • Some sea salt
  • A smudging bundle of sage or sweetgrass
  • A blue candle
  • Some Blessing Oil
  • A bowl or bag

Begin at the front door — it is, after all, where you welcome guests into your home — and go through the house in a sunwise direction (clockwise). Ask your guests to help you by smudging the perimeter of each room with the salt, sage, candle flame and water. You may wish to say some sort of incantation as they do this, something like:

With the purifying power of water, with the clean breath of air, with the passionate heat of fire, with the grounding energy of earth we cleanse this space.

As you pass from room to room, anoint each door and windowsill with the Blessing Oil by tracing the shape of a pentagram or other symbol of your tradition. This prevents anything negative from crossing into the home. If you like, you can offer a small incantation as you do this, something like:

May the goddess bless this home, making it sacred and pure, so that nothing but love and joy shall enter through this door.

Finally, once you’ve gone through the house, ask each of your guests to deposit their blessing token in your bowl or bag. Keep it in a place of honor in your home — on the mantel or in your kitchen is a good idea. Gather around the dinner table, break out the goodies, and enjoy a feast with your friends and family!


* If you don’t have Blessing Oil, you can use rosemary oil instead. Make your own by infusing fresh rosemary in grapeseed or flaxseed oil.

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Night of the White Candles

Imbolc/Candlemas Comments

Night of the White Candles

Night of lit white candles darkness turned into light
“everything she touches changes”
feast of waxing flame
fire of heart and hearth
fire on the mind
flickering of spark
quickening of air
warming into inspiration
thawing in her innocence
snow into desire
“she shines for all of us
she burns within us all”
sipral heat of life
“she shines for all of us
within us all she burns”
the fires to create
“she shines in all of us
she burns us all within”
awakening arising is her need
“she shines for all of us
she burns within us all”
Her candle is our only source

Poem by: Diane Stein
A Collection of Imbolc Poetry
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The Witches Magick for January 29th – Spell for Banishing and Needed Changes

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Spell for Banishing and Needed Changes

Instructions: Sit in a quiet place that is special to you.
Hold a white or cream candle in your hands and visualize the area of your life that this
candles energy is needed in. After you light this candle the energy will come to you.
It may come right away or when you lease expect it.
When you are ready recite the spell or use your own words of power.

This candle I see before me, its color so bright,
Holds my needs of change in its light.
I call in the forces higher than I
To release the energy that is held inside
May it work for me in the most correct way,
Harming none and helping all as it leaves my stay.
I call on thee in perfect trust and love sending me guidance from above.
This I make happen and so be it will. Take away this thing that brings me ill.
So mote it be.3x3x3


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WOTC Extra – Make Your Own Health Lamp

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WOTC Extra – Make Your Own Health Lamp


This lamp, as with all other lamps, will contain a universal fluid mixture plus a magnet, a personal object from the person the lamp is for, or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. You will place this at the bottom of your lamp and pour your fuel over this and the magnet. Since this lamp is being made for health, we will add the following: one Bottle Of Health Attracting Oil, and one half teaspoon of the following herbs: heal-all, peppermint, eucalyptus, etc. (a combination of five different healing herbs or four herbs and five-finger grass). The prayer used is directed to Our Lady Of Lourdes(used by the French) or St. Joseph (used by the Italians).

To correctly use the lamp, the flame must not be extinguished once it is lit, and as you say your prayers and state your desire, you must shake the lamp in a clockwise direction to get the ingredient in the lamp moving in a clockwise direction. Again this must be done daily and at the same time each day until satisfied.

Remember you can substitute your own prayers instead of using the ones stated here.

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Let’s Talk Witch – Working with Magick Lamps

Witchy Comments & Graphics

Working With Magick Lamps

The type of lamp used to make these magick lamps is the hurricane or kerosene lamps. Like the gris-gris bags, the magick lamps are made for many purposes. The basic fuel used in making these lamps is a blend of castor oil, olive oil and kerosene. Here you will use two thirds kerosene to one third oil mixture. To this basic fuel mixture is added other ingredients which are analogous to the work being done. Here you will add diverse ingredient such as magnets, essential oils, herbs, pepper, red wine, etc.

When properly made, the lamps have excellent results. The results obtained from working with lamps is best when prayers are said as you fill the lamp with more fuel each day at the same time. Once the lamp is lit, it cannot be extinguished until satisfaction is obtained. If you don’t need to fill the hurricane lamp as you say your prayers, then the lamp is moved in a circular motion, clockwise, as you repeat your desire. The prayers which has been given to use with the lamp has always been directed to a particular Saint (Catholic influence).

I see no reason why a person of the Pagan influence can’t use their own prayers invoking the aid of a Pagan God or Goddess.


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Your Daily MahJong Tile for Jan. 21 is Bamboo 2, Symbol: Duck

Your Daily Tile
January 21, 2014

Bamboo 2
Symbol: Duck
The Duck tile symbolizes a long lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness as well. Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the 2 Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship.

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Calendar of the Moon for Monday, January 20th

Calendar of the Moon

20 Luis/Gamelion

Warding Night

Color: Black and orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon cloth of black and orange red lay many bunches of rowan berries, dried from the past year and tied with red thread and a single animal’s bone. Set around the altar many candles in jars that can be carried, and a large bowl of salt water.
Offerings: Offer to protect those you love from harm.
Daily Meal: Can be any food, but it should be put into separate bowls, and all will eat while they keep separate vigils on guard.

Warding Night Invocation

Within these walls no harm shall come.
Within these walls shall set no foot
Intending to do wrong to those inside.
Within these walls shall come no ghost
Or spirit seeking to feed on the
Warm life of flesh and blood.
Within these walls no sorrow
From outside may creep in,
Save that it offer itself to be healed.
Within these walls stands the haven
Of sacred ground, and we shall stand
As guards to protect our sacred space.
Let no one enter lest they understand
That what lies within shall touch them,
And they shall not go away unchanged.
Go now, and guard our home
Like the mother bear protects her young,
Like the mother serpent defends her nest,
Like the father wolf prowls his territory.
We ward this home against all evil
And evil shall be turned by the strength of our hearts.

(Each takes a candle, chanting a wordless chant, and goes to a different part of the house, passing first through the kitchen in order to take their meal. With meal, and candle, and such handwork as they choose to do, each shall retire to a different part of the place alone, or in groups but only if there are enough that each solitary part of the home has its guardian. There they shall wait, and watch, and keep vigil, and strengthen the wards on the home with their minds and the flame of the candle. When it has burned down, or midnight comes, they may retire.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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The Witches Magick for Jan. 16th – Change for the Better Spell

Witchy Comments

You will need for this spell:




A chalice of water

A pile of white stones

A white candle

A pink candle

A blue candle

A violet candle a yellow candle

A poppet

A picture of someone you wish to transform into a better person

For this spell I suggest you use an actual circle of earth, stones or anything else instead of using an athame or incense to inscribe it. Place the white candle in the center of the circle with the blue candle at the north, the yellow candle at the south, pink to the west and violet to the east. Place the pile of white stones in the center of the circle around the base of the candle. To get maximum power into the spell, place your pentacle at the base of the blue candle, you athame at the base of the pink, the wand at the yellow and the chalice at the violet.

Call corners, saluting each direction with your sword, invoking Hapy (N), Imset (S), Duamutef (E), and Quebehsnuf (W), saying each time:

“Hail ______, Lord of the Watchtower of the _____, let your strength be one with mine.”

Place the poppet with the picture tied in place onto the head, into the white candle and say:

“Let the flame of white burn into thee purity.”

Move up to each of the other candles in this order: NWSE, saying:

“Let the flame of blue burn into thee peace and truth

Let the flame of pink burn into thee happiness

Let the flame of yellow burn into thee joy

Let the flame of violet burn into thee insight and intuition.”

Ground power by jabbing your sword into the earth at the center, North and South, saying:

“Circle open, but unbroken.”

Then jab at the West and East, saying:

“Power down, to the ground”

Smother the flames of each candle with the tip of your sword in this order – Center, N, S, W, E.

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