WOTC Extra – Make Your Own Health Lamp

Witchy Comments & Graphics
WOTC Extra – Make Your Own Health Lamp


This lamp, as with all other lamps, will contain a universal fluid mixture plus a magnet, a personal object from the person the lamp is for, or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. You will place this at the bottom of your lamp and pour your fuel over this and the magnet. Since this lamp is being made for health, we will add the following: one Bottle Of Health Attracting Oil, and one half teaspoon of the following herbs: heal-all, peppermint, eucalyptus, etc. (a combination of five different healing herbs or four herbs and five-finger grass). The prayer used is directed to Our Lady Of Lourdes(used by the French) or St. Joseph (used by the Italians).

To correctly use the lamp, the flame must not be extinguished once it is lit, and as you say your prayers and state your desire, you must shake the lamp in a clockwise direction to get the ingredient in the lamp moving in a clockwise direction. Again this must be done daily and at the same time each day until satisfied.

Remember you can substitute your own prayers instead of using the ones stated here.

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The Health Lamp

The Health Lamp

This lamp, as with all other lamps, will contain a universal fluid mixture plus a magnet, a personal object from the person the lamp is for, or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. You will place this at the bottom of your lamp and pour your fuel over this and the magnet. Since this lamp is being made for health, we will add the following: one Bottle of Health Attracting Oil and one half teaspoon of the following herbs:  heal-all, peppermint, eucalyptus, etc. (a combination of five different healing herbs or four herbs and five-finger grass. The prayer used is directed to Our Lady of Lourdes (used by the French) or St. Joseph (used by the Italians).

To correctly use the lamp, the flame must not be extinguished once it is lit, and as you say your prayer and state your desire, you must shake the lamp in a clockwise direction to get the ingredients in the lamp moving in a clockwise direction to get the ingredients in the lamp moving in a clockwise direction. Again this must be done daily and at the same time each day until satisfied.