Night of the White Candles

Imbolc/Candlemas Comments

Night of the White Candles

Night of lit white candles darkness turned into light
“everything she touches changes”
feast of waxing flame
fire of heart and hearth
fire on the mind
flickering of spark
quickening of air
warming into inspiration
thawing in her innocence
snow into desire
“she shines for all of us
she burns within us all”
sipral heat of life
“she shines for all of us
within us all she burns”
the fires to create
“she shines in all of us
she burns us all within”
awakening arising is her need
“she shines for all of us
she burns within us all”
Her candle is our only source

Poem by: Diane Stein
A Collection of Imbolc Poetry
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