It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for 3 days.
If you must put away your tools, try to leave the spell candle out in the open.
Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may be using in addition to your spells candle.
(Black) Love or protection incense is recommended.
While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of the work.
Bathe or cleanse your self. Do not let negative thought enter your mind.
Go your work area. Cast the Circle, light incense.
Envision a large, white ball of light surrounding you, your work area, and your home.
Hold the candle between the palms of your hand and direct all positive energy into it.
Place the candle and prior to lighting say,
“This candle represents protection over me in all things.”
Light the candle and say,
“As the light of this flame grows, I feel the light and positive energy around me.
As this candle burns, everything around me is blessed with light and love.
I am blessed with light and love. Negative energy is banished.”
Sit back and watch the candle burn.
Keep visualizing the white ball of light and protection around you..
Evision your higher self blessing you and protecting you from harm.
When the candle has burned 1/3 of the way down say,
“As the flame of the candle is extinguished…
Evil, negativity, and harm towards me is banished!
Any entity, ghost or spirit her by mistake go into the light and pass on to the world of spirit,
be not afraid as many wait for you there who you have loved and who love you.
Extinguish the candle. But don’t blow it out!
Repeat this for 2 more nights. Bury or throw away the left over wax.

Lesser Ritual of The Pentagram

Lesser Ritual of The Pentagram


One of the most basic and useful ceremonial rituals of magick is called the banishing ritual, or lesser ritual of the pentagram. The banishing ritual is helpful in psychic protection and healing because it forms a protective barrier against evil forces. The psychic barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired (constructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones.

The banishing ritual is an essential first step in almost any formal full magick ceremony. The ritual requires that you use a ceremonial knife, and to “draw” the pentagram in the air above your head.Also, you will be chanting (‘vibrating’) Eh-Ei-He.

Holding your magical weapon extend your arm out straight in front of you. In this ritual you will use the full sweep of your arm to draw the pentagram in the air. Follow the description below by beginning at the lower left and sweeping your magical weapon up toward the right, etc. as shown. Do not bend your arm at the wrist or elbow. While you do this, visualize the lines and eventually the star as vibrant white, floating in the space before you. You are projecting energy to do this, and the result will be a gleaming 5-pointed star floating in the air. Visualize this as vividly as you can. Now you will energize it further by piercing the center of it with your magical weapon and vibrating “Eh-Ei-He”.

One of the primary uses of this ritual is to ward off psychic attack — that is, when another is attempting to harm you, cause sickness, accidents, bad dreams or to force you to do something against your will.




WOTC Extra – Psychic Protection Bag

Celtic & British Isles Graphics
Psychic Protection Bag

You Will Need:

4 black candles
A small fabric bag in either purple or black
About a tablespoons worth of:
One piece each of:

This little charm bag is a potent Wiccan protection spell that you should keep on you at all times to protect against psychic attacks or other such phenomenon.

The Spell:

Before you use it, you need to assemble and charge up this protection charm. Set the four candles up in holders in the shape of a square. In the middle, pile all the parts of your charm bag. Light the candles and concentrate on their light. Visualize it flowing into the center and filling up the herbs and stones you have there. Repeat the following:

By the light of four,
Harm me no more.

Repeat several times while you charge up the materials. When your satisfied, gather everything together and fill the bag with stones and herbs. Tie it tightly shut and place back in the center of the candles. Do the same visualization and repeat the same words again. When you feel that the bag is ready to go, snuff out the candles and start to carry the charm with you.

Remember that this Wiccan protection spell is intended to block psychic or astral energy, but it will do as a more general protection amulet in a pinch.

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