The Witches Magick for February 7th – A SPELL TO BIND EVIL

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments


To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within your mind. It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together. Those are what you are going to release slowly.

Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil. You must imagine yourself undoing the knots or bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed:

“I bind this evil from doing harm
To those around us And itself
I bind it to be free But not harmful.”

You MUST do this slowly.

If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you
or just manifest on it’s evil on the energy you are giving out.
If you plan to do this spell please be very careful and know that it is very draining.

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for Feb. 3 is Evil

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


At its extreme Evil indicates a life force that embodies pure malevolence.  Fortunately Evil in the extreme is very rare. Generally Evil suggests actions taken that challenge our morality and without regard to the harm that may be done to others. The appearance of Evil signifies a time in which someone is acting out of rage, selfishness, ignorance, or, sadly, sating a mean spirit.

As a daily card Evil is a warning that you or your group are the focus of someone’s malice. This is time for you to be very wary of the motives of those who haven’t earned your trust. It is likely you have something they want and they are willing to go to extremes to take it from you

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for Nov. 20th is Evil

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


At its extreme Evil indicates a life force that embodies pure malevolence.  Fortunately Evil in the extreme is very rare. Generally Evil suggests actions taken that challenge our morality and without regard to the harm that may be done to others. The appearance of Evil signifies a time in which someone is acting out of rage, selfishness, ignorance, or, sadly, sating a mean spirit.

As a daily card Evil is a warning that you or your group are the focus of someone’s malice. This is time for you to be very wary of the motives of those who haven’t earned your trust. It is likely you have something they want and they are willing to go to extremes to take it from you.

Daily Motivator for Nov. 12th – Embrace responsibility

Embrace responsibility

Don’t blame others, don’t blame the situation, and don’t blame yourself.  Instead of wasting your energy on assigning blame, empower yourself by accepting  responsibility.

The way you experience life is no one’s fault. It is your choice.

Fully accept and embrace responsibility for all that surrounds you, and  something amazing happens. You gain the power to make a positive difference.

If you run from the troubles, they grow stronger and chase you more and more  relentlessly. Yet the moment you take responsibility for those troubles, you  begin to have some control over them.

If you merely wish for your dreams to come true, they won’t. Yet when you  step up and take responsibility for bringing those dreams to life, they begin to  take on real form and substance.

Responsibility is the key that gives you access to all the best life has to  offer. Embrace responsibility in all things, and unlock the great value that is  yours to live.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

The Nature of Good and Evil?

The Nature of Good and Evil?

Author:   Crowshadower   

Good and Evil are concepts that are used by certain established religions to enforce their way of thinking. Remember that, according to some of those religions, we are Evil simply by virtue of not being part of their faith. How, then, can any Pagan hold on to these concepts while seeking to explore his or her own faith?

Let me just say that what I seek to discuss here is Good and Evil, not good and evil. The difference is quite great, as a perfectly ordinary human being can commit an evil act or a good act without necessarily recognizing any fault. Evil and good are a matter of perspective. But Evil and Good, with the capital letters, are grandiose abstracts.

One of the first things that I learned when I became a pagan was that Good and Evil do not exist as the great abstract powers that I was always taught about in church, nature (in paganism) being a matter of balance rather than opposition. Recently, however, I have heard individuals of the Pagan persuasion talking about Evil entities in exactly the same way Christians would describe devils and demons. It has made me wonder, not whether Good and Evil truly exist, but whether any of us can really escape the heavy-handed religious teachings of our childhood.

There is a reason why I say that Good and Evil do not exist. It’s quite simple, really: Have you ever seen an Evil animal? An Evil stone or tree? No, because in nature there is only motivation and action. Balance is maintained because it is the way things work. Humans have been led to believe that because we are cognizant, we are better than animals. This is the source of the idea of Good and Evil; our ability to think about our actions beyond the instinctive level is taken to mean we have greater control over ourselves, which is true to a certain extent.

Being capable of thinking about our actions should mean that we are able to accept the consequences of our actions and not blame an abstract concept of Evil or Good. It is easier to excuse an ill thought or downright malicious action by saying ‘The Devil made me do it’ than to admit that you are at fault. It is easier to say ‘He’s just plain Evil’ than to realize that society is failing a lot of people and allowing psychologically disturbed individuals to go unnoticed (In these cases, perhaps the nature of Evil is apathy and complacency, of which we may all be guilty.)

When I hear intelligent Pagans talking about Evil or Good entities, I have to ask myself if there is not some misunderstanding. All the spirits and energy entities with which we work have their own motivations (which they are very unlikely to disclose). There are malign beings who will use the unwary to suit their own goals, but that makes them no more Evil then any human being seeking to use another to meet their ambitions. People do morally abhorrent, stupid, ignorant and pointless things every day, but they are not necessarily labeled as Evil: just human. Why should spirits be any different simply because they are incorporeal?

I don’t claim that spirits are the same as living humans, but they exist when we are not calling upon them, and so must have their own reasons for doing things. Perhaps if we understood their drives and aims a little better, we would be more selective as to how, when and who we called upon to aid us in our workings or we might find that we could allow ourselves more freedom in our communications with Otherworld inhabitants.

So, what of the nature of Good and Evil? As Pagans we should not use these terms, but rather acknowledge that intent, motive and action are all part of free will and that by choosing to act in a particular fashion, we also choose to accept the consequences for what we do, be that physical or metaphysical.

By proclaiming ourselves to be Pagans, we have rejected the established religions that preach of Good and Evil, telling their followers of what glory or damnation await in the next life and that the absolution of all acts in this life that can be achieved through their chosen devotions. There are reasons for these established faiths to maintain their belief in Good and Evil, but I cannot think of one that is positive. These concepts are used as a ruler with which to rap the knuckles of unruly followers, rather then expecting the faithful to learn through discussion and explanation. Good and Evil are the religious equivalent of ‘It just is’ giving no further reasoning and offering the believer no leeway in which to make up his or her own mind.

I know as I write this there will be a number of you who are thinking about Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini, etc. Even theyweren’t Evil and by thinking that they were, we give more power and importance to such individuals than they deserve. Most of history’s monsters are misrepresented by the documentation, or they were so mentally disturbed that it is a wonder that they could function on a day-to-day basis at all. Yes, their actions were evil, but in most cases they had delusions that it was for the greater good of their people or nation. Only later were they consumed by their own addiction to power.

Paganism is meant to be as much about thinking for ourselves in all aspects of life as it is about worshipping the Gods of our ancestors. When a Pagan uses Good and Evil, he or she brings into his/her thinking something that belongs to book religions that seek followers who do as they are told, rather than thinking believers willing to argue and change what they think. When you are researching and studying, remember that when a writer uses the words Good or Evil, you need to look beyond and find more information from different sources and perspectives because that source is not providing you with enough information.

Your Charm for October 18th is Solomons Seal

Your Charm for Today

Solomons Seal

Today’s Meaning:   

This aspect needs to be lightened up a bit, things are getting to serious. Some humor or even a bit of flirting could lighten the tone greatly.

General Description:  

The use of this, one of the most ancient charms, dates back to the commencement of our present civilization, and was in use previous to the Jewish dispensation. The symbol has been used in almost every religion, and was considered all powerful, efficient, and the perfect sign of the absolute. The triangle with the apex upwards symbolized all that was good and the inverted triangle all that was evil, and the two combined in the device portrays the triumph of good over evil. The seven discs represent the seven then known planets. This charm was worn to protect the wearer from every description of mischief and danger, and was a preserver from all evil.

The Law of Return


The Law of Return


The Law Of Return

The Law of Return means that what you do affects what happens to you. If you do good, good is going to happen to you; if you do evil, evil will happen. The Law of Return exists in every religion in one form or another. In some it’s given a multiplier. Good and bad are said to come back upon you three- or tenfold.

The Ethics of Self Responsibility

Simply put, We and only we, are responsible for our own actions. In Wicca, there is no “The devil made me do it.” We don’t believe in devils.

The Ethics of Self Improvement

The desire to improve the world around us, guided in part by the Law of Return. Ecology, teaching and preaching tolerance, racial harmony and reverence for the arts and history, and living one’s life toward peace are important examples. Only by being constant in our learning, and growth, do we help prevent intolerance.

The Ethics of Attunement

Divinity is within us and around us, and becoming in-tune with this power is a major facet of Wicca.

1. We, in our Self, are divine. No one is in control of us except us.

2. The Gods/other powers are divine. The gods/goddesses are more like parents, and less like the god of Christianity.

3. Earth is a living being. Each individual being, plant, animal or mineral on Earth is a part of that being. Everything has a spirit of its own.

taken from ” The Five Points of Wiccan Belief,” laid out by Universal Eclectic Wicca

The Witches Spell for Sept. 17th – Spell To Keep Evil Away


Spell To Keep Evil Away

Items You Need:

Black candle
Black Cord

This spell can be done as a general insurance policy and the black cord can be put on your altar or in a bag hung up over the entrance to your home. If you truly feel under attack, you can use a long cord and wrap it around your waist (under your clothes) or use a short one and tie it around one wrist. To make it extra powerful, use three thin cords and braid them together as you perform the spell.

Use as needed, but this spell is best casted under a New Moon in a formally cast circle. Place all the spell ingredients on an altar or table in front of you, light the candle, and do the actions one by one as you recite the spell.

(Sprinkle Salt on the Cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

With power of earth, block evil’s sway.

(Sprinkle Water on Cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Water clear, wash evil away.

(Hold Cord Carefully Over Candle Flame)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Fire’s heat it must obey.

(Light sage, and waft the smoke over the cord)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Air protects me as I pray.

(If Planning To Wear Cord, Put It On Now, Otherwise Hold It in Your Hand)

Avert, avert, avert, I say

Safe I am and safe I’ll stay

So Mote It Be

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1 candle holder

  instructions on their use

Only $8.95

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The Law of Return

The Law of Return

The Law of Return means that what you do affects what happens to you. If you do good, good is going to happen to you; if you do evil, evil will happen. The Law of Return exists in every religion in one form or another. In some it’s given a multiplier. Good and bad are said to come back upon you three- or tenfold.

The Ethic of Self-responsibility
Simply put, We and only we, are responsible for our own actions. In Wicca, there is no “The devil made me do it.” We don’t believe in devils.

The Ethic of Constant Improvement
The desire to improve the world around us, guided in part by the Law of Return.
Ecology, teaching and preaching tolerance, racial harmony and reverence for the arts and history, and living one’s life toward peace are important examples. Only by being constant in our learning, and growth, do we help prevent intolerance.

The Ethic of Attunement
Divinity is within us and around us, and becoming in-tune with this power is a major facet of Wicca.

1. We, in our Self, are divine. No one is in control of us except us.

2. The Gods/other powers are divine. The gods/goddesses are more like parents,
and less like the god of Christianity.

3. Earth is a living being. Each individual being, plant, animal or mineral on Earth is a part of that being. Everything has a spirit of its own.

A Synopsis of Evil

A Synopsis of Evil

Author:   Bryce 

Within the Pagan community, we tend to avoid discussing the topic of evil. While many of us accept the idea of at least some form of karma or retribution, we do not generally dwell in depth on it. Indeed many of us were raised within the “mainstream” religions that focused all too much on the topics of sin and Satan. Thus we try to stray from these concepts and instead focus on the “brighter” side of things.

Yet as human beings, we cannot deny that there is a certain level of evil and negativity in our world. We also cannot reject the simple truth that we ourselves often take part in such acts. So how do we, as Pagans, react to this concept? How can we come to understand it and combat it?

Now I cannot and would never tell you what to believe. Spirituality is a journey, and we must come to accept it and understand it on our own terms. Thus what I have provided here is my understanding of evil. If you agree with it, that is wonderful. If you cannot quite accept it, that is just as well. Either way it is my intention that this perspective will give you new-found strength in dealing with and understanding evil in your own life.

What Is Evil?

Over the millennia, evil as accrued many different titles, the most popular of which among the Western World is sin. However no matter by which name you call evil, its nature is the same. Evil is the conscious choice to turn ourselves away from the Divine. We hear this a lot in Christianity under the summary that “sin separates us from God.” While this is true, for Pagans it is not quite the whole of it.

Many Pagans view the Divine as being within Creation. Thus the Creator and its Creation are one. In this light, then, the meaning of evil begins to take on a new identity for Pagans. While evil separates us from the Divine, it moreover separates us from our Divine-selves. This self is the Divine spark that lies within us and connects us to the great All. Thus in choosing to commit evil, to act so that we go against this notion of solidarity, we cut ourselves off from the Divinity within us.

In accordance with this, we now have a Pagan understanding of evil: a choice that fails to recognize our Oneness and thus separates us from our Divine-selves.

How Does Evil Exist?

If we can accept that the Creator is within its Creation, therefore making it one, we encounter another puzzling question: If the Divine is perfection and the perfection is here, how can evil exist within it? In truth, the answer to this question is the same as what prompted it.

The Divine is within everything, including us. As such, the Divine seeks to work through us that we and others may come to experience it. Thus we, and all other life, are co-creators of our own reality. However we are different from other life on this planet in that we are reasoning beings; as humans we have the ability to decipher what is right and wrong.

This gives us options: we can choose to work for the betterment of Creation, or we can choose to work only for ourselves. It is when we choose the latter that we allow evil into our lives, for no longer are we working for the Whole but only the singular.

What Prompts Evil?

Only we can ultimately decide to allow evil into our lives and our world. Yet we know that there is a certain prompting, a certain push toward evil that is often involved in our choices. Like evil, this too has been known by many titles, such as Satan and demons. However I would like to present a revised understanding of this concept, one that does not view it as a being but rather as a natural human condition.

In the natural world, both energy and matter flow through the path of least resistance. The human psyche seeks to do the same. It wishes to follow by the easiest path in order to get what it desires. However this route is not always the best, and we may end up harming others. Therefore, while we are provoked to do what is most convenient, we must remember that we are reasoning beings. We must do what is right rather than what is easy. If we fail in this, then we allow evil to enter our lives.

For example, while it may be easier to steal the apple rather than paying for it, we must use our reasoning abilities to discern what the just path is.

How Is Evil Combated?

This is a question that has been tried and tested over many thousands of years. From confessing your sins to a priest to allowing an aesthetic Yogi to pay for your wrongs, religions the world over have found their own ways to eradicate their practitioners’ evil. Yet what about in Paganism? What do we have that allows us to move beyond this state and back into alignment with our Divine-selves?

Most of us would say that we have some understanding of karma and that we will pay for our evil acts. However, while this may help us recognize them, it does not necessarily get us to move beyond these actions. To do that, I believe that we must look again at a reoccurring theme in this essay: Oneness.

If we accept that the Divine is within Creation, we must accept that it is also within evil. To absolve evil from us and from our world, then, we must seek the Divine within it. If we allow ourselves to revisit our acts and instances of wrongdoing, we can invite the Divine into these experiences and look for its messages and teachings.

There is something to be learned in everything, even the most heinous of crimes. If we open ourselves up to these Divine lessons, we can pass them on not only to ourselves but to others as well; thus we can help prevent the same evil from being reintroduced into our world. And it is in this act that we leave behind our evil, our sin – for we have turned it from selfish evil to love that will benefit the Whole.

The Great Irony

There is a great irony in all of this, of course. While evil may be done, it can never prevail. Energy spent on evil is useless, for it ultimately benefits no one. As we can tell from the natural world, Creation abhors anything useless and therefore makes it useful, whether it is through the decaying of dead organisms or the evolution of a species. Thus it is with evil. It is useless, but the Divine may make it useful in the form of lessons and teachings. Therefore the only way that evil can ever win is if we, the reasoning co-creators of our reality, let it.

My Advice

What I have presented here is a summary of my thoughts on and reasoning behind the concept of evil. Whether you accept all or any of it is up to you. However, this is my hope for you: take your negatives and create them into positives. Live life not by what you have done but rather by what you have learned. Above all remember that in the Divine—no matter how you perceive it—all things are possible.

Slán leat

The Witches Spell for Friday, Oct. 26th ~ To Rid A Room Of Evil Spell


Light a cinnamon incense stick in the center of the room and walk to the
north east corner or wall. Say:
“Earth and air, purify to good, blow away evil.”
Draw a pentagram of smoke and use the incense stick to stab through the
center. Walk to the Southeast corner of the room and say:
“Air and fire, blow away evil, burn away pain.”
Repeat the pentagram and stab the center, then walk to the Southwest part of
the room. Say:
“Fire and water, burn away pain, wash away fear.”
Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the Northwest part of the room and say:
“Water and earth, wash away fear,
bury all negativity, purify to good.”
Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the center of the room. Point incense
stick to the sky and say:
“As Above…” Now drop an ash from the incense and say: “So Below”



To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within your mind.
It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together. Those are what you are going to release slowly.
Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil. You must imagine yourself undoing the knots or bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed:
“I bind this evil from doing harm
To those around us And itself
I bind it to be free But not harmful.”

You MUST do this slowly.
If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you
or just manifest on it’s evil on the energy you are giving out.
If you plan to do this spell please be very careful and know that it is very draining.

Daily OM for August 15th – Sweetening a Sour Apple

Sweetening a Sour Apple

When a Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch

by Madisyn Taylor

When dealing with negative people we can choose not to respond to their behavior and allow our positive behavior be an example.

Because life requires that we interact with different personalities, it is not uncommon for us to encounter a situation where there is one person whose behavior may negatively impact the experiences of others. Someone who is loud and crass can interrupt the serenity of those who come together to practice peace. A disruptive worker can cause rules to be imposed that affect their colleagues’ professional lives. A team member who is pessimistic or highly critical may destroy the morale of their fellow members. And one “bad apple” in your personal life can be a potent distraction that makes it difficult to focus on the blessings you’ve been given and the people who love you.

There may always be people in your life who take it upon themselves to create disruption, foster chaos, stamp out hope, and act as if they are above reproach – even when, in doing so, they put a blight on their own experiences. But you don’t need to allow their negativity and callousness to sour your good mood. Often, our first impulse upon coming head-to-head with a bad apple is to express our anger and frustration in no uncertain terms. However, bad apples only have the power to turn our lives sour if we let them.

If you can exercise patience and choose not to respond to their words or actions, you will significantly limit the effect they are able to have on you and your environment. You can also attempt to encourage a bad apple to change their behavior by letting your good behavior stand as an example. If your bad apple is simply hoping to attract notice, they may come to realize that receiving positive attention is much more satisfying than making a negative impression. While you may be tempted to simply disassociate yourself entirely from a bad apple, consider why they might be inclined to cause disturbances. Understanding their motivation can help you see that bad apples are not necessarily bad people. Though bad apples are a fact of life, minimizing the impact you allow them to have upon you is empowering because you are not letting anyone else affect the quality of your experiences. You may discover that buried at the very heart of a bad apple is a seed of goodness.

The Seventh REDE – Healing the Earth


And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion,
honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

The wheel of the year turns round and round, but not each turning is the same.
The acts of men and women return threefold multiplying both goodness and harm.
Moondaughter taught her students that we have a responsibility for adding to the
goodness in the world by the way we live our lives.

Human Freedom and Human Evil

The natural cycle is a balance of cold and warm, darkness and light. But
Moondaughter did not consider those evil times that come in the history of human
society — the Burning Times, the Holocaust, etc. — to be part of the natural
cycle. Those times she saw a the product of human actions and human choices.

Human freedom is a great gift from the Lord and Lady; it is our inheritance as
Their children. But that freedom allows us to choose to act without honor or
compassion, without beauty, reverence or humility, and when we do we bring the
evil times closer.

Human freedom also allows us to choose to act with honor and compassion. it
offers us the chance to not only banish the evil times, but to invoke a world of
peace and harmony — a world in which the beauty of nature is reflected in human

Achieving such a world may take many lifetimes, but we do not face this task
alone. Every man and woman who acts with honor and compassion adds to the
goodness in the world.

The Wounded World

The world we live in today is a wounded world, a world in need of healing. Out
task, as children of the Lord and Lady, is to bring healing to that world by our
actions, by our relationships, by our love for all of Their children. Because
each of us is a part of the web of life, the wounds of the world are also our
own wounds, and we cannot heal the one without also healing the other.

Moondaughter dedicated her life to healing this world. Her every act was a
gesture in a great spell to invoke beauty and strength, power and compassion,
honor and humility, mirth and reverence into the lives of her students, and
ultimately of all men and women.

Today Moondaughter’s name is not remembered, except among those few whose lives
she touched. No doubt Moondaughter is pleased by this, as she never sought
recognition for herself. But if ever a child brought joy to the hearts of the
Lord and Lady, it was Moondaughter.



To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within your mind.
It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together.
Those are what you are going to release slowly.
Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil.
You must imagine yourself undoing the knots or bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed:
“I bind this evil from doing harm
To those around us And itself
I bind it to be free But not harmful.”
You MUST do this slowly.
If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you
or just manifest on it’s evil on the energy you are giving out.
If you plan to do this spell please be very careful and know that it is very draining.

The Realization Spell

The Realization Spell
Spell to Make Someone Realize and Feel the Hurt They Caused You


Write the person’s name and what they have done to you on a small piece of paper.
Light it from an alter candle and drop it to burn away in the cauldron.
Stand before the alter, the ashes in your right hand, and say:

Wolf and horse, old signs of might.
Lend your strength to me this night.
The pain and grief they so easily give,
Must be returned so they may live,
To know and feel what they have done,
And change their ways, with harm to none.
Send back the pain, teach them this night,
And help them to do what they know is right.

Go outside, and throw the ashes to the winds, knowing that they will realize what they have done to you.

Meditation on the Pentacle and Earth

Meditation on the Pentacle and Earth

Into a dark world comes the dawn, the start of a new day coming from the East. The powers of Earth spring from the same source. Buds burst forth into new growth. Animals come out to look at the world as it blooms again and fill their bellies once more, the starvation and hunger of winter at an end. The Earth is our foundation and our stability as we learn to frolic and play.

The powers of Earth are vast and abundant. When she is angry, the ground shakes and trembles, warning us to change our actions and helping to shake us free from standing around and watching life pass us by. The gifts she gives are boundless.

If this element were to be placed on the face of a clock, following the path of the sun, it would be in the east, at dawn, when time is new and the earth is just beginning to burst forth with new life. It is a light, creative time that holds the promise of the day to come.

Similarly, the moon rises in the west, and if a witch wished to follow the lunar cycle, the element would be placed there. The new, waxing moon is a time of promise of things to come. It is a time of bringing things into being and manifesting growth into the world. This is the time of the Maiden, of the Huntress, those who hold the reins of creativity and inspiration.

The earth, for a witch, is symbolized by the pentacle. It may be as elaborate or as simple as is meaningful. Simple rocks have been used along with things as complex as sun catchers, crystal plates, and hand thrown pottery. It is the foundation to all a witch’s works and all her spells and magick. It helps to keep them stable and able to work their magick and let go of themselves into ecstatic states, knowing they will find their way back.

If a stone is to be used, the best kinds are ones that are found out on one of the walks or trips that the witch takes. Tumbled or polished ones will work, but they are somewhat distracting from the natural ties that the pentacle has to the earth at times. If you want a shiny one, purchase a small rock tumbler (Most are less than $20.00) and tumble the rocks that you find outside on your own. Granite also works well, if there is a source nearby, since it has both a rough surface and a glossy one.

Marble is another choice, if available, that is a good option if a fancier pentacle is desired. Since the pentacle represents the north and is the stability that a witch ties her spells to as she casts them, it is the anchor point for a circle. Make certain that your pentacle is sturdy enough to take the strain of these things before you acquire and consecrate it.

Copyright © 2000, Jet Blackthorn

I am a Witch

The origin of this in unknown, since it has been passed as a e-mail forward for so long. Please enjoy and post this message to not take the credit away from the anonymous writer. Thank you, KaiaPythia

I am a witch. I do not worship Satan.

I am not interested in Satan.

Satan was invented by the Christians.

Satanism is a form of Christianity.

I am not a Christian.

I don’t go to church on Sunday.

Jesus is NOT my savior.

He was simply a holy man who lived 2,000 years ago.

I am not afraid of going to Hell because I don’t believe in Hell any more than I believe in Satan.

I believe in reincarnation; that I will come back to this world or another and live out another life.

I am not evil.

Telling people I am a “good witch” or asking me if I am a good witch implies that there are evil witches.

There are evil people in the world, and there are people who chose to work with the forces of nature in a way that harms others; those people are NOT witches.

The central law of being a witch is: “if it harms none, do as you will.”

Please don’t ask me about sacrificing cats or desecrating churches. I love my cats, and I don’t go into churches or synagogues unless a friend from that religion invites me to some special occasion.

And if I DO enter a church, I am not struck by lightning.

And if a Christian or a Jew or a Buddhist came to a pagan ritual, our gods would not strike them dead either.

Isn’t that something to think about?

Wearing a pentacle is no different than wearing a cross, crucifix, or Star of David.

If you want me to take off the symbol of MY religion (and Wicca is a religion, protected by the same First Amendment rights as other religions) because it’s offensive, you need to make everyone of every religion do that.

The five points of the star signify the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire & Water, and the fifth point is Spirit; encircled by the World.

How that can offend anyone boggles my little pagan mind. An image of a tortured, dying man is more offensive, yet thousands of people openly wear crucifixes every day.

Also, don’t ask me if I’m in a “coven” in that half-horrified, half-fascinated tone of voice.

If I want to talk about my coven, I will bring it up.

If I am a solitary practitioner, I have no coven to discuss.

In any case, our rituals have candles, food, drink, poetry, dancing…yes, there is a knife but it only cuts the air, not anyone’s flesh.

I don’t drink blood.

I am not some kind of vampire.

I wear black because it keeps negativity away and because it looks better on me than orange and purple polka dots.

If you want to ask me something related to MY religion, ask me when the next full moon is.

Or the next Blue Moon.

Or what a blue moon IS.

Ask me about herbs.



Even ask me to make you a love potion.

But I don’t cast spells on other people and I won’t cast a spell on you to make you prettier, thinner, more desirable.

And I won’t cast a spell on your quarry to make him/her love you. Trust me, you don’t want that, you don’t want the karma that involves, and neither do I!

That’s a form of manipulation, taking away someone’s power, infringing on their free will.

Not nice at all.

And I also won’t cast a binding spell to make someone STOP doing something to you.

Spell work is about co-creation. A witch works with universal energy, with the gods, to tilt the engine of probability somewhat.

Need money?

Don’t try to ensorcel your boss to give you a raise. Simply ask the universe to increase the flow of abundance in your direction.

That infringes on NO ONE’S free will.

One last thing: giving me a book about the Burning Times is like giving a book on the Holocaust to a Jewish person.

It’s not funny and is rude.

Yes, I do go to Salem, but not because any of those Poor executed people were witches (I think the jury is still out on some of them), but because there’s cool pagan shops there.

If there were cool pagan shops in a town called East Cowflop, I’d go there.

Please don’t try to make me ashamed of who I worship and what I am.

Please don’t try to convert or “save” me.

Don’t throw holy water on me.

Don’t leave little pamphlets on my desk or windshield. I don’t need to be saved.

Witches are proud of that fact that we don’t recruit people to become witches.

We simply ARE, and those around us see how we think, how we act, and our inner peace, and only when someone says “how do I become a witch?” do we take them into the fold with us.

I will NEVER leave a religious tract with anyone.

I don’t have one, unless you count this letter.

And I am not asking you to convert.

I am only asking you to understand.

If you don’t want to understand, just leave me alone.


Goddess Comments & Graphics


Hail to Lilith, Lady of the night!
Your long hair flows outward,
Melding into the shadows
And your black eyes are ancient,
Deep with magic and secrets.

You are powerful and free,
No other being is your master.
You fly upon the wings of night,
And the owl carries your messages.
Since beginning times, you were there.

No man can tame you,
For why should you be tamed?
To be your own ruler is your nature.
The weak ones of mankind
Were afraid of you and called you Evil

Every inner demon
And dark shadow in the night
Has been ascribed to you, Goddess.
But your power and wild beauty
Have survived.

Teach me to be unafraid,
To feel power singing in my veins.
Help me to face and balance
The shadows in my nature,
And to be proud of my sexuality.

Protect me from the shadows
And the darkness that would harm me,
And help me to understand
The shadows that will not.
I thank you, Dark Lady.

Beth Clare Johnson
(Mystic Amazon)