Your Charm for January 30th is The Eye Agate

Your Charm for Today

The Eye Agate

Today’s Meaning:    

The eye represents your will to be loved. The strength of your will controls this aspect. You have neglected needed emotions of love in your life. You cannot expect to be loved if you do not show it.

General Description:  

These enati (eye stones) were first worn for protection in the East, but soon the custom of wearing these charms spread to almost all countries. Implicit faith was placed in their reputed magical power to guard the wearer from the dreaded influence of the evil eye. From the very earliest times the imagined influence of the evil eye has struck terror into the hearts of the weak minded, ignorant, and superstitious. The uncanny effect of the eye is produced by cutting through the parallel bands, or layers of the different colours which form the agate.

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The Witches' Spell for Oct. 2nd – Excellent Spell To Stop Pain

Pain Spell

         To lessen or be rid of pain.

Items Needed:

Black Candle

This is a very short spell/prayer that can be used at any time, with or without the candle. I will tell you from personal experience, asking the Goddess to help with the pain. DOES WORK!

God and Goddess

Hear my plea

Take this pain away from me

Leave me feeling good instead

Strong of body, clear of head

So Mote It Be

Beginning Clairvoyance Spell

Beginning Clairvoyance Spell

A common mistake people make is assuming that ‘seeing’ involves the use of the eyes when in a closed state. Do not strain to see. You do not have to have your eyes closed to access your third eye however in the beginning it is recommend to shut out all distractions.

Finding Your Minds Eye

Sitting comfortably, close you eyes
Remember where you were yesterday
What does it look like?
Realize that you have created a picture in your minds eye to recall this time
Notice where this image is projected within your body
This is your inner screen or minds eye

Exploring Your Clairvoyance

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed
Notice the inner screen of your mind
Bring your attention to the space between your eyes at the center of your forehead (your third eye)
Visualize your third eye expanding
Do you see anything shapes, colors, anything at all?

Do not judge yourself or expect to much of yourself
Just be aware of images of any sort that come to mind
If nothing comes don’t be discouraged
Developing this skill may take some time
Know that by bringing your attention to your third eye the skill of clairvoyance has already began to awaken
Like all skills the development or rather the remembrance of it will involve persistence

Further Exploration

Once you are feeling more confident and begin seeing images in your minds eye you could try this activity with a friend to test clairvoyance

Have a friend set up a room in the house
Change things about it, move things and add things
Have your friend sit in a certain position in the room

Remain in a separate room
Bring your focus to your inner sight
See the room in your minds eye
What do you see? Where is your friend sitting? What has moved?
Record what you see and than check with your friend

To test clairvoyance may make you feel pressured to get it right. If it does try the experience of simply seeing what is happening at your friends house through your third eye in your own time and then giving him/her a phone call to see how they are and what they are up to. Did you sense any of what was happening?

Eventually though it may be nice to measure your success to see how far you have come i.e. test clairvoyance

Free your 6th sense and begin to tune into your inner eye

Something I wanted to share……

I am going through the old WOTC group. I ran across something that I want to share with you. Every time I read it, I almost cry. I don’t remember were I picked it up at but it is a very touching poem. See for yourself…..



Again the burning came,
She felt the heat, the searing pain
a cry lanced through her heart
“Why, My Lady, Why”

She lay quietly, remembering
lost within the labyrinth of the past
and the future
she did not feel the bite of the cruel blade.
Bleeding, moaning, she saw the man
his face, and heart masked with black
she knew his choices and his pain
Oh, to cause pain, to accept his own
if only she could Touch him, Heal him.

“I love you” she whispered
dark eyes calm, yet full of pain
“Don’t ” cried the man “I want to see you die”
“I love you and forgive you” she said
tears rolled freely down her cheeks

Again, and again the searing pain
As the man applied the red hot blade
“Do you still love me, and forgive me” he screamed?

Despite the pain she answered strongly
“I do”, She smiled
“Blessed be” she whispered.

A wave of pain sent her among the stars.
“My Lady” she cried “I’m frightened”
Strong arms held her close
“You have done well my child, rest now”

The man watched as the blade grew cold
As the young body before him cooled
tears streamed down his face
and he whispered
“Forgive me”

Your Personal Charm for August 12 – The Eye Agate

Your Personal Charm For August 12

The Eye Agate


Today’s Meaning:
The eye represents your will to be loved. The strength of your will controls this aspect. You have neglected needed emotions of love in your life. You cannot expect to be loved if you do not show it.

General Description:
These enati (eye stones) were first worn for protection in the East, but soon the custom of wearing these charms spread to almost all countries. Implicit faith was placed in their reputed magical power to guard the wearer from the dreaded influence of the evil eye. From the very earliest times the imagined influence of the evil eye has struck terror into the hearts of the weak minded, ignorant, and superstitious. The uncanny effect of the eye is produced by cutting through the parallel bands, or layers of the different colours which form the agate.

Today’s Affirmation for December 29th

Gypsy Comments & Graphics
In pain and sorrow lies truth. I honor the anguish the heart may feel
to understand myself and those around me. Sadness begets joy, joy begets sadness. I push forward, through the dark towards the light. I celebrate the richness of the human exprience.
                                        ~from RowanTurningLeaf


~Magickal Graphics~



This is to be done on a rainy night outdoors.
Stand in the rain and let it touch you – do not wear heavy clothing to protect yourself from it.
Call the rain and draw it down harder. Cast no circle, lest the pain stay trapped within it.
When the downpour becomes heavy, begin. Say the incantation charged full of emotion
and let it come from the heart.
“Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, take the pain.
Rain, wash away my pain.
Cry for me and take away my tears.
Rain, wash away my pain.
Cry for me and take away my fears.”
Hold palms open to the sky and let the rain fill them. Wash your face and eyes with it.
Repeat this three times.
“Let the tears fall, with the water,
into the earth, into the rock.”
Let the pain go, release the energy.
Let it wash away. Imagine it leaving you and entering the earth bound by rock.

Happy Wednesday my sweets!

Good Morning my sweets! I hope everyone is having a good day. I got up at 6:30 a.m., thanks to my husband. He wanted to know if I wanted to make the coffee or him (is that a hint or what?) He is still griping about me sleeping all day yesterday. He can’t understand what is wrong with me no matter how much I tell him or the doctor tells him. But anyway I got up and actually felt good for an hour or two. I cleaned the kitchen, even drug out the Swiffer, feed all the cats, feed the fish, clean the living room and then cleaned me up. I came in here to sit down and take my medicine and drink a cup of coffee. That’s when it hit me. I had one of those things the Doctor has been calling “shingles” just pop out pretty as you please. If you bend your hand, that is about the size of it. And this one is hurting like an SOB. I took my back medicine which includes a lot of pain killers. So I figure if the pain isn’t gone by my 2:00 dose, I am going to the hospital. I think the doctor doesn’t know what is the matter with me and she is going to kill me.

I didn’t know if I had been acting goofy with my postings or anything, if so I apologize and you know what is wrong. I am sick and I can’t seem to kick this. If you have an extra minute or two today, please remember me again in your prayers. I have said it a thousand times and I will say it again, when this group sets their mind to something………..GREAT THINGS HAPPEN!  If I should disappear before my posting is done, it is because the pain has got so great, I have had to go to the hospital. I found a gem that eased the pain but I can’t figure out how to get it to the spot it needs to be. I am going to start the postings. Please remember me in your prayers today.

Goddess Bless,

L. A.

Gemstone of the Day for 3/29 is Tiger’s Eye

Tiger eye – offers courage, energy, and luck.

Stone’s names: Tiger eye, also spelled tiger’s-eye and tigereye.
Tiger eye is also called crocidolite cat’s-eye or African cat’s-eye. Color: Tiger eye has a rich yellow and golden brown stripes, with a fine golden lustre when polished.

Description: Tiger eye is quartz that contains oriented fibres of crocidolite that have been replaced by silica.
Tiger eye is displaying chatoyancy (a vertical luminescent band like that of a cat’s eye) . Tiger eye typically has lustrous alternating yellow or brown bands.

The name’s origin: Tiger eye with its bands resembles an eye of tiger, so it is received its name due to this similarity.
Wedding anniversary: Tiger Eye is the anniversary gemstone for the 9th year of marriage.

Varieties: Hawk’s-eye is similar to tiger eye, except that the crocidolite was replaced by quartz before altering to iron oxide. It therefore retains the gray-blue or green of the asbestos.

Care and treatment: As with all gems, protect tiger eye from scratches and sharp blows. Also avoid large temperature changes.

From the stone history: Roman soldiers wore tiger’s-eye for protection in battle. Tiger Eye was thought to be all seeing due to its appearance.

Shopping guide: Tiger Eye is widely used in pendant and beads where it’s lovely tiger-like peculiarity displays out best.

Healing ability: Tiger eye relieves high blood pressure. Tiger eye wear is very helpful in the presence of following diseases: bronchial asthmakidney, rheumatic heart disease, otitis and psoriasis.

Mystical power: Tiger Eye is used for focusing the mind. It is said that Tiger Eye offers protection during travel, strengthens convictions and confidence. This very warm stone is beneficial for the weak and sick.