Sacred Symbols and the Witch Next Door c. 2016

(Yes, I am cheating with some posts but feel they deserve to be brought to the present)

Sacred Symbols and The Witch Next Door

Author Unknow

It’s Tuesday at five o’clock. I punch out, lock up my desk, and leave the dreaded office for the evening. As I walk out of the side door, I imagine that I’m going through one of those automatic car washes, and the brushes and water are removing the day’s stresses and negativity from me (I’m a title clerk at a car dealership, and as you can imagine, dealing with the DMV every day tends to build up negativity). By the time I get to my car, I’m feeling good, stress free and ready for the evening. I look up and see another Carolina thunderstorm rolling in. It’s going to be a 30-minute drive in the rain, and that makes me smile.

By the time I meander my way out of the parking lot, the rains have started. I roll down my window and stick my hand out. As I drive down the street, going with the flow at 45 mph, I feel the bite on my palms and wrists. Like thousands of needles, the drops seem to pierce my skin, infusing me with the energy of Water and Wind. My entire left side is soaked, and I don’t seem to mind. The family in the mini-van next to me stares slack-jawed, thinking me to be insane. I feel sorry for them. If they only knew how good this feels, how cleansing it is, their heads would hang out of the windows of the van like Labradors. I turn into the parking lot of the grocery store to pick up something for cakes and ale tonight. The rain is coming down in sheets. Thunder cracks and rumbles, making the ground shake. Lightning strikes are everywhere. A handful of people run to their cars, holding a few grocery bags and covering their large heads with thin arms to shield themselves. I have the sudden urge to strip naked, arms out in childlike joy, and dance in deformed circles throughout the parking lot until I’m dizzy and fall into a puddle, laughing. The only thing stopping me is the patrol car parked nearby, with the cop inside catching up on his paperwork. I stroll leisurely into the store and pass a small group of old southern women staring at me as they huddle just behind the automatic doors waiting for the storm to subside. One of them tells me that I’ll get sick from that, and that I should have at least tried to hurry into the store where it’s dry. I look at her and say, “Water is a sacred symbol. I am Cleansed and Purified by the Mother.”

When I’ve finished my transaction and head out of the store, the rain has slowed to barely more than a drizzle. As I turn out of the parking lot, it has stopped all together. Again, I’ve rolled down my window and stuck my arm out; now it’s just the Air that I feel on my skin. I inhale the crisp smells only detected after a storm. My lungs expand, and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. That smell always seems to rejuvenate me. I pull into my driveway, turn off the car and go inside. I put the cakes and ale in the refrigerator, then head straight for the back door. On my deck, I sit and enjoy the rolling hills and farmland behind my house. The smell of the after rain still clings to the Air. I breathe deeply and close my eyes. I feel at one with the Air, with the sky. A light breeze kisses my face. As the breeze kicks up, it wraps around me, a swirling blanket of the Gods. I am given the gift of the East, Air as its symbol, and I take that with me back into the house.

The rest of the coven arrives. I change into my robes and we go into the altar room to set up. I lead them through the chants and the worship, we dine on the cakes and ale, and we meditate briefly before opening circle. After ritual, we sit and catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. We laugh, we talk, and we laugh some more. By 9:30 they show themselves out, and I return to the altar room. I light all of the candles once again and stare into the flame of one of my altar candles. I feel my spirit disconnect from my physical body. I enter a trance, and am lost in the awesome power of the Fire. My mind becomes one with the dancing flame and images flood my head. Insights are gained, wisdoms etched into my psyche to forever become a part of me. My education continues, with the Lord and Lady my teachers. The Fire is a symbol of my knowledge. My passion swells as I strive to learn everything…to know…to be. I become aware that I’ve hit the climax of my trance and feel the cycling down, the beginning of the end of the controlled burn. The images slow, and I am once again aware that it is a candle at which I stare. I thank the Gods for bestowing the gnosis upon me, and carefully extinguish the flame.

I am unaware of the time, and do not care to know. I need to ground myself, but rather than do it inside, I instead choose to take our offerings from ritual and bury it outside in the Earth. In the backyard, I find a small, rich patch of soil. Most of the yard is clay, except for here. I dig deeper than needed. Halfway down I toss aside my trowel, electing instead to feel the Earth in my bare hands. As I dig I allow the energies raised within me to pour down into the Earth. The smell of the grass and weeds and dirt permeate me. I feel calm and relaxed, bathed in the glow of the full moon. Carefully I scrape the offering off of the dish. I close my eyes and feel good, knowing that however small it is, this gift of thanks to the Gods will decompose, and what grows in this spot will receive some extra nutrition. All returns to the Earth in good time. I repack the hole I’ve dug and remain on my knees for a few more minutes. The Earth, our symbol of life, our living organism.

These are the most sacred of symbols, the Elements. Water, Air, Fire and Earth all connect us to the Spirit. I stand up slowly, beginning to feel the effects of exhaustion. I turn my head to the right and see a neighbor peeking out the blinds at me. I think to myself that I’m doing nothing strange here, yet tomorrow morning I’ll be the block’s topic of conversation. A Mona Lisa smile crosses my lips as I wave to her and she quickly moves away from the window. I go back into the house, knowing that I’m just the everyday Witch next door.

Wishing You A Very Happy & Blessed Thursday, dear brothers & sisters!

Have a Good, Great Day Images
Good Morning WOTC! Well it is almost lunch time, so what’s for lunch? Something good, I am on my way. I wanted to apologize for no daily posts today. We started out with the intentions of doing them as usual. But good intentions occasionally go down the toilet, as ours did today.

I always listen to the News every morning as everyone knows. Our local forecast calls for some severe storms forming right over the top of us today. Said some of the storms could contain tornadoes. We also live in tornado alley, so please keep us in your prayers today. Since listening to the weather, I decided I would get up early and go get some of my prescriptions. I called them in. About fifteen minutes later, the pharmacy was calling me back. Problem with the insurance. I straightened that out which took about 15 minutes. Still had time to run to town. Got ready, went outside to start the truck and let it warm up. While the truck was warming up, dumbass me decides to pick up some garbage the wind had blew over here. I made the fatal mistake of stepping in the wrong spot. Before I knew it, my left leg had sunk down to my knee in mud. I could not pull my leg out to save me. The bad thing was it was still sinking and by that time I was screaming. Thank goodness, my neighbor heard me and came running. I grabbed a hold of the foundation to stop sinking. My neighbor carefully weaved his way through the mud. He finally got to me and he started sinking too. The next thing I knew he had grabbed a hold of me and ripped me out of the mud and over his head. I landed on the walkway and he grabbed my hand a I helped him out. He wanted to know what the hell I was doing in the mud. I told him I didn’t know it was mud till I stepped there. I guess I could have really been an ungrateful ass hole and told him, “I was picking up your garbage.” But I didn’t. He saved me from quick mud (get it, instead of quicksand, we have quick mud, not funny, it stinks worse than a skunk!).

It was amazing though, I didn’t change clothes or nothing. I just sit down on the steps and wiped my shoe and sock off. My pants did not get a lick of mud on them. As I was going down, my pants leg was pushed up by the ground. My leg was muddy but with the pants leg down, you couldn’t tell anything had happened. Weird, I know. So now I am wiped off and getting in the truck. Well guess what’s sunk next? Yes, you guessed it, the truck. By this time, I am going, “Goddess what have I done today?” The truck was marred up to the middle bolt on both back tires. I gentle eased up enough to get some traction. Then I put the truck in four-wheel drive and put her in reverse, off we went. Needless to say, it looks like I have been mudding in my yard. Oh, what fun! NOT!

After all that adventure at the house, Kiki and I were off. I should mention she hates it when I put the truck in four-wheel drive. Why I don’t know, she just does. So she finally calmed down from that. But before she did, she was sitting in my lap fogging up the window. I would wipe and she would fog it up again. I finally said the heck with it and rolled the window down a little were I could see. We made it to town and got everything done we had to do. The funny thing, it sprinkled all the way to town and back. Now it is not doing a darn thing. That figures doesn’t.

I forgot something totally hilarious. I think everyone knows we are located about 5 miles from an uranium enrichment plant. They are in the process of closing it down. Eventually it will be totally empty. We found out the other day, they aren’t leaving any guards there at all. That is just peachy! No telling what kind of crap will be left there. Anyway, in the mail today, we got a letter from USEC that is the plant I am talking about. I had to do a double take on that one. I opened it and I know I shouldn’t have, but I just started laughing my ass off. I guess it was just the topper on the kind of morning I had had.  I scanned over the letter real quick. It informed us of no security for the plant but rest assured the security system will still be operational. OK! Now on the next piece of paper was what to do if the sirens go off. That’s it we are all going to die. They have sirens all over the place. But if the place blows, we won’t be able to take a step. We  will be dead. The kill radius on this plant is huge. We first moved out here, my son and I would go fishing at the game reserve which is on part of the plant property. We didn’t eat anything we caught, rumor had it they all glowed in the dark, lol! Anyway, my son saw one of those signs and asked me, “what should we do if they sounded?” I have always been honest with my children. I told him, “kiss your ass good-bye.” I know we could move but we would have near as much fun as we are now.

Well back to the site, Mystie is going to be posting some spells later on (if we don’t get blowed away). I am going to check out some stuff Word Press has give us. They gave us thousands of plug-ins to use on this site. They did that Monday and I saved the link but haven’t had time to check out what we now have access too. I do know one is a radio player and there is also a news ticker that runs all the time. Might be some pretty cool stuff who knows? I am also going to do some Pinning on Pinterest. Pinterest has a widget that you can put on your web site. It lets your friends see what you are pinning. But we can’t use it, it is javascript. Word Press won’t let you use Java because they say it is so each to be hacked. I was sort of disappointed because it was a cool widget. Oh, well, life goes on……

I guess I need to start updating ya’ll every day. That way I would talk your ears off. Who am I kidding, I still would, lol! I was very serious about you keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Before anything was built on this property a tornado came right straight through here. The people around here told us if we had been here we would have probably been killed. It tore this area up pretty good. And all the bad weather we have had around here recently it does make me nervous. So please, not only keep us in your prayers but our area also. We have all seen enough disaster and destruction, we don’t need any more.

Well now you are officially caught up, Mystie will here later on. I am checking out our new toys from Word Press and then doing a little Pinning. I don’t know if I told you I keep the Pinning going because we get new members from there. It is an excellent source of advertisement for us. Now I am going to hush and get busy. I hope everyone has a very blessed and happy Thursday. We will see you tomorrow. Till then…….

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

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The Daily OM for Feb. 11th – The Impossible Dream

The Impossible Dream
Right in Front of You

by Madisyn Taylor

Maybe you are using a desire you can’t fulfill to distract you from truly engaging the blessings you already have.

When it comes to the things we want, there always seems to be an endless list. No matter how many times we get something off that list, we add new things to replace it. In life, this drama of wanting and getting and wanting is all part of the dance. The things we want motivate us to get up and get them.

And yet, at the same time, we can torment ourselves with our wanting, especially when we want something we can’t have or can’t find. It is in cases like these that it might be fruitful to entertain the idea that maybe what you really want is right in front of you. Maybe you are using this desire you can’t fulfill to distract you from truly engaging the blessings you already have. It may seem like that doesn’t make sense, yet we do it all the time. It may be easier to see in other people than to see it in ourselves. We have all heard our friends wishing they were more this or less that, and looking at them we see clearly that they are everything they are wishing they were. We know people who have wonderful partners and yet envy you yours. We wish we could give these people a look at their situations from our perspective so that they could see that what they want really is right in front of them.

It’s not too far-fetched to consider that we might be victims of the same folly. It can be scary to have what we want. We get caught up in the chase and forget to enjoy the beauty right in front of us—like a child who never wants the toy she has in her hand but always the one just out of her reach. Take a moment today to consider the many things you are holding in the palm of your hand and how you might best play with them.

The Daily OM

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A Very Blessed Saturday Morning To All My Family & Friends!

Good Morning Images

Wake up, little sleepy heads!

Guess who is knocking on your screen this morning? Little old me, of course. If you remember yesterday we had to cut our daily edition short. Brother, was it a mess. I contacted WordPress and told them what was going on. Since I had several people tell me that the site was down yesterday. I am hoping the problem has been fixed. We are getting ready to see because I am starting the Saturday edition, right now…………

Have a super Saturday and a very relaxing weekend, you deserve it,

Love & Hugs,

Lady A

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‘THINK on THESE THINGS’ for January 29th

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

“I owe no man anything but love” it is said. But what is love? Love is duty – whatever duty may require to accomplish a good thing.

Love is peace. One must not only be peaceful but contribute to the peace of others. Let there be peace and let it begin with me.

Love is sometimes pain. We must give up something that causes us pain because it is for the good of the greatest number.

Love is understanding. That others do not have to forever explain their actions to us. That we know their reasons without being told.

Love is courage. Courage to lead where one has the ability to lead. Courage to stand up for what one believes in and wants to live.

Love is faith. Faith in God, faith in self, and faith in others. Everyone is not above reproach, but we must have faith that the majority strives to be.

Coleridge wrote, “He prayeth best who loveth best,” which seems to rule out all hollow and self-heard prayers. For those who truly love do not hear themselves only, or rule all life useless because they cannot love or pray.

Life can be as simple as love and prayer. Where the two mingle there can be no jealousy, resentment or fear.

Jealousy makes us compare our lot with another’s. And there can be no comparison, for no two people are alike.

Resentment plunges an otherwise logical soul into despair and an endless journey of revenge.

And fear rushes us headlong into situations that detract, accidents that could be prevented, and long delays in reaching our goals.

But if we can, for a few moments, invite into our hearts a thing called love, then we can pray. And if we can pray we have the source of all answers to our aid.


Available online! ‘Cherokee Feast of Days’
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler.

Visit her web site to purchase the wonderful books by Joyce as gifts for yourself or for loved ones……and also for those who don’t have access to the Internet:
Click Here to Buy her books at

Elder’s Meditation of the Day
By White Bison, Inc., an American Indian-owned nonprofit organization. Order their many products from their web site:

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Bless my mind and let it be as calm as the breezeless night

Bless my heart and let it know love without encumbrance

Bless my spirit and let it be strong of will

Bless my body and let it release the need for what it cannot have

Let me be without longing or lust

Let me be at peace with myself

Let me embrace the silence of being alone

Let me let go of desire

So I will it

And So Mote It Be.

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Signs of a True Elder, Master or Priest

Signs of a True Elder, Master or Priest

Author:   Patricia Telesco 

I have been very disturbed by the increase in the use of titles like Priest, Priestess, Elder, Teacher, Shaman, Lady, and Lord in our community, specifically by those who really do not have the training to claim such honorable terms. You would not see anyone in the Christian church calling themselves by such a title without ordination and schooling, yet among neo-pagans it seems that nearly anyone who wishes to can take up a title and wield it for boon or bane.
Now, I realize that at the heart of things we are our own Priest and Priestess, but that’s far different than being the spiritual guide for many people (not to mention the difference in Karmic implications). To use a title without having earned it in the eyes of others, through training, or by calling is to dishonor all those who have earned their place as our teachers, elders, priests and priestesses. It also doesn’t present the most positive, responsible image of neo-paganism to outsiders who view such antics as manipulative power trips (often rightly so).
Reading one book does not make anyone an expert. Attending a year’s worth or rituals does not qualify a person for eldership or priesthood! In a world of seemingly shake-and-bake shamanism and instant priesthood, the route to true magical mastery isn’t traversed quickly or without sacrifice, and it can’t be found in the yellow pages. And it certainly has very little to do with a fancy or powerful sounding title. At its pinnacle, adepthood isn’t about impressing people; it’s a way of living and being. In other words, the focus is not on “talking the talk,” but on “walking the walk.” What are some of the signs of a true elder, master or priest?
How about someone who:

  1. Reclaims ancient knowledge, tradition, and powers, keeping them alive for future generations
  2. Safeguards magical history so that we can learn from the past in building the future
  3. Personally accepts the responsibility implied by gaining and using mystical knowledge and skill
  4. Honors the earth as a sacred space and use its resources wisely
  5. Acknowledges that life is an act of worship, and strives to keep his or her words and actions in accord
  6. Respects individual diversity, knowing there are many paths to enlightenment and that each person is a sacred space unto themselves.
  7. Embraces creativity and change as a fundamental necessity in keeping magic vital
  8. Encourages balance in all things, especially in his or her own life
  9. Teaches others the ways of magic in simple, understandable steps (no “instant enlightenment” no fluffy bunny magick).
  10. Offers metaphysical aid, consultation, and insights freely to those in need, without personal expectations of gain
  11. Gives back something to their art, or those who practice it
  12. Realizes that tools are only helpmates to magic. Real power comes from the mind, heart, and will working in harmony with earth and Spirit.

In some ways a priest or elder doesn’t ever “arrive” — we are always getting there, realizing that the more we know, the more we realize how LITTLE we know (smile). When we finally reach this understanding, we’re often ready to teach and lead with both heart and head; in balance is spiritual wisdom. In fact, I would hazard to guess that most people who are truly our priests, priestesses, elders and teachers are those who don’t have to say so – we just know it by the example of their lives!

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WOW! It’s A New Year. May You Be Blessed With Love, Comfort & Prosperity In The New Year!

In the New Year,
we wish you the best year you’ve ever had,
and that each New Year
will be better than the last.
May you realize your fondest dreams
and take time to recognize and enjoy
each and every blessing.

Happy New Year,
And many more!

 “In the New Year”
By Joanna Fuchs

The Witches Magick for Dec. 20th – A Winter Night’s Blessing

A Winter Night’s Blessing


While preparing your bed, read this blessing aloud as part of your nightly prayers.

“When the nights are dark and stormy,

and things become hard to see,

Dear God and Goddess

Help to keep the light within me glowing,

So that no matter which way the wind’s blowing.

I am on the path I should be:

I am one of the blessed,

Who seek complete union with the divine,

I am one of the shining ones,

Whose light continues to brighten the night,

In the name of the Lord and Lady, Blessed Be!

As you shift to sleep, imagine that you are a candle the Goddess has lit. Imagine your light burning bright and shining like a star in the night sky. Every night, your light grows brighter and brighter and your life becomes filled with the joy of divine love.

The Witches Magick for Dec. 18th – Bow To The Moon Spell

The Witches Magick for Dec. 18th – Bow To The Moon Spell

In many countries, it is considered unlucky to point directly at the moon, but if you curtsey or bow to the moon, it will draw gifts and favors to you during the next moon cycle.

Use a lapis dream charm or a tumbled piece of clear quartz for this spell. Once the moon rises, go outdoors or stand where you can see the moon clearly, and bow(men) or curtsey(women) to the moon nine times. Each time you bow or curtsey, repeat:

“I curtsey(bow) to the Mother, I curtsey(bow) to the moon, please bring me abundance and bring it soon!”

Now hold the stone in your receiving hand as you say this prayer:

“Dear Goddess and God of the moon and stars
Please hear my prayer tonight
Grace me with your divine presence
So that I may dream of joyful abundance.
And help me to remember my dreams
When I awaken once again
Help me to interpret my dream messages
So that I may know their deeper meanings
Thank you, divine Lady and Lord, blessed be!”

Bow or curtsey to the moon three times. Each time you bow or curtsey, repeat:

“I curtsey(bow) to the Mother, I (curtsey)bow to the moon, please bring me abundance and bring it soon!”

When you go indoors slip the stone inside your pillowcase or put it next to your bedside as you sleep. As you drift to sleep, repeat to yourself:

“I clearly remember my dreams when I wake up and easily understand the dream messages.”

When you awaken, hold the stone in your receiving hand as you write down everything you recall from your dreams in your journal. Continue doing this until you draw abundance to you.

Let’s Talk Witch – Strengthening the Circle

Let’s Talk Witch – Strengthening the Circle

A circle of light or a physical circle can be strengthened by casting three elemental circles just inside it.

Some practitioners aim to put the triple circle on top of the light one but I prefer radiating circles, albeit close together.

If using empowered salt and water as one of your elemental circles, you would empower the mix first before the elemental casting.

The three clockwise circles, either positioned one over the other or extending inwards, should be made with salt and water, or just salt (the first), with incense (the second) and with the directional candle of the south or a central one (the third). If you use salt for circle one (and not the salt and water mix), use incense for number two and magical water droplets for the third circle.

Create simple elemental casting chants according to the substances you are using and the nature of the spell or ritual.

*Note* With a group, before the triple circle casting invite them to walk the triple circle in line after you as you cast it. You can use three people to make the triple circle by having them each carry a substance around it. You need not use words for this unless you wish. With a group it is easier to make the three circles over one another just inside the original light circle.

You can end the triple element casting by sprinkling each person with a few drops of either the saltwater or the water alone saying:

You are Blessed!

If you are working alone, end the triple circle casting by taking the water and sprinkling yourself, saying:

May the Lord and Lady God and Goddess bless me and my spell/ritual.

The Witches’ Magick for Dec. 16th – Spell To Lock Out Anything Nasty


You need to start by meditating before hand on the effect of the spell for at least 15 minutes.

Then, to cast, you sprinkle holy (consecrated to the Lord and Lady) water mixed with salt and powdered iron; (try potteries to get this) Stand in front of the door that you want to lock…or in the case of a person the 3rd eye point which is between the eyebrows just above their level. Then place your hands on the 3rd chakra point or door and concentrate your energies going down your right arm and going through the door and back into your left arm. Then you start chanting over and over:

“Portal be controlled and mine, Become as one with my mind,
I hold thee fast, To make this last,
open you not, as I weave the knot, of my power from within.”
Keep chanting this as you build up power, and imagine the circle of energy (right arm through door back into left arm) getting faster and faster. Then upon release, visualize a green field of energy coming up in front of the door or the 3rd eye chakra.

A Very Blessed & Happy Thursday To You & Yours!

She’s Been Waiting

She’s been waiting
She’s been waiting, waiting.
She’s been waiting so long.
She’s been waiting for her children
To remember, to return.

Blessed be, and blessed are,
The lovers of the lady.
Blessed be, and blessed are,
The mother, maiden, crone.
Blessed be, and blessed are,
The ones who dance together.
Blessed be, and blessed are,
The ones who dance alone.

She’s been waiting, waiting.
She’s been waiting so long.
She’s been waiting for her children
To remember, to return.

Blessed be, and blessed are,
The ones who work in silence.
Blessed be, and blessed are,
The ones who shout and scream.
Blessed be, and blessed are,
The movers and the changes.
Blessed be, and blessed are,
The dreamers and the dream.

She’s been waiting, waiting.
She’s been waiting so long.
She’s been waiting for her children
To remember, to return.

– Paula Walowitz


Labeling Pagans and Other Impossible Tasks!

Labeling Pagans and Other Impossible Tasks!

Author:   Avren  

Elitist. Snob. Know-it-all… These are not names you would normally use to describe the Pagan community. This is the reason many of us filtered in to this diverse, and multi-faceted spiritual path. I felt much battered and bruised by my own self-imposed guilt when I turned from my previous path to God. Truth be told, I prayed to Him and Them the first transitional year. I was too terrified not to! Yet here I am today. I’ve worshiped and practiced now for almost ten years.

Fair warning to the more delicate of us, there is a lot of labels thrown around in this essay. To everyone else, get your B.S. goggles on, and don’t forget your earplugs!

I’m no “Fluffy Bunny” nor am I a “Cynical Badger, ” these are a couple of descriptive names used by Isaac Bonewits in his essay ’Making Fauna Pagans’ to describe many of this community. His essay is one of the top thirteen viewed on this site, and for good reason. I think everyone should view it. It is well written and to the point.

I recently read yet another essay where the author attempted to put down one or several of us by describing a particular type of Pagan as not “real.” In fact the whole theme seemed to revolve around not being real because you don’t put your biggest pentacle out there. This seems to be a very worrisome subject for lots of us, so I figured I might as well throw in my two cents.

I am not a part of a coven, nor do I interact with many of the Pagan community. I don’t think I am in anyway “better” or more “advanced, ” I’m just simpler. I’m sure there are lots of people out there who feel the same way I do. I don’t need reinforcements to follow my path. I interact with many of you here in this virtual community. While I thoroughly enjoy it, the separation that is integral in any safe online interaction serves me just fine. I love to read the voices of like minded people, I just can’t stand the pressure to be “right” or “in” or the most “real” (Usually under debate, who’s path was first) or whatever the term may be. To be fair the people I’ve communicated with have primarily been positive.

However, I ask this question. Why do we need to know who is more authentic? What’s more, who of us has the right to tell someone they are unreal and/or a fluffy bunny? (For people new to the term, this usually means one or more of the following: Flamboyant, inexperienced, know-it-all-two-book-reader. You get the picture. It’s someone who can act at times immature, yet claim to represent us all.)

I take my faith seriously, and I try to teach our young ones to love and respect our Lady as well. Do I need a face full of black makeup, or a neck full of pentacles to be “real?” Didn’t many of us leave our various paths sick to death of “Keeping up with the Jehovah’s?” You all know what I mean. My path is right for me. I’m not fake nor am I a flake.

Do you see the recurring theme here? Lots of labels. Bottom line, Too much make up = Fluffy Bunny. Too little = Not Pagan enough.

Is it possible that others are threatened by my ease and confidence with the Lord and Lady, when theirs is possibly shaky? Is that why they cannot share their Yuletide traditions with those people they love, while simultaneously celebrating their loved ones holiday as well?

I’m not a traitor; I just don’t feel the need to dredge up a history lesson, when my mom says “Merry Christmas.” She isn’t saying it to try to make me conform; she is just saying a small blessing in her most comfortable way. If anyone wishes to label me, try these on for size: Forgiving, Non-Judgmental, And Real (a personal favorite) , or just plain Happy. I don’t live in a bubble, or take happy pills. I live day to day, and try to look on the bright side. (NOT always easy when times are tough, not to mention being a Scorpio who can see B.S. everywhere I look.)

I think the issue with the folks who need to label, is the simple fact that the Pagan community at large wouldn’t wear a label, even if it fit and was made of 100% recycled paper! Are these hypocrite Pagans too afraid to branch out on their own? Are they too afraid to use the brain the Lord and Lady gave them to think of their own traditions?

We as Pagans don’t have the “Word, ” and I for one am grateful. I never liked the thought of only one way. Is it this lack of black and white, mixed with a whole lotta grey that causes the uproar? Who among us hasn’t struggled with identity in this Craft? There isn’t anything like being under enemy fire, and trying to explain your spiritual roots. The sad thing is, however; the firing brigade that often awaits in our own camp.

I suppose you could look at this essay as a “can’t we all get along” type, and maybe it is. Why can’t we all get along? We teach our kids this, and we also tell other people we don’t judge people by their faith. (Unlike some monotheistic faiths) Why don’t we see more essays on how to cast, or some neat meditation techniques we might have? How about traditions that are neat to pass down.

I recently walked through the forest. What an experience. The pine trees smelled of secrets and childhood. The green was so vibrant it almost hurt the eyes. I shared woods lore my grandparents taught me with our two children. I explained how seeds work, and we counted the rings of the tree that gave its life for our holiday. We also gave thanks to it, and the earth for giving it to us. This is new to them, (I’m the stepmom) but they enjoyed it anyway. I felt Them around us. Who needs a church? I wrote this, by the way, as an example of what we COULD be sharing.

I worship this way. I tend my garden with a joyful and grateful heart. I pray to Them, and I give back to Them. I don’t wear a Pentacle, I don’t advertise period. I don’t need it, and neither do They. If this isn’t Pagan enough, I sincerely don’t care. I have nothing to prove, and I don’t believe my path is the only right one. I’ll celebrate mine, if you celebrate yours! (Small joke) Why can’t more of us feel the same?

So the next time you catch yourself judging the Pagan next to you, relax and remember that we are all different, but They know who we are


Issac Bonewits ‘Making Fauna Pagans’

Calendar of the Moon for December 5th

Calendar of the Moon

5 Ruis/Poseideion

Plerosia: Honoring Zeus

Color: Purple
Element: Air
Altar: Upon a purple cloth set two torches, a sword, a chalice of Greek wine, a mash of barley, and the figure of an eagle.
Offerings: Barley. Wine. Gold coins.
Daily Meal: Poultry. Barley. Flatbread.

Plerosia Invocation

Most glorious of the Immortals,
Zeus that governest all things with law.
Hail! For lawful it is that all mortals should address Thee.
For we are Thy offspring, taking the image only of Thy voice,
As many mortal things as live and move upon the earth.
Therefore we shall sing Thy might forever.
Such a minister hast Thou in Thine invincible hands;
The two-edged blazing, imperishable thunderbolt.
For under its stroke all Nature shuddereth,
And by it thou guidest aright the Universal Reason,
That roams through all things,
Mingling itself with the greater and the lesser lights.
Thou knowest even to find a place for the small things,
And to order that which is disorderly,
And things forgotten of men are dear to Thee.
O Zeus, Dweller in the darkness of cloud,
Lord of thunder, save men from their unhappy folly,
So that being honored, they may pay Thee honor,
Singing Thy works continually.
Since there can be no greater glory for men of Gods than this,
Duly to praise forever the Universal Law.
Call: O Great Zeus, Lord of Olympos, we call you!
Response: O Great Zeus, Lord of Olympos, hear us!
Call: We hear your thunderbolt, and we are in awe!
Response: We hear your call, and we rise to our feet!
Call: Oi Theoi, genoisthe apotropoi kakon!
May the Gods turn away all evils!
Response: Oi Theoi, genoisthe apotropoi kakon!
May the Gods turn away all evils!

Chant: Lightning strikes, Thunder falls, Open me to the wind and the Fire…

[Pagan Book of Hours]

The Witches Magick for December 5th – A Winter Night’s Blessing

A Winter Night’s Blessing

While preparing your bed, read this blessing aloud as part of your nightly prayers.

“When the nights are dark and stormy,
and things become hard to see,
Dear God and Goddess
Help to keep the light within me glowing,
So that no matter which way the wind’s blowing.
I am on the path I should be:
I am one of the blessed,
Who seek complete union with the divine,
I am one of the shining ones,
Whose light continues to brighten the night,
In the name of the Lord and Lady, Blessed Be!

As you shift to sleep, imagine that you are a candle the Goddess has lit. Imagine your light burning bright and shining like a star in the night sky. Every night, your light grows brighter and brighter and your life becomes filled with the joy of divine love.

The Goddess, The Virgin

The Goddess, The Virgin

The Virgin is the first aspect of the Goddess that dates back to Grecian times. “Holy Virgin” was a title for temple prostitutes, a duty of the priestesses of Ishtar, Asherah, or Aphrodite. The title itself did not mean virginity, but it simply meant “unmarried.” The functions of these “holy virgins” was to give forth the Mother’s grace and love by sexual worship; to heal; to prophecy; to perform sacred dances; to wail for the dead; and to become Brides of God.

The Semites, and parthenioi by the Greeks called children born of such virgins bathur. Both terms mean virgin-born. According to the Protoevangelium, the Virgin Mary was a kadesha and perhaps was married to a member of the priesthood known as the “fathers of the gods.”

There is an analogy between Mary’s impregnation and that of Persephone’s. The latter, in her virgin guise, sat in a holy cave and began weaving the great tapestry of the universe, when Zeus, appearing as a phallic serpent, impregnated her with the savior Dionysus. Mary sat in a temple and began to spin a blood-red thread, representing Life in the tapestry of fate. The angel Gabriel came to Mary, telling her that the spirit of the Lord would over shadow her and she would be with child. (Luke 1:28-31) This child was Jesus Christ, who many call savior.

In the Hebrew Gospels the name Mary is designated by almah which means “young woman.” The reason that Mary is held to have remained a virgin by Catholics and some Christians is because Matthew in his gospel used the Greek word parthenos, meaning “virgin,” instead of almah when referring to the virgin birth of Jesus. Also almah was derived from Persian Al-Mah, the unmated Moon goddess. Another cognate of this term was the Latin alma, “living soul of the world,” which is essentially identical to the Greek psyche, and the Sanskrit shakti. So the ancient Holy Virgins, or temple-harlots, were “soul-teachers” or “soul- mothers.” Thus comes the term alma mater.

Lovers’ Moon Sachet

Lovers’ Moon Sachet

You will need one-half cup of dried lavender flowers, one-quarter cup of dried rose petals, and one-quarter cup of dried jasmine flowers.

At 9:00 p.m., tie the herbs up in a red drawstring bag. Hold the bag of herbs in your hands, merge with the divine, and say:

With these power, fragrant flowers

Love, joy and pleasure fill my every hour

The love of Lady and Lord surrounds me

The love of the Lady and Lord enfolds me

The love of the Lady and Lord empowers me

The love of the Lady and Lord centers me

The love of the Lady and Lord inspires me

May the Lady and Lord watch over and guide me

Wherever I am, Goddess and God are!

In the names of the Lady and Lord, Blessed Be!

Put the sachet in your dresser drawer to infuse your clothes with the scent of love power and draw more pleasure and joy into your love life.

The Deities of the Witch

The Deities of the Witch.

copywrite (c) 1996 White Circle Enterprises All rights reserved.

**Notice** This document may be distributed freely so long as it is not altered, edited, or changed in any way from its original form. A copy of this document in its true original form may be gotten from our home page.

Please e-mail any critique or questions to me if you cannot find me on the IRC at #Witchcraft_102… flames will be ignored.

The Deities of the Witch

I strongly encourage the individual to research as much as possible about any and all forms of divinity. There are a multitude of books available in libraries and book stores which can provide vast quanities of information. I personally believe that the belief systems of the witch have spent far too long ‘in the broom closet’, if you will, and that it is time for people to start not only asking questions, but getting answers about the Craft. Ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds violence. I, for one, refuse to return to ‘The Burning Times’ when thousands upon thousands of people (Witches and non-witches alike) were murdered of their beliefs or because of false accusation. There is a button which I have seen which reads, “No more witch hunts: We resist!” Well, this is my form of resistance: informing anyone who wants to ask questions. (Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the author of that phrase. If anyone can prove ownership to me (i.e. a copy of a copywrite certificate) I will gladly give him/her credit.) The most wonderful things about the Pagan religeons are the vast diversities between the individual viewpoints and the tolerance with which these viewpoints are accepted. Two witches may live next door to each other for years and celebrate the holidays together and even attend the social gatherings of one another’s group but they may worship totally different gods/goddesses. To witches, IT DOES NOT MATTER what god(s)/goddess(es) you worship so long as your heart and soul are in it! 🙂 Generally speaking, witches worship a god who is seen as the father of all creation and a goddess who is seen as the mother of the same. To my students, I also teach the concept of The Unknowable: the force which is everything that The God and Goddess are, plus everything that They are not.

The Deities

The Deities are the forms in which we as limited beings can try to do the impossible, namely to comprehend the infinite. In reality, there is but one Great Force which dictates the ways of the universe. The Taoists call this The Tao (The Way). Judeo-christians call it YHWH, Jehovah, God, etc. Muslims call it Allah. Because we are finite beings and we are trying to understand the infinite, we divide the Great Is into terms with which we are familiar and comfortable. I am most comfortable with a God and a Goddess whom I refer to as “The Lord and The Lady” or “The Bright Ones”.

The Lady

The Lady is the more tender and nurturing side of The Way. She is the one who works in mysterious and beautiful ways. She gives women their sense of intuition and knowledge in the subtle ways of turning big, strong men into jelly. She is crafty but honest, incredibly wise and appealingly dinghy, she is as soft as a mother’s kiss and as firm as her wooden spoon. She has a razor sharp wit which can leave you bleeding, but laughing at yourself for being stupid enough to cut yourself with it. She has no desire for any but Her husband but still plays Her teasing games with Him. She is the more subtle disciplinarian. She often gives one a warning in the form of ‘a funny feeling’ or premonition. She is what each woman should strive to be.

The Lord

The Lord is the more firm side of The Way. He is the one who provides honor, courage, loyalty, and sustenance to the men who seek to be like Him. He is the hunter who provides for the home. He works hard and plays fairly. He has no desire for any other woman but His wife and will rain His wrath upon those who try to interfere with a happy marriage. He is brutally honest. When He speaks The Truth it often leaves people dazed or in tears when their own lies are dispersed. He enjoys games of strategy and physical exercise. He is the more forceful disciplinarian. His wrath is slow in coming and well earned when received. Often when one has received a strong ‘karmic backlash’ one can look back and see several warnings and minor punishments which had been ignored. The God knows the dangerous effects of His temper and keeps it under control. He is what each man should strive to be.

The traits of The Lord and The Lady above are not mutually exclusive. For instance, The Lord is often crafty but The Lady is usually more so. Conversely, The Lady also speaks The Truth but she usually does so in a less shocking manner. These two are married in a holy union which, like all marriages based upon love, friendship, honesty, and loyalty cannot be dissolved. They are the father and the mother of the universe. It is through their combined efforts that we get The Way of the universe. Their system of punishment and reward is what is often referred to as karma.

The Unknowable or The “Is” The Unknowable is exactly that: unknowable. It is everything that The Bright Ones are plus everything that they are not. It is both masculine and feminine and neither, all at exactly the same time. It is the Universe and all things that are, were, could have been, may be, and will never be. As I said, It is unknowable… because it Is everything.