Sacred Symbols and the Witch Next Door c. 2016

(Yes, I am cheating with some posts but feel they deserve to be brought to the present)

Sacred Symbols and The Witch Next Door

Author Unknow

It’s Tuesday at five o’clock. I punch out, lock up my desk, and leave the dreaded office for the evening. As I walk out of the side door, I imagine that I’m going through one of those automatic car washes, and the brushes and water are removing the day’s stresses and negativity from me (I’m a title clerk at a car dealership, and as you can imagine, dealing with the DMV every day tends to build up negativity). By the time I get to my car, I’m feeling good, stress free and ready for the evening. I look up and see another Carolina thunderstorm rolling in. It’s going to be a 30-minute drive in the rain, and that makes me smile.

By the time I meander my way out of the parking lot, the rains have started. I roll down my window and stick my hand out. As I drive down the street, going with the flow at 45 mph, I feel the bite on my palms and wrists. Like thousands of needles, the drops seem to pierce my skin, infusing me with the energy of Water and Wind. My entire left side is soaked, and I don’t seem to mind. The family in the mini-van next to me stares slack-jawed, thinking me to be insane. I feel sorry for them. If they only knew how good this feels, how cleansing it is, their heads would hang out of the windows of the van like Labradors. I turn into the parking lot of the grocery store to pick up something for cakes and ale tonight. The rain is coming down in sheets. Thunder cracks and rumbles, making the ground shake. Lightning strikes are everywhere. A handful of people run to their cars, holding a few grocery bags and covering their large heads with thin arms to shield themselves. I have the sudden urge to strip naked, arms out in childlike joy, and dance in deformed circles throughout the parking lot until I’m dizzy and fall into a puddle, laughing. The only thing stopping me is the patrol car parked nearby, with the cop inside catching up on his paperwork. I stroll leisurely into the store and pass a small group of old southern women staring at me as they huddle just behind the automatic doors waiting for the storm to subside. One of them tells me that I’ll get sick from that, and that I should have at least tried to hurry into the store where it’s dry. I look at her and say, “Water is a sacred symbol. I am Cleansed and Purified by the Mother.”

When I’ve finished my transaction and head out of the store, the rain has slowed to barely more than a drizzle. As I turn out of the parking lot, it has stopped all together. Again, I’ve rolled down my window and stuck my arm out; now it’s just the Air that I feel on my skin. I inhale the crisp smells only detected after a storm. My lungs expand, and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. That smell always seems to rejuvenate me. I pull into my driveway, turn off the car and go inside. I put the cakes and ale in the refrigerator, then head straight for the back door. On my deck, I sit and enjoy the rolling hills and farmland behind my house. The smell of the after rain still clings to the Air. I breathe deeply and close my eyes. I feel at one with the Air, with the sky. A light breeze kisses my face. As the breeze kicks up, it wraps around me, a swirling blanket of the Gods. I am given the gift of the East, Air as its symbol, and I take that with me back into the house.

The rest of the coven arrives. I change into my robes and we go into the altar room to set up. I lead them through the chants and the worship, we dine on the cakes and ale, and we meditate briefly before opening circle. After ritual, we sit and catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. We laugh, we talk, and we laugh some more. By 9:30 they show themselves out, and I return to the altar room. I light all of the candles once again and stare into the flame of one of my altar candles. I feel my spirit disconnect from my physical body. I enter a trance, and am lost in the awesome power of the Fire. My mind becomes one with the dancing flame and images flood my head. Insights are gained, wisdoms etched into my psyche to forever become a part of me. My education continues, with the Lord and Lady my teachers. The Fire is a symbol of my knowledge. My passion swells as I strive to learn everything…to know…to be. I become aware that I’ve hit the climax of my trance and feel the cycling down, the beginning of the end of the controlled burn. The images slow, and I am once again aware that it is a candle at which I stare. I thank the Gods for bestowing the gnosis upon me, and carefully extinguish the flame.

I am unaware of the time, and do not care to know. I need to ground myself, but rather than do it inside, I instead choose to take our offerings from ritual and bury it outside in the Earth. In the backyard, I find a small, rich patch of soil. Most of the yard is clay, except for here. I dig deeper than needed. Halfway down I toss aside my trowel, electing instead to feel the Earth in my bare hands. As I dig I allow the energies raised within me to pour down into the Earth. The smell of the grass and weeds and dirt permeate me. I feel calm and relaxed, bathed in the glow of the full moon. Carefully I scrape the offering off of the dish. I close my eyes and feel good, knowing that however small it is, this gift of thanks to the Gods will decompose, and what grows in this spot will receive some extra nutrition. All returns to the Earth in good time. I repack the hole I’ve dug and remain on my knees for a few more minutes. The Earth, our symbol of life, our living organism.

These are the most sacred of symbols, the Elements. Water, Air, Fire and Earth all connect us to the Spirit. I stand up slowly, beginning to feel the effects of exhaustion. I turn my head to the right and see a neighbor peeking out the blinds at me. I think to myself that I’m doing nothing strange here, yet tomorrow morning I’ll be the block’s topic of conversation. A Mona Lisa smile crosses my lips as I wave to her and she quickly moves away from the window. I go back into the house, knowing that I’m just the everyday Witch next door.

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, March 11

shaiya-light goddess


Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas


Moonlight Musings

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, March 4th



Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flower

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra
Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas

Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, February 26th



Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas

Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, February 12th

Fairytale with dragons


Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas
Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, February 5th

Fantasy Forest


Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas

Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, January 29th



Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas

Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, January 15th

Dragons Fantasies!!!
The Witches Correspondences for Friday, January 15th

Friday (Freya’s day)

Planet: Venus

Colors: Light Blue, Green, Pink, Copper Hues

Crystals: Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Coral, Emerald, Malachite, Copper

Aroma: Rose, Yarrow, Cardamon, Venus Oil, Strawberry, Sandlewood, Saffron, and Vanilla

Herb: Thyme

The day of Venus, Friday takes its name from Frigga, the Goddess of Love and Transformation. She rules the spiritual aspects of people as they manifest on the physical. Because of this, Friday is sometimes thought of as unpredictable. Magical aspects: love, friendship, reconciliation, and beauty.

Friday has often been associated with relaxation as it is at the end of the week, but the good feeling that comes with it.

Friday also has a lot to do with the fact that it is ruled by the planet Venus – The Goddess of Love. Lusterless relationships and disputes may be settled on Fridays with the aid of a spell to Venus and perhaps a small personal sacrifice.

Friday is also associated with Caribbean wealth spells and has been known to improve friendships, Platonic love and increase your desirability. Be careful what you wish for on Friday, Venus’ eyes could be smiling!

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving love, romance, marriage, sexual matters, physical beauty, partnerships, friendships, social activities, strangers, pleasure, music, incense, perfumes, nature, and arts and crafts.

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, January 8th



Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas
Courtesy of Moonlight Musings


The Witches Correspondences for Friday, December 18

animals in winter




Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas

Courtesy of Moonlight Musings


Your Current Moon Phase for November 24th is Waxing Gibbous

November 24
Waxing Gibbous
Illumination: 97%


The Moon today is in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has it’s roots in the Latin word “gibbous” meaning humpbacked.


Phase Details for – Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Illumination: 97%
Moon Age: 13.15 days
Moon Angle: 0.54
Moon Distance: 366,288.42 km

Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,684,848.93 km

The Witches Correspondences for Friday, November 20th

celtic musician




Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas


Courtesy of Moonlight Musings


The Witches Correspondences for Friday, November 6th

The Witching Hour

Friday Correspondences



Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas


Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

The Witches Current Moon Phase for October 26th – Waxing Gibbous

A Midsummer's DreamOctober 26
Waxing Gibbous
Illumination: 99%

The Moon today is in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has it’s roots in the Latin word “gibbous” meaning humpbacked.

Phase Details for – Monday, October 26, 2015

Phase: Waxing Gibbous
Illumination: 99%
Moon Age: 13.61 days
Moon Angle: 0.55
Moon Distance: 363,733.80 km

Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 148,699,776.78 km


The Witches Correspondences for Friday, September 4th




Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas



Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

Gardnerian Traditional Witchcraft –C.6. The First-Degree Initiation (1957) to C.8. The Third-Degree Initiation (1957)

Gardnerian Traditional Witchcraft –C.6.  The First-Degree Initiation (1957) to C.8.  The Third-Degree Initiation (1957)

C.6.  The First-Degree Initiation (1957)
Draw Circle with Magic Sword or Athame.
Sprinkle with Exorcised Water.
Go round Circle with Magic Sword or Athame, Saying, “I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest as a Boundary and a Protection to contain the magic power which I will raise within thy bounds.  So do I bless thee, in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos.”
Go round, saying at East, South, West, and North, “I summon, stir, and call thee up, ye Mighty Ones of the East (South, West, North), to witness the rites and to guard the circle.”
Magus draws down Moon on High Priestess.
Read Charge, then say, “O thou who standest on the threshold between the pleasant world of men and the dread domains of the lords of the outer spaces, hast thou the courage to make the assay?” (Place point of the Magic Sword or Athame to Postulant’s heart.) “For I say verily it were better to rush on my blade and perish than to make the attempt with fear in thy heart.”
Postulant: “I have two perfect words: perfect love, and perfect trust.”
Say, “All who have are doubly welcome.”
Entering position: “I give you a third to pass you through this dread door.”  Gives it [kiss].
Lead Postulant sunwise to south of altar, and say, “O thou who hast declared intent to become one of us, hear then that which thou must know to do.  Single is the race of men and of Gods; from a single source we both draw breath, but a difference of power in everything keeps us apart, for we are as nothing, but the Gods stay forever.  Yet we can, in greatness of minds, be like the Gods, though we know not to what goal by day or in the night Fate has written that we shall run.  Beyond all seas and Earth’s last boundaries, beyond the Spring of night and the Heavens’ vast expanse, there lies a majesty which is the domain of the Gods.  Thou who would pass through the Gates of Night and Day to that sweet place, which is between the worlds of men and the domains of the Lords of the outer spaces, know that unless there is truth in thy heart, thy every effort is doomed to failure.  HEAR THEN THE LAW: that thou lovest all things in nature; that thou shalt suffer no person to be harmed by thy hands or in thy mind; that thou walkest humbly in the ways of men and the ways of the Gods.  Also it is the law that contentment thou shalt learn, through suffering, and from long years and from nobility of mind and of purpose, FOR THE WISE NEVER GROW OLD.  Their minds are nourished by living in the daylight of the Gods, and if among the vulgar some discoveries should arise concerning some maxims of thy belief in the Gods, so do thou, for the most part, keep silent.  For there is a great risk that thou mayest straightway vomit up that which thou hast not digested, and when someone shall say to thee, “Thou knowest naught,” and it bites thee not, then knowest thou that thou hast begun the work. And as sheep do not bring their food to the shepherd to show how much they have eaten, but digesting inwardly their provender, bear outwardly wool and milk, even so, do not thou display the maxims to the vulgar, but rather the works that flow when they are digested.  Now there is the ordeal.” [This speech was added after about 1960.]
Tie cord around Postulant’s right ankle, leaving ends free; say, “Feet neither bound nor free.”
Leading postulant, proclaim at four quarters, “Take heed, ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the East (South, West, North), that (name) is properly prepared to be made a priestess and a witch.”
Three times round the Circle with Dance step and chant.
Place Postulant in East; say, “Kneel.”
Postulant kneels.
Strike eleven knells on bell; say, “Rise. In other religions the postulant kneels while the priest towers above him, but in the Art Magical we are taught to be humble, and so we kneel to welcome them, and we say:
“Blessed be the feet that have brought you in these ways [kiss];
“Blessed be the knees that shall kneel at the sacred altar [kiss];
“Blessed be thy womb (or organ of generation), without which we would not be [kiss];
“Blessed be thy breasts, erected in beauty and in strength [kiss];
“Blessed be thy lips, which shall utter the sacred names [kiss].
“Before ye are sworn, art willing to pass the ordeal and be purified?”
Postulant “I am.”
Take measure: height (tie knot); around head (tie knot); around heart (tie knot); around hips (tie knot).  Prick postulant’s thumb; catch blood on measure. Place measure on altar.  Have postulant kneel, tie postulant’s feet together, and secure cable tow to altar.  Three strokes on bell.  Say, “Art ready to swear that thou wilt always be true to the Art?”
Postulant “I am.”
Strike seven times on bell and say, “Thou must first be purified.” Scourge 3, 7, 9, 21.
Say, “Ye have bravely passed the test.  Art always ready to help, protect, and defend thy brothers and sisters of the Art?”
Postulant “I am.”
“Then say after me:  I, (name), in the presence of the mighty ones of the outer spaces, do of my own free will most solemnly swear that I will ever keep secret and never reveal the secrets of the Art, except it be to a proper person, properly prepared, within such a circle as I am in now, and that I will never deny the Secrets to such a person if they be vouched for by a brother or Sister of the Art.  All this I swear by my hopes of a future life, and may my weapons turn against me if I break this my solemn oath.”
Loosen cords from ankles and from altar, and remove blindfold; assist to rise.
“I hereby sign thee with the triple sign [the point-down triangle formed by touching the genitals, the right breast, the left breast, and the genitals again.]
I consecrate thee with oil.
I consecrate thee with wine.
I consecrate thee with my lips, Priest (Priestess) and Witch.”
Remove Cords [kiss].
“I now present to you the working tools.  First the magic sword.  With this, as with the athame, thou canst form all magic circles, dominate, subdue, and punish all rebellious spirits and demons, and even persuade angels and good spirits.  With this in your hand, you are ruler of the circle.” [kiss]
“Next I present to you the athame.  This is the true witches’ weapon, and has all the powers of the magic sword.” [kiss]
“Next I present the white-handled knife.  Its use is to form all instruments used in the Art.  It can only be used in a magic circle.” [kiss]
“Next I present the wand.  Its use is to call up and control certain angels and genie to whom it would not be meet to use the sword or athame.” [kiss]
“Next I present the pentacle.  This is for the purpose of calling up the appropriate spirits.” [kiss]
“Next I present the censer of incense. This is used to encourage and welcome good spirits, and to banish evil spirits.” [kiss]
“Next I present the scourge.  This is a sign of power and domination.  It is also used to cause purification and enlightenment, for it is written, `To learn you must suffer and be purified.’ [kiss] Art willing to suffer to learn?”
Postulant: “I am.”
“Next and lastly I present the cords.  They are of use to bind the sigils of the art, also the material basis.  Also they are necessary in the oath.” [kiss]
“I now salute you in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos, Newly made Priestess and Witch.”
Lead round and proclaim to four quarters, “Hear, ye Mighty Ones, (name) has been consecrated a priestess of the Goddess.”
Now present new Witch to coven members.  All should kiss and hug new Witch as welcome into membership.
To close circle proclaim to four quarters, “Ye Mighty Ones of the East (South, West, North), I thank you for attending and, ere ye depart for your lovely realms, I say hail and farewell.”

C.7.  The Second-Degree Initiation (1957)
Form Circle in usual manner, invoking the Mighty Ones at the Four Quarters.  The Initiate should be properly prepared and bound with the Cords.  All are purified, including Initiate.
Circle once, proclaiming at the Four Quarters: “Hear Ye Mighty Ones, . . . (N), a duly consecrated Priestess and Witch is now properly prepared to be made a High Priest and Magus (High Priestess and Witch Queen).”
Circle three times, with dance step and chant.  Initiate then kneels before the Altar and is secured with the Cords.
Priestess or Magus: “To attain to this sublime Degree it is necessary to suffer and be purified. Art willing to suffer to learn?”
Initiate: “I am.”
Priestess or Magus: “I purify thee to take this great oath rightly”.  Strike three strokes upon the bell. Scourge 3, 7, 9, 21.
“I now give thee a new name: . . .” [kiss]
“Repeat thy new name after me, saying, `I, . . ., swear, upon my mother’s womb and by mine honour among men and my brothers and sisters of the Art, that I will never reveal to any at all any of the secrets of the Art, except it be to a worthy person, properly prepared, in the center of a Magic Circle such as I am now in.  This I swear by my hopes of salvation, my past lives and my hopes of future ones to come and I devote myself and my measure to utter destruction if I break this my solemn Oath.'”
Kneel.  Place Left Hand under Initiate’s Knee and Right Hand on Head, thus forming Magic Link, saying: “I will all my power into thee.”  WILL.  Loose, assist to rise.
Consecrate: “I consecrate thee with oil [on genitals, right breast, left hip, right hip, left breast, genitals), I consecrate thee with wine, I consecrate thee with my lips, High Priest and Magus (High Priestess and Witch Queen).”  Loose remaining cords. [kiss]
“You will now use the working tools in turn,
“First the Magic Sword (Form Circle) [kiss]
“Second the Athame.  (Form Circle) [kiss]
“Third the White-Handled Knife  (use) [kiss]
“Fourth the Wand.  (Wave to 4 Quarters) [kiss]
“Fifth the Pentacle.  (Show to 4 Quarters) [kiss]
“Sixth the Censer.  (Circle, cense) [kiss]
“Seventh the Cords.  (Use) [kiss]
“Eighth the scourge: for learn, in witchcraft you must ever give as you receive, but ever triple.  So where I gave thee 3, return 9; where I gave 7, return 21; where I gave 9, return 27; where I gave 21, return 63.” (Use, 9, 21, 27, 63; i.e., 120 in all [kiss])  “Thou hast obeyed the law.  But mark well, when thou receivest good, so equally art bound to return good threefold.”
The Priestess or Magus is then loosed from the cords and says: “Having learned thus far, you must know why the Wicca are called the Hidden Children of the Goddess”.
Then the Legend of the Goddess is either read or acted out.  If it is possible to act it out, the new Initiate may take one of the parts.  One of the Coven should act as Narrator, and another as Guardian of the Portal.  The Priestess, or another woman, may act the part of the Goddess, and the Magus, or another man, may act the part of the God.  The Priestess — or whoever is taking the part of the Goddess — takes off her necklace and lays it on the Altar.  Then she goes outside the circle and is dressed in a veil and jewellery.  The Magus — or whoever is taking the part of the God — is invested with a horned crown and girds on a sword, which he draws and stands in the God position with sword and scourge, by the altar.
Narrator: “In ancient times our Lord, the Horned One, was, as he still is, the Consoler, the Comforter; but men knew him as the Dread Lord of Shadows — lonely, stern, and hard.  Now our Lady the Goddess had never loved, but she would solve all mysteries, even the mystery of Death — and so she journeyed to the Nether Lands. The Guardians of the Portals challenged her:”
(The Priestess — or whoever is taking the part of the Goddess  — advances  to the side of the Circle. Whoever is taking the part of the Guardian of the Portal challenges her with the Sword or Athame.)
Narrator: “`Strip off thy garments, lay aside thy jewels, for naught may ye bring with ye into this our land’.  So she laid down her garments and her jewels and was bound, as are all who enter the realms of Death the Mighty One”.
(The Priestess takes off the veil and the jewellery and lays them down outside the Circle.  The Guardian of the Portal binds her with the Cords and brings her inside the Circle.)
Narrator: “Such was her beauty that Death himself knelt and laid his sword and crown at her feet and kissed her feet.”
(The Magus — or whoever is playing the part of the God — comes forward and lays the Horned Crown and the Sword at the Priestess’s feet and kisses her feet)
Narrator: “Saying, `Blessed be thy feet that have brought thee in these ways.  Abide with me, but let me place my cold hand on thy heart’. And she replied, `I love thee not. Why dost thou cause all things that I love and take delight in to fade and die?’ `Lady,’ replied Death, `’Tis Age and Fate, against which I am helpless.  Age causes all things to wither; but when men die at the end of time, I give them rest and peace and strength, so that they may return. But you, you are lovely. Return not; abide with me.’ But she answered, `I love thee not.’  Then said Death, `An you receive not my hand on your heart, you must receive Death’s scourge.'”
(The Magus rises and takes up the Scourge from the Altar.)
Narrator:  “`It is fate, better so,’ she said, and she knelt.”
(The Priestess kneels before the altar, and the Magus uses the scourge 3, 7, 9, 21.)
Narrator:  “And Death scourged her tenderly, and she cried, `I feel the pangs of love’. And Death raised her, and said, `Blessed be,’ and he gave her the Fivefold Kiss, saying, `Thus only may you attain to joy and knowledge’.”
(The Magus raises the Priestess, gives her the Fivefold Kiss and unties the cords)
Narrator: “And he taught her all the Mysteries and gave her the necklace, which is the Circle of Rebirth.”
(The Magus takes the Priestess’s necklace from the Altar and replaces it about her neck.  The Priestess takes up the Sword and the Horned Crown from the floor, where the Magus placed them, and gives them back to him.  Then he stands as before by the Altar, in the position of the God, and she stands by his side in the pentacle position, as Goddess)
Narrator: “And she taught him the mystery of the sacred cup, which is the cauldron of rebirth.  They loved and were one; and he taught her all the Magics.  For there be three great mysteries in the life of man — love, death, and resurrection in a new body — and magic controls them all.  To fulfill love you must return at the same time and place as the loved one, and you must meet and know and remember and love them again.  But to be reborn you must die and be ready for a new body; to die you must be born; without love you may not be born — and these be all the magics.  And our Goddess ever inclineth to love and mirth and happiness, and guardeth and cheriseth Her hidden children in life; and in death she teacheth the way to have communion, and even in this world She teacheth them the Mystery of the Magic Circle, which is placed between the worlds.”
The Priestess or Magus then replaces the Sword, Crown, Scourge, etc., upon the Altar, and taking the new Initiate by the hand and holding the Athame in the other, passes once round the Circle, proclaiming at the Four Quarters, “Hear, Ye Mighty Ones, . . . hath been duly consecrated High Priest and Magus (or High Priestess and Witch Queen).”

C.8.  The Third-Degree Initiation (1957)
Magus gives Fivefold Kiss.
Magus: “Ere we proceed with this sublime degree, I must beg purification at thy hands.”
High Priestess binds Magus and ties him down to the altar.  She circumambulates three times, and scourges Magus with three, seven, nine, and 21 strokes.  She then unbinds him and helps him to his feet.
Magus now binds the High Priestess and ties her down to the altar. He circumambulates, proclaiming to the four quarters, “Hear, ye mighty Ones, the twice consecrate and Holy (name), High Priestess and Witch Queen, is properly prepared and will now proceed to erect the Sacred Altar.”
Magus scourges High Priestess with three, seven, nine, and 21 strokes.
Magus kisses her feet. “Ere I dare proceed with this sublime degree, I must again beg purification at thy hands.”
She binds and scourges him.
Note: if High Priestess has not performed this rite before, he says, “Here I reveal to you a great mystery.”  [Kneel and place couch in position so as to face north.]

Assist me to build
As the Mighty One willed,
An Altar of praise,
From beginning of days,
Thus doth it lie,
Twixt the points of the sky,
For thus it was placed When the Goddess embraced The Horned One, Her Lord, Who taught her the word,
[Priestess lies down in such a way that her vagina is approximately at the center of the circle]
Which quickened the womb,
And conquered the Tomb.
Be thus as of yore,
The Shrine we adore, [kiss]
The feast without fail,
The life-giving Grail, [kiss]
Before it uprear
The Miraculous Spear,
And invoke in this sign
The Goddess divine. [kiss]

Invoke: “Thou who at moon of night doth reign,
Queen of the starry realm above,
`Not unto Thee may we attain
Unless Thine Image be of Love.’ [kiss]

By moon-rays silver shaft of power,
By green leaf breaking from the bud,
By seed that springeth into flower,
By life that courseth in the blood. [kiss]

By rushing wind and leaping flame,
By flowing water and green earth,
Pour us the wine of our desire
From out Thy Cauldron of Rebirth. [kiss]

Here may we see in vision clear
The Secret Strange unveiled at length,
The wondrous Twin-Pillars rear
Erect in Beauty and in Strength. [kiss breasts]

Altar of Mysteries manifold, The Sacred Circle’s central point, Thus do I sign thee as of old, With kisses of my lips anoint.
(Eightfold Kiss: 3 points, Lips, 2 Breasts and back to lips, & 5 points*, with oil, wine, & kisses)

Open for me the Secret Way,
The pathway of intelligence,
Between the Gates of Night and Day,
Beyond the bounds of time and sense.

Behold the Mystery aright,
The Five True Points of Fellowship,
Here where the Lance and Grail unite,
And feet and knees and breast and lips.”

Magus and High Priestess: “Encourage our hearts, Let thy Light crystallize itself in our blood, fulfilling us of Resurrection, for there is no part of us that is not of the Gods.”
(Exchange Names.)

Blowing in the Wind: The Element of Air

Blowing in the Wind

The Element of Air

In the Wiccan tradition, Air is the Element of the East and might be represented on an altar as incense, feathers, or an athame. It can be as soft as a whispered breath and as violent as a tornado, so it isn’t an Element to be taken lightly. It should come as no surprise that particularly persistent winds have even been given names–the Scirocco winds in the Mediterranean and the Santa Ana winds on the United States West Coast, for example. When these winds blow, they can literally change people’s temperaments and often fan wild fires. When mixed with another powerful Element, Water, Air can produce a fury we call hurricanes.

But Air is a necessary and benevolent Element, too. Without even thinking about it, we use our breath to blow out candles, sing songs of celebration and whisper secrets. How often have you “stepped out for a breath of fresh air”? Used during meditation and to alleviate the pains of childbirth, the Element of Air is healing and vital.

Calendar of the Sun for Tuesday, May 1

Calendar of the Sun
1 Thrimilchimonath


Color: Green
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a green cloth lay flowers, leafy branches, a great bowl of May wine, the figure of the Green Man and the May Queen, green candles, incense of flowers, and pots of herbs.
Offerings: If possible, ritual sex, alone or with others, should be offered up after the ritual. Otherwise, work in the garden among the green things.
Daily Meal: A great feast of fine food.

Ritual Note: Like all the eight high holidays, this day should ideally be spent not enclosed and isolated, but in common with the larger pagan community. This can be done a number of ways, including spending the day elsewhere, at the Beltane ritual of another group or tradition, or by inviting in those pagans who would otherwise not be able to attend a ritual. Either way, the eight holidays should be a time of remembering the place of the house in the greater community. If the choice is made to go elsewhere, then no liturgy is needed for the day. If the choice is made to bring the greater community into the lesser one, the following ritual can be used:

(First four who have been chosen to do the work of the ritual cast the quarters with ribbons or fan, candle, chalice, and salt. They should be dressed as dragons in the four colors of the quarters, masked and winged.)

East Dragon:
Spirits of the East, Powers of Air!
Laughing sylphs that ride the winds,
Faery dancers laughing on the breeze,
Pixies in the morning’s meadow,
Sprites that fly on gossamer wings!
Devas of the Realms of Air,
Be with us!
We come before you with open eyes,
Glorying in the rising sun of spring!
Let this day be a new beginning for all of us!

South Dragon:
Spirits of the South, Powers of Fire!
Flaming phoenix of rebirth,
Salamander walking unharmed through flames,
Dragon sleeping on riches and breathing fire,
Faery horses striking sparks from your hooves!
Devas of the Realms of Fire,
Be with us!
We come before you with open spirits,
Glorying in our freedom from the winter!
Let this day create our future anew!

West Dragon:
Spirits of the West, Powers of Water!
Naiads of the flowing rivers,
Undines of the oceans deep,
Mermaids singing siren’s songs,
Tritons swimming with the dolphins!
Devas of the Realms of Water,
Be with us!
We come before you with open hearts,
Glorying in the circle of community that heals us!
Let this day teach us that we are never alone!

North Dragon:
Spirits of the North, Powers of Earth!
Dryads who safeguard the great trees,
Gnomes who mine the depths underground,
Elves of the forests walking silent trails,
Deep faeries of the hidden caves!
Devas of the Realms of Earth,
Be with us!
We come before you to be at home in our bodies
And glory in the solid truth of our flesh!
Let this day teach us that we are Earth,
And Earth is sacred,
And we are sacred.

All Chant:
Blessed be the Guardians of the world.
Blessed be the Guardians of the world.
Blessed be the East at dawn.
Blessed be the South in fire.
Blessed be the West waters.
Blessed be the Northern earth,
Homeland of our Lady and Lord.
Blessed be the Guardians of the world
For they stand on a barren plain,
Watching, watching all that goes round.
Blessed be the Guardians of the world.

East Dragon:
I am the wisdom of the wind that whispers in your ears.
I am all that knows the secrets of the universe.
I am awakening the earth with my touch.
Now ice and snow have faded away
And we greet the oncoming summer.
Yet we must remember,
Even as we lift our arms to the sky,
That the future is uncertain.
So let this moment stand in our minds
As one perfect memory to be cherished.

South Dragon:
I am the wisdom of the fire that burns in your souls!
I am all that wills manifestation into existence!
I ama awakening the earth with my warmth!
Hear me, O people gathered here today!
Your ancestors burned in fires
Because they would not forswear us!
Your ancestors hid in the dark
And worshiped us in secret.
Your ancestors turned to other faiths
To save their lives and their children
And forgot us, but we never left them!
Will you take up what they lay down?
Will you bring into the open what they hid?
Will you celebrate what they died for?
(All shout, “We will!”)

West Dragon:
I am the wisdom of your blood that flows in your veins.
I am all that dares to love.
I am awakening the silent earth with my gentle rains.
We water you with our joy
We water you with our tears
We nourish you with the hope
Of more than three thousand years.
May we all remember the fountain of ancient wisdom,
May we all come to drink at its waters.
(Pours May wine as libation.)

Earth Dragon:
I am the wisdom of the Earth, which lies hidden.
I am all that knows when to be silent.
I have awakened, and I give thanks for this day.
Receive this sign, this perfect flower,
Token given of this hour,
Though its petals fade and wither,
What we worship lasts forever.
(Lays flowers on altar.)
As withies are yellow the willow shall bring
Gold for the Earth-maiden and for her green king:
A sheaf and a crown and a pledge-bearing ring,
For this is the song that the willow doth sing:
O golden the sun that shall turn him to green,
And golden his fires that burn for his queen,
Green are his branches that wave o’er the twain
Till we weave them a cradle of green leaves and rain.
All chant:
This is the circle of the sun,
This is the circle of the earth,
This is the circle of his flame,
This is the circle of her love,
This is the circle of our faith,
This is the circle that welcomes them in.
Officiant (call and response):
By seeds of all beginnings, may our magic spring skyward.
By roots of all depths, may we stand strong in our convictions.
By stem and trunk that reaches for the sky, may our spirits soar.
By bud that grows, may our dreams never be crushed.
By leaf that kisses the Sun and rain, may we share our joys and sorrows.
By flower that opens to the dawn, may we learn to trust in each other and in the Gods.
By fruit that gives forth sweetness, may we nourish each other.
By seed within the fruit that grows the tree anew,
We shall live, and live again each Spring,
By life and death, by Lord and Lady, by hand and eye, by heart and spirit,
As all green things grow, so shall our faith,
And its memory be carried forever beneath the feet
Of a thousand generations to come.
For the Green Man in all his glory, blessings and praise!
For the May Queen in all her beauty, blessings and praise!
For the new grass beneath our feet, blessings and praise!
For new baby animals, blessings and praise!
For the birds returned from the south, blessings and praise!
For the heat of the Sun, blessings and praise!
For the Lady’s hawthorn, blessings and praise!
For the wisdom of the ancients, blessings and praise!
For fertility of the fields, blessings and praise!

(All may join in with other calls, to which all reply, “Blessings and praise!” Then the rite is ended, the quarters dismissed, and all retire.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Closing the Circle

Closing the Circle

There are two ways to close the circle:

Draw a banishing pentagram while standing in the center of the circle. Say: “Guardians of the East, South, West and North. Powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water I thank you for joining in my circle and I ask your blessings are you depart. May peace be between us now and forever. Blessed Be!

Once the rite is ending, face North, hold the wand up and say: “Farewell, Spirit of the North. I give thanks for your presence here. Go in power and love.

Repeat this at each point. When done, take your athame and go to the North. Pierce the energy field of the circle and bring the power into the athame. When you return to the North, the circle is no more.

It is important to close the circle properly. The energy you raise during the ritual is trapped in the circle. When you release the circle, the energy is released into the universe. Never leave a circle unopened.





The following ingredients are needed
red candle
black candle
white candle
elder blossoms

The night before the Full Moon, find a place where your altar will not be disturbed for 24 hours. Put the cauldron in the center with a red candle on the right side, black candle of the left side, and white candle in the back; but do not light them yet. Sprinkle a mixture of equal parts of elder blossoms, marjoram, mint and rue in an unbroken circle around the cauldron. Into a tiny vial, measure equal drops of clove, frankincense, jasmine, and lavender. Set the sealed bottle in the cauldron and leave until the night of the Full Moon. On Full Moon night, take a cleansing bathe and robe yourself in white. Carry a good protective or purification incense through every room in the house. Make certain that the smoke drifts into closets. Return to the altar and light the candles. Take up the dagger or sword. Face the East and raise the sword in salute. To salute in this manner, simply hold the sword point upward in front of you. Say: By the power of the rising sun, all evil in my life is done. Turn to the South, salute, say: By the power of darkening night, my shield is strong, my armor tight. Turn to the North, salute, say: By Full Moon in blackening sky, I am not alone. My help is nigh. The Goddess’s hands around me stay, To keep me safe by night and day. Begone, foul spirits, unbidden here. I send you back, I do not fear. For I have won. I am set free. You have no further power over me. Face the altar and take up the vial of oil. Put a drop of oil on your finger and anoint your forehead, heart, solar plexus, wrists and ankles. As you do this, visualize a shining blue suit of armor slowly descending over your body until you are entirely protected. Cap the bottle and store in a safe place. Thank the Powers for their help and extinguish the candles. Apply the oil and repeat the chants whenever you feel the armor is slipping.