The Witches Correspondences for Friday, November 20th

celtic musician




Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas


Courtesy of Moonlight Musings


The Witches Correspondences for Friday, November 6th

The Witching Hour

Friday Correspondences



Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers, Heart

Color: aqua, blue, light blue, brown, green, pale green, magenta, peach, pink, rose, white, all pastels

Number: 5, 6

Metal: copper

Charm: green or white garments, scepter

Stone: alexandrite, amethyst, coral, diamond, emerald, jade, jet, black moonstone, peridot, smoky quartz, tiger’s-eye, pink tourmaline

Animal: camel, dove, elephant, goat, horse, pigeon, sparrow

Plant: apple, birch, cherry, clematis, clove, coriander, heather, hemlock, hibiscus, ivy, lotus, moss, myrtle, oats, pepperwort, peppermint, pinecone, quince, raspberry, rose, pink rose, red rose, rose hips, saffron, sage, savin, stephanotis, strawberry, thyme, vanilla, verbena, violet, water lily, yarrow, and all flowers

Incense: ambergris, camphor, mace, musk, myrrh, rose, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, all floral scents

Goddess: Aphrodite, Asherah, Baalith, Brigid, Erzulie, Freya (Passionate Queen), Frigg, Gefion, Harbor (Beautiful One), Hestia, Inanna, Ishtar (Lady of Passion and Desire), Lakshmi, Lilith, Mokosh, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Ostara, Pombagira, Sarasvati, Shakti, Shekinah, Sirtur, Al Uzza, Venus (Queen of Pleasure), Vesta

God: Allah, Bacchus, Bes, Cupid, the Dagda, Dionysus, El, Eros (God of Love), Freyr, Frit Ailek, Shukra

Evocation: Agrat Bat Mahalat, Anael, Hagiel, Mokosba, Rasbid, Sachiel, Uriel, Velas


Courtesy of Moonlight Musings

Your Charm for November 6th is Libra the Balance

Your Charm for Today

Libra the Balance

Today’s Meaning:

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is diplomatic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable. This person is someone you know socially.

General Description:  

Seventh sign of the Zodiac, Sept 23rd to Oct 24th. Venus is the ruling planet; correct metal, Copper. Those born under Libra’s influence were supposed to be affable, courteous even tempered, painstaking, and with marked perceptive qualities. The Libra stones are the Opal, Chrysolite and Sardonyx. To the ancients the Opal was the Stone of Mystery its flashing and glowing rainbow hues suggested occult powers, and it was regarded as sacred in the East. In India it was believed to strengthen the mind and clear the brain; in Greece to give the wearer the power of prophecy and foresight, and during the 14th century used for strengthening the eyesight.

Your Charm for August 25 is Taurus – The Bull

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:   

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving. This is a person you respect.

General Description:

Second sign of the Zodiac, April 21st to May 22nd. Ruling planet Venus; correct metal Copper. Those born under Taurus were thought to be endowed with mental and physical strength, strong minded, clever, fearless and emotional. The correct Taurus gem is the Sapphire. The sapphire is of a deep blue color, and the darker the blue the greater its value. The ancients wore Sapphire charms for protection from poison, plague, fever, diseasses of the skin, and to bring peace and happiness upon its wearer. The eyes were rubbed by a Sapphire to preserve them from injury by smallpox. King Solomon’s seal is said to have been a Sapphire.

The Wicca Book of Days for May 11 – Vivacious Venus

The Wicca Book of Days for May 11

Vivacious Venus

As the governing planet of Taurus, Venus’s rulership is now firmly established. The planet Venus is also called the Morning Star, for it is often the first heavenly body to glimmer at dawn, and it was its sparkle that caused the Romans to name it after their Goddess of beauty. Venus’s sigil or symbol, is said to represent either the Goddess’s necklace or her hand mirror; alchemists also used it to denote copper, and it represents the female in biological contexts. Similarly, Venus is said to exude quintessentially feminine traits, such as an addiction to romance and prettiness, as well as soft-heartedness and self-indulgence.

Curative Cooper

You may have noticed people wearing copper bangles. Venus’s metal, copper not only looks attractive, but possesses many healing properties, not least its renowned ability to alleviate arthritic and rheumatic pain. And if you wish to attract love energies, try wearing copper next to your skin.