Your Daily Tarot Card for October 23 is The Moon



Tarot Card of the Day

The Moon

October 23, 2015

What has traditionally been known as the Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. The full moon and/or eclipse cycle charted by the Magi (as in some of the earliest Moon card images) exemplify this as a mechanism that Nature uses to expand consciousness.

The variants of the courtly lovers (representing skillful use of the sex force) or the man sleeping it off under the tree (use of drugs to alter consciousness) are also traditional avenues for tapping this primal force. Human interest in higher states propels us to the frontiers of consciousness, where we cannot always control what happens. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul’s integrity, where the membrane between self and the Unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality reenters the Ocean of Being. What transpires next is between a soul and its Maker.

Your Daily Tarot Card for June 29th is The Moon



Tarot Card of the Day

The Moon

May 18th, 2015

What has traditionally been known as the Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. The full moon and/or eclipse cycle charted by the Magi (as in some of the earliest Moon card images) exemplify this as a mechanism that Nature uses to expand consciousness.

The variants of the courtly lovers (representing skillful use of the sex force) or the man sleeping it off under the tree (use of drugs to alter consciousness) are also traditional avenues for tapping this primal force. Human interest in higher states propels us to the frontiers of consciousness, where we cannot always control what happens. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul’s integrity, where the membrane between self and the Unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality reenters the Ocean of Being. What transpires next is between a soul and its Maker.

Daily Motivator for February 18th – Face forward

Face forward

Yes, it’s interesting and somewhat instructive to know how things got the way  they are. What’s far more important, though, is what you choose to do going  forward.

Pay attention to what has happened but don’t waste your precious and powerful  energy becoming obsessed by it. Put that energy into moving in a positive  direction.

It’s what you can do now that really matters. As big as they might have been,  the expired opportunities of yesterday are now negligible compared to the  possibilities of today.

What you can do now is connect with your most treasured dreams. What you can  do now is act with passion and the highest expectations to bring those dreams to  life.

Instead of living with wistfulness, regret, or anger about the past, you can  live with positive purpose toward a great and shining future. The direction you  face makes all the difference in the world, so make the choice to face  forward.

This is a new moment, and with it comes the chance for a new start. Take that  chance, grab that opportunity, and live your life forward in a beautiful and  fulfilling way.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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Calendar of the Moon for Monday, January 27th

Calendar of the Moon

Rowan Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Calendar of the Moon for January 22nd

Calendar of the Moon

Rowan Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Wolf Moon Ritual Oil

Wolf Moon Ritual Oil

Use this oil to induce insightful and blessed dreams.

To make this ritual oil you will need a small cup, two teaspoons of olive oil, lavender oil, clary  sage oil, and vanilla oil.

Make this mixture just before you go to sleep. Begin by putting two teaspoons of olive oil in a  small cup. As you add four drops of lavender oil, say:

Wolf Moon oil bless me with power and insight.

Next, add two drops of clary sage oil while saying:

Divine dream oil empower me with blessed dreams.

Now, add two drops of vanilla oil, and say:

Divine dream oil empower me with sweet dreams.

Conclude by mixing the oil with the fingers of your power hand (right hand if you are right-handed)  and chant several times:

Divine dream oil empower me with blessed dreams.

Rub the oil into the front and back of your neck, and into your wrists and ankles. As you rub the  oil into your skin, chant:

Divine dream oil empower me with blessed dreams.

While drifting to sleep, repeat to yourself:

Sweet dreams, blessed be!

When you awaken, write down everything you recall from your dreams in your  journal.

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Meanings for Common Dreams

Meanings for Common Dreams

Common Dream Interpretations


Flying Dreams

The meaning of flying dreams has been the topic of much speculation and makes for interesting water cooler conversations. Flying dreams actually often have to do with career aspirations. Flying can symbolize ambition and attaining higher status.

Types of Flying Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Soaring High: Flying upwards indicates success or achievement. Look below you to see what is underneath you to discover what area of your life is going well. Are you flying over your home (family happiness) or over the building where you work (business successes).
  • Flying in/on a Vehicle: Were you floating away in a hot air balloon, grabbing onto a kite string, sitting inside an airplane, or being carried in the arms of Superman? Any of these flying dreams indicate that your efforts are being supported by someone else. You are not alone in your endeavors.
  • Losing Altitude: A need for re-evaluation of your goals. Ask yourself if you are headed in the right direction.
  • Failure to get Lift-Off: A strong gravity pull could be signifying a need for grounding.

Falling Dreams

Falling dreams are often manifestations of our fears and anxieties.

Types of Falling Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Falling from the Skies:: Flying downwards from the heavens may symbolize a “fall from grace.” Has an authority figure expressed disappointment in you? Have you embarrassed yourself by recent behaviors?
  • Being Pushed: Loss of empowerment. Getting fired or looked over in a promotion you were hoping for. Or, being bullied or forced into an uncomfortable situation.
  • Stumbling as you Walk: Feeling as if you have lost your way in your life path. Overly anxious about finding your life purpose.
  • Jumping without a Parachute: Being or feeling unsupported by others.
  • Being Jerked Awake: Have you ever been awoken from a falling dream? Or felt a jerking sensation in your body that jolts you awake? One theory for this happening is that your spiritual body has returned from its astral flight and that “jolt” is the dreamer experiencing re-entry into the physical realm.

Nakedness in Dreams

Being naked in a dream could indicate feelings of emotional vulnerability or fears of exposure. A clue to the meaning of nudity in your dream is any emotion attached to it. Did you feel excited, embarrassed, surprised, carefree, or some other emotion?

Types of Nudity Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Nudity in a Public Place: Feelings of embarrassment or guilt.
  • Naked in the Classroom: Feeling vulnerable among your peers.
  • Being Naked Among Friends or Family: Desire to be seen or accepted as your authentic self.
  • Loss or Disappearance of Clothing: Hidden truths or secrets revealed.
  • Carefree Nudity in a Lucid Dream: Expression of freedom, open-mindedness, or unrestrained self-acceptance.

Pregnancy Dreams

Dreaming of being pregnant could be prophetic, but these types of dreams typically mean you are growing spiritually, OR something creative is incubating within your being. Having a baby in your dream can represent rebirth or something new is entering your life. Because you are the one pregnant in the dream or the person birthing the new life, you will be the creator or the originator of a new idea.

Types of Pregnancy Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Conceiving a Child: Seeding a new idea, being open to start afresh, or setting new goals.
  • Being Pregnant: Growing or incubating a new idea, anticipation of a change, or laying the groundwork for a new project.
  • Giving Birth: Birthing a new idea, undertaking a new direction, or entering a new life stage
  • Experiencing Labor Pains: Growing pains or painful life lessons.
  • Experiencing False Labor: Misunderstandings or wrong timing.
  • Having a Miscarriage: Unfulfilled hopes or wishes or missed opportunities.
  • Aborting a Pregnancy: Squelching an idea or giving up on your dreams.


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Dream Moods

dream dictionary 

Symbols are the language of dreams. A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about.

Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself.  

To guide you with your dreams interpretations, we have interpreted over 5800 keywords and symbols and over 20000 different meanings in our ever expanding dream dictionary. These meanings are in no way, the final say in what YOUR dream  means, but hopefully it will inspire you to explore and offer a suggestive starting point for understanding your own dreams. There is no “one dream interpretation fits all.” 

Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams. Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory or something from your unconscious. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams. Even the most trivial symbol can be significant. This dictionary, along with your own personal experiences, memories and circumstances, will serve to guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. With practice, you can gain an understanding of the cryptic messages your dreams are trying to tell you. 

Very fascinating site, check it out for yourself, link below:

dream dictionary

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Gemstone of the Day – Herkimer Diamond

Gemstone of the Day – Herkimer Diamond

Found only in Herkimer, New York. A special clear quartz. Cleanse often. Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation. May take one too “high”/spacey to wear. The “Dream stone” – in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; use as bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakras. These clear crystals closely resemble Diamonds but are really Quartz. Help to increase the energy and healing qualities of other stones. Very useful in helping to lessen the pressures of day-to-day life and the stress and tension-related diseases that can result. They help you recognize the signs of stress before it can do physical damage. Helps you choose a direction to follow that will offer the path of least resistance. They contain a store of ecological memory that can be utilized by a person who can tune into the energy. Can also guide you in remembering your own past-life experiences.

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Calendar of the Moon for January 9th

Calendar of the Moon

Birch Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Calendar of the Moon for January 2nd

Calendar of the Moon

Rowan Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

The Witches Magick for Dec. 18th – Bow To The Moon Spell

The Witches Magick for Dec. 18th – Bow To The Moon Spell

In many countries, it is considered unlucky to point directly at the moon, but if you curtsey or bow to the moon, it will draw gifts and favors to you during the next moon cycle.

Use a lapis dream charm or a tumbled piece of clear quartz for this spell. Once the moon rises, go outdoors or stand where you can see the moon clearly, and bow(men) or curtsey(women) to the moon nine times. Each time you bow or curtsey, repeat:

“I curtsey(bow) to the Mother, I curtsey(bow) to the moon, please bring me abundance and bring it soon!”

Now hold the stone in your receiving hand as you say this prayer:

“Dear Goddess and God of the moon and stars
Please hear my prayer tonight
Grace me with your divine presence
So that I may dream of joyful abundance.
And help me to remember my dreams
When I awaken once again
Help me to interpret my dream messages
So that I may know their deeper meanings
Thank you, divine Lady and Lord, blessed be!”

Bow or curtsey to the moon three times. Each time you bow or curtsey, repeat:

“I curtsey(bow) to the Mother, I (curtsey)bow to the moon, please bring me abundance and bring it soon!”

When you go indoors slip the stone inside your pillowcase or put it next to your bedside as you sleep. As you drift to sleep, repeat to yourself:

“I clearly remember my dreams when I wake up and easily understand the dream messages.”

When you awaken, hold the stone in your receiving hand as you write down everything you recall from your dreams in your journal. Continue doing this until you draw abundance to you.

Neptune Direct – Life gets hazy as nebulous Neptune moves forward

Neptune Direct

Life gets hazy as nebulous Neptune moves forward

Tarotcom Staff Tarotcom Staff on the topics of neptune, astrology

A fog is rolling in. You see, nebulous Neptune is the planet of illusion and confusion, and it’s been retrograde for the past five months. During this time of clear sight, life has felt all too real. But now, when Neptune goes direct on November 13, 2013, we’ll be able to dip back into that lovely fantasy world we prefer to reality.

What are we talking about?

See, Neptune is the planet that protects us from reality when it’s too harsh. Neptune gives us faith, spirituality and dreams. So when it’s retrograde we see things very clear and find it harder to escape. Sure, we may get more accomplished, but it’s a bit uncomfortable.

Neptune Direct, on the other hand, gives us a break. It’s sort of encouraging us to live in denial and ignore the nagging fears we don’t feel quite ready to deal with. But that’s OK, because it does inspire our imaginations and gives us faith.

There is a dark side to Neptune Direct, as there is any time you choose fantasy over reality. And that is we may take our escapism too far and delude ourselves into doing the wrong things — like staying in bad relationships or jobs. But if we try to think a little bit more objectively during the next five months we can avoid that pitfall.

Use this time instead to appreciate your ability to dream and the expressions of compassion you meet. Neptune wants to show you the ideal beauty in the world, and this is your chance to let go and feel your way through it with all your heart.

The Leap of Faith

The Leap of Faith

Author:   M.T.Bargeman   

Every action we take is a leap of faith. We have faith that our truck will carry us safely down the road and home again. We have faith that the gas stove won’t explode while we are cooking breakfast. We have faith in our talents, skills, and beliefs as Pagans.

We perform both mundane and magical acts to push ourselves to do better, be better humans, and better Pagans, better witches. We have faith that we can do these things. Where does this faith come from inside us? If you remember the story of Pandora’s box, you remember that Hope was the weakest creature inside the box and that it never actually escaped.

All humans have hope. With hope, which is said to spring eternally from the human breast, we can have faith. Hope and faith go together, because it is extremely strong hope that creates faith. In other words, we want something in particular to happen so badly, hoping, wishing, dreaming for the outcome we desire that we believe-have faith- that it will be so. Dreams and goals are part of this Hope/Faith pairing.

We dream that we can do something. For instance, years ago, I dreamed of becoming a professional writer and a novelist. Something about the idea of telling an entertaining story to masses of people makes me happy. It’s a happy thought. There would be people reading my work, enjoying it and waiting eagerly for the next book. There was a time when I thought this might not happen for me.

I had a manuscript, which I began writing with a pilfered spiral notebook from my children’s room, and a Bic pen I found in the kitchen of the house we’d just moved into. Eventually, I got a computer, and I finished that story. There was a hitch: I developed a rare eye disease that caused me to lose my vision. I was legally blind by the time I had finished telling the story. I could not see that the entire middle of the book was not on the floppy disk when I printed the first few copies of the manuscript.

My first few attempts at having it published failed, probably partly because the story was incomplete. I reworked the manuscript, adding more depth to the characters, so that the reader could see and know them the way I did. I had, and still have, faith in my ability to tell a good story. When I had rewritten the story, edited, re worked and added more to the story then I began submitting The Travelers to publishers again. This time, the whole story was saved, and thanks to adaptive technology, I could see and know the story was complete. This, again, is the leap of faith.

I have faith that I can and do tell a great story. I have faith that my gods are watching over me, and sometimes guiding me along the way. After quite a few rejections from agents and publishers, I put the novel on Kindle myself. I was still true to myself- I did not pay a vanity press a ridiculous amount of money to publish the work. I found a friend to do the cover and convert the files so they could be uploaded. Then I created my account on Amazon, uploaded my story, and did everything else I could possibly do. That’s faith.

I have faith that everything will work out, as I will it to work out. I may not be a bestselling author with this book. Perhaps it will be the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that. I keep leaping. You never get to take the leap of faith one time- you have to keep on leaping until you land where you want to be. We all have our own path we must walk; all of us have our own star to follow.

We all have a leap we have to take. For me, the leap was just as much about knowing my story deserved to be read as it was refusing to let my vision impairment defeat me. In fact, my visual impairment made me quite frustrated at times. It still does, but I have faith in myself, and I know that the gift of storytelling is from the gods. I know that losing my sight has no bearing on my mind, my imagination, or my skills. It has little bearing on who I choose to be. It is not a reason to give up on my dreams. I’m pretty sure that the Gods/Goddesses who have sacrificed an eye or both of them, for some reason, would agree that this is no reason to quit on yourself or what you want in life.

I took my leap this year. My novel is ready to be read on Kindle applications, and it will soon be in paper. If a person has faith in themselves, faith in their talents, and faith in their patron Gods/Goddesses, then even the largest of leaps is not so scary, and we can let absolutely nothing stand in our way. I will let nothing stand in the way of my work.

The gods gave me the gift of storytelling. I have done it from the time I could talk. I have faith that I will continue to tell stories of every sort for many years. Others will read some, some may not be. Some will be widely received, and some will be rejected. I will not give up, and I will not be a sheep.

If the Celtic mythology teaches anything, it is perseverance. If the Norse mythologies teach anything, it is certainly determination and tenacity. The mythologies, like the gods themselves, all have something of value to teach us. The main thing they teach is belief in one’s self and to be unafraid of our own individuality. This helps us find enough hope to take the leap of faith.

What is your leap of faith this year?

The Witches Spell for October 24 – Dream Weaver Spell


Dream Weaver Spell

To bring informative and helpful dreams.

Items You Will Need:

Purple candle
Piece of Amethyst
Piece of paper or picture
Small muslin or silk bag/piece of cloth with ribbon


Place stone, mugwort, and slip of paper on which is written the issue you want answers to in the bag or cloth. When done with the spell, put the bag under your pillow. (You don’t need to use all of these if you don’t have them, and you can just put a slip of paper under your pillow instead of the bag.)

Chant the following:

“Spirits of sleep and intuition
I call on you to lend a hand
As I slumber, send me visions
So I might know and understand.”
“Send me answers to my questions
Clarify confusion’s mist
Send me knowledge as I’m sleeping
Which awake I might resist.”
“Let my dreams be strong and true
Containing knowledge that I need
Intuition rules at night
So for wise dreams I plant the seed.”

For The Beginner – Witchcraft 101 – Lesson Four

Lesson 4

Beginning Shadows

Meditation Meditation is important in ritual work. Listen when a spell calls for any sort of meditation. It is used to calm the body, cleanse the soul and remove any unwanted energies from the body before ritual is performed. It can cleanse the mind. Try different meditation positions. Many people can meditate while sitting, but I have trouble and must lie down on my back. Others cannot lie down at all to meditate. Try meditation to different types of music or to cassettes of nature sounds. You can incorporate chanting and drumming into your meditations as well as they produce a mind-numbing effect.

A Meditation I have read many books and  articles on different types of meditations and I have found one meditation in  particular very useful. Begin by lying or sitting in a comfortable position. You  may wish to play some type of soothing music or nature sounds such as ocean  waves, water running or a rainstorm. Once you are comfortable, close your eyes.  Let your entire body relax beginning with your toes. Feel your toes slack. Let  it move up your legs. Feel your legs relax, then your thighs, then your stomach.  Let your arms relax, your neck and then your face and head. Slowly, you will  find yourself surrounded by light. This light will spread until you seem to  float in a void of white light. Reach out before you and grab some of the light.  Tear it open and step through the hole. You find yourself in the middle of a  wood. The white hole remains open behind you. You are standing on a little path.  Look around you. Is it night? Day? Are there birds singing? Paying attention to  detail during meditation will help you get better in your astral travel. Follow  the path. After a while you will see an old moss-covered bridge. Step onto the  bridge. A small burbling stream flows beneath it. As you look over into the  stream, you will notice that your pockets feel weighted with stones. These  stones are your worldly troubles, worries and problems. You cannot take them  with you where you are going. Pull the stones from your pocket and drop them  into the stream. Watch the water bubble over them. If you feel any more stones  in your pocket, keep emptying it until it is empty. Continue across the bridge  to the path on the other side. Soon, the wood will open up into a large  clearing. There are mountains in the distance and before you is a small hill  with a single tree. Grassy hills with wildflowers stretch off into the distance.  This is the astral plane. Once you get proficient in visiting this area, you can  go anywhere you wish. You might meet people here, or animals. Talk to them and  listen to what they have to say. Get to know your surroundings. Explore a little  but don’t get lost. Confusion on the astral may cause you to leave part of  yourself behind when you leave. After you have finished your business on the  astral, be sure to leave the way you came. Go back across the bridge and enter  back through the hole. Seal it up behind you. Let the light die around you and  feel yourself return to your body. Open your eyes.

There are some troubles that you can run into on the  astral. Remember that there are dangers there the same as anywhere else. If you  meet a being that makes you feel in any way uncomfortable, just surround  yourself in a bubble of light. They will soon leave.

Visualization Visualization is very important in spell work. In order for your spells to work well, you must be able to conjure up images of people and objects in very great detail. This will help to make your magic stronger. There are a variety of techniques used to practice visualization. My favorite is the candle method.

Begin in a quiet, dark room. Light a candle and sit comfortably with the candle in front of you. Do not stare  directly into the flame, but choose a place near the base of the flame that is  not painful to look at. The blue area near the bottom is good for this. Stare at the frame and let the image imprint itself into your mind. When you feel that you have stared at the candle long enough, close your eyes and imagine the image of the candle burning there. See the flame flickering and note the color of the candle and the way the wax is dripping or how it melts into a clear liquid at the base of the wick. Envision the candle until you cannot envision it anymore and do it a second time. Do this as many times as you like (at least twice) for one week.

After the first week, try and envision the candle without it in front of you. You can do this in meditation or any time that you have free time in a quiet place. Once you can envision the candle, try envisioning other objects. Try, for example, an apple. Without having one in front of you, imagine an apple in your mind. Hold the apple in your hand. feel the weight of it and smell it. What kind of apple is it? What color is it? What does it feel like? Once you get the hang of fruit, try the same with people. You may want to begin with a photograph. Then work with people you see around you. If you are sitting on the bus, look at someone across from you. Close your eyes and see how long you can envision them before you loose the image. Try becoming different things. Try envisioning being an animal, say a bird. Feel yourself flying and landing. Try being a fish and swimming or a horse and running. Try being an ant. What does the world look like from where you are? After a short time, you will get quite proficient at this.

Dreaming Dreams are very important. Witches learn to pay attention to dreams. Sometimes they are prophetic and can tell the future or they allow one to astrally travel to another time or dimension. At other times, dreams are just the mind’s way of sorting out the day’s events or dealing with a problem that you have been thinking over. Whatever the reason, dream recording should become an important practice.

I keep a dream journal by my bed. I have practiced remembering my dreams since I was a child and so I have not trouble recording them later or remembering the dreams years after I dream them. Many of my childhood memories were dreams.

Once when I was about five years old, I dreamt that I was a grown woman, probably in my twenties. I was lying in a hospital bed when suddenly, I began to float out of my body. I sort of hung on the ceiling looking down at myself. The room was grayish white and there was a television in the corner. There was a door, but no windows. Some doctors were looking over my body and talking, but I could not understand what they were saying. I floated up through the ceiling and then woke up. I can’t help but think now that I must have been experiencing something from a past life or that I was having a prophecy of my own death. I could not have known at five years old that people who have come back from death described death as being the same way.

My dream journal is just a blank journal with lines. Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I open my eyes and blurt out whatever I can that I dreamt about. This helps me remember. Then as soon as I get my contacts in, I take up the book and record my dreams.

Once your dreams are recorded, you can try interpreting them. I do not use dictionaries as definitions for certain symbols can be different for different people. For example, if a woman who is terrified of rats dreams that she is covered in rats, she might interpret that as being an nightmare in which she was being warned not to take on something that will be too difficult for her so that she is in over her head. I, on the other hand, have had and love rats. To me they are symbols of curiosity, cleanliness, and play. If I had the same dream, I would interpret that I was going to have great fortune.

Try practicing determining the meanings of your dreams. Notice what happens that day and see if it has anything to do with what you thought the dream was about. You can get quite good at this. Dreams can be your mind’s way of telling you what you need to do.

Heal Thyself You can heal yourself simply by paying attention to your chakra centers. When  you are looking at your chakras in meditation, you may notice that some appear  dull or might have black spots on them or areas where no light shines through.  Sometimes dark or mottled spots may appear. This is a manifestation of a problem  with your health dealing with whichever chakra has been affected. Silver  Ravenwolf describes one way of healing yourself and bringing your chakras back  into balance by using what is known as a “vacuum ball.” Visualize a ball before  you that is devoid of light, much like what you might imagine a black hole to  be.  Visualize this vacuum ball sucking in things around it from the  spiritual plane such as light and dust. Open the chakra that has been affected.  For example, if you have a sore throat, open the throat chakra. Visualize the  vacuum ball sucking all of the spots off of the chakra until it is clean. Close  the chakra and allow the vacuum ball to sink into the ground. If you are very  ill or your symptoms are more apparent, it may take many cleanings to get your  chakras back in tune with each other.

The Temple Or the Altar Space. Most witches prefer to work out of doors, but sometimes this cannot be accomplished. Wherever you work, the rules are generally the same.

The room or space should be large enough to house the sacred circle: the circle of power in which a witch works. The circle is usually six or nine feet in diameter, but if neither of these sizes can be accomplished, then you can improvise. The altar sits in the center of the circle facing east – the direction of birth and beginnings. A candle or colored lamp or bonfire sits at each of the four Airts or directions. Blue for west, yellow for east, red for south and green for north. These will represent the four powers of the elements that are called on to protect the circle. One should always enter the circle from the east, the place of new beginnings. The altar is also set up to face east. Depending on your path, the altar may face a different direction. Wiccans, however, have the altar facing the sunrise.

Your sacred space should be a space in which you feel comfortable. A clearing in the woods or a clearing in your living room are both fine places to work as long as you are alone or it is quiet. If a coven is working, the entire coven stays within the circle. Usually, each member has their own job to do within the circle to keep it in good working order. Do not allow children in the room or pets other than cats that are free-roaming as they may cross the boundaries of your circle and inhibit your working. Cats do not seem to have an effect on the power of a circle and can easily cross between the worlds. You will learn about circles in a later chapter.

Cleanse your ritual space by sweeping. Sweep out the bad energies. Chant something like:

Sweep, sweep, sweep this place By powers of Air, I cleanse this space.

Carry a lit candle around the area, making sure to thrust it into all corners and closets. Do the same with salt water and burning incense. You may want to wash the area with holy water as well. Draw a pentacle over the area with your finger for protection.



Dreaming in The Dark…

Dreaming in The Dark…

Author:   Wren   

The veil between the worlds grows thin. We can feel it. As Pagans across the globe decorate their altars and prepare to celebrate another turn of the wheel of the seasons, we can sense the subtle difference in the air. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is Beltane. Wildflowers and the first fruits of the land are heaped high amongst the ribbons and wreaths of pink and light green. Here in the Northern regions, pumpkins and Indian corn nestle in harvest baskets while orange and black candles flicker away the shadowy shapes of the evenings that now seem to come too soon. Whether we are welcoming back the strengthening sun or bidding farewell to our long summer days, Pagans can feel the energies changing. Another season has passed. A new beginning approaches. And it is somewhere between what was and what will be, that we now stand.

But it is more than the shifting of the energies that we feel. There is also an increasing awareness of something else afoot. A swift shape slips by and is visible only for a fraction of the second that it takes us to turn our heads in its direction. The tinkling silver sound of ethereal laughter is carried over the treetops only to fade away in the very same instant that we realize it is there. There is definitely more going on here than meets the eye or greets the ear. We can feel it: We are not alone.

All moments of birth and of death are great mysteries. Even as we shed our tears of joy as a new life begins, somewhere there is another who weeps for one that has just ended. And each of these moments –that of birth and that of death — contains something of the other within it. At birth, we leave our suspended state within the womb and begin our journey into this life. Whatever past we may have had before our lungs again drew breath is lost to us save for that brief flash of odd recognition that we might experience from time to time. And at death, we once again must leave behind all that has become so familiar to us in order to enter into the realms where the bodies of flesh have no footing and the thoughts of men have no words.

When we come to realize –as most Pagans do — that the same comforting embrace of our state before birth is the very state to which we shall return, then death no longer conjures up any terrors for us. It is a natural changing of energies. And just as the seasons flow seamlessly from one into another, so too can we. Even if the outward circumstances of either our coming or our going seems abrupt, sudden or violent, still the prepared spirit can pass easily from one state to another. We have done it before. We shall do it again. And we are not alone.

In the times of transition, in the seasons of change, we can catch glimpses of those who are never far off. Spirits of nature, spirits of the elements, visit us in our dreams. Dreams are an in-between state. While we are neither fully conscious nor totally unaware, our bodies may slumber but our spirits wander the corridors of timeless space. In these realms, we may meet the Others who live on planes much different from our own.

Figures from our long distant past wander here also while awaiting some new adventure. Some may appear simply to offer a bit of timely advice or a word or two of inspiration just when we need it the most. Our Ancestors too, we can greet once again and then talk for a while of fond memories. They also appear to remind us of something of value that we have overlooked. It is no big wonder then that upon awakening, we so often have a taste of immortality upon our lips. For we have been in the presence of immortal things and of the Immortals Themselves. Therein the past and the present and the future exist together. The boundaries between finality and possibility are as close as one second is to the next. Nothing there is stagnant. Nothing there is really dead. There the energy of the past still exists — as it must — in order to give birth to the future.

We are someone’s future. Just as we look forward to the future embodied within our children and our children’s children, someone in the past looked into what was their future and it was we whom they saw. We are someone’s hope. We are someone’s dream. We are those whom our Ancestors dreamt of and upon whom they placed their trust of a future. We are the proof of their faith, the product of their love and the culmination of their present. They desired us. They looked for us. They live within us. We are not alone.

And so it is not so very strange then that in the times of transition, at the changing of the seasons, we who now are here should look both into the past and into the future. Yet nowhere do we feel that this is a contradiction. The Earth is both awake and asleep. At Beltane, the Earth is just awakening from Her dreams; at Samhain, She is once again falling into slumber. As She awakens, She tastes the immortality of all of the spirits that share Her energies and as She is falling asleep, She draws them around Her in comfort. Somewhere She slowly awakes. Somewhere She drifts into sleep. She is beginning to dream. She is remembering the dream that She had. She is always in a state of transition.

And perhaps that is what, in the end, sets Witches and Wiccans and Pagans apart from other folk. For it is we who recognize that it is no contradiction to say that we believe in “what was, is, and shall be again”. We have lived before. We are alive today. We shall live again. We are the past of the future. We are the present. We are future of the past. We each are one person who holds all of these things within him or herself without contradiction.

If this is indeed possible, we can understand now too that the past is not dead nor the future unborn. All exists. All can be found if one knows how to seek it out. And we Witches know how. There is nothing unnatural or supernatural about it. In the times of transition, it is simply easier to see. The hard part is in the believing of the possibility itself. And that is why we are not alone.

They come to help us to see. They come to help us to believe. They come because we are the future that They hoped for. They come because we are the future that They saw. They come because we are the future that They believed in. They come because They care for us. They come because They care about the future that we now shall shape. They come. In the times of transition, They come. While we are dreaming in the dark, They come. We are not alone.

We are never alone.