Daily Motivator for February 18th – Face forward

Face forward

Yes, it’s interesting and somewhat instructive to know how things got the way  they are. What’s far more important, though, is what you choose to do going  forward.

Pay attention to what has happened but don’t waste your precious and powerful  energy becoming obsessed by it. Put that energy into moving in a positive  direction.

It’s what you can do now that really matters. As big as they might have been,  the expired opportunities of yesterday are now negligible compared to the  possibilities of today.

What you can do now is connect with your most treasured dreams. What you can  do now is act with passion and the highest expectations to bring those dreams to  life.

Instead of living with wistfulness, regret, or anger about the past, you can  live with positive purpose toward a great and shining future. The direction you  face makes all the difference in the world, so make the choice to face  forward.

This is a new moment, and with it comes the chance for a new start. Take that  chance, grab that opportunity, and live your life forward in a beautiful and  fulfilling way.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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Calendar of the Moon for Monday, January 27th

Calendar of the Moon

Rowan Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Meanings for Common Dreams

Meanings for Common Dreams

Common Dream Interpretations


Flying Dreams

The meaning of flying dreams has been the topic of much speculation and makes for interesting water cooler conversations. Flying dreams actually often have to do with career aspirations. Flying can symbolize ambition and attaining higher status.

Types of Flying Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Soaring High: Flying upwards indicates success or achievement. Look below you to see what is underneath you to discover what area of your life is going well. Are you flying over your home (family happiness) or over the building where you work (business successes).
  • Flying in/on a Vehicle: Were you floating away in a hot air balloon, grabbing onto a kite string, sitting inside an airplane, or being carried in the arms of Superman? Any of these flying dreams indicate that your efforts are being supported by someone else. You are not alone in your endeavors.
  • Losing Altitude: A need for re-evaluation of your goals. Ask yourself if you are headed in the right direction.
  • Failure to get Lift-Off: A strong gravity pull could be signifying a need for grounding.

Falling Dreams

Falling dreams are often manifestations of our fears and anxieties.

Types of Falling Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Falling from the Skies:: Flying downwards from the heavens may symbolize a “fall from grace.” Has an authority figure expressed disappointment in you? Have you embarrassed yourself by recent behaviors?
  • Being Pushed: Loss of empowerment. Getting fired or looked over in a promotion you were hoping for. Or, being bullied or forced into an uncomfortable situation.
  • Stumbling as you Walk: Feeling as if you have lost your way in your life path. Overly anxious about finding your life purpose.
  • Jumping without a Parachute: Being or feeling unsupported by others.
  • Being Jerked Awake: Have you ever been awoken from a falling dream? Or felt a jerking sensation in your body that jolts you awake? One theory for this happening is that your spiritual body has returned from its astral flight and that “jolt” is the dreamer experiencing re-entry into the physical realm.

Nakedness in Dreams

Being naked in a dream could indicate feelings of emotional vulnerability or fears of exposure. A clue to the meaning of nudity in your dream is any emotion attached to it. Did you feel excited, embarrassed, surprised, carefree, or some other emotion?

Types of Nudity Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Nudity in a Public Place: Feelings of embarrassment or guilt.
  • Naked in the Classroom: Feeling vulnerable among your peers.
  • Being Naked Among Friends or Family: Desire to be seen or accepted as your authentic self.
  • Loss or Disappearance of Clothing: Hidden truths or secrets revealed.
  • Carefree Nudity in a Lucid Dream: Expression of freedom, open-mindedness, or unrestrained self-acceptance.

Pregnancy Dreams

Dreaming of being pregnant could be prophetic, but these types of dreams typically mean you are growing spiritually, OR something creative is incubating within your being. Having a baby in your dream can represent rebirth or something new is entering your life. Because you are the one pregnant in the dream or the person birthing the new life, you will be the creator or the originator of a new idea.

Types of Pregnancy Dreams and What They Could Mean

  • Conceiving a Child: Seeding a new idea, being open to start afresh, or setting new goals.
  • Being Pregnant: Growing or incubating a new idea, anticipation of a change, or laying the groundwork for a new project.
  • Giving Birth: Birthing a new idea, undertaking a new direction, or entering a new life stage
  • Experiencing Labor Pains: Growing pains or painful life lessons.
  • Experiencing False Labor: Misunderstandings or wrong timing.
  • Having a Miscarriage: Unfulfilled hopes or wishes or missed opportunities.
  • Aborting a Pregnancy: Squelching an idea or giving up on your dreams.


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Calendar of the Moon for January 9th

Calendar of the Moon

Birch Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

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Your Ancient Symbol Card for December 21 is Solitude

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Solitude is represented by a  single person standing at the end of a boardwalk staring out at a vast, empty panorama. They are truly alone, but may not feel loneliness. They are at a place in their life where the need to withdraw from the our secular world is strong, because their focus should be on their inner self, their morality, and their dreams. The view before them is empty, but it is a canvas on which they may paint their future–a future restricted only by the size of their imagination and courage. For them Solitude is a choice. They chose to take the walkway that distances them from the rest of us. It is also a choice that can be undone. Just as they chose to take a path that leads them away from us, they may choose to turn around and come back at anytime.

As a daily card, Solitude suggest a period in which you need to distance yourself from those around you and explore your inner-self, what is driving your day to day life and decide if you are really on the life path that is best for you. This is a time to revitalize your spirit, and draw your dreams for the future.

Your Deck of Ancient Symbols Card for Oct. 28th is Solitude

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Solitude is represented by a  single person standing at the end of a boardwalk staring out at a vast, empty panorama. They are truly alone, but may not feel loneliness. They are at a place in their life where the need to withdraw from the our secular world is strong, because their focus should be on their inner self, their morality, and their dreams. The view before them is empty, but it is a canvas on which they may paint their future–a future restricted only by the size of their imagination and courage. For them Solitude is a choice. They chose to take the walkway that distances them from the rest of us. It is also a choice that can be undone. Just as they chose to take a path that leads them away from us, they may choose to turn around and come back at anytime.

As a daily card, Solitude suggest a period in which you need to distance yourself from those around you and explore your inner-self, what is driving your day to day life and decide if you are really on the life path that is best for you. This is a time to revitalize your spirit, and draw your dreams for the future

Calendar of the Moon for February 4th

Calendar of the Moon

Rowan Tree Moon

Color: Orange-red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a cloth of orange-red set a row of red candles, Brigid’s cross, and a bell.
Offerings: Votive candles. Quicken a newborn idea into birth.
Daily Meal: Hot drinks with every meal. Keep food warm.

Luis/Gamelion Invocation

Call: Now is the quickening of the year.
Response: Now is the time of the first movement.
Call: Now the child stirs in the womb.
Response: Now the seed stirs in the earth.
Call: Now the plains flood and our fire is threatened.
Response: Now the cold water drowns our spark.
Call: Now is the time of the hard struggle.
Response: Now is the month of desperation.
Call: Now is the time of desperation to live.
Response: Now is the time of desperation to be born.
Call: We turn in our sleep as the earth turns.
Response: We dream with the sleeping earth.
Call: Each of our dreams is a lit candle in the dark.
Response: Each of our dreams is a single point of hope.
Call: They shine faint and alone in the night of struggle.
Response: They are alone as we are alone.
Call: Yet we are not alone in our dreams.
Response: We are not alone!
Call: We will keep our fires burning.
Response: We will burn against the night!
Call: We will warm our dreams with the force of life.
Response: We will not die alone in the cold!
Call: We will ward off all evil.
Response: Only good shall pass our gates.
Call: We will care for each other.
Response: We will never cease to care!
Call: We will survive the winter.
Response: We will survive!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

Protect the flame that warms your dreams
And dreams shall never die.


[Pagan Book of Hours]

Daily Motivator for Oct. 28 – The best of now

The best of now

Now is the time to make a difference. Now is the moment to do what you know  you must do.

Now is when you can transform possibility into reality. Now is when you can  bring your dreams to life.

Is there a problem that’s been frustrating you? Now is when you can take  real, focused action to work your way through it.

Sure, there are plenty of ways to waste this day. But you now have the chance  to choose to make good and valuable use of it.

Now is an opportunity to create value. And that opportunity cannot be delayed  until later.

Now is yours to use for whatever rich and fulfilling purpose you can imagine.  Stand up, step forward, and get busy making the very best of now.

— Ralph Marston


The Daily Motivator