Let’s Get A Jump On The Week Ahead – Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Turn your frown upside down this week!

Maria DeSimone Maria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mars, astrology

The week may not begin on a happy note, especially when it comes to romantic and partnership matters. Is there any hope at all?

Of course! But you’ll have to wait until Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into friendly Aquarius.

Sunday, March 2: Venus in Capricorn square Mars Retrograde in Libra and Saturn Retrograde

On Sunday, Venus in sober Capricorn will be at odds with Mars Retrograde in Libra. This incompatible combination between the cosmic lovers might leave you feeling as if you’ll never find the middle ground between you and your sweetie that you hope for. In business relationships expect a gridlock alert!

On the same day, Saturn will turn retrograde, where he’ll remain until July 20. Over these months it’ll be a good idea to retrace your steps around career moves and goals. This will especially apply to partnerships and other collaborations until May 19.

Monday, March 3: Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

On Monday, there is a light of hope in the sky. The Sun in Pisces will be at a friendly angle to Pluto, allowing you to transform an inspired project in a way that allows its light to shine through.

Wednesday, March 5: Venus in Aquarius

Matters of the heart and friendship get a jolt on Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into Aquarius, where she’ll remain until April 5. Now, the way to your heart is through camaraderie. Friends first will be a must, but it’s also possible that you’ll be more attracted to those who reveal their humanitarian side more easily. You might work on a group endeavor that has the capacity to benefit the masses, and as you do so you just might meet someone who makes your heart swoon.

Because Aquarius is ruled by tech-savvy Uranus, Internet dating will be a popular way to meet someone special. You might also notice a greater amount of flirty remarks on your Twitter feed!

Thursday, March 6: Jupiter Direct

Then, Jupiter turns direct on Thursday, and you’ll feel like luck is once again on your side. Ah, that’s exactly where it should be!

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for February 27th

Stop, look and listen! Back in our calendar on February 3, the information was provided that the largest asteroid — Ceres — would be making a station at 2 degrees of Scorpio and turning retrograde today. That time becomes official at 12:09AM and all Ceres themes — agriculture and gardening, Mother Nature, parent-child and mother-daughter relationships, food, diet and nutrition, productivity and scarcity of natural resources — are accentuated around the exact time and for most of today. [Ceres will remain in reverse until June 1 when it will turn around and go direct at 19 degrees of Libra.] Adding to today’s potency of this important asteroid is its supportive, 60-degree link to Pallas in Virgo (11:21AM). Problem-solving and strategic thinking go hand-in-hand.  One day before Mercury makes its shift to go from retrograde to forward motion, the Moon unites with the Messenger of the Gods planet in Aquarius (12:02PM) — offering a few early benefits concerning communications, correspondence, literary and educational interests. The fine arts, film classics, inspired musical compositions and sacred dance are high on the agenda as the Moon parallels fantasy-prone Neptune (3:08PM).  This day ends on a cautionary note as the Sun parallels Mars (11:21PM) — giving you ample warning of the switcheroo by the red planet on Saturday March 1 when Mars in Libra stops and turns retrograde until May 19. Watch out for overnight discord and volatility that can wreak havoc on the home front. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Your Weekend Love Horoscope for Feb. 21 – 23

Weekend Love Horoscope

February 21-23: Love Inspires

Maria DeSimone   Maria DeSimone on the topics of love, horoscopes, astrology

On Friday the Moon will be in sultry Scorpio, allowing your mysterious side to express itself beautifully to your mate — or to your first date! The Moon will be at a perfect angle to love planet Venus which will only support a delicious sex appeal factor. On Saturday however, the Moon makes her way into bouncy Sagittarius and your emotions will be fueled by faith more than mystique. You might crave an exotic experience on Saturday or Sunday, and it’ll be a great weekend to try out that restaurant with your mate that offers unusual cuisine from another culture. You might also think about what next adventure you can take together but don’t book any travel plans just yet — remember that Mercury is retrograde until February 28.

Still, on Sunday it’ll be clear that you’re romantically inspired thanks to the combination of a Sagittarius Moon and the Sun embracing Neptune in Pisces. Spend the day with your lover under the covers sleeping late, indulging in breakfast in bed or your other favorite between the sheets activity! Fantasy rules the day so be sure to share your greatest ones with your sweetheart.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Tuesday, Feb. 18th

Prepare yourself for a momentous day across the board. Primary partnerships may see some new wrinkles and nerves can be frayed as Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 1:17AM. Don’t make any difficult situations more stressful by trying to throw your weight around or taking a partner for granted. Every act of kindness is a step in the right direction.  Mercury enters compassionate, empathic and psychic Pisces at 6:30AM — although this Messenger of the Gods planet is also slowing down in motion as it nears a three-week reversal starting on Thursday Feb. 6. The Moon in Aquarius is in void mode starting at 8:46AM and lasting 11 hours until 7:46PM when the lunar orb enters Pisces.  In the meantime, Venus — which began a retrograde cycle on December 21, 2013 at 29 degrees of Capricorn — will make a station and turn direct at 12:50PM (activating 14 degrees of Capricorn). [Venus will remain in forward motion until July 25, 2015 when it will go retrograde again at 1 degree of Virgo — a reversal lasting 44 days until September 6, 2015 when it returns to direct motion at 15 degrees of Leo.] Today, all Venus themes — love and romance, business deals and opportunities, social activities, the fine and graphic arts, circles of friendship, your antenna of feelings and sensations, essential values to live by — are accentuated not only at the exact time of the shift, but throughout the entire 24-hour time-period.  Be ready for some celestial shenanigans this evening when the Sun makes an off-kilter, 150-degree tie with Jupiter (8:06PM). When the two largest cosmic bodies form one of these alignments, large-scale plans can often go awry or lose their traction. While a Moon-Mercury conjunction in Pisces (8:40PM) gives communications and correspondence a temporary boost, the red planet Mars in parallel with the Moon (11:09PM) reminds you to be extra sensitive to loved ones needing support rather than criticism. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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The Gift and Curse of Natal Astrology

The Gift and Curse of Natal Astrology

Jeff Jawer    Jeff Jawer on the topics of blogs, astrology

There is nothing like a natal chart to describe one’s personality. One calculated for the time, date and place of birth is a deeply rich and textured picture of psyche, soul, potential and problem areas. The great gift of having your personal Astrology Birth Chart done is the way in which the various drives, needs and desires are expressed so beautifully by the Sun, Moon, planets, zodiac signs, houses and aspects. It’s liberating to recognize individual characteristics as appropriate when they differ from family or cultural models. At its best, a natal chart is a passport to oneself and a source of individual freedom.

Yet a birth chart analysis is, like any other system, a double-edged sword. While it provides self-understanding that can be liberating, it also may have the opposite effect of boxing us in a limiting set of beliefs about ourselves. The key to making the most of Astrology is in how you apply this uniquely perceptive tool.

For example, I was born with the Moon in Scorpio, which represents emotional intensity and going to extremes. Learning this helped me put the powerful feelings I’ve always experienced into a meaningful context. It’s the need of a Scorpio Moon person to dive into the depths of him or herself to discover underlying desires and motivations. What previously simply seemed like a character weakness or neurosis finally had a name and a purpose. I’m supposed to be intense and complex, sometimes pushing emotional buttons, my own and others’.

Breaking free from expectations

Names give things power. “Scorpio Moon” gave a name to my feelings, which made sense out of them. Yet it also became a limiting factor, because I wasn’t supposed to have access to the lightness of a Moon in Gemini or the spontaneity of a Moon in Aries. The gift of self-identification, especially an accurate one, must be handled carefully. It is a tool that can be applied constructively and destructively. This is the risk of astrological analysis: that it describes us so well that we may be stuck with that description. There are, fortunately, some remedies for this.

One is to recognize that we all have a Moon and that we all have feelings. This is the primary truth of our human experience. The shades of difference accorded to each Moon sign are meaningful, but they are not the whole story. Rather than stopping with the symbol, whether it’s the Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Libra or any planetary placement, think of these as starting points. The birth chart represents default behavior; the unconscious responses to life that operate when we don’t pay attention or take responsibility for ourselves. Learning that my Moon is in Scorpio is not an excuse for resentment, jealousy or emotional extremism, but a warning signal. I need intensity, yet part of growing as a person is to express it in healthy ways. The zodiac sign that any planet is in is a gateway to its essence, yet beyond that opening lies a much wider range of expression.

Another remedy is to step away from the restrictive self-identification of the birth chart when it’s not serving a useful purpose. Instead of justifying my stubborn thinking because I was born with cerebral Mercury in fixed sign Taurus, I can recognize when I’m caught in a mental rut and make appropriate adjustments. Instead of reinforcing the behavior astrologically, the awareness a birth chart provides can show us how we’re limited by old patterns and habits and need to change them.

Your Astrology is not absolute

Astrology is a brilliant technology that can be used to reinforce negative traits, which makes it less than helpful. However, when we recognize the chart as a model rather than an absolute rule, we have the freedom to choose how we work with it. This is no different than the ways we use traumas to assess our lives. The child of an alcoholic parent can explain certain behavior because of that experience, but the goal is to use this understanding to move beyond, rather than to reinforce the pattern. When self-identification with Astrology or with any other system empowers us, it’s worth using, but when it becomes a barrier to growth, it’s better to let it go until we can apply it in a more constructive way.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Friday, February 14th

Keep enjoying the fun-and-games, ebullient atmosphere that the lunar orb in Sagittarius seems to usually encourage every month. In addition, key relationships can benefit from greater, in-depth understanding by partners since Juno forms a sextile with Pluto (3:53AM).  The Moon in Sagittarius begins a void limbo time-span — starting at 2:03PM and lasting until 9:05PM when the lunar orb enters hardworking, determined Capricorn. During the void limbo zone, strive to maintain your productivity in major fields of expertise as the Moon contacts Ceres via a supportive, 60-degree rapport (7:15PM). Insights abound shortly thereafter when Pallas in Virgo forms a polarity with Chiron in Pisces (7:56PM).  With the Moon still in void mode, Mercury makes a flowing trine in air signs with Vesta (8:35PM). This potentially auspicious alignment should be utilized once the Moon is in practical, resourceful Capricorn terrain (9:05PM). [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius

Think big while mental Mercury is in brainy Aquarius!

Tarotcom Staff Tarotcom Staff on the topics of mercury, astrology, aquarius

It’s time to put on your thinking cap! Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication, is retrograding back into Aquarius on February 12, 2014. Emotions will take a back seat to intellect during this time, and mental pursuits will become more appealing than spiritual ones.

Aquarius is a relatively cool and detached Air sign that puts feelings aside to focus on more cerebral matters — brilliant ideas, inventions, quirky schemes and the like. Don’t be surprised if it feels like you can’t turn off your brain now!

In addition to being an intellectual transit, Mercury in Aquarius is also a bit offbeat. Your thoughts will certainly be brilliant, but they may also be eccentric or downright weird. But don’t forget, there’s a fine line between “weird” and genius, right?!

Think of this as a good thing. This is a great time to look at your life from a different angle and gain new perspective. Also, Aquarius is very future-minded, so you can use this time to think about how to make your future bright.

The one thing to watch out for during Mercury’s transit through this not-so-sensitive sign is hurting or neglecting other people’s feelings. We may all lose touch with our sensitive sides while we’re busy juggling so many brilliant ideas, so do your best to pause and give someone you love an extra hug between all those stimulating conversations.

Mercury will move on into more compassionate Pisces on January 31, before turning retrograde on February 6. On February 12, Mercury spins back into Aquarius until it turns direct on February 28. Finally, Mercury will move forward again into Pisces on March 17.

Enjoy the many “ah-ha” moments you’re sure to have courtesy of Mercury in Aquarius!

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Mercury in Aquarius (February 12th)

Mercury in Aquarius

Think big while mental Mercury is in brainy Aquarius!

Tarotcom StaffTarotcom Staff on the topics of mercury, astrology, aquarius
It’s time to put on your thinking cap! Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication, is retrograding back into Aquarius on February 12, 2014. Emotions will take a back seat to intellect during this time, and mental pursuits will become more appealing than spiritual ones.

Aquarius is a relatively cool and detached Air sign that puts feelings aside to focus on more cerebral matters — brilliant ideas, inventions, quirky schemes and the like. Don’t be surprised if it feels like you can’t turn off your brain now!

In addition to being an intellectual transit, Mercury in Aquarius is also a bit offbeat. Your thoughts will certainly be brilliant, but they may also be eccentric or downright weird. But don’t forget, there’s a fine line between “weird” and genius, right?!

Think of this as a good thing. This is a great time to look at your life from a different angle and gain new perspective. Also, Aquarius is very future-minded, so you can use this time to think about how to make your future bright.

The one thing to watch out for during Mercury’s transit through this not-so-sensitive sign is hurting or neglecting other people’s feelings. We may all lose touch with our sensitive sides while we’re busy juggling so many brilliant ideas, so do your best to pause and give someone you love an extra hug between all those stimulating conversations.

Mercury will move on into more compassionate Pisces on January 31, before turning retrograde on February 6. On February 12, Mercury spins back into Aquarius until it turns direct on February 28. Finally, Mercury will move forward again into Pisces on March 17.

Enjoy the many “ah-ha” moments you’re sure to have courtesy of Mercury in Aquarius!

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Monday, Feb. 10th

The dark-of-the-moon phase happens every month just before the lunar orb reunites with its solar companion. There is usually a strong need to complete odds and ends that have been percolating for the last few weeks, but which require an extra oomph to reach the finish line.  From the realm of partnerships comes one solid boost as Venus — even though still retrograde until tomorrow — forms a supportive sextile of 60-degrees to Juno (2:18AM). Don’t allow mental fatigue to interfere with your skillful modes of problem-solving and strategic thinking as the Sun makes a 150-degree tie with Pallas (8:06AM). Be tuned into high-technology and the multi-media during a 60-degree connection from the Moon to Uranus (11:17AM).  The New Moon — energizing 11 degrees of Aquarius — arrives at 1:40PM. Think of this dynamic conjunction as a leaping off point for reaching important creative, business and professional goals. Mercury trine to productivity-enhancing Ceres (4:09PM) and Pallas making an inspirational, 72-degree link with task-oriented Saturn (10:17PM) should be feathers in your cap. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, February 9th

Early on, revelations are ripe for the picking — thanks to a sextile aspect between the Sun in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries (12:34AM) followed by a somewhat abrasive and yet equally expansive, 135-degree tie from Mercury to giant Jupiter (12:41AM).  Going overboard in any way is likely to backfire and this is amplified as the Moon in Capricorn squares Mars in Libra — starting a void cycle at 8:48AM that lasts almost 12 hours until 8:34PM when the lunar orb enters airy Aquarius. Pull back the reins of power a little and add a touch of humility on the professional front as the Moon parallels Saturn (1:01PM). The planet of love and beauty puts a good measure of hope into your heart and soul during a Moon-Venus parallel (4:21PM).  Once the Moon enters idiosyncratic and future-thinking Aquarius (8:34PM), let your intuition guide you to investigating unusual fields of human evolution like telekinesis, levitation, and clairvoyance. Adjust thoughts and feelings to handle relationship flair-ups as Mercury makes a frictional, 45-degree link with Venus (11:05PM). [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Saturday, Feb. 8th

One of today’s best alignments clocks in early when Juno in Pisces trines Jupiter in Cancer (1:48AM). Take advantage of a lull in the battle between the sexes and since partners are on their best behavior. Showering a dear one with affection is a winner.  Nevertheless, the investment scene is somewhat murky at best due to a frictional, 45-degree link from Pallas to Vesta (9:54AM). Plus, the monthly Moon-Pluto union (4:36PM) should be watched in order that you tune into spiritual willpower and mental concentration without egocentrically hurting a loved one’s feelings.  Another challenging time-period arises later on when the monthly Moon-Venus conjunction (6:58PM) fosters a sense of love, joy and friendship, but only five minutes later, Mercury moving 45-degrees to Pluto (7:07PM) can act like a temporary, mind-numbing wrecking ball. Stay alert to the persevering presence of earthy Capricorn Moon all day. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Personal Planets in Retrograde

Personal Planets in Retrograde

Three retrograde planets bring us to a tipping point

Jeff Jawer  Jeff Jawer on the topics of venus retrograde, retrograde planets, mercury retrograde, blogs, astrology

2014 is getting off to a sluggish start that may require us to be more patient through the end of May. The year began with sociable Venus in reverse. This planet of love, pleasure, peace, and harmony was retrograde in orderly Capricorn until January 31. She’s just now picking up speed to put a bit more forward thrust into matters of desire, self-worth and partnership. Her retrograde period, which started on December 21, 2013, corresponded with delays in financial, artistic and romantic matters. But on the plus side, it has also been a time to review and re-evaluate our needs in these areas of life.

Mercury Retrograde

On February 6 mental Mercury turns retrograde, starting its reversal in dreamy Pisces and ending it on February 28 in quirky Aquarius. These thrice annual, 3-week-long Mercury Retrograde periods are known as times when dealing with data, messages, travel, and technology tend to be more complicated. This is especially likely to be the case when this retrograde starts in Pisces, where thinking is softened with feelings and diffused with faith and fantasy. It’s easy to get lost in fog banks of illusion, yet imagination and intuition should flourish. Mercury then backs into airy Aquarius on February 12, which can sharpen thinking if we value simple answers more than complicated theories.

Mars Retrograde

The next personal planet getting on the backward merry-go-round is Mars. Usually, he’s an assertive warrior driving us to take risks, initiate action and penetrate into new territory. However, Mars entered Libra last December, which cooled off some of the power and passion of this fiery planet. This is a little like a retrograde influence because Mars’ usual spontaneity and drive can be blunted by indecision and lassitude in cool Libra.

On March 1, though, the transformation of this primal planet takes another turn when it begins moving retrograde. Mars will backpedal in Libra until May 21, and is unlikely to regain full force until it enters its watery home sign Scorpio on July 26. This doesn’t mean that we’re going to be frozen in our tracks until then. Life goes forward even when the planets do not, but finding traction and getting new projects off the ground might be more challenging. Relationship-oriented Libra requires bridge-building to mend wounded partnerships or to create new ones. Reaching out to people in socially skillful ways now will be beneficial in the long run. The trick is to double back to make sure that you’re current with the needs of potential allies, and are willing to revise and renegotiate the terms of your alliances during Mars’ retrograde period.

Find your anchor

It’s worth noting that Mercury, Venus and Mars are more about how we think, what we like, and what we do, rather than who we are. They are planets of means — the ways that we connect intellectually, socially and physically. It is natural to identify with our thoughts, desires and actions and, of course, the circumstances in which we find ourselves. But if you find you are struggling during these retrogrades, it’s helpful to step back and find a less entangled place in which to see yourself. Tune into your heart (Sun) and gut (Moon), as well as your beliefs (Jupiter) and commitments (Saturn) to find more solid ground upon which to stand. Adapting to the shifting patterns of these retrograde planets is much easier when the core of self (Sun and Moon) and our aspirations and ambitions (Jupiter and Saturn) remind us of who we are and what we stand for.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for February 7th

Keep enjoying the fun-and-games, ebullient atmosphere that the lunar orb in Sagittarius seems to usually encourage every month. In addition, key relationships can benefit from greater, in-depth understanding by partners since Juno forms a sextile with Pluto (3:53AM).  The Moon in Sagittarius begins a void limbo time-span — starting at 2:03PM and lasting until 9:05PM when the lunar orb enters hardworking, determined Capricorn. During the void limbo zone, strive to maintain your productivity in major fields of expertise as the Moon contacts Ceres via a supportive, 60-degree rapport (7:15PM). Insights abound shortly thereafter when Pallas in Virgo forms a polarity with Chiron in Pisces (7:56PM).  With the Moon still in void mode, Mercury makes a flowing trine in air signs with Vesta (8:35PM). This potentially auspicious alignment should be utilized once the Moon is in practical, resourceful Capricorn terrain (9:05PM). [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, February 5th

Life seems a bit tamer after the past few high-energy days, but we quickly relax into the new emotional terrain once the Moon enters laid-back Taurus at 4:46 am EST. We may even be more peaceful with pleasure stemming from simple activities like walking in nature, reading a book or just spending time with friends and family. However, talking about our feelings might lead nowhere as messenger Mercury grinds to a halt and turns retrograde tomorrow.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Although you wish your life was less complicated today, you might have more work to do before you can separate yourself from the noise you have created. Your path may seem clear now, but it still could take quite a bit of determination on your part to reach your destination. Be careful not to slip into denial and fall back into complacency. There are changes that need to be made, so don’t give up the good fight. Your passionate persistence is your secret weapon.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

No matter how much you might want to focus on your feelings, it’s challenging to stop your mind from spinning around in circles today. You are thinking about so many different things and the thoughts continue to fly by, just out of your grasp. Frustration arises if you attempt to make use of your fantastic ideas, but there’s no reason to be overly concerned about productivity for now. Instead, just sit back and enjoy the show.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You don’t want to wait quietly on the sidelines and let something important happen without adding your two cents. In fact, you may be so sure of your convictions today that you are driven to speak your mind whether or not others want to hear your opinion. Keep in mind that you will be better off in the long run if you limit your comments to only the most critical issues. Your words will have more impact if you choose your battles wisely.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Your flexible attitude allows you to temporarily minimize an unresolved issue today. You can easily let go of emotions that were bothering you in return for a bit of spiritual refreshment and social enjoyment. However, you might not be ready to relinquish all your feelings, but at least set them aside for a while without judging anyone too harshly. Spending some quality time with your friends or family is more restorative if your heart is fully open to the experience.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may be lost in contemplation today, as you Lions drift off into a rather complex dreamscape. However, ignoring the interpersonal dynamics at work is not a wise move since the current situation could be complicated by someone’s unexpressed feelings. As much as you want to escape into your inner world now, you must meet your professional obligations before slipping away to explore your imagination.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You might have already scheduled some fun for yourself today, only to discover that nothing is going to happen quite as you thought. You can still enjoy yourself, but it won’t be without a bit of confusion creeping into your life. Bring yourself back to your center and shrug off the minor inconveniences or you could inadvertently make things worse. Remember the best way to minimize stress and impress others is to keep your sense of humor intact.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You can get all wrapped up in mental gymnastics now, even though your stoicism may prevent you from talking about your worries with others. You feel like you should be more lighthearted today, but there are serious issues that just won’t go away until you deal with them. Even with singular focus, resolution probably won’t come quickly. In the meantime, do something creative with your irritation instead of spreading it to others.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Ironically, you are aware of life’s simplicity and its many complications at the very same time. With the evocative Moon moving through sensible Taurus today, your primary drive is toward experiencing pleasure. Yet, as a Scorpio, you always enjoy delving into a good mystery. Be careful if it appears that someone else can ameliorate your need for complexity, for this is just an illusion. Like it or not, your fate is completely in your own hands.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Returning to the basics isn’t what normally motivates you, but simplification just may be the most critical theme in your life now. You are at a significant intersection today, and taking the on-ramp to the busy freeway might not be your best choice. You could have a very positive influence on your environment, but you must step out of the fast lane and onto the road less traveled so you can create the type of connections you want.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Rethinking your core assumptions or reinventing your image offers the best chances for success today. Since this transformational process may continue for a while yet, it’s wise to review and reevaluate last year’s accomplishments while they are still fresh in your mind. Strive to put closure on as many loose ends as possible over the next few weeks to make plenty of room for your future exciting endeavors.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Inner conflict may stress you out as you begin to reconsider a logical decision you recently made. Unfortunately, your feelings might not fall in line with your rational analysis today as you expected. Thankfully, your dilemma isn’t all that obvious to anyone else; nevertheless, a special person could come to your rescue now. Remain open to receiving good news from a friend or family member, for it can provide just enough hope to settle your angst and nudge you in the right direction.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your current indecision gets in the way of finalizing your plans. Naturally, you want to do what is best, but your good intentions may go awry today, especially if your expectations are unrealistic. It’s difficult to say no to anything that sounds like fun, even if it isn’t very practical. Instead of needlessly complicating matters even more, rely on a second opinion from someone you trust before making any commitments now that you will later regret.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for February 5th

At 12:00AM — as this day begins — Juno merges with Chiron at 12 degrees of Pisces. Put an emphasis on healing and uplifting primary partnerships that need sustenance and support right now. This may be easier said than done as the Moon parallels Saturn (12:28AM) while Mercury piles on by squaring Saturn (3:57AM) and the Moon then also forms the monthly conjunction with Saturn (5:44AM). Pushing the business envelope in any form is taboo.  The Moon in Scorpio is in void mode starting at 5:56AM and lasting over 13 hours until 7:14PM when the lunar orb enters upbeat, goal-oriented Sagittarius. Anticipate some stormy psychic weather and stubborn human emotions blocking forward progress during the void-of-course lunar cycle.  Once Sagittarius Moon materializes at 7:14PM, focus your gaze on reaching long-sought goals — particularly on the literary, educational and publishing fronts. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, February 4th

We are eager to start something today, but getting a project off the ground may be more challenging than we expect. Although the enthusiastic Aries Moon strikes a background note of enterprising spirit coupled with impulsive behavior, we could run into complications from stressful lunar alignments with naysaying Saturn and go-for-it Mars. Additionally, confusion is in the air as cerebral Mercury prepares to turn retrograde on Thursday.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You are driven by your irrepressible emotions today, yet you can easily get in your own way if you push too hard. Reality is trying to tell you something now, but it may be nearly impossible to decipher the message. Observe the dynamics of this ongoing dance; if your efforts meet resistance, don’t waste too much energy trying to overpower the obstacles. Instead, go to the source of your feelings; you should start to make progress again once you take the time to figure out what you really want.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

A recent change of plans might be a bit unnerving since you often prefer the comfort of the status quo over the uncertainty of the unknown. Circumstances have quieted down enough now for you to look at where you are going and to decide whether or not you really want to head off in this direction. Reassess your long-term goals, but allow current events to pull you back into present time where you are needed. Acting in a responsible manner doesn’t need to prevent you from dreaming about the future.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You’re ready to take a major step forward in your current effort to catch up on backlogged communication. However, you could run into trouble immediately if reality has a different idea about how you should spend your day. The tricky part is that you may not have enough time to avoid what’s coming your way, for the incoming curve balls are so unexpected. Thankfully, letting go of control at just the right moment makes life more enjoyable now. You can always return to your previous plans later in the week.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You want to believe that it’s sufficient to just change your attitude and circumstances will respond accordingly, especially if you need some recovery time from a recent clash with reality. Going home, getting cozy and curling up with a good book and a cup of tea sounds like a perfect solution to all that ails you today. Nevertheless, you must take care of business first if others are depending on you. Balancing inner and outer needs makes the most sense in the long run.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You are all fired up and it’s challenging to talk yourself down from the ledge of enthusiasm today. Unfortunately, everything could grow more complicated than you wish, especially if you overlook a minor detail that comes back to haunt you. Or maybe someone is resisting your plans now, even if they won’t tell you directly. Address any issues that surface since they will only get harder to resolve as the days go by. Slow down and get things right so you don’t have to redo them later on.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your sense of enthusiasm is often powered by your highly functioning analytical mind, which can see every little flaw, no matter how tiny it may be now. Others might be overwhelmed by so many details, but your brain is built for this type of situation. This is your chance to shine; let your associates lean on you for your expertise. Tell yourself that you are up for any challenge today. You can always rest in a day or two after your work is done.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

No matter how hard you try, it still may be tricky to find a point of balance today. Intellectually, you know what you must do and you’re eager to head off in that direction. But others might believe that you should be embarking on a completely different path. Although you would like to take every point of view into account, it’s simply impossible to do so. Instead, be as considerate as possible to all involved. Nevertheless, if you cannot please everyone, at least be true to yourself.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Life might be easier sometimes if only you could turn off your intense emotions and your incisive powers of perception. But, of course, you can’t. Anyway, it wouldn’t be like you to just gloss over the hidden reality of a situation, even if people around you find it difficult to face the gory details. Thankfully, you don’t have to pretend to live up to anyone else’s expectations if you set clear boundaries today. It’s easier to honor your emotions if you create enough room to contain them when they become too extreme for others to handle.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Staying on the sunny side of the street is difficult today if your plans run into resistance from others. Unfortunately, no matter how much you focus on your own intentions now, other people may still rain on your parade. Nevertheless, don’t waste energy trying to outrun an emotional storm or to push away the clouds of doubt. The current turmoil won’t last, but, thankfully, your faith will.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You are truly amazing to watch once you make up your mind to overcome a particular obstacle. When others feel the pressure of circumstances building, they might collapse under the weight of responsibility. However, you Goats love to strategize how to use the current events as opportunities to improve your situation. Even if there are some minor speed bumps in the road now, this is an advantageous time to apply yourself diligently toward reaching your goals.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

There is an uneven progression to your accomplishments today. You might even get yourself all worked up now, only to initiate action and then discover that you wasted precious time running off in the wrong direction. Luckily, you can be very productive if you delay your response in order to avoid making too many false starts. Take a deep breath and visualize crossing the finish line; slow and steady wins the race.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You may intuitively sense that big changes are moving slowly toward you. In the meantime, you have plenty to do to fend off more immediate opposition. The problem is that it’s difficult to find the real source of the blockages you now face. Even if the resistance is a direct manifestation of your own imagination, it can still be discouraging. Don’t give up until you accomplish what you set out to do. Your success depends upon your unwavering belief in yourself.

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Your Charm for February 3rd is Scorpio the Scorpion

Your Charm for Today

Scorpio the Scorpion

Today’s Meaning:

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.

General Description:  

Eighth sign of the Zodiac, Oct. 24th to Nov. 23rd. Ruling by the planet Mars; correct metal, Iron. Those born under Scorpio were believed to be energetic, strongly determined, persistent, and thorough in their undertakings, with inflexible will-power, of magnetic personality, affable, just, affectionate, and powerful convicting speakers. The Scorpio gems are the Aquamarine and Beryl. The Aquamarine has always been reverenced in the East as all emblem of purity, and was given at marriage for increasing mutual love. In Rome worn for cheerfulness, curing distempers and internal complaints; by mariners to protect them from sickness and danger at sea.

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Daily Horoscopes for Monday, February 3

We are conflicted today between our attachments to the past and wanting to experiment with new ways to do the same old things. The pioneering Aries Moon joins independent Uranus to give us courage and prompt us to take risks. However, the Moon’s squares to Jupiter, Pluto and Venus throw a series of minor crises in our path as reality tests our willingness to work for what we want. Clinging to the familiar only makes life more complicated.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your energy runs hot and cold today, making it tricky to choose your direction. One minute the adrenaline is flowing and you are full of excitement, ready to take on the world. But the next minute you feel like curling up and taking a nap. Carefully monitor your vitality so you don’t run out of gas before the day is over. Be sensible and don’t push too hard without considering your limitations. After all, you’re still human like everyone else.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You may be responsible for a task that makes you feel uncomfortable today. Keeping an open mind is required to overcome your current resistance to change; there is much to be gained by thinking outside of the box. The craziest ideas are the ones that might be the most effective now. Whatever worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the present, so find ways to let go of old habits and move yourself into the future. Embrace the unknown.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Slow down, take a long deep breath and let your body catch up with your mind. Your brain is buzzing with brilliance now; however, maintaining balance in the midst of all this excitement is essential today. However, without a stable foundation, the insights you have could fly away with the breeze. Luckily, staying calm enables you to put your intelligence to good use.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Open your heart and expand your mind to accept the inspirational messages that are now available to you. Granted, you may find some of these new ideas to be rather unconventional. However, your current experiences could help you reach your destination, even if they don’t lead you to the answers you’re seeking. A little flexibility goes a long way when it comes to planning your future.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Partnership matters may be confusing today because your feelings are all over the place. People appear and disappear suddenly now, and plans must be altered without notice. Opportunities arise one minute only to crumble in the chaos moments later. Thankfully, this can be a wildly exciting day if you appreciate the element of surprise. Go with the flow instead of attempting to run the show.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You might want to experiment with a new approach when working with others, since sticking to an old formula is not necessarily the most successful strategy. There are alternative methods which would allow you to accomplish more in less time with less effort. Treat this experience as a learning challenge which can stimulate your thinking and increase your productivity. Making the transition may slow you down at first, but the changes will pay off in the long run.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Relationships may seem unstable today, especially if someone isn’t playing by your rules. However, upon closer examination, another person’s erratic behavior might actually be acting out emotions that you are suppressing within yourself. Instead of questioning what others want, explore your unexpressed desires for a while. Let your fantasies flow freely now before deciding how to follow up on the most meaningful ones. Remember, no one can take your feelings away from you, whether you verbalize them or not.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your passions can rise and fall with unexpected suddenness today, stirring up rough waters. Although you might be tempted to fight against the changing tides, don’t try so hard that you wind up frustrated. Unfortunately, you cannot manage the process; it’s a wild ride that requires a light touch and unwavering courage. Take advantage of these turbulent times by surfing the wave of change to see where the currents carry you. Letting go of control could be more fun than you expect.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You don’t have to travel too far to discover the answers to big life questions today. The best advice you receive are the most down-to-earth responses. Simple solutions arise to what you perceive as complex problems. Sometimes you seek out more information than you need, but the most direct route is likely to be the best one now. Funny enough, the knowledge you seek may be found within.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Taking a financial risk isn’t your regular style, since you’re generally very practical about spending your hard-earned resources. Typically, you do copious research before shelling out large amounts of money for anything, but you might sidestep this safe strategy today. Of course, reckless behavior can get you into trouble, yet giving yourself permission to be a little more spontaneous now and again could work in your favor. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You are here to shake up the world today and even if that’s not your original intent, people may respond as if you’ve shocked them with a live wire. However, it’s in your best interest to act cautiously and carefully when involving others in your process if you really want to manifest lasting change. Paradoxically, a more methodical approach brings faster results. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Someone can catch you off guard by surprising you with an unexpected gesture today. Although he or she might act as if it’s just a game, their intentions may be less friendly than you think. Taking advantage of you is certainly not a great way to build trust. Remember, you are not obligated to play with anyone who isn’t playing nicely. Don’t be afraid to set clear boundaries; a little privacy could be exactly what you need right now.

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Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of February 3

Just when you thought your love life was in the clear, the universe casts yet another sucker punch. Yes, Venus turned direct on January 31, and this week she’ll truly begin to regulate her orbit. The trouble is that on Thursday communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in sensitive Pisces. There might be love in the air until February 28, but there will also be a distinct problem conveying your feelings or thoughts to your sweetheart in the way you hope to.
Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The good news is that the ruler of your partnership sector, Venus, is now moving forward. This will allow you to make progress in your relationship if things have been sluggish between you and your mate. The Moon in your sign will help you reveal your emotions easily on Monday and Tuesday. By Thursday, however, you might not want to talk about your innermost feelings as much. In fact, you might prefer extra alone time to think, dream and fantasize. Honor it.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Now that your ruling planet, Venus, is waking up from her short winter’s nap, you might feel as if you’re gaining more perspective around your moral requirements in matters of the heart. If you’ve been cheating yourself on some level by staying in a dead relationship, you might begin to take steps to end things. What may confuse you, however, is the opinion of friends in the background. They might mean for their input to be helpful, but it’ll only muddle things even more. You’ll need to figure this one out on your own.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

The ruler of your romance sector is strong and direct now, allowing you to enjoy the physical and emotional qualities of a love relationship more. The only rub? Your mind may not receive the same stimulation. Emotions will be out in the open on Saturday and Sunday, but mixed messages to your lover might only leave both of you feeling deflated. Be as clear as you can in all communication after Thursday, and if you’re not hearing what you hope to from your love give him or her the benefit of the doubt.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

You likely spent the last few weeks re-evaluating the status of your marriage or close relationship. Now that you’ve processed these thoughts you may feel as if you’re ready to make a firm decision. Should you stay? Should you go? Should you insist on changes that will make you feel more valued in the relationship? While you’ll want to press ahead with changes, remember that communication may be on shaky ground starting Thursday and until February 28. Your mind could change quickly, and you won’t want to lock yourself into something you can’t undo later.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

If you’re involved in an office romance, you may notice that you can finally breathe easy again this week, and enjoy dating this person without all of the gossip or recrimination. If you’re married or in a committed partnership, a conversation with your mate about joint finances might cause confusion. Now is not the time to pool your resources if you haven’t already done so. Wait until after February 28 for all major decisions about your shared resources.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Love is good for those of you in the fresh and fun dating stage right now. In fact, it’s great now that Venus is moving forward once more in your romance sector. You might meet someone very special over the next couple of weeks if you’re single. The only trouble is that your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde on Thursday, and that is not a good time to make firm decisions about life and love. If you meet someone new, take things slow. If you’re married, you and your mate may have trouble reaching a mutual agreement. Be patient.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Now that your ruler, Venus, is moving direct once more, it’s likely you’re feeling more attractive and less socially awkward than you may have felt since December 21. With sexy Mars moving through your sign you are in a good place now to go after who and what you want so be sure to act now while you’ve got strong support from both cosmic lovers. Next month Mars will turn retrograde in your sign, and this will be a temporary game changer for your love life. For now, have your cake and eat it too.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

If you’re married or in a committed relationship you might feel as if you can make progress once more as you work on your union. Partnership is certainly more effort than play these days for you, but it’s also likely you’ve learned that anything worth having is also worth working for. If you’re single, however, now is not a good time to begin a love affair. Mercury will turn retrograde in your romance sector on Thursday and your judgment may not be the best.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Romantic prospects will be strong early in the week — especially on Monday and Tuesday. You’ll be in the mood for fun, and it’ll be a great time to go out after work for cocktails or dinner with friends. You might even meet someone who captivates you! If you’re in a committed relationship, however, there might be extra confusion between you and your mate about a domestic matter after Thursday. You may not find it easy, but if you work together a resolution is possible after February 28.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Your attractive quotient is off the charts this week now that Venus is once again strong and direct in your sign. Not only will you feel a boost in self-esteem, it’ll also be easier to convey the very best qualities you have to others. This makes you impossible to ignore, and it’ll be easier than ever to snatch up that special someone you’ve had your eye on. Sleeping beauty is officially awake. Make the most of it!

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

If you’ve felt unsettled about a private love matter over the last several weeks, this week you’ll begin to let go of any anxiety surrounding it. Perhaps you’ve been involved in a clandestine relationship, and although it feeds you on some level, it leaves you feeling empty in other ways. We attract the love we think we deserve, and now is the time to figure out why you feel you deserve only to love someone in the dark. Guess what? You don’t.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Thursday, Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign, making mix ups in communication more of a hassle. This may be particularly troublesome when it comes to love and partnerships. Your sweetheart might insist that what you say you don’t mean and what you mean you don’t say. Remind him or her that you’re a lover, not a fighter.

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Your Daily Cosmic Calendar for February 3rd

The dark-of-the-moon phase happens every month just before the lunar orb reunites with its solar companion. There is usually a strong need to complete odds and ends that have been percolating for the last few weeks, but which require an extra oomph to reach the finish line.  From the realm of partnerships comes one solid boost as Venus — even though still retrograde until tomorrow — forms a supportive sextile of 60-degrees to Juno (2:18AM). Don’t allow mental fatigue to interfere with your skillful modes of problem-solving and strategic thinking as the Sun makes a 150-degree tie with Pallas (8:06AM). Be tuned into high-technology and the multi-media during a 60-degree connection from the Moon to Uranus (11:17AM).  The New Moon — energizing 11 degrees of Aquarius — arrives at 1:40PM. Think of this dynamic conjunction as a leaping off point for reaching important creative, business and professional goals. Mercury trine to productivity-enhancing Ceres (4:09PM) and Pallas making an inspirational, 72-degree link with task-oriented Saturn (10:17PM) should be feathers in your cap. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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