N. H. Current Planetary Positions 6/12/2019

Custom Planetary Positions
June 12, 2019
11:00 am GMT  (6:00 AM CDT)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:21 Gemini 13
Moon:20 Libra 10
Mercury:12 Cancer 56
Venus:04 Gemini 08
Mars:17 Cancer 34
Jupiter:19 Sagittarius 15 Rx
Saturn:19 Capricorn 06 Rx
Uranus:05 Taurus 12
Neptune:18 Pisces 42
Pluto:22 Capricorn 38 Rx

True Lunar Node:17 Cancer 54 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:18 Cancer 58 Rx

Chiron:05 Aries 38
Ceres:04 Sagittarius 13 Rx
Pallas:10 Libra 56
Juno:25 Cancer 48
Vesta:01 Taurus 15

Eris:24 Aries 12


Your Horoscopes for Sunday, March 2nd

Maintaining our confidence is challenging now as we ride conflicting cosmic waves. We may already be experiencing delays on this first full day of Mars retrograde. Karmic Saturn turns retrograde today, further impeding our progress. Luckily, we receive an energetic kick from the Moon’s entry into impulsive Aries at 10:39 am EST. But a dynamic square between the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, stirs up relationship issues that try our patience.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You receive a boost of power from Mars today, making you think you’re fast enough to pass everyone else on the highway. However, it turns out that your car might not have enough horsepower to win the race. Your current plans could be built on an unrealistic assessment of the situation, so don’t assume that everything will automatically go your way. Ease up on the accelerator; you’ll arrive at your destination sooner if you don’t push so hard. This is not a competition; just find a sustainable pace to reach your goal.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You’re tempted to take action today so you won’t have to defend yourself later — especially if you feel that someone is attacking your values. It’s easy to get worked up over this unsettling situation, but your integrity may not really be at stake. Achieving your relationship goals could require additional time, but the delays won’t be significant if you stay flexible. Alter your path but not your destination, even if a partner’s resistance is an obstacle. Adjusting your schedule is a small price to pay for progress.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You may feel as if you’re working harder today, but not necessarily getting anything done. Although your high adrenaline has you twitching with excitement, your smartest strategy is to let circumstances dictate the speed at which you work. Instead of allowing anger to get the best of you, take the edge off your feelings by engaging in strenuous physical activity. But don’t forget to pay careful attention to your feelings; your self-awareness can save you from emotionally exhausting yourself for no reason.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Although you’re craving a meaningful connection with someone special, you still might be tempted to pull back into your shell to protect your heart. Unfortunately, buried emotional pain can turn into resentment, which is even more difficult to resolve later on. But now it’s time to figure out what needs to be said and find ways to say it. Your future well-being depends on your willingness to bring your feelings out into the open once and for all.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You’re up for nearly anything today, especially if you can convince a group of people to join in your adventure. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get anyone to fall in line with your plans. However, your confidence flies in the face of logic now, inspiring everyone you encounter. Instead of attempting to restrain your friends and family members, encourage them to wander through their dreams in search of spiritual meaning. However, don’t assume that others will reveal the ultimate truth to you. You must discover that for yourself.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Although your uncertainty makes it difficult to fulfill your commitments today, you still want to hold up your end of the deal. But your dreams can be overwhelming now and it’s really not a good idea to shut them off so quickly. It won’t be easy to integrate your most creative fantasies into your routine, but it’s worth the try. Put your facts in order and hone your skills. You need to perform at the peak of your abilities to make the most of these auspicious times.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Developing your plans for the months ahead should be your top priority now that Mars is retrograde in your diplomatic sign. But you must take someone else’s schedule into consideration while the reflective Moon is visiting your 7th House of Partnerships. Thankfully, there’s no need to rush your agenda; it’s more sensible to work at whatever pace feels comfortable to everyone involved. Lead by example and demonstrate your willingness to compromise.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your dreams may conjure up memories of the past and your emotions are so intense now that it’s challenging to express them without instigating a bit of drama. Fortunately, you’re capable of painting a beautiful picture from a less-than-pretty experience. Alternatively, you could misguide your creativity with negativity based on low self-esteem. No matter what, be careful about confusing your fears with what’s truly happening in your environment. For the sake of peace, channel your passion into your art.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your natural persuasive abilities are augmented now by your idealistic vision of what’s possible. But this isn’t about focusing on the details since you’re more concerned with theory rather than practice. Nevertheless, make certain that what you are saying is true or you might mislead yourself as well as everyone else. Don’t let tensions build to a breaking point. A logical plan, along with a willingness to listen to the opinions of others, is your best assurance to get what you want.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You need to pick one idea and stick with it, as difficult as this sounds now. But don’t take yourself too seriously since you can accomplish more if you have fun while you’re doing your chores. Cut yourself a bit of slack; everything might take a bit longer to finish than you thought. You will be happier today once you accept that you’re not always in control. Letting go of your expectations allows closer bonds to develop between you and those you love. Sometimes, taking a break is just what the doctor ordered.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may feel exhausted from having to keep up appearances, but today you’re drawn into situations that are lighthearted and joyful. Taking time for the kids or jumping into a creative project might be enough to stir up the energy. However this cosmic chemistry plays out, don’t resist having fun while you can, even if it makes other parts of your life more complicated for a while. A bit of added complexity is a small price to pay for returning to your chores with a positive perspective and plenty of passion.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Pulling in your energy and being a little less aggressive about getting your way over the next couple of months might sound like odd advice for you sensitive Fish; however, it’s just what you need to do. Paradoxically, you may accomplish more than usual during this time of retreat. Try to spend more time today listening to your own inner voice and tuning out the external noise. Even if this strategy makes you a bit stir crazy, remember that this is your chance to recharge your vitality and reconnect with your spiritual core.

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Let’s Get A Jump On The Week Ahead – Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Turn your frown upside down this week!

Maria DeSimone Maria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mars, astrology

The week may not begin on a happy note, especially when it comes to romantic and partnership matters. Is there any hope at all?

Of course! But you’ll have to wait until Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into friendly Aquarius.

Sunday, March 2: Venus in Capricorn square Mars Retrograde in Libra and Saturn Retrograde

On Sunday, Venus in sober Capricorn will be at odds with Mars Retrograde in Libra. This incompatible combination between the cosmic lovers might leave you feeling as if you’ll never find the middle ground between you and your sweetie that you hope for. In business relationships expect a gridlock alert!

On the same day, Saturn will turn retrograde, where he’ll remain until July 20. Over these months it’ll be a good idea to retrace your steps around career moves and goals. This will especially apply to partnerships and other collaborations until May 19.

Monday, March 3: Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

On Monday, there is a light of hope in the sky. The Sun in Pisces will be at a friendly angle to Pluto, allowing you to transform an inspired project in a way that allows its light to shine through.

Wednesday, March 5: Venus in Aquarius

Matters of the heart and friendship get a jolt on Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into Aquarius, where she’ll remain until April 5. Now, the way to your heart is through camaraderie. Friends first will be a must, but it’s also possible that you’ll be more attracted to those who reveal their humanitarian side more easily. You might work on a group endeavor that has the capacity to benefit the masses, and as you do so you just might meet someone who makes your heart swoon.

Because Aquarius is ruled by tech-savvy Uranus, Internet dating will be a popular way to meet someone special. You might also notice a greater amount of flirty remarks on your Twitter feed!

Thursday, March 6: Jupiter Direct

Then, Jupiter turns direct on Thursday, and you’ll feel like luck is once again on your side. Ah, that’s exactly where it should be!

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, March 2nd

The Moon is void in Pisces from 3:05AM (during a supportive, 60-degree sextile from the lunar orb to Venus in Capricorn) to 7:41AM when the Moon enters fiery, assertive Aries. Plus, the Moon is illuminating Juno themes (style, design, beauty and fashion) as these two celestial bodies unite at 6:59AM (during the void time-span).  Usually, the Moon starting a new round of visits through the 12 signs of the zodiac will emphasize a spring-like approach to life, enhancing one’s buoyant, energetic and spontaneous nature. However, following yesterday’s one-two punch of Mars and Vesta being stationary and turning into reverse (therefore temporarily stronger in their influence on humans), we now hear Saturn’s response and it is yet another station — this time at 24 degrees of Scorpio (8:20AM) — and a cycle that will continue until July 20. Thus, you need to add Saturn archetypes — such as structure, form, logic, common sense, pragmatism, conservation, persistence, hard work, responsibility, executive authority, but also doubt, pessimism, chills, colds, chronic disabilities, falls and fears — to the archetypes of Mars and Vesta that are now floating around in abundance in the psychic atmosphere of humanity. Slowing your pace around the horn is wise.  Adding to today’s potential celestial mischief-making is Venus in Capricorn square to Mars in Libra (12:05PM). Projecting anger on to friends and loved ones is a no-no. Romance may suffer a bit of short-circuiting while this 90-degree aspect is present. It doesn’t help that the Moon parallels radical-change agent, eccentric Uranus (2:42PM) while the Sun forms a caustic, 135-degree tie with Mars still virtually stationary (8:39PM). Emulate Houdini and try to escape from any self-created cages and traps of your own making. Gear up for another soul-searching, wild ride on Monday. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Celebrating Spirituality 365 Days A Year – Equirria

Witchy Comments & Graphics
February 27th


The Equirria was an ancient Roman festival of horse-racing held in honor of the God Mars. It was said to have been established by Romulus and held in the Campus Martius on Caelian Hill. There was a similar festival held on March 14 called the Mamuralia.

Mars was originally a God of agriculture and guardian of fields and boundaries, known as Mamers, Maris, or Marmar. He became identified with the Greek God Ares and so assumed the major role of war God. He was regarded as the son of Juno, and the month of March was named after him. He had a succession of festivals in February, March, and October.

Magickal Activity for Equirria

The First Pentacle of Mars

The First Pentacle of Mars is used to invoke the powers of Mars for gaining courage, enthusiasm, ambition, and all physical accomplishments.

You will need:

A square of red card stock
1 Red red votive candle in a glass holder
A small red cloth bag

Inscribe the First Pentacle of Mars on the red square of card stock. Light the red votive candle, and place it on top of the pentacle as you chant:

“Almighty warrior and God of power,
Fill me with courage from this hour.”

Allow the candle to burn completely out. Place the pentacle in the red bag and carry for courage

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Tuesday, Feb. 18th

Prepare yourself for a momentous day across the board. Primary partnerships may see some new wrinkles and nerves can be frayed as Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 1:17AM. Don’t make any difficult situations more stressful by trying to throw your weight around or taking a partner for granted. Every act of kindness is a step in the right direction.  Mercury enters compassionate, empathic and psychic Pisces at 6:30AM — although this Messenger of the Gods planet is also slowing down in motion as it nears a three-week reversal starting on Thursday Feb. 6. The Moon in Aquarius is in void mode starting at 8:46AM and lasting 11 hours until 7:46PM when the lunar orb enters Pisces.  In the meantime, Venus — which began a retrograde cycle on December 21, 2013 at 29 degrees of Capricorn — will make a station and turn direct at 12:50PM (activating 14 degrees of Capricorn). [Venus will remain in forward motion until July 25, 2015 when it will go retrograde again at 1 degree of Virgo — a reversal lasting 44 days until September 6, 2015 when it returns to direct motion at 15 degrees of Leo.] Today, all Venus themes — love and romance, business deals and opportunities, social activities, the fine and graphic arts, circles of friendship, your antenna of feelings and sensations, essential values to live by — are accentuated not only at the exact time of the shift, but throughout the entire 24-hour time-period.  Be ready for some celestial shenanigans this evening when the Sun makes an off-kilter, 150-degree tie with Jupiter (8:06PM). When the two largest cosmic bodies form one of these alignments, large-scale plans can often go awry or lose their traction. While a Moon-Mercury conjunction in Pisces (8:40PM) gives communications and correspondence a temporary boost, the red planet Mars in parallel with the Moon (11:09PM) reminds you to be extra sensitive to loved ones needing support rather than criticism. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Current Moon Phase for February 18th – Waning Gibbous

Gibbous Moon

(waning /76% of illumination)

This is a tremendous time of transmutation. All of the prior elements are coming together for a final burst of creative output. You have seen a clear view of your own needs and the posture of significant others. Now the accumulation of that input is leading to a deep, core change within you. In this phase, you will naturally be inclined to seek higher guidance so that you can emerge from this transformation successfully. The Gibbous Moon favors sharing what you have learned (and are learning) with others.

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Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, February 13th

We’re not satisfied with doing everything the same old way today as doors open, revealing exciting new pathways through familiar territory. Luckily, we aren’t restrained by tradition now as the rebellious Aquarius Sun agitates unconventional Uranus. Although the lively Leo Moon harmonizes with Uranus, further enticing us into the future, unrestrained enthusiasm can lead to trouble. Like it or not, there are lessons to be learned from the past.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You naturally assume you’re ready for nearly anything but you might have some lingering doubts today, even after you say yes to an intriguing offer. Perhaps your uncertainty stems from being acutely aware of the consequences of your actions. Or maybe you are reminded of a past event when your immediate reaction created more trouble than it was worth. A touch of self-restraint now could be enough to prevent your world from turning upside down.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You might have to shift your attention to an unfolding domestic drama now that the Moon is visiting your 4th House of Home and Family. You may be so busy at work lately that you’re not spending sufficient quality time with your loved ones. Let those who are special to you know how you feel or they could end up wondering if you care anymore. A little bit of authentic affection goes a long way to make everyone happy.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your unrealistic expectations about your schedule encourage you to think that you can take time for your own pleasure today. But it’s easy to set yourself up for failure now by wanting too much. Big ideas must be pared back over the days ahead or you might hit a wall of resistance. It’s better to constrain yourself voluntarily than to wait for unpleasant circumstances to suddenly stop you in your tracks. Choosing a more responsible approach improves your chances for success.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Demonstrating your love with tenderness is usually easier than making grandiose gestures. But you could do things differently today, snagging someone’s attention by overplaying your part in a drama. After all is said and done, you may feel embarrassed, wishing you hadn’t made a scene. Although there’s no need to overstate your feelings now, you don’t have to apologize if you do. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your heart.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Avoid the temptation to express yourself in a melodramatic way today because you could shock others if you go too far. Although everything feels urgent now, it’s wise to turn down the volume on your intensity. Thankfully, the drama will begin to subside after tomorrow’s Leo Full Moon, yet you may end up wishing you kept some of your secrets to yourself. Remember, you don’t have to share all of your fantasies; some things are better left to the imagination, instead.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You might experience an exciting epiphany today that empowers you to break free from an old pattern at work. Unfortunately, endless logical analysis isn’t a viable substitute for direct action. Even if you know what to do now, you’re still limited by how you see yourself in relationship to others. Experiment, be outrageous and imagine possibilities you haven’t yet considered. Believing in magic can make amazing things happen.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Making the most of your time today is the most meaningful gift you can give to yourself and others. Be courageous; stepping into your leadership role and setting a good example are the smartest ways to give your coworkers an inkling of what they can do. If you settle for less now, then that’s what you’ll inadvertently pass along to everyone else, diluting the shared experience. Seize the moment and your allies will happily follow along.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your need for peace and quiet comes and goes in waves today, but you can’t justify an escape until you meet your previous obligations. Of course, you are naturally inclined to honor the promises you made to help others, instead of just taking care of your own needs. Although it may seem impossible at first, you can have it both ways now if you’re willing to take a risk. A radical approach might be the key to finishing up your work early, leaving time for your well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Although you technically agree that rules are necessary to maintain order, it’s still fun to dream far beyond the accepted norm. Unfortunately, you don’t like to feel restrained by the same laws that govern everyone else. You are so enthused by the potential of the moment now that you may not even consider what’s right and what’s wrong. Luckily, cosmic energy is on your side, so taking a calculated risk is a good idea today; you can always philosophize about it after the fact.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You want to demonstrate how intuitive you are now and might go out of your way just to let others see you in action. Sharing your inner process with those closest to you can be exhilarating, but the interpersonal dynamics may grow complicated if you are insecure about your current approach. It’s not time to worry about anyone’s reaction to your quirky behavior. Just trust your hunches today; they won’t likely steer you wrong.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You are short on patience now, especially with those who want your attention so badly today that they do a song and dance to get it. You just can’t understand why anyone would need to put on such a performance since you are usually so good at recognizing people’s contributions. Although you prefer to ignore someone’s selfish behavior, you may be better off today indulging others for the sake of group harmony.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You have a lot on your plate today, but your coworkers might not be aware of your strong commitment to get things done. Your hard work may go unnoticed at first but don’t let your need for recognition be your only motivation. Still, receiving praise is satisfying, as long as you don’t quit before your tasks are completely finished. Satisfaction from a job well done can be surprisingly sweet.

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Invocation to the Moon

Invocation to the Moon
by Patricia Telesco

I come into your garden fair,
To Waltz upon the dew.
To look upon your handiwork,
While morning still is new.

I come into your meadow fair,
To laugh upon the lawn,
To stare upon a red-blue sky,
Working magic come the dawn.

I come into your forest fair,
To sing among the trees,
To sway carefree amidst the leaves
Come full the noon-day breeze.

I come into your greenwood fair,
To watch the sunlight play,
As it dances towards the dusk,
And sparkles like the fey.

I come into your grove so fair,
The cloak of night comes round,
To gather stars within its sweep
And shine upon the ground.

I come upon your world so fair,
And think on what I’ve seen
Then fall to sleep with Gods of old,
And dream on moon-beam wings

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Full Moon Invocation

Full Moon Invocation

Mother, Goddess of moon and star,
Bring Your presence from afar,
Manifest on this, Your night,
And bless me in this sacred rite!
Grant the knowledge and clarity
To understand Your words to me,
Lend Your power, send Your light,
Aid me in my work tonight!
With love and wisdom please embrace,
All within this sacred space,
Mother, I now call to You,
Bring Your message clear and true!


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Daily Horoscopes for February 12th

We may not be very forthcoming with our feelings this morning. Ironically, it’s tempting to get angry with someone else for being emotionally distant. However, the timid Cancer Moon shifts into expressive Leo at 2:15 pm EST, prompting us to say what’s been on our minds. Unfortunately, a tricky lunar alignment with retrograde Mercury can muddle messages and manifest misunderstandings. Thankfully, clarity begins to return as soon as tomorrow.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You can work yourself into a state of high anxiety this morning, but luckily, your moodiness dissipates later in the day. Paradoxically, you might even feel strangely optimistic without anything actually happening to support your belief that things are improving. Nevertheless, a sudden adjustment in attitude is exactly the catalyst you need to shift your life into the next gear. Don’t be afraid to plan for the future; it will be here sooner than you think.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You could spend much of your day revisiting problems that developed over the last few weeks. Thankfully, your frustration is fading, but the desired results are still beyond your grasp. Oddly enough, your confidence remains unshaken and you’re sure things will turn around without a lot of extra work on your part. Taking the easy way out is tempting, but a proactive approach to change can make the difference between failure and success.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your current plans may not be progressing as quickly as you wish. You might even be slightly annoyed with someone who has been standing in your way, but now they appear to change their behavior and help, rather than block, your efforts. Holding a grudge is ill-advised; accept the energetic shift as a positive sign that you’re on the right track today, even if your goals still seem far out of reach. A grateful outlook serves you well.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Although you may feel mired in an emotional conflict, circumstances begin to change this afternoon, prompting you to realize that you have less time than you thought. Don’t be lazy; if you have something to say, go ahead and speak your piece, even if your declaration might spark an uncomfortable discussion. Getting your feelings out into the open today helps to get the ball rolling and sets the stage for resolution. Now is better than never.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The waiting game is over; it’s time to make your move. Perhaps you have recently tried a variety of tactics to push a pressing relationship issue along, but to no avail. Now that the Moon is returning to your dramatic sign, the winds of change are blowing up a storm. There’s no reason to resist the movement, even if you aren’t sure which direction you’re heading. Be bold and ride this cosmic wave for all it’s worth.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Even if you have something important to say to a coworker today, you may end up keeping your thoughts to yourself. Although you might imagine shouting your message from the top of a mountain, the Moon’s shift into your 12th House of Privacy tells a different story. Sharing the news with grandiose declarations isn’t your style, and could leave you with pangs of regret. Focusing on the details is still the most effective way to make your case. Your silence says volumes to those who bother to listen

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You can see potential in things that other folks miss today, and it’s up to you to use this special vision to your advantage. Ultimately, it’s your innate creativity that enables you to discover these magical possibilities. Now it’s time to jump in and play an active role in manifesting results. However, don’t try to do everything all at once or you might burn out too quickly. Follow your intuition and turn your dreams into tangible reality.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

It’s about time that you receive the credit you deserve for all the work that you do. However, the current recognition might not be about your regular duties at home or on the job. More likely, you’re being acknowledged for what you bring to the world by who you are when you show up. It may be nearly impossible for others to put this special quality into words, yet you will know you are appreciated now by how people act in your presence. Don’t push away the love; receive it with a gracious heart and a touch of humility.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your future is beginning to open up and your dreams appear a bit closer than before. Nevertheless, you are still aware of how much planning there is yet to be done. Thankfully, you are feeling more energetic day by day. Additionally, it seems as if the mental fog is lifting and your thinking is growing sharper. It’s a good idea now to map out your schedule for the next few weeks. Make the necessary commitment, figure out the logistics and get to work today.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Today’s dilemma might stem from not knowing how much to tell others regarding your latest news. You may be really excited about a new project, plan or relationship, but aren’t ready to say anything until you are more certain that everything is moving along as you wish. Nevertheless, it might be smarter to share your enthusiasm now, along with your concerns. The feedback and support you receive can help you more than you think.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Although you may start your day in a quiet frame of mind, an enthusiastic friend could coax you out of your seclusion. Perhaps you thought that you would simply go about your day, doing your work and minding your own business, only to discover a much different path in store for you now. Don’t resist an enticing invitation just because you have too much work to do. You can always come back and tie up loose ends later on. Surrendering to a surprise might just be your best option today.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You’re standing at the edge of a clearing, yet you can’t tell which way to go. Fortunately, you will step through this window of opportunity as your direction becomes apparent over the next few days. In the meantime, make the most of where you are now by paying attention to every little detail. Observe how others respond to you, but don’t forget to also tune into your own creative process. Remember, if something occurs in your imagination, there’s a good chance it can also happen in your real life.

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Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius

Think big while mental Mercury is in brainy Aquarius!

Tarotcom Staff Tarotcom Staff on the topics of mercury, astrology, aquarius

It’s time to put on your thinking cap! Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication, is retrograding back into Aquarius on February 12, 2014. Emotions will take a back seat to intellect during this time, and mental pursuits will become more appealing than spiritual ones.

Aquarius is a relatively cool and detached Air sign that puts feelings aside to focus on more cerebral matters — brilliant ideas, inventions, quirky schemes and the like. Don’t be surprised if it feels like you can’t turn off your brain now!

In addition to being an intellectual transit, Mercury in Aquarius is also a bit offbeat. Your thoughts will certainly be brilliant, but they may also be eccentric or downright weird. But don’t forget, there’s a fine line between “weird” and genius, right?!

Think of this as a good thing. This is a great time to look at your life from a different angle and gain new perspective. Also, Aquarius is very future-minded, so you can use this time to think about how to make your future bright.

The one thing to watch out for during Mercury’s transit through this not-so-sensitive sign is hurting or neglecting other people’s feelings. We may all lose touch with our sensitive sides while we’re busy juggling so many brilliant ideas, so do your best to pause and give someone you love an extra hug between all those stimulating conversations.

Mercury will move on into more compassionate Pisces on January 31, before turning retrograde on February 6. On February 12, Mercury spins back into Aquarius until it turns direct on February 28. Finally, Mercury will move forward again into Pisces on March 17.

Enjoy the many “ah-ha” moments you’re sure to have courtesy of Mercury in Aquarius!

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Your Charm for February 9th is Scorpio the Scorpion

Your Charm for Today

Scorpio the Scorpion

Today’s Meaning:  

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.

General Description:   

Eighth sign of the Zodiac, Oct. 24th to Nov. 23rd. Ruling by the planet Mars; correct metal, Iron. Those born under Scorpio were believed to be energetic, strongly determined, persistent, and thorough in their undertakings, with inflexible will-power, of magnetic personality, affable, just, affectionate, and powerful convicting speakers. The Scorpio gems are the Aquamarine and Beryl. The Aquamarine has always been reverenced in the East as all emblem of purity, and was given at marriage for increasing mutual love. In Rome worn for cheerfulness, curing distempers and internal complaints; by mariners to protect them from sickness and danger at sea.

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Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, February 9th

Early on, revelations are ripe for the picking — thanks to a sextile aspect between the Sun in Aquarius and Uranus in Aries (12:34AM) followed by a somewhat abrasive and yet equally expansive, 135-degree tie from Mercury to giant Jupiter (12:41AM).  Going overboard in any way is likely to backfire and this is amplified as the Moon in Capricorn squares Mars in Libra — starting a void cycle at 8:48AM that lasts almost 12 hours until 8:34PM when the lunar orb enters airy Aquarius. Pull back the reins of power a little and add a touch of humility on the professional front as the Moon parallels Saturn (1:01PM). The planet of love and beauty puts a good measure of hope into your heart and soul during a Moon-Venus parallel (4:21PM).  Once the Moon enters idiosyncratic and future-thinking Aquarius (8:34PM), let your intuition guide you to investigating unusual fields of human evolution like telekinesis, levitation, and clairvoyance. Adjust thoughts and feelings to handle relationship flair-ups as Mercury makes a frictional, 45-degree link with Venus (11:05PM). [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Standard Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

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Current Moon Phase for Feb. 4 – Waxing Crescent

Crescent Moon

(waxing/29% of Full)

During this Moon phase, there is a slight slowing down of enthusiasm due to an emerging desire to produce tangible results from the energy being expended. The issue of values enters into the equation and an urge to tie together the data available so that you can utilize current opportunities. There is still plenty of forward motion, and this is a great time to continue initiating and progressing forward. This Moon phase favors gaining more information and the input of others to further your plans.


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Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of February 3

Just when you thought your love life was in the clear, the universe casts yet another sucker punch. Yes, Venus turned direct on January 31, and this week she’ll truly begin to regulate her orbit. The trouble is that on Thursday communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in sensitive Pisces. There might be love in the air until February 28, but there will also be a distinct problem conveying your feelings or thoughts to your sweetheart in the way you hope to.
Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The good news is that the ruler of your partnership sector, Venus, is now moving forward. This will allow you to make progress in your relationship if things have been sluggish between you and your mate. The Moon in your sign will help you reveal your emotions easily on Monday and Tuesday. By Thursday, however, you might not want to talk about your innermost feelings as much. In fact, you might prefer extra alone time to think, dream and fantasize. Honor it.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Now that your ruling planet, Venus, is waking up from her short winter’s nap, you might feel as if you’re gaining more perspective around your moral requirements in matters of the heart. If you’ve been cheating yourself on some level by staying in a dead relationship, you might begin to take steps to end things. What may confuse you, however, is the opinion of friends in the background. They might mean for their input to be helpful, but it’ll only muddle things even more. You’ll need to figure this one out on your own.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

The ruler of your romance sector is strong and direct now, allowing you to enjoy the physical and emotional qualities of a love relationship more. The only rub? Your mind may not receive the same stimulation. Emotions will be out in the open on Saturday and Sunday, but mixed messages to your lover might only leave both of you feeling deflated. Be as clear as you can in all communication after Thursday, and if you’re not hearing what you hope to from your love give him or her the benefit of the doubt.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

You likely spent the last few weeks re-evaluating the status of your marriage or close relationship. Now that you’ve processed these thoughts you may feel as if you’re ready to make a firm decision. Should you stay? Should you go? Should you insist on changes that will make you feel more valued in the relationship? While you’ll want to press ahead with changes, remember that communication may be on shaky ground starting Thursday and until February 28. Your mind could change quickly, and you won’t want to lock yourself into something you can’t undo later.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

If you’re involved in an office romance, you may notice that you can finally breathe easy again this week, and enjoy dating this person without all of the gossip or recrimination. If you’re married or in a committed partnership, a conversation with your mate about joint finances might cause confusion. Now is not the time to pool your resources if you haven’t already done so. Wait until after February 28 for all major decisions about your shared resources.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Love is good for those of you in the fresh and fun dating stage right now. In fact, it’s great now that Venus is moving forward once more in your romance sector. You might meet someone very special over the next couple of weeks if you’re single. The only trouble is that your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde on Thursday, and that is not a good time to make firm decisions about life and love. If you meet someone new, take things slow. If you’re married, you and your mate may have trouble reaching a mutual agreement. Be patient.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Now that your ruler, Venus, is moving direct once more, it’s likely you’re feeling more attractive and less socially awkward than you may have felt since December 21. With sexy Mars moving through your sign you are in a good place now to go after who and what you want so be sure to act now while you’ve got strong support from both cosmic lovers. Next month Mars will turn retrograde in your sign, and this will be a temporary game changer for your love life. For now, have your cake and eat it too.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

If you’re married or in a committed relationship you might feel as if you can make progress once more as you work on your union. Partnership is certainly more effort than play these days for you, but it’s also likely you’ve learned that anything worth having is also worth working for. If you’re single, however, now is not a good time to begin a love affair. Mercury will turn retrograde in your romance sector on Thursday and your judgment may not be the best.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Romantic prospects will be strong early in the week — especially on Monday and Tuesday. You’ll be in the mood for fun, and it’ll be a great time to go out after work for cocktails or dinner with friends. You might even meet someone who captivates you! If you’re in a committed relationship, however, there might be extra confusion between you and your mate about a domestic matter after Thursday. You may not find it easy, but if you work together a resolution is possible after February 28.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Your attractive quotient is off the charts this week now that Venus is once again strong and direct in your sign. Not only will you feel a boost in self-esteem, it’ll also be easier to convey the very best qualities you have to others. This makes you impossible to ignore, and it’ll be easier than ever to snatch up that special someone you’ve had your eye on. Sleeping beauty is officially awake. Make the most of it!

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

If you’ve felt unsettled about a private love matter over the last several weeks, this week you’ll begin to let go of any anxiety surrounding it. Perhaps you’ve been involved in a clandestine relationship, and although it feeds you on some level, it leaves you feeling empty in other ways. We attract the love we think we deserve, and now is the time to figure out why you feel you deserve only to love someone in the dark. Guess what? You don’t.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Thursday, Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign, making mix ups in communication more of a hassle. This may be particularly troublesome when it comes to love and partnerships. Your sweetheart might insist that what you say you don’t mean and what you mean you don’t say. Remind him or her that you’re a lover, not a fighter.

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Current Moon Phase for Jan. 3rd is Waxing Crescent

Crescent Moon

(waxing/30% of illumination)

During this Moon phase, there is a slight slowing down of enthusiasm due to an emerging desire to produce tangible results from the energy being expended. The issue of values enters into the equation and an urge to tie together the data available so that you can utilize current opportunities. There is still plenty of forward motion, and this is a great time to continue initiating and progressing forward. This Moon phase favors gaining more information and the input of others to further your plans.

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Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, January 31

We’re in such a period of change that it’s challenging to get a handle on our current feelings. Our fantasies run rampant now that cerebral Mercury is in imaginative Pisces. Meanwhile, the emotionally detached Aquarius Moon shifts into Pisces at 10:44 pm EST to further amplify our dreams. And Venus, retrograde since December 21, turns direct today, freeing our desires from the past. However, it may take a few days to notice any real progress.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

There is no need to stress about whether or not you are appreciated by your peers. If you have been meeting your obligations without stirring up too much trouble, then you will likely receive accolades for your efforts. But don’t obsess about being noticed because your desire for immediate recognition could spoil your success before it arrives. Just keep up the good work without engaging in any attention-seeking behavior; your contribution will be acknowledged sooner than you think.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Your drive to step beyond preexisting boundaries continues to motivate your current choices. However, there’s no guarantee that impulsive behavior will pay off. To the contrary, it’s accomplishing the long-term goals that should be in the spotlight now because this can bring you the most happiness. Don’t succumb to the temptation of shortcuts. Your most reliable strategy today is to stick to the tried and true when it comes to your future.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Make a commitment to explore the intensity of your shadows; it’s the uncomfortable places within your mind that could offer the most growth now. Given the choice, you often steer clear of the darkness, yet there is a powerful attraction drawing you into your subconscious today. Courage is the key; remember, you will be changed by what you discover. This journey into the unknown can transform your fear into love.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Acknowledging the expectations that others place upon you raises old relationship issues, tempting you to escape from the jaws of commitment. Unfortunately, you might not be in a position to sidestep the promises you made. Thankfully, the tide is turning; if you honor your obligations with a positive attitude, love just might be closer than you think. Don’t let your past define your future.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Although you might feel a sense of urgency to resolve a conflict with a coworker, it’s smarter to let the dynamics play out naturally. Fortunately, you can minimize the pressure by remembering that the current deadlines are arbitrary. Even if your nerves are frayed, the energy will calm down if you fill your day with productive activities. Focusing on the details won’t fix any underlying issues, but it improves your chances of enjoying yourself over the weekend.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Whoever says that you can’t loosen up is missing an important part of your natural expression. While it’s true that many Virgos have difficulty pretending that they are having fun if they’re not, you do know how to kick up your heels when the opportunity arises. Over the days ahead, take a chance and demonstrate another side of your personality; impress others with your spontaneity and charm.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Family obligations seem to be your top priority these days, perhaps even to the extent of avoiding the work that’s expected of you now. Thankfully, you can clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel, motivating you to follow through on your promises. Your willingness to jump in without reserve enables you to get results faster than you expect. More than anything, you want peace at home and this is your chance to make it happen.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your interest in your immediate surroundings continues to grow. Perhaps you have already invested in household items that increase your comfort and beautify your environment. Now it’s time to take the pleasure principle to the next level; give yourself permission to further indulge your senses while the cosmic energies are cheering you on. Taking care of yourself empowers you to make other positive changes in your life.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Although you Archers aren’t typically known for having issues with low self-esteem, sometimes you still face the same insecurities as everyone else. If you have struggled with your self-worth recently, it’s time to complete your process of transformation now so you can get on with your life. Undervaluing your contribution to others limits your development. Take a realistic look at what you do best and focus on that for the next few weeks.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It’s time to step out from the shadows and let your love light shine now that Venus is turning direct in Capricorn. Thankfully, the Goddess of Love brings the sweet pleasures that were denied or delayed while she was retrograde in your sign over the last six weeks. Review your recent experiences to see what you can learn from them. But don’t linger in the past; follow your heart’s desire as it reveals the numerous possibilities ahead.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You might not be able to clearly express what you want with sensual Venus hanging out in your 12th House of Secrets. However, now that the planet of love turns direct, you may begin to feel the urge to open your heart wide enough to share some previously hidden desires. Don’t rush the process; giving yourself enough time to get comfortable with your disclosures increases the likelihood of your message being well received.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You are being shown again and again how important your friends are now and you really appreciate their unwavering presence in your life. However, if you’re seeking new connections, it’s a great time to reach out and make overtures to others to build a network of support. Remember, being friendly is a conscious choice. Going out of your way to create community continues to bring blessings in the weeks ahead.

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Current Moon Phase for Jan. 31 – New Moon

New Moon

(waxing/8% illumination)

The New Moon is a time best suited for new beginnings! For the first 48 hours following the exact time of the New Moon each month, a window of opportunity opens for making wishes that, if noted, come true in the days and months ahead. There is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm in the atmosphere, making it a great time to go forward and begin projects that you feel instinctively attracted to initiating. Follow your impulses and let yourself make new starts in areas that are important to you.

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New Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

New Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

Brilliance strikes during January’s late New Moon

Jeff Jawer    Jeff Jawer on the topics of new moon, horoscopes, astrology, aquarius

Innovation is off charts with the New Moon in unconventional Aquarius on January 30, 2014. This Sun-Moon conjunction in this super smart sign is excellent for expanding perception and triggering bright ideas. Idealism and a stronger sense of community can also emerge in the days that follow. Aquarius’ ingenious ruling planet, Uranus, favorably aligns with this lunation as well, making our mental laboratories more productive.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Discovering ways to become a more effective member of a team is a potential gift of this intellectually energizing New Moon. It lands in your 11th House of Groups, where you can get a fresh start within an organization or find a place of inspiration supporting a cause. Idealism is strong in Aquarius, which can help you recognize ways to meet your own needs while being an even more valuable friend or colleague.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Get ready for some radically new experiences in your professional life. This brainy and innovative Aquarius New Moon lands in your 10th House of Career and Public Responsibility to spark a fresh start that challenges your usual ways of doing business. Be as open-minded and flexible as you can, because old rules and systems may start breaking down. Innovation and risk-taking should put you in a more exciting work situation.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Travel and mind expansion are on the agenda with this brilliant Aquarius New Moon in your 9th House of Faraway Places and Higher Education. Your busy brain may suddenly turn in a different direction as you’re stimulated by a radically new idea. Sharing your discoveries, going back to school, or doing business with people in distant places are ways to put more excitement and meaning into your life.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This quirky Aquarius New Moon lands in your 8th House of Deep Sharing, where it can have a significant influence on your personal and professional relationships. A lunation in your 8th house, associated with emotional intimacy and financial alliances, is about making choices in partnerships. Either you come up with a fresh approach that enriches connections, or fight change and settle for less.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Fresh connections can enliven your personal life with this exciting New Moon in your 7th House of Partners. Sure, you may attract unusual individuals who don’t always follow the standard rules of love and business. But it’s also an opportunity for you to enliven current alliances with original thinking, or to take some chances by sharing brilliant insights that impress others with your original thinking.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Surprises could shake up your daily routine with this rebellious Aquarius New Moon in your 6th House of Employment and Habits. Although adapting to unexpected circumstances is logical, it’s even better if you take the initiative to make changes. Going into a different profession, getting additional training, and altering the ways that you deal with diet, exercise, and health will work to your advantage.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Creativity and romance get significant shots of adrenalin from this electrifying New Moon in your 5th House of Self-Expression. Let your playful side show as this lunation is a signal to come up with fresh ways to get attention and to have fun. Experimenting with different approaches and looks will put more pleasure into your personal life and make your professional presentations entertaining and inspiring to others.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

This liberating Aquarius New Moon occurs in your 4th House of Roots to provide you with a fresh perspective on your past. Old issues, especially from your family, can be seen with distance and objectivity that allow you to let go of emotional issues that have been holding you back. You’re becoming free of unconscious conditioning, making this an excellent time to break habits and try different ways feel safe.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Ideas are firing up with greater frequency thanks to this inventive Aquarius New Moon. It lands in your 3rd House of Information and Communication, cooking up fresh concepts and connections. Learning, teaching and meeting people should be more stimulating than usual. Just remember to ground what you say in a way that others can understand, because your enthusiasm may overwhelm others with more input than they can handle.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

This inventive Aquarius New Moon occurs in your 2nd House of Resources, providing you with inspiration for making money and getting the most out of your assets. But instead of trying to squeeze more from your current abilities, this lunation signals the need to invest in developing different kinds of skills. Consistency is usually rewarding, but being innovative will lead to even more profitable ways to work now.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Are you ready for a fresh start? This exciting New Moon in your sign can light the fuse of change that you’ve been waiting for. Your innovative ruling planet Uranus makes a harmonious angle to this Sun-Moon conjunction in your sign, firing you up with originality. Trying a different look or coming up with a radically new approach to connecting with people are excellent ways to utilize this energy.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

This ingenious Aquarius New Moon occurs in your 12th House of Spirituality to spur awareness of your connections with nature and divinity. Taking more time to be alone provides the peace and quiet needed to tap into the higher knowledge coming to you now. Don’t worry if it’s harder to get others’ attention, because the greatest rewards are more likely to come when you are less concerned with how others see you.

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