2 Supermoons in August

The cosmos is offering up a double feature in August: a pair of supermoons culminating in a rare blue moon.

Catch the first show Tuesday evening as the full moon rises in the southeast, appearing slightly brighter and bigger than normal. That’s because it will be closer than usual, just 222,159 miles (357,530 kilometers) away, thus the supermoon label.

The moon will be even closer the night of Aug. 30 — a scant 222,043 miles (357,344 kilometers) distant. Because it’s the second full moon in the same month, it will be what’s called a blue moon.

“Warm summer nights are the ideal time to watch the full moon rise in the eastern sky within minutes of sunset. And it happens twice in August,” said retired NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak, dubbed Mr. Eclipse for his eclipse-chasing expertise.

The last time two full supermoons graced the sky in the same month was in 2018. It won’t happen again until 2037, according to Italian astronomer Gianluca Masi, founder of the Virtual Telescope Project.

Masi will provide a live webcast of Tuesday evening’s supermoon, as it rises over the Coliseum in Rome.

From abc13.com

Current Moon Phase for Feb. 4 – Waxing Crescent

Crescent Moon

(waxing/29% of Full)

During this Moon phase, there is a slight slowing down of enthusiasm due to an emerging desire to produce tangible results from the energy being expended. The issue of values enters into the equation and an urge to tie together the data available so that you can utilize current opportunities. There is still plenty of forward motion, and this is a great time to continue initiating and progressing forward. This Moon phase favors gaining more information and the input of others to further your plans.


Enhanced by Zemanta

Current Moon Phase for Jan. 31 – New Moon

New Moon

(waxing/8% illumination)

The New Moon is a time best suited for new beginnings! For the first 48 hours following the exact time of the New Moon each month, a window of opportunity opens for making wishes that, if noted, come true in the days and months ahead. There is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm in the atmosphere, making it a great time to go forward and begin projects that you feel instinctively attracted to initiating. Follow your impulses and let yourself make new starts in areas that are important to you.

Enhanced by Zemanta

The next supermoon is January 1, 2014

The next supermoon is January 1, 2014

According to the definition of supermoon coined by Richard Nolle over 30 years ago, and popularized only in the past few years, the year 2014 has a total of five supermoons.  They are the two new moons of January, and the full moons of July, August and September.  January 1, 2014 is the first supermoon of the year, and January 30 is the second.  Expect large tides around both dates.  We won’t have a single calendar month with two supermoons again until January 2018.  Follow the links below to learn more about the supermoons of 2014, about what makes a moon a supermoon….Read More

Current Moon Phase for July 25 – Full Moon

Full Moon

(waning/75% illumination)

A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Traditionally, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you “see” what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the “same ole, same ole” — rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it’s time to take creative action in the direction of your dreams.

Current Moon Phase for July 23 – Full Moon

Full Moon

(waning/92% illumination)

A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Traditionally, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you “see” what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the “same ole, same ole” — rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it’s time to take creative action in the direction of your dreams.

Current Moon Phase for July 22 – Full Moon

Full Moon

(waning/100% Illumination)

A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Traditionally, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you “see” what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the “same ole, same ole” — rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it’s time to take creative action in the direction of your dreams.

Daily Love & Romance Horoscopes for Sunday, June 3rd


Saturn is just under 3 weeks away from turning direct in your relationship sector, ending his last retrograde phase here for another 30 years. With the door to the past and second chances still open and the communication lines to the past also open, this gives you a chance to address old ghosts and issues, with a chance to put the past behind you.


It was 4 weeks ago today that a Full Moon in your relationship sector put direct pressure on both the Sun and Jupiter and as a super Moon, the closest to the Earth in 2012, it most likely pushed a lot of buttons and brought a lot of things to the surface. While the wake up calls might not be so dramatic this time, the messages are still there.


While you’re just a day away from a lunar eclipse in your relationship sector, that is destined to bring things on the relationship front to a head or to an important turning or tipping point, the Moon isn’t even here yet. This is going to see things come to a head suddenly on the relationship front tomorrow, making it important to pay attention and to make your relationships a priority today.


In just over 2 months time some major new developments will begin coming into play on the romantic front and once on a roll there’ll be no stopping them. Each monthly visit from the Moon to your romantic sector is providing the clues that will help nudge things onto the right path, with a need to start paying more attention to what your heart and instincts are telling you.


You may be just 1 day away from tomorrow’s solar eclipse in your romantic sector, a super charged Full Moon with the element of fate woven into each moonbeam, but the Moon isn’t even there yet so there is nothing to hook into. A sense of anticipation and excitement might even feel more like a case of anxiety.


When Neptune turns retrograde in your relationship sector in 2 days time, by doing what you can now to ensure that the communication lines are open they’ll naturally follow. The surest way to ensure that the communication lines will run into the past, with a chance to give unsaid words a voice, is to ensure they’re open.


As the Moon progresses Uranus, on his own in your relationship sector, is going to start coming under pressure from Pluto, a planet that likes to stir things up. This will build slowly and may even fly under the radar, until things suddenly come to a head. Already you need to be on alert, finding a balance between not sweating the small stuff but also dealing with anything genuine before it can escalate.


For the last time before Jupiter leaves your relationship sector in 9 days time, the Moon moves into opposition, pushing some buttons for the last time. This is the last wakeup call you’ll get, drawing your attention to the things that need your focus. This is a day for putting your relationships first.


When Mercury and Venus aligned in your relationship sector yesterday Mercury was moving forward while Venus was moving back. All of a sudden this has put Mercury, planet of communication in the lead and due to leave your relationship sector in 4 days time, communication has just become more important than ever.


For the last time before he leaves your romantic sector in 9 days time, Jupiter is challenged by the Moon today, providing some timely wake up calls, when you can least afford to be asleep at the wheel. Look behind any apparent roadblocks or any buttons that are being pushed, in an honest and authentic way.


Right now, with no planetary activity in either of your professional houses you’re able to give some powerful romantic forces a lot of attention, but that won’t always be the case. With new doors opening on the work front from next week, focus today on finding a balance between work and play. If you can’t manage that over the weekend you’ll have a real problem next week.


There hasn’t been a day since last November that you haven’t had planetary activity in your relationship sector and therefore focus on your relationships. At the same time there hasn’t been a day that you’ve had planetary activity in your romantic sector, where things may be getting neglected. That’s about to change, with a need to get ready for a shift in just 4 days time.

Current Moon Phase for May 8th – Full Moon (Waning)

(waning/180-135 degrees)

by Jan Spiller

A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Traditionally, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you “see” what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the “same ole, same ole” — rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it’s time to take creative action in the direction of your dreams.

Current Moon Phase for May 7th – Full Moon (Waning)

Moon Phases: Full Moon

(waning/180-135 degrees)

by Jan Spiller

A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Traditionally, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you “see” what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the “same ole, same ole” — rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it’s time to take creative action in the direction of your dreams.

Calendar of the Moon for Sunday, May 6th

Calendar of the Moon

Willow Tree Month

Colors: Yellow, silver, and pale willow-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of yellow, silver, and pale willow-green place three white candles, wreaths of willow-branches, a large clay bowl of water, flowers if they are available, and a silver moon.
Offerings: Contemplate an emotion, and how you use it, and how it uses you.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian, preferably cold food. Fruits. Only spring water to drink.

Saille Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the Willow Goddess.
Response: Now is the time of the Green Man’s courting.
Call: Now is the time when leaves are full.
Response: Now is the time when gold gives way to silver.
Call: Now is the time when Sun gives way to Moon.
Response: Now is the time when Lord gives way to Lady.
Call: Now is the time of the search and the quest.
Response: Now is the time of magic dew on the fields.
Call: Now is the time of the phallus rising.
Response: He seeks the doorway that is wet with spring rains.
Call: He seeks the moon in the river.
Response: He seeks the fishes in the winnowing basket.
Call: He seeks the fruit of Persephone.
Response: He seeks the mountain of the Muses.
Call: We crown his head with flowers….
Response: That he may reach the sky.
Call: We crown his head with ribbons….
Response: That he may touch the earth.
Call: We bring forth the pole from earth to sky.
Response: We lay the line from earth to sky.
Call: We blow like the wind from earth to sky.
Response: We fall like the rain from sky to earth.
Call: We descend like the sunlight from sky to earth.
Response: We climb like the trees from sky to earth.
Call: We are the children of earth and sky.
Response: We are beloved of sky and earth.

We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Current Moon Phase for Sunday, May 6th – Full Moon *Waning*

Moon Phases: Full Moon

(waning/180-135 degrees)

by Jan Spiller

A veil of self-absorption is lifted and suddenly you gain access to an unbiased view of others. This is a rare moment when you can see yourself objectively and become aware of whether or not what you want in your heart is actually beginning to manifest in your life. Traditionally, the Full Moon phase stirs emotion, and this is because when you “see” what is happening, you may become upset if you’re experiencing the “same ole, same ole” — rather than the things you would like. If the Full Moon phase is a disappointment, on the next New Moon it’s time to take creative action in the direction of your dreams.

May the Force of the Full Moon Be with You

Karen A Kay

Karen A Kay on the topics of astrology, blog

Get ready for a SUPER exciting weekend! The next couple of days are filled with fun and surprises and drama and a few bumps in the road. That’s because we’ve got the worldwide wacky Star Wars Day on May 4, and then on May 5 there’s an intense Full Moon in Scorpio, which is also a “Super Moon,” and it’s also Cinco de Mayo and 5/5.

Enjoy Star Wars Day on Friday, because on Saturday the Full Moon in Scorpio may very well take us over to the dark side. It might rock our relationships and our finances, but the good news is we’ll at least have some fun along the way, as long as your idea of fun includes salsa and margaritas.

Saturday’s Full Moon in Scorpio is definitely forceful. It’s a “Super Moon,” which means it’s the biggest and brightest Full Moon of 2012.

And it’s making an opposition to the Taurus Sun that challenges us to get clear about what we really want and need in our lives, and to let go of things that aren’t cutting the mustard.

Tension is to be expected around this Full Super Moon in Scorpio! Master astrologers Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer are warning us that our powerful feelings might boil over into emotional extremes and drama as we try to get more of what we want from some people, while pushing others away.

But at least we can look to Numerology as a lightsaber in our battle against the dark force. Saturday is also 5/5 in the middle of a 5 year (adding the numbers 2012 = 5), and 5 is a high-energy number. It’s all about being adventurous and daring, so this will help us better handle whatever intensity the Full Moon brings our way.

And remember — whatever you feel at this time is ultimately for the best. Fights and upset can clear the way for positive breakthroughs, and we can finally shrug off bad habits (or people) that need to be broken.

Or as Yoda would say, “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

Calendar of the Moon for Friday, May 4

Calendar of the Moon

Willow Tree Month

Colors: Yellow, silver, and pale willow-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of yellow, silver, and pale willow-green place three white candles, wreaths of willow-branches, a large clay bowl of water, flowers if they are available, and a silver moon.
Offerings: Contemplate an emotion, and how you use it, and how it uses you.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian, preferably cold food. Fruits. Only spring water to drink.

Saille Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the Willow Goddess.
Response: Now is the time of the Green Man’s courting.
Call: Now is the time when leaves are full.
Response: Now is the time when gold gives way to silver.
Call: Now is the time when Sun gives way to Moon.
Response: Now is the time when Lord gives way to Lady.
Call: Now is the time of the search and the quest.
Response: Now is the time of magic dew on the fields.
Call: Now is the time of the phallus rising.
Response: He seeks the doorway that is wet with spring rains.
Call: He seeks the moon in the river.
Response: He seeks the fishes in the winnowing basket.
Call: He seeks the fruit of Persephone.
Response: He seeks the mountain of the Muses.
Call: We crown his head with flowers….
Response: That he may reach the sky.
Call: We crown his head with ribbons….
Response: That he may touch the earth.
Call: We bring forth the pole from earth to sky.
Response: We lay the line from earth to sky.
Call: We blow like the wind from earth to sky.
Response: We fall like the rain from sky to earth.
Call: We descend like the sunlight from sky to earth.
Response: We climb like the trees from sky to earth.
Call: We are the children of earth and sky.
Response: We are beloved of sky and earth.

We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for May 2

Calendar of the Moon

Willow Tree Month

Colors: Yellow, silver, and pale willow-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of yellow, silver, and pale willow-green place three white candles, wreaths of willow-branches, a large clay bowl of water, flowers if they are available, and a silver moon.
Offerings: Contemplate an emotion, and how you use it, and how it uses you.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian, preferably cold food. Fruits. Only spring water to drink.

Saille Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the Willow Goddess.
Response: Now is the time of the Green Man’s courting.
Call: Now is the time when leaves are full.
Response: Now is the time when gold gives way to silver.
Call: Now is the time when Sun gives way to Moon.
Response: Now is the time when Lord gives way to Lady.
Call: Now is the time of the search and the quest.
Response: Now is the time of magic dew on the fields.
Call: Now is the time of the phallus rising.
Response: He seeks the doorway that is wet with spring rains.
Call: He seeks the moon in the river.
Response: He seeks the fishes in the winnowing basket.
Call: He seeks the fruit of Persephone.
Response: He seeks the mountain of the Muses.
Call: We crown his head with flowers….
Response: That he may reach the sky.
Call: We crown his head with ribbons….
Response: That he may touch the earth.
Call: We bring forth the pole from earth to sky.
Response: We lay the line from earth to sky.
Call: We blow like the wind from earth to sky.
Response: We fall like the rain from sky to earth.
Call: We descend like the sunlight from sky to earth.
Response: We climb like the trees from sky to earth.
Call: We are the children of earth and sky.
Response: We are beloved of sky and earth.

We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.

[Pagan Book of Hours]