Mars Direct – Take action as Mars begins moving forward

Mars Direct

Take action as Mars begins moving forward

Tarotcom StaffTarotcom Staff on the topics of mars, astrology

Action planet Mars is all about moving forward. However, Mars has been stuck in retrograde reverse since March 1, 2014. Finally, Mars will move direct again on May 19, and with Mars pushing forward in the balanced sign of Libra, not only will we feel an increase in energy and motivation, but people in general will be more friendly and thoughtful of others.

If you’ve still felt a bit stuck when trying to make headway in work, love or life in general the past few months, it’s time to celebrate. Mars rules our general approach to life, so in retrograde it forces us to re-examine the ways we do things — from work habits to our tendencies in love and relationships. But that period of uncertainty is about to end.

Mars Retrograde is a confusing time, because the intense influence of Mars can make us see clearly where we can make improvements that will pack the biggest punch. But at the same time, Mars’ move in the “wrong” direction makes it all but impossible to focus that motivation and turn it into action.

No more! When Mars turns direct, we’ll suddenly see ways to overcome roadblocks to success. If you haven’t been able to get a project off the ground, or to clearly express yourself to a partner or friend, the warrior planet will suddenly show you how — and push you ahead.


See What The Planets Have In Store for You for the Week of May 18th – 24th

Weekly Astrology: May 18-24 2014

Good News! We’re finally back in action!

Maria DeSimoneMaria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mars direct, gemini, astrology

Are you ready for this week’s cosmic headline news? Mars turns direct! With Mars Retrograde holding us back since March 1, the planet of action and motivation will finally wake up.

Sunday, May 18: Venus in Aries square Jupiter in Cancer

On Sunday, Venus will square off with Jupiter. Aspects to Jupiter aren’t usually malefic — even if it’s a tense aspect like the square. It simply points to indulgence. Whether it’s indulging in a voracious appetite for love, spending money or eating sweets is up to you. One way or another, on this day you’ll like have too much of a good thing.

Monday, May 19: Mars Direct

Monday is the day, folks. This is when Mars turns direct, and many of you will breathe a sigh of relief. Cosmic shackles come off, and you’ll finally be ready to stretch those limbs and move forward with your plans. Over the last several weeks you likely made important revisions in your goals relating to partnership matters. Now, you’ll be able to implement them. Give Mars a little time to fully wake up though — he’s not ready to run a marathon yet, but he is ready to start training for it.

Tuesday, May 20: Sun in Gemini

On Tuesday, the Sun enters Gemini, and all of you Gemini’s out there get to celebrate your annual Solar Return. Make those birthday wishes count as you begin a brand new one-year cycle of possibility! For the rest of us, a light will shine on all things communications-related over the next month or so.

Saturday, May 24: Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio

Then, on Saturday, there is an incredible connection between Jupiter and Saturn to look forward to. When these planets are in perfect harmony, you’ll benefit from the blend of hope and realism. Anticipate an almost effortless ability to lay the foundation for one of your most cherished, expansive goals or your broadest philosophy. Dream the dream with Jupiter and trust Saturn to take you there!


Mars Retrograde: The Cosmic Chill Pill

Mars Retrograde: The Cosmic Chill Pill

The benefits of slowing down

Maria DeSimone Maria DeSimone on the topics of mars retrograde, mars, blogs, astrology
It’s that time again folks. Once every two years Mars, the planet that rules our motivation and ambition, turns retrograde for about a 2 1/2-month stretch. On March 1, 2014, Mars began this retrograde phase in partnership-oriented Libra, and will remain backpedaling until May 19. You’ve undoubtedly read all of the warnings about Mars Retrograde by now, and they are indeed accurate. Since Mars is the planet of initiation, you must have a strong and direct Mars if you ever want your endeavor to succeed. This is why astrologers advise against starting vital projects during this phase.

The “oomph” factor is missing or lessened somehow when Mars is retrograde. Often, we feel a sense of frustration during Mars Retrograde because we want to press forward in a certain area of our lives but feel as if our efforts to progress are futile. The universe demands that we fortify what’s happening in that area already rather than break new ground.  As long as you remember that simple rule you’ll be fine. Mars Retrograde won’t be your downfall.

When Mars is your ruler

If you’re ruled by Mars however, either by having the Sun or Ascendant in Aries or Scorpio, then you belong to the VIP Mars club. Mars, as our ruling planet, has a special emphasis in our lives. When this planet moves direct we’re enlivened and embroiled. We’re full of vim and vigor. When retrograde however, we are forced into a cosmic time out. The universe doesn’t ask, but rather orders us to take a chill pill.

I, for one, am relieved.

That’s right, I said it. When Mars turns retrograde I know that for at least a few weeks I’ll have time to fully inhale and exhale. You see, being ruled by Mars and having Mars heavily aspected in my chart (the apex of a T-square with it square Venus, conjunct Saturn, square Pluto as well as trine Jupiter) you can say that I am a high strung, an on-the-go person. I live this high octane existence and rarely give myself any down time. So when Mars turns retrograde every couple of years I might experience a bout of frustration if I’m trying to get something off the ground, but even so, I tend to be secretly thankful. Why? Because at the very least, I can count on a BREAK!

As soon as Mars enters his cave for hibernation I feel the endless anxiety begin to lift. I realize that I’ve got time to relax. There’s an almost unhurried vibration in my energy field that is foreign to me most of the time. But it allows my “fight or flight” tendency to diminish just enough to stop, sit down and smell the roses.

Mars Retrograde in Libra

During this particular retrograde in Libra, Mars Retrograde urges us to revise our current strategy of how we use our energy to pursue and cultivate close partnerships. It’ll help us to stop pushing so hard and learn to let our relationships proceed organically for once, the way they’re meant to. As a result, this retrograde, in particular, is giving me a reprieve from any of the usual partnership anxieties. Trying to make a relationship into what it isn’t, pushing for a certain collaboration when someone isn’t ready … all of these partnership themes now have a giant “pause” button on them.

And I’m grateful. For the next couple of months, I get to simply BE in my relationships rather than try to direct them. So do you. What a refreshing change of pace! And an opportunity to learn how to truly relate.

As you can see, Mars Retrograde doesn’t have to be an endless cycle of frustration. It can actually be an invitation to reduce a great deal of your everyday anxiety and frustration. So go ahead and swallow the cosmic chill pill will ya? Don’t fight it. Open wide and just say “Ahhhh.” There. That wasn’t so bad now, was it?

Let’s Get A Jump On The Week Ahead – Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Weekly Astrology: March 2-8, 2014

Turn your frown upside down this week!

Maria DeSimone Maria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mars, astrology

The week may not begin on a happy note, especially when it comes to romantic and partnership matters. Is there any hope at all?

Of course! But you’ll have to wait until Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into friendly Aquarius.

Sunday, March 2: Venus in Capricorn square Mars Retrograde in Libra and Saturn Retrograde

On Sunday, Venus in sober Capricorn will be at odds with Mars Retrograde in Libra. This incompatible combination between the cosmic lovers might leave you feeling as if you’ll never find the middle ground between you and your sweetie that you hope for. In business relationships expect a gridlock alert!

On the same day, Saturn will turn retrograde, where he’ll remain until July 20. Over these months it’ll be a good idea to retrace your steps around career moves and goals. This will especially apply to partnerships and other collaborations until May 19.

Monday, March 3: Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

On Monday, there is a light of hope in the sky. The Sun in Pisces will be at a friendly angle to Pluto, allowing you to transform an inspired project in a way that allows its light to shine through.

Wednesday, March 5: Venus in Aquarius

Matters of the heart and friendship get a jolt on Wednesday, when love planet Venus moves into Aquarius, where she’ll remain until April 5. Now, the way to your heart is through camaraderie. Friends first will be a must, but it’s also possible that you’ll be more attracted to those who reveal their humanitarian side more easily. You might work on a group endeavor that has the capacity to benefit the masses, and as you do so you just might meet someone who makes your heart swoon.

Because Aquarius is ruled by tech-savvy Uranus, Internet dating will be a popular way to meet someone special. You might also notice a greater amount of flirty remarks on your Twitter feed!

Thursday, March 6: Jupiter Direct

Then, Jupiter turns direct on Thursday, and you’ll feel like luck is once again on your side. Ah, that’s exactly where it should be!

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Personal Planets in Retrograde

Personal Planets in Retrograde

Three retrograde planets bring us to a tipping point

Jeff Jawer  Jeff Jawer on the topics of venus retrograde, retrograde planets, mercury retrograde, blogs, astrology

2014 is getting off to a sluggish start that may require us to be more patient through the end of May. The year began with sociable Venus in reverse. This planet of love, pleasure, peace, and harmony was retrograde in orderly Capricorn until January 31. She’s just now picking up speed to put a bit more forward thrust into matters of desire, self-worth and partnership. Her retrograde period, which started on December 21, 2013, corresponded with delays in financial, artistic and romantic matters. But on the plus side, it has also been a time to review and re-evaluate our needs in these areas of life.

Mercury Retrograde

On February 6 mental Mercury turns retrograde, starting its reversal in dreamy Pisces and ending it on February 28 in quirky Aquarius. These thrice annual, 3-week-long Mercury Retrograde periods are known as times when dealing with data, messages, travel, and technology tend to be more complicated. This is especially likely to be the case when this retrograde starts in Pisces, where thinking is softened with feelings and diffused with faith and fantasy. It’s easy to get lost in fog banks of illusion, yet imagination and intuition should flourish. Mercury then backs into airy Aquarius on February 12, which can sharpen thinking if we value simple answers more than complicated theories.

Mars Retrograde

The next personal planet getting on the backward merry-go-round is Mars. Usually, he’s an assertive warrior driving us to take risks, initiate action and penetrate into new territory. However, Mars entered Libra last December, which cooled off some of the power and passion of this fiery planet. This is a little like a retrograde influence because Mars’ usual spontaneity and drive can be blunted by indecision and lassitude in cool Libra.

On March 1, though, the transformation of this primal planet takes another turn when it begins moving retrograde. Mars will backpedal in Libra until May 21, and is unlikely to regain full force until it enters its watery home sign Scorpio on July 26. This doesn’t mean that we’re going to be frozen in our tracks until then. Life goes forward even when the planets do not, but finding traction and getting new projects off the ground might be more challenging. Relationship-oriented Libra requires bridge-building to mend wounded partnerships or to create new ones. Reaching out to people in socially skillful ways now will be beneficial in the long run. The trick is to double back to make sure that you’re current with the needs of potential allies, and are willing to revise and renegotiate the terms of your alliances during Mars’ retrograde period.

Find your anchor

It’s worth noting that Mercury, Venus and Mars are more about how we think, what we like, and what we do, rather than who we are. They are planets of means — the ways that we connect intellectually, socially and physically. It is natural to identify with our thoughts, desires and actions and, of course, the circumstances in which we find ourselves. But if you find you are struggling during these retrogrades, it’s helpful to step back and find a less entangled place in which to see yourself. Tune into your heart (Sun) and gut (Moon), as well as your beliefs (Jupiter) and commitments (Saturn) to find more solid ground upon which to stand. Adapting to the shifting patterns of these retrograde planets is much easier when the core of self (Sun and Moon) and our aspirations and ambitions (Jupiter and Saturn) remind us of who we are and what we stand for.

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