See What The Planets Have In Store for You for the Week of May 18th – 24th

Weekly Astrology: May 18-24 2014

Good News! We’re finally back in action!

Maria DeSimoneMaria DeSimone on the topics of venus, mars direct, gemini, astrology

Are you ready for this week’s cosmic headline news? Mars turns direct! With Mars Retrograde holding us back since March 1, the planet of action and motivation will finally wake up.

Sunday, May 18: Venus in Aries square Jupiter in Cancer

On Sunday, Venus will square off with Jupiter. Aspects to Jupiter aren’t usually malefic — even if it’s a tense aspect like the square. It simply points to indulgence. Whether it’s indulging in a voracious appetite for love, spending money or eating sweets is up to you. One way or another, on this day you’ll like have too much of a good thing.

Monday, May 19: Mars Direct

Monday is the day, folks. This is when Mars turns direct, and many of you will breathe a sigh of relief. Cosmic shackles come off, and you’ll finally be ready to stretch those limbs and move forward with your plans. Over the last several weeks you likely made important revisions in your goals relating to partnership matters. Now, you’ll be able to implement them. Give Mars a little time to fully wake up though — he’s not ready to run a marathon yet, but he is ready to start training for it.

Tuesday, May 20: Sun in Gemini

On Tuesday, the Sun enters Gemini, and all of you Gemini’s out there get to celebrate your annual Solar Return. Make those birthday wishes count as you begin a brand new one-year cycle of possibility! For the rest of us, a light will shine on all things communications-related over the next month or so.

Saturday, May 24: Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio

Then, on Saturday, there is an incredible connection between Jupiter and Saturn to look forward to. When these planets are in perfect harmony, you’ll benefit from the blend of hope and realism. Anticipate an almost effortless ability to lay the foundation for one of your most cherished, expansive goals or your broadest philosophy. Dream the dream with Jupiter and trust Saturn to take you there!