Psychic Powers Ointment

Psychic Powers Ointment

3 parts Bay

 3 parts Star Anise

2 parts Mugwort

1 part Yerba Santa

Make in the usual way with shortening.

Anoint the temples, middle of the forehead and back of the neck to improve psychic powers.

Basic Herbal Fumigation

Basic Herbal Fumigation

Burning specific herbs provides magickal and spiritual antiseptic effects. These herbs include: aloes wood, benzoin  resin, bloodroot, cajeput, cinnamon, cloves, dragon’s blood resin, eucalyptus, frankincense, garlic, harmel (Syrian rue), juniper, mastic, mugwort,  myrrh, onions, rosemary, sage(especially white sage), Saint John’s Wort, sandalwood, thyme, wormwood and yarrow. Burn them alone or in any  combination.
Many of these plants also radiate a protective aura: maintaining them as a presence, particularly as living plants but  also as direct amulets, can only be beneficial. Whatever else these plants do (any many, such as frankincense, dragon’s bood and wormwood are extremely  versatile magickally), they alway radiate a cleansing, purifying aura. Although certain methods of our intensify their cleansing effect, those effects are  constant: the more these herbs are used, the more consistent their cleansing power.
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Obtaining Herbs: Collection

Obtaining Herbs


Walking in the woods, striding through deserts, climbing mountains or strolling along beaches are refreshing activities in and of themselves. When combined with a quest for magickal herbs they can be exciting adventures.

There are some basic ideas to follow here:

*Collect only what you need. Do you really need five paper sacks full of mugwort?

*Attune with the plant before collecting from it. You may do this by placing your hands around it and feeling its energies, chanting a simple rhyme or a few words that describe why you’re taking part of its energy(leaves and flowers), and/or by placing an object of worth in the soil at the base of the plant. If you have nothing else with you, put a coin or dollar bill beneath the plant before havesting. This represents your willingness to give of yourself in exchange for the plant’s sacrifice.

*Never collect more than 25 percent of the plant’s growth. If you’re collecting roots you must, of course, take the whole plant, so be sure to leave other nearby plants of the same type untouched.

*Don’t collect after rain or heavy dew. At least, not until the Sun has dried the plants. Otherwise they might mold while drying.

*Choose your collection site carefully. Never collect plants near highways, roads, stagnant or polluted waters, near factories or military installations.

To dry herbs you’ve harvested, strip off the leaves of flowers and lay on ceramic, wooden or steel racks in a warm, dry place out of direct sunlight. Or place them in baskets and shake the herbs daily until dry. Store in airtight, labelled jars.

Scott Cunningham

“The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews”

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The Witches Magick for Feb. 10th – Purification Ritual for Scrying Tools

Purification Ritual for Scrying Tools

When you first make or purchase your tool, a ritual purification should be done:

(This is for most scrying tools, except the candle.)

Make a tea by simmering some Mugwort in water. Strain and cool.

Set up an altar and draw a circle of protection.

Carefully wash the scrying instrument in the mugwort water, saying:

“I wash you clean of all influences of your former life. Be now an instrument of the sight. Help me to see what is needed that I may aid myself as well as others. So mote it be.”

Dry the tool. Pass it through the candle flame and the incense, saying: “Charge this tool with energy and inspiration, that it may be a source of knowledge.”

Place the tool on the center of a black cloth which will be used for a covering. Place your hands over the tool and say: “Bless and consecrate this tool for the purposes of higher Magick. May it always be used for good and never for evil. May it serve me well, as long as my heart is pure and my aims are righteous. In the names of ___God_____ and ____Goddess____ I do consecrate you.”

Wrap the tool in the black cloth. Keep it covered until it is to be used.

Relax. When the time is right, take up the circle.

The tool is now a ritual tool and should be treated as such. Take care of it and do not let it open to the profane. Usually the tool is wrapped in the cloth or covered to keep the light and other influences out.

The proceeding ritual may be reinforced when you feel it is necessary. It may also be used when there has been a disturbing reading to clean up any residue that may remain.

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Fairy Brew

Fairy Brew

-Recipe from:

“The complete book of incense, Oils, and Brews.”

by: Scott Cunningham


3 parts rose petals

2 parts yarrow

1 part cinnomom

3 parts rose petals

1 part cinnamon

1 part nutmeg

1 part bay

1 part mugwort

Assemble your herbs, grind them manually, and put about a handful into a pot; Strain. Drink a cup before seeking your encounter and return what you do not use to the Earth


The Witches Spell for October 24 – Dream Weaver Spell


Dream Weaver Spell

To bring informative and helpful dreams.

Items You Will Need:

Purple candle
Piece of Amethyst
Piece of paper or picture
Small muslin or silk bag/piece of cloth with ribbon


Place stone, mugwort, and slip of paper on which is written the issue you want answers to in the bag or cloth. When done with the spell, put the bag under your pillow. (You don’t need to use all of these if you don’t have them, and you can just put a slip of paper under your pillow instead of the bag.)

Chant the following:

“Spirits of sleep and intuition
I call on you to lend a hand
As I slumber, send me visions
So I might know and understand.”
“Send me answers to my questions
Clarify confusion’s mist
Send me knowledge as I’m sleeping
Which awake I might resist.”
“Let my dreams be strong and true
Containing knowledge that I need
Intuition rules at night
So for wise dreams I plant the seed.”

Flying Ointment

Flying Ointment

This ointment will aid you in astral projection.


½ cup Shortening

3 tbsp. Mugwort (powdered)

3 drops Dragons Blood Oil


Melt the shortening over low heat. This will be your base. Add the mugwort and the dragons blood oil to the base. Visualize your intention while stirring. Steep for 9 minutes or until the hear is “fried.” Strain into a glass jar. Allow the ointment to cool before usel


The dragons blood oil will not only strengthen the spell. It will also make the ointment smell good. You can put this ointment over your body, but I would recommend that you just anont the chakras.

Charm of the Beast Spell


You Will Need:

3 hairs of an imposing beast
black cloth
oil of frankincense or myrrh

Mix the mugwort and angelica in equal parts, add to it the 3 hairs and bind together in a black cloth.
Add a few drops of the oil onto the cloth. then say

” He who is strong, he who is mighty
Lend thine power to this charm
Demons turn on your heels and run”

Draw over it a pentagram and the charms of banishment.
Burn the mixture to drive away the spirits that ail you.
Burn it in your home or room you wish to exorcise. Bury it before your doorstep and no demon shall touch you nor enter. Wear the charm or hide it in the roof to ensure safety against any ills.