Wishing You A Very Happy & Blessed Thursday, dear brothers & sisters!

Have a Good, Great Day Images
Good Morning WOTC! Well it is almost lunch time, so what’s for lunch? Something good, I am on my way. I wanted to apologize for no daily posts today. We started out with the intentions of doing them as usual. But good intentions occasionally go down the toilet, as ours did today.

I always listen to the News every morning as everyone knows. Our local forecast calls for some severe storms forming right over the top of us today. Said some of the storms could contain tornadoes. We also live in tornado alley, so please keep us in your prayers today. Since listening to the weather, I decided I would get up early and go get some of my prescriptions. I called them in. About fifteen minutes later, the pharmacy was calling me back. Problem with the insurance. I straightened that out which took about 15 minutes. Still had time to run to town. Got ready, went outside to start the truck and let it warm up. While the truck was warming up, dumbass me decides to pick up some garbage the wind had blew over here. I made the fatal mistake of stepping in the wrong spot. Before I knew it, my left leg had sunk down to my knee in mud. I could not pull my leg out to save me. The bad thing was it was still sinking and by that time I was screaming. Thank goodness, my neighbor heard me and came running. I grabbed a hold of the foundation to stop sinking. My neighbor carefully weaved his way through the mud. He finally got to me and he started sinking too. The next thing I knew he had grabbed a hold of me and ripped me out of the mud and over his head. I landed on the walkway and he grabbed my hand a I helped him out. He wanted to know what the hell I was doing in the mud. I told him I didn’t know it was mud till I stepped there. I guess I could have really been an ungrateful ass hole and told him, “I was picking up your garbage.” But I didn’t. He saved me from quick mud (get it, instead of quicksand, we have quick mud, not funny, it stinks worse than a skunk!).

It was amazing though, I didn’t change clothes or nothing. I just sit down on the steps and wiped my shoe and sock off. My pants did not get a lick of mud on them. As I was going down, my pants leg was pushed up by the ground. My leg was muddy but with the pants leg down, you couldn’t tell anything had happened. Weird, I know. So now I am wiped off and getting in the truck. Well guess what’s sunk next? Yes, you guessed it, the truck. By this time, I am going, “Goddess what have I done today?” The truck was marred up to the middle bolt on both back tires. I gentle eased up enough to get some traction. Then I put the truck in four-wheel drive and put her in reverse, off we went. Needless to say, it looks like I have been mudding in my yard. Oh, what fun! NOT!

After all that adventure at the house, Kiki and I were off. I should mention she hates it when I put the truck in four-wheel drive. Why I don’t know, she just does. So she finally calmed down from that. But before she did, she was sitting in my lap fogging up the window. I would wipe and she would fog it up again. I finally said the heck with it and rolled the window down a little were I could see. We made it to town and got everything done we had to do. The funny thing, it sprinkled all the way to town and back. Now it is not doing a darn thing. That figures doesn’t.

I forgot something totally hilarious. I think everyone knows we are located about 5 miles from an uranium enrichment plant. They are in the process of closing it down. Eventually it will be totally empty. We found out the other day, they aren’t leaving any guards there at all. That is just peachy! No telling what kind of crap will be left there. Anyway, in the mail today, we got a letter from USEC that is the plant I am talking about. I had to do a double take on that one. I opened it and I know I shouldn’t have, but I just started laughing my ass off. I guess it was just the topper on the kind of morning I had had.  I scanned over the letter real quick. It informed us of no security for the plant but rest assured the security system will still be operational. OK! Now on the next piece of paper was what to do if the sirens go off. That’s it we are all going to die. They have sirens all over the place. But if the place blows, we won’t be able to take a step. We  will be dead. The kill radius on this plant is huge. We first moved out here, my son and I would go fishing at the game reserve which is on part of the plant property. We didn’t eat anything we caught, rumor had it they all glowed in the dark, lol! Anyway, my son saw one of those signs and asked me, “what should we do if they sounded?” I have always been honest with my children. I told him, “kiss your ass good-bye.” I know we could move but we would have near as much fun as we are now.

Well back to the site, Mystie is going to be posting some spells later on (if we don’t get blowed away). I am going to check out some stuff Word Press has give us. They gave us thousands of plug-ins to use on this site. They did that Monday and I saved the link but haven’t had time to check out what we now have access too. I do know one is a radio player and there is also a news ticker that runs all the time. Might be some pretty cool stuff who knows? I am also going to do some Pinning on Pinterest. Pinterest has a widget that you can put on your web site. It lets your friends see what you are pinning. But we can’t use it, it is javascript. Word Press won’t let you use Java because they say it is so each to be hacked. I was sort of disappointed because it was a cool widget. Oh, well, life goes on……

I guess I need to start updating ya’ll every day. That way I would talk your ears off. Who am I kidding, I still would, lol! I was very serious about you keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Before anything was built on this property a tornado came right straight through here. The people around here told us if we had been here we would have probably been killed. It tore this area up pretty good. And all the bad weather we have had around here recently it does make me nervous. So please, not only keep us in your prayers but our area also. We have all seen enough disaster and destruction, we don’t need any more.

Well now you are officially caught up, Mystie will here later on. I am checking out our new toys from Word Press and then doing a little Pinning. I don’t know if I told you I keep the Pinning going because we get new members from there. It is an excellent source of advertisement for us. Now I am going to hush and get busy. I hope everyone has a very blessed and happy Thursday. We will see you tomorrow. Till then…….

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

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