Let’s Talk Witch – Feeding Your Chakras with Color

Let’s Talk Witch – Feeding Your Chakras with Color

We have seven chakras–energy centers–in our bodies that help to give us radiant vitality and health when they are in balance. But if one gets low or out of whack, we can feel depressed, lethargic, or even become ill.

One nurturing and effective way to feed our chakras–to make sure they stay vibrant and energized–is with color. All you have to do to is look around at the natural world, or use your imagination. It’s easy to do color therapy for the health of our bodies, minds, and spirits. Here’s how:

To feed your chakras, start with the Higher Self, the 8th chakra located about 8 inches above your head. Then go one by one down the lower chakras as you are ready. Use words (unspoken or aloud) to open one chakra at a time, allowing it to drink in the color. (You may find that, if your eyes lock onto a particular color–like the bright yellow of a spring tulip, for example–that this is a sign that the chakra associated with that color really needs it. When you’ve had enough of the color, you may find that your concentration dims–an indication that you can move on to the next chakra.

White to the Higher Self (8th chakra): Look at a white cloud or white stone (quartz is perfect). Imagine complete purity, while bringing your awareness to the place 8 inches above your head where the Higher Self resides.

Violet or purple to the crown (7th chakra): Look at a ripe plum, an amethyst, or a purple flower (irises are perfect). If there is no natural purple nearby, visualize light filtering down through purple stained glass into your crown chakra.

Indigo or cobalt to the brow (6th chakra): A night sky full of stars, or the sky just before dawn, are good for this chakra, as are stones such as lapis lazuli, sapphire, and azurite. If you hold a stone and gaze at it, you will also absorb the healing energies of the stone. Eating blueberries is a great way to absorb blue internally!

Sky blue to the throat (5th chakra): Imagine your throat filling up with the blue of the daylight sky. Helpful stones include aquamarine, turquoise, Larimar, and blue tourmaline.

Leaf green to the heart (4th chakra): The budding green leaves of early spring is perfect for this chakra. In winter, look at a vibrant potted plant or imagine the new green foliage. Or look at–and then eat!–a Granny Smith apple!

Yellow to the solar plexus (3rd chakra): Imagine the bright yellow sun in your solar plexus, energy radiating out from its yellow center, clearing and healing as it goes. Or look at yellow flowers–lilies or tulips, for instance–or a banana. Helpful stones include yellow tourmaline, celestite, kunzite, topaz, and rhodonite.

Orange to the navel (2nd chakra): Imagine dried tree sap or the honey-colored wood found on the inside of tree bark–or petrified wood with dark orange. Pumpkins, oranges, daylilies and poppies are good to gaze at, and the stones orange calcite and carnelian are helpful.

Red to the base of the spine (1st chakra): A good red found in nature is the dirt in the American Southwest, or the red breast of a robin, or a tomato, or red apple.


Inspired by Home Enlightenment,
by Annie B. Bond (Rodale Press, 2005).


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WOTC Extra for Jan. 21 – How to clear and balance your chakras

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments

How to clear and balance your chakras

Two simple exercises to clear and balance the chakras for stress reduction and increased energy.

If you are feeling low on energy, or somewhat stressed, chances are, you need to clear and balance your chakras. Chakras are the seven points of energy within the human body. They are interconnected and when open to conduct your energy they can keep you feeling physically, mentally and spiritually fit. These energy points begin in the groin area and run up to the top of your scalp. Clearing the “build-up” of energies in your chakras will allow them to carry negative influences from your body. This will also open you to the benefits each of these centers bring.

How to Clear the Chakras

Before you begin, locate each of the following points on your body.

Base Chakra (Sexual Center): The groin

Navel Chakra (Creative Center): The navel

Personality Chakra (Solar Plexus): Solar Plexus, just below the rib cage

Heart Chakra (Emotional Center): The middle of the chest

Throat Chakra (Communication Center): The throat

The Third Eye (Wisdom): The middle of the forehead

The Crown Chakra (Spiritual Center): Above the scalp

As you concentrate on each area, your chakra should feel warm, letting its location and presence be known. Now that you have located each of these areas, you can begin a clearing exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to push built up energies out of your body to allow a healthy flow of spiritual energy.

Find a comfortable position. You can lay with your feet elevated or sit in a comfortable position. Your back must be perfectly straight. Posture is very important. Consider your spine a pipe through which water must flow. If the pipe is bent, the water will need force behind it to move.

Now that you are positioned, remind yourself that you are a spiritual being as well as a physical being. Life itself is a spiritual experience.

Bring your concentration to your base chakra. Take a deep breath. Hold this breath and concentrate on the base chakra. When you can visualize this ball of energy, release your breath, and push the tension from this area up to the next chakra.

Now visualize your navel chakra. Inhale deeply. Now concentrate on the energy in this area. When you can visualize it, exhale while moving the tension up to the next.

Imagine the sphere of energy at your solar plexus. Take in another deep breath. When you can see this chakra in your mind, let out your breath, and move the tension up to the heart chakra.

Concentrate on the heart chakra. Inhale again. Visualize the ball of energy in your chest. When you can clearly “see” this energy, exhale, and move all of the tension up to your throat.

Think about your throat chakra, and breathe in. Once you can imagine this chakra, let your breath out slowly. Push your tension upto the middle of your forehead.

Visualize your third eye. Take a deep breath. When this chakra is clear in your imagination, push all of the tension up to a point just above your scalp.

This is the last of your seven chakras, the crown. Imagine this as something along the lines of a halo that conforms to the shape of your head. When you can see this image, release your breath, and push all the tension you have been carrying away from your body. It is no longer a part of you.

Remind yourself again that you are a spiritual being which is connected to a physical body. You should feel relaxed, and ready to fine tune your chakra energies.

Remain in the position you assumed at the beginning of the last exercise. Count to five, inhaling deeply at each count. When you reach five, exhale and say to yourself “I am relaxed, completely relaxed.”

Concentrate on your base chakra again. Feel it pulse in your body. While your attention is focused on this area, begin breathing in time to the pulse you feel from this area. With each exhalation, chant “ohm.” Do this until you feel completely in tune with this rhythm, usually three times.

Move up through each chakra repeating this process, just as you did for the clearing exercise. As you move up the pulsation should quicken and your “ohm” should rise in pitch. When you are finished, say to yourself, “I am in tune with my body, my mind, and my spirit. I am a being of light connected to a physical body.”

You have just cleared and balanced your chakras. Doing this on a regular basis should reduce your physical stress increase your energy, and give you a more positive outlook on life.

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The Witches’ Magick for Dec. 16th – Spell To Lock Out Anything Nasty


You need to start by meditating before hand on the effect of the spell for at least 15 minutes.

Then, to cast, you sprinkle holy (consecrated to the Lord and Lady) water mixed with salt and powdered iron; (try potteries to get this) Stand in front of the door that you want to lock…or in the case of a person the 3rd eye point which is between the eyebrows just above their level. Then place your hands on the 3rd chakra point or door and concentrate your energies going down your right arm and going through the door and back into your left arm. Then you start chanting over and over:

“Portal be controlled and mine, Become as one with my mind,
I hold thee fast, To make this last,
open you not, as I weave the knot, of my power from within.”
Keep chanting this as you build up power, and imagine the circle of energy (right arm through door back into left arm) getting faster and faster. Then upon release, visualize a green field of energy coming up in front of the door or the 3rd eye chakra.

Chakra Pleasure Attunement

Chakra Pleasure Attunement


This attunement is for experiencing pleasure in each of your chakras. Your chakras are energy centers that correspond with your body, emotions, mind and spirit. By experiencing pleasure in your chakras, you bring more pleasure to your life. However, while the primary focus of this attunement is for enjoyment, the opening of your physical, emotional and mental bodies to pleasure often has a clearing, healing and awakening effect.

This Chakra Pleasure Attunement will work with any and all of your major and minor chakras. I recommend starting with your major chakras and working with all of them in one session beginning with the root/base chakra and working your way up. Then if you wish to work with any of your minor chakras you can do that as part of the same or a separate session. If you need a list of major and minor chakras you will find many internet sites, books and other reference material containing that information.

The purpose of my attunements is to help you tune in and become more in-tune with yourself. When you attune using this attunement, you are becoming more aware of the pleasure in each of your chakras. This is not intended as a healing modality, but rather as self exploration, empowerment and life enrichment. I offer no course materials or certificates, only a way to journey into yourself and bring more of yourself into your everyday life.

Although it is common to attribute the attunement to someone or something outside of yourself, what I offer through my attunements is an understanding that everything you wish to attune yourself to is already present inside of you. When you follow the written instructions in this attunement, I am working with you to help you tune into and experience your pleasure as it already exists inside of you. I am not adding anything to you, I am simply helping you to focus your awareness. However, if while working with any or all of your chakras, you would like to add my pleasure energy to yours, all you have to do is intend to experience it and it will be present.

To Attune: relax and close your eyes. Starting with your root chakra, intend to experience the pleasure that is there. Then just go with the experience. When the sensation subsides or moves to the next chakra, it is time to intend to experience the pleasure that is there. All you need to experience this attunement is intent. These written words are merely information and instructions. When you intend to attune, your intent is assisted by mine and the attunement takes place. Nothing more is needed so please do not ask me to send you the attunement, everything you need is inside of you and supported by the words on this page you are currently reading

This attunement will work one time for each chakra. After that my assistance in attuning, and the addition of my pleasure energy will no longer be available. However, you will still be able to tune in on your own because tuning in is a natural process that you do all the time. This attunement helps strengthen your intention and the results, but even more importantly it teaches you that you are an empowered being, capable of tuning into anything you desire.

Snow Quartz ?

Quartz – Snow
This is a stone of luck and good fortune that carries the yin energy.  Snow Quartz can help one to learn not to be a victim and to break self destructive habits that lead to others taking advantage of one’s giving nature.  It can also be very helpful in meditation and in finding one’s inner knowing and wisdom

Element: Water
Chakra: (7th) Crown
Zodiac: Capricorn
Planet: Moon

Today's Gem for September 1 is Garnet

Today’s Gemstone for Sept. 1


•Common Name: Garnet
•Appearance: Deep red to purple
•Element(s): Fire
•Deity connection: Persephone
•Healing powers: Connected to the root chakra, garnets can be used in healing of reproductive disorders and regulating the menstrual cycle
•Magical uses: Strongly tied to women’s bodies, the garnet is associated with moon magic; also used in rituals to balance the spiritual with the physical body
•Other info: In some traditions, a garnet obtained through deceit brings a curse upon the person who possesses it, until returned to the legal owner

Let's Talk Witch – Two Goodies for Your Chakras

Pentagram Book of Shadows

Let’s Talk Witch – Two Goodies for Your Chakras


Chakra Meditation

You can do this meditation either standing or lying down, however it is important to not cross your legs or arms since this will close your energy loop.

Center yourself. Hold your right hand a few inches above your Root Chakra. Focus on this spot and hold this focus for a moment. Picture energy coming down from the Universe and flowing through your hand, into the chakra.

Each time you inhale, feel more energy being drawn into the chakra. When you feel a comfy warmness in this area, move onto the next chakra and keep doing so until you have charged all of your chakras.

This exercise is very helpful for when you are feeling out of balance. It also helps during times of physical illness. YOU SHOULD STILL SEE A DOCTOR IF YOUR CONDITION IS SERIOUS. This is not a substitute for a doctor’s care, it is an aid to help strengthen the healing process.

If you wish, you can hold crystals/stones in your hands while doing this or place the appropriate stone on the appropriate chakra. The corresponding stones are:

Red Jasper–Root Chakra
Carnelian–Sexual Chakra
Tiger’s Eye–Solar Plexus Chakra
Aventurine–Heart Chakra
Sodalite–Throat Chakra
Lapis Lazuli–Third Eye Chakra
Amethyst–Crown Chakra


Balancing And Clarifying Your Chakras

Here are some chakra color treatments to put you back in balance.

For the following, visualize each specific color penetrating and cleansing that chakra. This is a good way to balance yourself in the morning before getting up and starting your day.

Root Chakra:
A very bright shade of red.

Sexual Chakra:
A clear shade of orange.

Solar Plexus Chakra:
A bright and sunny yellow.

Heart Chakra:
You can visualize a bright green or a bright pink. Both are seen as the color of this chakra.

Throat Chakra:
A light shade of blue.

Third Eye Chakra:
A transparent indigo.

Crown Chakra:
Violet or white are both seen as the color of this chakra.

Grounding and Centering

Grounding and Centering

Grounding and centering is the absolutely essential first step for any energy working. It’s the thing that makes sure you are pulling the energy from the Earth, instead of depleting your own resources.  Without it, you will find yourself exhausted (or highly exhilarated) immediately after doing work, and then sick, headachy, dizzy, or faint afterwards. Sometimes the headache can persist for days afterwards.

All of these are signs that something is wrong.

Fortunately, it’s easy to fix! Grounding and centering is a simple thing that is a natural ability in all of us. For some reason (probably that it smacks of the occult) it’s rarely taught in the schools now, though. So this is your chance to learn it here.

Sit comfortably, without any part of your body resting on any other part (no crossed legs, etc.) and smile. (It relaxes you wonderfully to smile.) Begin by looking at the diagram to the left. These are your Chakras. We aren’t going to go into what they are, or how they work right now. For now, just look at them. Notice that they go up in spectral order, starting from red and going through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (actually a lovely, bright blue-violet, but it’s called indigo anyway) and violet. The first one is red and is at the base of your torso, near your anus. The second, orange one is about the width of both hands (with fingers held together, and including your thumbs) above that. In fact, in my experience, they tend to be pretty evenly spaced, and all about two hand-spans apart. The third is at the Solar Plexus (yellow), the fourth at your heart (green), the fifth at your throat (blue), the sixth at your “third eye” (indigo) and the seventh at the crown of your head (violet.)

You probably already know this; but you have more than one body. The ones we are going to be concerned with here are your physical body, and your etheric body. Just assume for now that you have the body you are used to thinking of as “you,” and you also have another one, larger and subtler, that has all the same parts and is around your physical body like two layers of an onion. Think of it as the blue outline in the picture. The point of the first part of the exercise, centering, is to line the two bodies up so that the energy can flow freely. You do this sort of like zipping a zipper. Hold the picture firmly in your mind, and line up the two red dots, physical and etheric, front to back and side to side. As you visualize (imagine) them coming together, hear the note C in your head. The first note of the scale.  Then carefully visualize all the others coming together as well, one by one, front to back and side to side until there is only one colored light. As you do, go on up the scale; doe, ray, me, fa, so, la, tea, doe.  (Yes, I know I’m spelling them wrong; but many people are used to hearing them, not seeing them written out, and this way they will sound like they should.) When you get to the final doe, visualize your whole body wrapped in white light. If this is really hard for you, visualize it going the other way, starting with your crown chakra, the violet light on the top of your head, and going down your body and down the scale. But try to learn to do it the other way, because it makes grounding easier. For the second part of the exercise, Grounding, it is absolutely essential that you be centered. If you aren’t, please go back and read that part now.  Starting with your crown chakra, the purple spot at the top of your head, visualize (imagine) a cord of light going all through your body, connecting your chakras as it goes. See it coming down from the root chakra, and becoming a root itself. Feel it going through your chair, through the floor, through the foundation of the building, and into the ground. Feel the warm, fertile ground below you. And feel your root going deeper and deeper, down through the ground, down below the deepest well. There is a whole core of energy down there. The core of the planet is full of pure, clean, loving energy; and the Earth means her children to use it. So draw that energy up your root now, up through the ground, through the soil, through the foundation, and the floor, and the chair, and into your body. Feel that pure clean energy coming into your body.  And pull it on up through your body, up through all your chakras, up through your crown chakra, up through the top of your head. And as it comes, it washes away all the tired, old, nasty energy, and fills you with clean, pure, fresh energy, energy from the Earth.  And let it come out of the top of your head, and flow out like a fountain, like the branches of a tree, up and arching gracefully down, and flowing back into the Earth. You are sitting in the center of a circuit now; a circuit of energy flowing up from the center of the Earth, through your body, through the top of your head, and back down into the Earth again. See how that feels? If you are doing it right, you will be able to feel it. If not, try it again some other time. It’s really not hard.  Now, the important thing to remember at this point is not to get greedy and try to keep too much of the energy. When you are finished with the exercise, you should have exactly as much energy as is normal for you. No more, and no less. Just think of yourself as taking no more and no less, and your own body will even it out for you. It’s nice and clean and fresh, but it’s the same amount. If it isn’t, you will wind up with one of the headaches again. And you don’t want that!  Keep doing this for a few minutes every day, and soon it will be as easy as taking a deep breath. And it will make you feel so much better!  Not just when working with energy, but when facing any kind of stress, or tension, or fear, or exertion, or anything. Being grounded and centered just makes life a bit easier to take!

Healing the Base Chakra: The Benefits

Healing Benefits

Balancing the base chakra stimulates the flow of energy through the body’s whole energy system, which can have a beneficial effect on many chronic conditions throughout the body. It also helps to build up energy that is stored in the sacral chakra for when it is needed. By removing anxiety and stress, this healthy flow of energy allows positive changes to occur in your life. It facilitates the release of unwanted and unneeded emotions and thoughts that can block your path and prevent you from following your destiny.

Healing The Base Chakra

Healing the Base Chakra


The base chakra, also known as the first chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It is the survival center, supporting strength, determination, and the things that nurture us such as our family and friends. In certain traditions, such as Ayurveda and hatha yoga, it is regarded as the place where the resting kundalini is stored. It is the center through which we experience our connection to the earth and earth plane, while we are living this life. A healthy base chakra will keep you grounded and help you move forward in life.

Location:  Base of the Spine

Crystal:  Red Jasper

Color:  Red

Fragrance Association:  Patchouli

Keywords:  Survival, health abundance, connection to the earth, change, strength, family, security, nurture, assertiveness, determination, passion, practical matters, tradition, endings and new beginnings.

Emotional/Mental Healing:  An unbalanced base chakra can prevent you from advancing in life. When it’s blocked, nothing seems to happen. The lack of balance prevents the release of grief and other restricting emotions that hold you back. Everyone needs time to grieve, but this should always be a process of release rather than something to hold on to. Death is about change–not just for the person who dies but also for the relatives and friends they leave behind. All change brings opportunity and a fresh start. Without releasing grief and holding onto feelings such as sorrow and guilt, any new projects you start may never quite work or come to fruition. This prevents abundance–not only material but abundance on a deep soul level, of sensitive feelings and happy emotions. You feel unfulfilled. Slowly this has an emotional effect. You start to feel as if nothing is working or worthwhile and no one is on your side. You become stressed, a myriad of apparently unrelated physical symptoms begin to appear, and low-level depression sets in. You can feel as if you have lost a connection but to what you often are not sure. The dysfunction of your base chakra prevents you from appreciating the nurturing things in life. You can feel distanced from family and friends and unsettled. As you start to feel alone, insecurity can set in, leading to anxiety and panic attacks. In extreme circumstance, addictions, phobias, and obsessions can develop.

Physical Healing:  When the base chakra is out of balance, common symptoms appear, such as chronic lower-back pain, varicose veins, sciatica, water retention, rectal and anal problems, constipation, diarrhea, some fertility issues such as impotence and immune disorder. The base chakra also affects the health of the groin, hips, pelvis, lower end of the digestive system, legs, knees, ankles and feet.

Spiritual Healing:  The base chakra connects you to the earth. In one sense this is rational, mental grounding, as in your link to the planet; keeping your feet on the ground than your head in the sky. In another way, it’s bringing all your spiritual knowledge and experience into your everyday life, living in the present moment and experiencing every second of your existence. Part of this process can involve development workshops and classes, but many people go to these have enlightening experience and then simply go back to their everyday lives, maybe tell their friends about the weekend and nothing. A healthy base chakra enables you to take the experiences and skills you have acquired and use them in your everyday life. This brings positive change in small manageable doses, leading to happiness.

Lifestyle:  A balanced base chakra can help you move forward in life, change career, accept opportunities and run with the ball when it falls in your hands. It promotes a healthy sense of security and confidence, allowing you to give and receive nurture, stand up for yourself when you need to, take advantage of all that life offers and succeed in whatever you do.

Alternative Crystals:  Hematite, black obsidian, smoky quart, snowflake obsidian, red calcite, falcon’s eye, zircon, mookaite, black banded agate, jet, black opal, petrified wood.

Chakra Refreshing Spell


Chakra Refreshing Spell

This helps eliminates negative energy from your chakras and your body. It also refreshes and recharges your chakras.

Items you will need:

An ability to control your chakras


Visualize the root chakra, see all the dark spots as negative energy, relax, let it be seen but not analyzed. Then visualize it glowing and clearing the negative energy. And when it is finished, you will see a flash of glowing light and feel a small spasm of rejuvenation.

Continue on with your other chakras.

Unblocking Chakras



It is vital to the energetic health of the patient that the upward flow of energy through the chakra system, and the flow of energy into and through each chakra, be maintained. If you have sensed that a chakra is blocked-that the energy stops its normal flow at that chakra-it is possible to restore the healthy upward energy flow.

Unblocking of chakras is done during the normal round of hand positions-with the hands on the chakra in the same position, and at the same time, as regular hand placement. When you have detected a blocked chakra at a certain location, clear it in the following way:

As you lay the hands on that chakra point during the normal course of treatment, visualize the appropriate symbol (see the diagram) in the proper way during the full time you treat that chakra, and at the same time visualize, intend and sense that a blockage in the upward flow of energy is being removed-visualize the energy that is flowing upwards through the spine, at that chakra point, flowing through the chakra, the blockage in the chakra being removed as it does so. You may find it easier to visualize the symbol and the chakra clearing with your eyes closed, as you learn. With a little practice will be able to visualize in the proper manner with your eyes open, as you practice this technique, and this is to be desired.

The symbols are each related to a certain manner of energy flow, and this energetic nature of the symbols relates to the chakras in this way. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, for example, bear a relationship to the Circle in their energetic functioning. The 4th, 5th and 6th chakras bear a relationship to the energetic nature of the Trine. The 7th chakra bears a close energetic relationship to the Star. Accessing the energetic nature of these symbols (and hence that of the corresponding chakra) through visualization, combined with the visualization of the chakra clearing, provides the effectiveness of this technique-the energy flow through the chakra is cleared, and the blockage is removed.

If you have perceived that a blockage of the first chakra exists, it must be treated in a slightly different way, as placing the hands on the corresponding body area (the genital region) is not done. The hands of any person, however, are receptive channels for the body energy, and the patient’s hands may be used to treat this chakra.

To clear the first chakra:

Place your hands on the patient’s hands, with each of your palms on a palm of your patient. As you send in the energy, visualize the Circle, and visualize-intend and sense-that the first chakra is being cleared. This will not be as focused a clearing as would be provided with direct hand placement, but will assist considerably.

As the diagram implies, the symbols are also associated with regions of the body as well. The Circle is associated with the abdomen below the diaphragm, the Trine with the area above the diaphragm up to the third eye, and the Star with the crown of the head. Visualization on the appropriate symbol during the laying-on-of-hands on supplementary areas may also be done. For example, when treating problems in the lower abdomen, you may, if you have sensed that it is appropriate, use a visualization of the Circle while placing the hands in supplementary positions after the usual chakra positions. Use of the symbols during treatment of positions other than blocked chakras will not be required on most patients, however, but if you sense it will benefit a particular condition you encounter, use it. It may interest you to know, also, that while one symbol predominates in each of these areas, elements of the others are also present.

Stones Associated With The First Chakra

First Chakra (Feet to base of spine)

The first chakra represents our relationship with our physical bodies and with the material world. It grounds us in physical existence. When balanced, its  energy helps us to blend the physical and spiritual, and to eliminate that which is no longer needed for growth. We enjoy physical existence. When  unbalanced, we may be afraid of life, feel like victims, withdraw from physical reality, or operate in our own interests only. Physical symptoms can include  any difficulties with feet, legs, or lower back.

Stones associated with the first chakra:

Black tourmaline: This is a protective stone when you feel threatened at the survival level.
Hematite: This stone helps you to set protective boundaries when you feel as if others are intruding into your private space.
Black and snowflake obsidian help you to see what material things you no longer need for growth.
Smoky quartz, the lightest of the dark stones, helps to blend the energies of the first and seventh chakras.
Tiger’s eye helps you to feel secure about physical existence.

Any of these stones may be placed at the base of the spine or at the feet.

Primary Chakras

A distinction has to be made between primary and secondary chakras, as these are very often confused.

The primary chakras are the inner chakras, i.e. the chakras as described by original Tantra (Shaktism, Nathism, etc), which can only be accessed through  deep yogic practice.  These chakras are archetypal and do not have a form; the form they are represented as in tantric literature is stylised and symbolic.    Now do they have a precise location.  They are associated with specific correspondences including mantric vibrations, elements, gods, etc.

The primary chakras are represented in an up-down vertical axis (the microcosmic “Mount Meru” – world mountain), and are polarised according to  Shiva (pure unmanifest Consciousness, the Godhead) and Shakti (the power of manifestation).  Shakti is represented by the Kundalini energy at the base of the  spine, or more strictly speaking, in the Muladhara chakra (which as with all the Primary Chakras does not have a strict physical location).  Shiva is located  in the crown chakra (Saharsrara) at the crown above the head.  This vertical polarisation represents the major planes of existence

As microcosmic archetypes the primary chakras can be equated with the ten sefirot of Kabbalah, which are arranged, significantly, in seven rows.  Various  schemes and suggestions have been made to equate the two, but none are completely satisfactory.

The Shakta Theory of Chakras

The Shakta Theory of Chakra

Developed Shakta doctrine postulates seven chakras. These are called the Muladhara or “Root Support” at the base of the spine with four “petals”, the Swadhishthana or “Own Abode” at the root of the genitals with six, the Manipura or “Fullness of Jewels” at the level of the navel with ten “petals”, the Anahata or “Unstruck Melody” at the heart-centre with twelve, the Vishuddha or “Complete Purity” at the throat with sixteen, and finally the Ajna or “Guru’s Command” at the brow with two “petals”. The Crown centre, the Sahasrara-Padma or “Thousand Petalled-Lotus”, located at the very top of the head, is technically speaking not a chakra at all, but the summation of all the chakras.

The chakras are strung along the central or Sushumna channel (usually located at the spine). In the lowest chakra, the Muladhara, at the base of the spine, there lies the kundalini-shakti, the latent consciousness-energy, the microcosm of the cosmic creative shakti. When this is aroused, it can be made to ascend the sushumna, either ac-tivating or dissolving (depending on the yogic tradition) each chakra in turn, until it reaches the highest or crown chakra, the Sahasrara, where dwells the Godhead or Supreme Shiva (Paramashiva). As the Kundalini-Shakti unites with Paramashiva, the original transcendent equilibrium is restored, and the yogi returns to the state of oneness with the Absolute.

The chakras are described as stations or centres of pure consciousness (chaitanya) and consciousness-power. They are focal points of meditation; iconographic structures within the occult or “subtle body”. Apart from the Sahasrara, each chakra is described by means of a whole lot of symbolic associations or correspondences. Building upon the initial later Upanishads speculation, each chakra, as well as having a specific position in the physical body, element, mantra, and deity, also has a particular number of “petals”, each associated with one of the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, a corresponding colour, shape, animal, plane of existence, sense-organ, mantric sound, and so on.

As is usually the case with intellectual esoteric systems, a lot of these correspondences are arbitrary, for example, smell and feet with Muladhara, taste and hand with Swadhishthana, sight and anus with Manipura, etc. These associations are all based on the Samkhyan sequence of tattwas and their attributes.

In addition to the seven major chakras arranged along the spine there are also chakras in the hands, feet, genitals, and so on. Also in addition to the seven major chakras, there are also a number of other chakras along the spine which are sometimes referred to. In his exhaustively detailed and definitive work on the chakras according to the traditional Indian understanding, Layayoga – an Advanced Method of Concentration, Shyam Sundar Goswami, citing numerous references, describes thirteen chakras altogether; the seven standard chakras there are six minor ones. The following lists the chakras according to the 13-chakra model.

chakra  position  petals  tattwa  element 
Sahasrara  above head  1000  transcendent  transcendent spirit 
Guru  above head  12 
Nirvana  crown  100  origin of mind  mind 
Indu  forehead  16  buddhi 
Manas  forehead  chitta 
Ajna  brow  manas 
Talu/Lalana  roof of mouth  12 or 64  n/a  n/a 
Vishuddha  throat  16  space  elements 
Anahata  heart  12  air 
Hrit  heart  n/a 
Manipura  navel  10  fire 
Svadhisthana  genitals  water 
Muladhara  base of spine  earth 

Reference is also made in all Tantric texts to the nadis or channels of vital-force (prana). According to the traditional Tantric teachings, the seven chakras are strung like pearls or jewels along the brilliant thin thread of the sushumna nadi, which is the primary nadi in the body. On either side of the sushumna are the two main secondary nadis: the white moon-like ida on the left, containing descending vitality (apana), and the red sun-like pingala on the right, containing ascending vitality (prana in the narrow sense of the term). The tantric yogi aims to direct the subtle airs from these two primary side channels into the central sushumna nadi, and so activate the latent Kundalini energy. This then ascends through each of the chakras in turn, and when it reaches the top of the head, the yogi attains Liberation

The understanding of the chakras and kundalini in the West derives largely from Sir John Woodroffe’s The Serpent Power, a very technical work, first published in 1919 under the psuedonym Arthur Avalon. The first (and still one of of the only) serious books on the chakras and Kundalini yoga to be published in the West, it is actually a translation of two sixteenth century Bengali texts and their commentaries, together with Woodroffe’s own long and detailed introduction. Woodroffe’s book – his own chapters cover Shakta metaphysics and cosmology, Patanjali Yoga, and Tantric practice, as well as the chakras themselves – is unfortunately very difficult for the beginner, but it served as the inspiration and chief reference text (usually without acknowledgment) for many Western occult-esoteric writers

Today’s Chakra Levels for August 27

The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers.  The graph below is a representation of the quantities of Chakra energies available today.




Legend: Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Ajna Chakra, as well as your image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture) and the many nuances that make your journey unique.

Vishuddha – Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from the Vishuddha Chakra.

Anahata – The Heart Chakra’s energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.

Manipura – The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.

Svadhisthana – The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.

Muladhara – The Root or Base Chakra furnishes the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.

Daily Chakra Levels for August 23

The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers.  The graph below is a representation of the quantities of Chakra energies available today.





Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Ajna Chakra, as well as your image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture) and the many nuances that make your journey unique.

Vishuddha – Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from the Vishuddha Chakra.

Anahata – The Heart Chakra’s energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.

Manipura – The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.

Svadhisthana – The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.

Muladhara – The Root or Base Chakra furnishes the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.

Your Daily Chakra Levels for August 12

The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers.  The graph below is a representation of the quantities of Chakra energies available today.
Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.
Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Ajna Chakra, as well as your image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture) and the many nuances that make your journey unique.
Vishuddha – Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from the Vishuddha Chakra.
Anahata – The Heart Chakra’s energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.
Manipura – The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.
Svadhisthana – The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.
Muladhara – The Root or Base Chakra furnishes the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.

Today’s Chakra Levels for Sunday, August 12

The Chakras represent the seven primary energy hubs in the body. Life force energy is constantly flowing in and out of these centers. Just as the cosmos is constantly changing, so too are the levels of energy absorbed and radiated by our Chakra centers.  The graph below is a representation of the quantities of Chakra energies available today.



Sahasrara – The Crown Chakra represents energies associated with cosmic consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, wisdom and inner peace.

Ajna – The Third Eye Chakra represents energies focused on both physical and spiritual vision. Psychic powers resonate from the Ajna Chakra, as well as your image of the Cosmos as a whole (the big picture) and the many nuances that make your journey unique.

Vishuddha – Throat Chakra is the energy center associated with communication and creativity. Your energy to express yourself verbally and creatively are derived from the Vishuddha Chakra.

Anahata – The Heart Chakra’s energy is concentrated on issues concerning your emotions. This energy fuels your power to love, feel compassion and maintain balance between disparate aspects of your being.

Manipura – The Power Chakra provides the energy that fuels our strength of will, individuality and sense of self-worth.

Svadhisthana – The Spleen or Sacral Chakra supplies the energy we use emotionally and sexually. This is the energy used to connect to others.

Muladhara – The Root or Base Chakra furnishes the energy used to create and maintain our foundation. This is the energy that keeps us on firm ground and provides us with the basic skills to uphold a place in the world.

The Wicca Book of Days for Aug. 7th – Seven Chakras

The Wicca Book of Days for Aug. 7th

Seven Chakras


In Indian yogic – and Wiccan – belief, the chakras (“Wheels” in Sanskrit) are seven major energy centers within the human body, each being associated with a color, function and purpose. The first chakra (red) is located at the base of the spine; the second (orange), at the sacrum; the third (Yellow), at the solar plexus; the fourth (green) at the heart; the fifth (blue), at the throat; the sixth (violet), at the “third eye”; and the seventh (brilliant white), at the drown of the head. When meditating, energy is visualized rising sinuously from the base of the spine, opening each chakra in turn.


A Happy Heart

Leo corresponds to the human heart and back in astrological belief, so this Leonian day presents a good opportunity to cherish these areas of your body. Resolve to eat plenty of heart friendly fruits and vegetables each day and to wear comfortable shoe from now on.