Let’s Talk Witch – Love Spells – Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. c. 2013

Love Spells

Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. The following questions should give you a fairly clear idea about the patterns that run throughout your intimate relationships. Once you identify your patterns, it’s easier to change them.

*Describe your ideal intimate relationship.

*Describe the worst intimate relationship you ever had.

*How would you rate your present sex life If you’re involved, is your significant other romantic

*Are you romantic

*If you’re involved, is your relationship emotionally satisfying

*What, if anything, would you change about this relationship

*If you’re not involved, jot down five important

*List five things that make you feel good.


Loving yourself is a definite prerequisite for casting any love spell. It sounds simple enough, but so many of us have grown up believing that we aren’t worthy, aren’t attractive or intelligent enough, aren’t this or that. Before you try any love spell, spend a little time uncovering your beliefs about yourself.

If you’re holding on to negative beliefs about your worth as an individual, take a tip from author Louise Hay and adopt this simple yet powerful affirmation: “I love and approve of myself.” Say it out loud, write it out, and post it on your mirrors, your fridge, and wherever else you will see it frequently. Yes, you probably will feel a bit foolish at first, but that just means the affirmation is working. When you repeat something often enough and back it with positive, uplifting emotion, your unconscious mind gets the message.


The Only Book of Wiccan Spells You’ll Ever Need (The Only Book You’ll Ever Need)
Singer, Marian; MacGregor, Trish (2012-08-18).

April 18 – Daily Feast

April 18 – Daily Feast
The voice of doom is loud in our land. It is predicting unheard of fears and possibilities. But we have the antidote in our mouths – our words. Words are powerful, able to turn away the negative thoughts and words of those who have no purpose but to degrade. We don’t have to let other people decide that we are victims of every attack, every disease, every wrongdoing. Our u in ne tsv (words), say the Cherokees, are mighty to pull down anything or any person that lies in wait to harm us. Life and death are truly in the power of the tongue – and our part is to study the use of words and their effects on us. We know what it is to hear words of courage. It is light entering a dark place and we hear as well as speak.

~ Give ear, I am the mouth of my nation. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Heartwings Love Notes 501: Having a Cold

Heartwings Love Notes 501: Having a Cold


Heartwings says, “If you have a cold you’d better not keep it too long.”


Commonly we refer to almost any illness or condition as something we “have.” We may not wish to keep it, yet we seem to indicate that like any possession, the cold, flu, or other sickness is ours. We even say that we have caught it, like a fish or baseball. According to the way some think, this is not a good idea. After all, if you have something, whether you want to or not, perhaps that makes it more difficult to get rid of.


The science of affirmation began around the late 1800s with a gentleman named Emile Coue¢. He taught people to stand in front of a mirror and repeat, “every day in every way I am getting better and better.” His method, known as autosuggestion, was later expanded upon and evolved into a school of psychology built around positive thinking. It became the basis for a whole way of improving one’s life through positive statements known as affirmations.



However, there is a reverse polarity to affirmations and these are negative statements, such as “I have a cold, a fever, or a problem of any sort.” If I “have” something I do not want, and I want to get rid of it, I’d best stop saying I have it. The basis of affirmation as well as that of avoiding negative statements is that the subconscious part of the mind can and will respond and help us achieve what we affirm.


When I find myself coughing and sneezing, it’s difficult to avoid saying I have a cold. I am however working hard to think of it as vanishing. This cold has bothered me for more than a week and I am eager to get rid of it. The next time I start to feel I have caught a cold, I am going to try to drop it somewhere rather than hold onto it. Perhaps instead I will stand in front of my mirror and say, loud and clear, “Every day in every way I am getting better and better.”


May you be able to release easily whatever you do not wish to keep.


Blessings and Best Regards, Tasha Halpert


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