Let’s Talk Witch – Love Spells – Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. c. 2013

Love Spells

Before you can fulfill your goals through spells, you first need to take inventory of your love life. The following questions should give you a fairly clear idea about the patterns that run throughout your intimate relationships. Once you identify your patterns, it’s easier to change them.

*Describe your ideal intimate relationship.

*Describe the worst intimate relationship you ever had.

*How would you rate your present sex life If you’re involved, is your significant other romantic

*Are you romantic

*If you’re involved, is your relationship emotionally satisfying

*What, if anything, would you change about this relationship

*If you’re not involved, jot down five important

*List five things that make you feel good.


Loving yourself is a definite prerequisite for casting any love spell. It sounds simple enough, but so many of us have grown up believing that we aren’t worthy, aren’t attractive or intelligent enough, aren’t this or that. Before you try any love spell, spend a little time uncovering your beliefs about yourself.

If you’re holding on to negative beliefs about your worth as an individual, take a tip from author Louise Hay and adopt this simple yet powerful affirmation: “I love and approve of myself.” Say it out loud, write it out, and post it on your mirrors, your fridge, and wherever else you will see it frequently. Yes, you probably will feel a bit foolish at first, but that just means the affirmation is working. When you repeat something often enough and back it with positive, uplifting emotion, your unconscious mind gets the message.


The Only Book of Wiccan Spells You’ll Ever Need (The Only Book You’ll Ever Need)
Singer, Marian; MacGregor, Trish (2012-08-18).

Quiz of the Day – What Is Your Soul Type?

What Is Your Soul Type? Quiz

Are you a Hunter or a Visionary? A Peacemaker or a Bright Star? Find out with  this fascinating quiz that helps you understand more about who you truly, deeply  are.

You may want to share this quiz with friends and loved ones. Learn more about  your own soul-nature here:

If you are a FIRE SIGN, do you

* Sometimes feel negative and often  find something to complain about?

* Find that you are either extremely  encouraging or extremely discouraging of others and their actions?

* Dream  of the perfect mate even though you are disappointed again and again when others  let you down?

If this sounds most like you, then you are a RETROSPECTIVE  SOUL. (Retrospectives get their name from their tendency to look backward,  sometimes holding on to old hurts.)

Or do you

* Feel compelled to express your artistic temperament?

*  Think you are sometimes unrealistic in your expectations of people and  situations?

* Find that you often look through rose-colored glasses to try  to see only the best in someone? If this sounds most like you, then you are  a DREAMING SOUL.

Or do you

* Think of yourself as positive and outgoing, especially in  difficult circumstances?

* Love to be center stage, even if it is at the  expense of others?

* Need accolades and a partner who gives you their full  attention? If this sounds most like you, then you are a BRIGHT STAR SOUL.


IF you are an EARTH SIGN, do you

* Love a challenge  and strive to conquer it at all costs?

* Motivate others with your  enthusiasm but move on if they hold you up or disrupt your plans?

* Need  freedom and flexibility in any personal relationship? If this sounds most  like you, then you are a HUNTER SOUL.

Or do you

* Take a while to decide on the right career path?

* Think  of yourself as a social organizer who will call others even if they don’t call  you?

* Need reassurance and security, as you’re not always sure of your own  value? If this sounds most like you, then you are a VISIONARY SOUL.

Or do you

* Naturally take charge of most situations?

* Find that you  are usually the first one to volunteer?

* Need to be involved with your  partner and have real communication? If this sounds most like you, then you  are a WARRIOR SOUL.


IF you are an AIR SIGN, do you

*  Very often wonder if the grass might be greener someplace other than where you  are?

* Not really need the security of a house, home, or family?

* Consider yourself romantic and love the idea of romance but find it difficult  to commit to a single relationship? If this sounds most like you, then you  are a TRAVELER SOUL.

Or do you

* Feel content to be wherever you are at any given moment?

* Avoid conflict of any kind in order to keep stability both at home and at  work?

* Need a stable partner who is totally committed to you, even if the  relationship is not perfect? If this sounds most like you, then you are a  PROPHET SOUL.

Or do you

* Need the opportunity to try out new and innovative ideas?

* Value stability and almost always feel like things are stable?

*  Openly and easily share your emotions, and need a grounded home life? If  this sounds most like you, then you are a NEWBORN SOUL.


If  you are a WATER SIGN, do you

* Always find yourself interested in  others?

* Like to involve yourself with worthwhile projects, and love to  philosophize and intellectualize things?

* Want a relationship, but like to  hold back, and find it hard to share inner feelings? If this sounds most  like you, then you are a SEEKER SOUL.

Or do you

* Feel like your main focus is on marriage and family, even on  social occasions?

* Work with children, or in a teaching, caring, or  nurturing profession?

* Enjoy nurturing your family? If this sounds most  like you, then you are a PEACEMAKER SOUL.

Or do you

* Like company, but feel you can be just as happy doing your  own thing by yourself?

* Get involved with several projects at once, finding  it hard to say no?

* Like to make the rules in your relationship? If  this sounds most like you, then you are an OLD SOUL.

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Your Love Horoscopes for The Week Of January 13th

This might be a week that pulls especially tight around your heartstrings. An emotionally charged Full Moon in tender Cancer on Wednesday may offer clarity and enlightenment concerning your feelings for someone close. You might also feel extra hypersensitive, so try not to allow your partner’s fluctuating moods to unravel you. On Thursday, a testy square between the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, might add to any already existing romantic distress. The remedy? Make love, not war.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A domestic flare-up might lead to a heated argument between you and your partner on Wednesday or Thursday. This will be a sensitive subject, but if you remember that you’re meant to work together to resolve the matter, it’ll make a world of difference. “Who’s the boss?” is the last question you need to ask this week when it comes to your love life. If you’re too busy trying to remain in charge, you might win the battle. Unfortunately, you might also lose the love.


Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

An emotionally charged conversation might leave you feeling wounded. At the same time, however, it might be necessary to consider how honest you’ve been about verbalizing your feelings to a loved one. By Thursday, a conversation with a colleague about your love life might not go well so be careful how much personal information you choose to divulge. If there are any feelings of jealousy or competition at the office, one coworker in particular might use your emotional vulnerability against you. Be aware.


Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Sometimes, the only way to get back to harmony in your love life is through conflict. This week, you will certainly feel that is true. On Thursday, you’ll need to address a difficult setback in your relationship. This may have to do with your sex life — especially if you and your lover have experienced tension in this department lately. Try not to turn this into a blame game or you’ll only wind up taking a defensive stance. Voice your concerns in a non-confrontational way and be willing to reveal where you’re vulnerable. A breakthrough is possible.


Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

You’re already one of the most sensitive zodiac signs, thanks to being ruled by the emotionally charged Moon. This week, a Full Moon in your sign will only trigger this even further. You might shed tears of sorrow about any existing unhappiness in your love life, or tears of joy if you’re in a rare position of bliss. Truth be told, these days love is not an easy journey for you. You’re at a crossroads in your relationship, and on Wednesday you might experience an almost intuitive moment of clarity. Either way, revealing your feelings will not prove detrimental; it’ll only demonstrate your strength.


Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You might feel as if you need to guard your feelings this week, but if so try not to shut out your romantic potential or your current lover in the process. Self-protection might become the single greatest barrier that prevents you from achieving intimacy. Thankfully, this does not have to be the case. What if you used your courageous heart to love harder and stronger instead of worrying about the slight possibility of rejection? Ah, that approach would be life changing. Consider it.


Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

If you find yourself wrapped up in a lover’s quarrel, try to disengage from the heat of the moment. Consider talking to a friend about the current situation in your personal life, because it’s possible you’ll receive viable emotional insight from a pal. Even so, an argument with your sweetheart might not be avoidable at this point. If you find yourself in a deadlock, ask yourself if it’s more important to be in love or to be right. Act accordingly.


Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

If you’re single and looking for love, there will be a happy prospect opening up for you after Saturday. This glimmer of hope will only beam brighter by the end of the month, but for now hold on to the hope that your love life will get better — because it will! In the meantime, this week you might feel too distracted with domestic strife to even care about your romantic needs. That’s OK — take care of your family drama. Love will happen soon enough. Remember: What’s meant to be yours will not pass you by.


Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

If you’ve been feeling anger or resentment building in a romantic relationship, you might reach a tipping point this week. You might have tried to convince yourself that holding your frustration in may diffuse the situation, but in reality the opposite is happening. You’re likely to feel at the point where it’s more painful to remain quiet now than if you’d finally explode and lay your feelings out in the open. Congratulations … this will lead to progress. And (hopefully) healing.


Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

If you’re feeling hypersensitive about a fiscal matter between you and your partner then this week, things may come to a head. You might realize that your mate is in a precarious situation when it comes to money — one that you find unsettling. Or, it’s possible that the two of you are trying to come together to make a major purchase (such as a home or new business venture or even a car) and one of you has spotless credit while the other’s is quite messy. Now is the time to address all the holes in your financial relationship.


Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

An emotionally charged week is likely for you and your partner thanks to Wednesday’s Full Moon falling in your relationship sector. These days, if you’re feeling disconnected from your mate you’re especially aware of the impact it’s having on your union. Make a decision this week to relink as a couple physically and spiritually. Cuddle, spend time at home together and don’t forget the pillow talk! Your sweetheart needs TLC. So do you.


Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

If you’re having trouble reconciling a difference of ideology or spiritual beliefs with your lover then this week you might feel that you’ve reached a breaking point. On Thursday you and your sweetheart might realize that it’s no longer acceptable to simply “agree to disagree” — at least not on this matter. There’s likely to be a fundamental difference in a core conviction between the two of you. Will it be a deal breaker? Time will tell, but in the end you’ll both need to be true to yourselves if you expect to remain true to one another.


Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

This week your love life might receive plenty of attention – most likely in a warm, sentimental “let’s have dessert first!” kind of way. If you’ve recently started to date someone new it’s possible that you and your sweetheart will exchange those first sweet words of love to one another. You might also take the relationship to the next level physically, if you haven’t already done so. An affair may reach a crucial point — one where you’ll choose to go all in or possibly end it once and for all.

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Winter Love Horoscopes

Winter Love Horoscopes

Keep your love life burning strong during winter 2013 – 2014!

Jeff Jawer    Jeff Jawer on the topics of winter, love, horoscopes, astrology


We love to get warm with a sweetie during winter, and this one is almost perfect for patient people. New relationships can take some time to heat up with amorous Venus turning retrograde on December 21. This alluring planet’s reversal period lasts until January 31, making this an excellent period to make repairs in your current relationship. Getting clearer about what you want with Venus in responsible Capricorn might not sound sexy, but could provide the magic to revive passion with your partner or put you on track to connecting with someone new.

Taking that first step toward addressing a problem or breaking the ice may be done cautiously with supposedly aggressive Mars on his best behavior in super polite Libra. Signals could be misread when we’re so concerned about rubbing someone the wrong way, which is why clarity is a must. Strong desires expressed graciously are bound to overcome obstacles and soften the hardest hearts.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The good news this season is that your passionate planet Mars is in your 7th House of Partners all winter, increasing your chances for making romantic connections. The bad news is that it’s in restrained Libra, which can slow down your pursuit of pleasure. Dealing with indecisive people or having to tiptoe around someone’s sensitivity could put a damper on spontaneity. But in exchange for having less dramatic encounters you should be more strategic in going after who and what you want. Just be charming and considerate of others and you’ll be amazed at how a seemingly cool relationship can turn into a very hot one.

December ends on a passionate note with intense Mars aspects from December 25 until the New Year. Yet even if you miss opportunities to play then, Mars forms sexy squares with his alluring partner Venus on January 16 and March 2 that should spice up your personal life when the mood could change from feisty to flirty in an instant, transforming a moment of conflict into one of sweet delight.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Expecting more from your relationship life might be exactly how you need to think to make sure that get what you want this winter. Your lovely ruling planet Venus is in serious Capricorn where she rewards you for having ambitious plans but could leave you out in the cold of disappointment if you settle for less. This serious sign rewards you for aiming high and being persistent in pursuit of your personal goals. Putting in more effort will get you more joy from your current partnership or open to door to someone new.

Venus’ transit is in your 9th House of Travel, which helps you to find love when you’re out of town or connecting with people from different cultures. It can take more time than usual to warm up with the love planet in such a serious sign, yet slowing down and enjoying the process of seduction will make it even more satisfying. Being respected, and being with someone you respect doesn’t sound erotic, but could be keys to building and maintaining the passion you seek.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You are very likely to have the magical support of sexy Mars to keep your romantic life active this winter. This passionate planet settled into your 5th House Self-Expression on December 7 and, lucky you, will stay there until next July. Getting attention comes more easily with this extra long transit, increasing your opportunities for making connections. In fact, you could be so desirable that your challenge will be about making choices among potential partners.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s a signal that you can recover the fun and feelings that attracted you two to one another in the first place. Normally aggressive Mars is in cool and gracious Libra, allowing you to take the initiative in personal matters without coming on too strong and to skillfully back out of commitments that no longer touch your heart. The last week of December could be a little edgy with power struggles a possibility, but applying your considerable social skills can calm even the tensest situations as you head into the New Year rich with promise for partnerships and pleasure.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Expect more activity in your personal life with the energizing Sun occupying your two primary houses of partnership from December 21 to February 18. Although this is meant to increase your confidence and creativity, you might be tempted to step back and let others take the lead. This is not recommended because your chances for getting the love and affection you want increase when you’re running the show.

The Sun in authoritative Capricorn until January 19 says that you need to be the boss unless you want to be bossed around. Taking charge in relationships isn’t about being a bully, but is about you being clear about your expectations and commitments. Sure, you can be sweet and accommodating, but only after you’ve established some rules. This is followed by a solar shift into cool Aquarius and your 8th House of Intimacy, which begins a month of emotional experimentation. Attraction to an unconventional person or seeking more space in your current partnership will surprise you by showing that the freer you feel the safer it will be to get closer to someone.

Leo (July. 23 – Aug. 22)

Work is likely to take precedence over romance until the Sun enters your 7th House of Partners on January 18. This solar shift into quirky Aquarius reduces your sense of social pressure, allowing you to feel at ease with unusual people and in unpredictable situations. Being more playful and relaxed in your current relationship or with someone new means that you don’t have to put on a show to be loved. By keeping connections friendly you’re free to enjoy the moment without worrying too much about the future.

But if you’re missing the passion and drama that often comes with romance, you are likely to find it starting on February 18 when the Sun enters super sensitive Pisces and your 8th House of Intimacy. It’s a great time to surrender to your most tender emotions and plunge into feelings that melt any barriers with others. While it’s true that you could get lost in romantic fantasies during the subsequent 30 days, the delight of merging your body, mind and soul with a caring and compassionate individual could almost seem like finding heaven on earth.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Winter begins with the solar move into responsible Capricorn on December 21, which is also when the Sun starts its 30-day stay in your 5th House of Romance. It’s time to take charge of your personal life by initiating contacts and organizing activities. As long as you don’t come across as too bossy you’re planning and determination can restore excitement to an ongoing alliance or open the door to a new one.

On January 18 the Sun floats into brainy Aquarius and your 6th House of Work. Romantic feelings could be aroused by an intellectual person, even if his or her ideas are very different from your own. This transit occurs in your 6th House of Employment, which can attract you to someone at work. What starts out as a professional relationship with a colleague could turn into something much more personal. Strong differences of opinion and belief systems may not sound like a reason to get closer to a person, but clashing ideas could, strangely enough, lead to a deeper emotional connection. As long as you’re respectful of one another and share the same overall goal, the results could be delicious.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

You could be running hot and cold in your approach to relationships this season. Whether it’s your own emotional changes or outside circumstances that are shifting from passion to indifference, this is likely to be a period of extremes. Your amorous planet Venus turns retrograde in serious Capricorn on December 21, which can slow down progress in your personal life and, perhaps, revive interest in someone from your past.

The pace should pick up again when she returns to forward motion on January 31, but a major boost in pleasure and popularity starts when Venus enters friendly Aquarius and your 5th House of Romance on March 5. But even while you’re waiting for this sexy transition, energetic Mars is in your sign until July. Its presence in Libra and your 1st House of Personality could spark impatience or a sudden attraction, yet it also provides you with the motivation to take the initiative in relationships. The best part is that your ability to be pushy in polite ways lets you take the lead with the one you’re with or pursuing someone new without appearing overly aggressive.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Winter starts with a bang as your traditional ruling planet Mars blasts into explosive aspects with volatile Uranus on December 25 and intense Pluto on December 30 that can rock your world. Breaking free from restrictive situations is a possible benefit, but holding onto resentment and failing to make your position clear will slow down your love life in the New Year. So the key to making this a season of romance comes from taking a step back from your emotions and looking at your situation with a little bit of logic.

Yes, you may have to make some compromises, but a good friend will provide the advice and support you need to handle intense issues in a calm and cool manner. Besides, you don’t need to attract a lot of attention to get what you want now. Quiet, behind-the-scenes connections could be especially delicious. On February 18 the conscious, creative and confident Sun starts a 30-day visit to your 5th House of Romance. Just add a big dose of imagination, a pinch of idealism and a dash of compassion to make some loving magic happen.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Work comes before pleasure early this winter. It starts with the Sun in responsible Capricorn and your 2nd House of Worth where you can build your self-confidence and increase your appeal to others. Commitment to developing your talents and taking care of your body will have a major impact on your desirability, so make them your priorities. The Sun’s shift into friendly Aquarius and your chatty 3rd House on January 18 lightens your mood and increases your chances to connect with people. This is an easygoing transit that encourages conversations and attracts interesting individuals. You may need some variety, though, to get your emotions flowing.

If you have a partner, look for some new interests to restore passion to your lives. If you’re single, exploring different groups and organizations could lead to meeting someone new. Your tender side starts showing as of February 18, a time when you may be less interested in going out with friends and more satisfied staying home with one caring person. If you trust someone, don’t be shy about showing your soft side since sharing this kind of sensitivity invites intimacy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

The season starts out slowly as the love planet Venus stops dead in its tracks on December 21. This retrograde turn occurs in Capricorn, which can encourage you to step back from a relationship. You don’t have to end a partnership, if you have one, but it’s certainly a time to review and rethink your commitment to it. By January 31, when Venus goes forward again, you should be totally clear about what you want. If you’re single, this reversal period is useful for reconnecting with an old lover and getting sentimental about the past.

Making adjustments to your appearance and approach to romance are excellent ways to use this transit. The Capricorn New Moon on January 1 joins transformational Pluto, reminding you to let go of beliefs, behavior and people that aren’t helping you find happiness. Even if you’re feeling edgy around the Full Moon on January 15, be patient and trust yourself to make responsible romantic decisions. Sexy Venus-Mars squares on January 16 and March 2 can arouse your desires and might even turn a disagreement into an erotic connection.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

You might feel like you’re being left out of the fun when winter starts. The life-giving Sun and romantic Venus are both in serious Capricorn and your 12th House of Invisibility then. Getting attention isn’t easy, but you might enjoy more private time for yourself or to share with one undemanding individual. Being less direct about expressing your desires makes sense until the solar shift into Aquarius and your 1st House of Personality on January 18. That should increase your confidence and visibility, but there still may be unfinished relationship business that keeps you from getting exactly what you want.

Working to please yourself, though, is a good way to ensure happiness and make you more desirable to others. Then, on March 5, the love planet Venus glides into your friendly sign to give you more sparkle and appeal. People are likely to notice and appreciate you then with new forms of fun and stimulation arriving on the 18th. A favorable alignment between alluring Venus and your innovative planet Uranus makes this a time of unusual pleasures and unexpected joy.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

A key relationship theme for you this season is the ongoing need to keep negotiating with others. Sure, you’re more inclined to find agreement with people, to keep your mouth shut or just to walk away from the situation. However, putting in the effort to discuss and debate difficult issues is worth the effort. Passionate Mars is in Libra and your 8th House of Intimacy where it rewards you for diplomatically stating your case, listening to what others say and coming up with a compromise to keep your connection alive and healthy.

This can also be a seductive transit as you’re ability and instinct to charm almost everyone you encounter is strong. Of course, that could send out misleading signals, so be clear about your intentions and behavior to avoid attracting someone who doesn’t really appeal to you. The Sun’s entry into your sign on February 18 will provide you with more confidence and creativity, which will make you more visible to others. This can give you extra energy to put into your current relationship or provide the will to pursue a new one.

Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of December 9th

When it comes to love, we all want brilliant, enlightening communication and the ability to reach for your most enduring goals together. Ah, the stuff that every dream relationship is made of, right? Fortunately, this week it’s all within your grasp. Tuesday’s lively trine between Mercury and Uranus will promise support and interest as you and your mate share those bright ideas. Then, on Thursday, expansive Jupiter will connect with Saturn, helping you keep steady as you build up each other’s hopes.

Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Have you longed to take your relationship to new spiritual heights? This week you just might begin that incredible journey. Don’t be afraid to approach your sweetheart and open up about your spiritual or philosophical views. Even if they’re a little bit “out there,” your lover will find them endearing. In fact, the more unconventional you are in this department, the more attractive you’ll be. Looking to buy a house or condo with your partner? This week that dream might become a reality.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Have you had that intimate conversation with your lover yet? You know, the one about your sex life? If not, this is the week to share the thoughts you have about how things have been going between the sheets. Don’t be afraid to tell your sweetheart that you’re up for a tad more experimentation in the bedroom. If you approach this topic near Tuesday, you might be surprised at the response — livening things up will be much easier than you think. So stop avoiding it and start talking about it!

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

You might not feel this week is especially heart stopping when it comes to fairytale romantic prospects, but that’s just fine. Not every moment of our lives is meant to be filled with oozy enchantment. Instead, you’ll derive your greatest satisfaction with your partner when the two of you focus on your social life — especially around Tuesday. Do you share a similar curiosity and attend meetings or belong to an organization related to this interest? On Tuesday, you might feel exceptionally stimulated as you pursue learning more about it. Your partner will agree.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

This week, if anything sustains you, it’ll be love. Your ability to count on your sweetheart will remind you that even though life sometimes takes you on a bumpy ride, the one constant that remains is each other. If you’ve experienced a rough patch in your relationship lately, you’ll feel the stress begin to diminish by Thursday. If you’re married with children, it may be the kids that bind you together, reminding you that your bond is something special after all.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Romantic and adventurous thoughts and ideas will take your breath away this week. Don’t put anything past your lover, because he or she is likely to feel as restless and itchy for a new experience as you’ll be. Consider a new hobby that you can enjoy together. It’ll need to offer both physical and intellectual stimulation in order to really feed the craving you each have now. The good news is that you’ll continue to communicate beautifully with your sweetheart this week. Love is grand!

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

It’s one thing to have love in your life, but it’s another thing entirely when that love makes you feel completely supported as you pursue your dreams. This week, you’ll have the best of both worlds. If you’re second-guessing yourself when it comes to one of your long held aspirations, it’ll be your partner who helps put things in perspective. He or she will remind you that instead of looking at how much further you need to go, you should give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge how far you’ve already come.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your relationship dynamic is anything but conventional these days, and at times this can drive you batty. This week, however, you might find that you not only tolerate your partner’s eccentric ways, but you also manage to achieve a great amount of satisfaction from them. You seem more open somehow, and more able to understand that unusual or different doesn’t mean negative. In fact, when it comes to your love life, weird is the new “hot.”

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Optimism returns in your world this week, much to your delight. With Saturn touring your sign since October 2012, along with significant eclipses crossing your relationship axis, there’s a certain amount of sobriety attached to your responsibilities in a close partnership. Tests to your personal endeavors are par for the course, as Saturn wants to ensure that you’re spending time on projects — and people — who bring quality to your life. On Thursday, you might feel a positive breakthrough. Renewed faith will allow you to make strides with your mate.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

An open mind is the key to an open heart, and this week you’ll know this is true. If single, a conversation with someone you find intriguing may quickly lead to a first date. Don’t think you need to go out of your way to find this person. He or she may appear on the train during your commute, or be casually shopping while you make a pit stop at the grocery store. Remain open to any dialogue with someone new you meet — especially around Tuesday. Anything can happen from there.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You and your partner might feel as if a mutual dream is finally coming true. While you’ll both have worked quite diligently to make this happen, it appears that by Thursday you’ll receive a clear indication that your hard work is about to pay off. New growth is possible in your individual lives, as well as in your relationship, and you’ll each feel as if you’re on the edge of something wonderful. It’s something that will certainly add to your joy.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Mercury, the ruler of your romance sector, is now touring your 11th house of friends and groups. On Tuesday, Mercury will connect beautifully to Uranus — your ruling planet. What does this all mean for your love life? Intellectual sparks, of course! A social event you attend early in the week for pleasure or humanitarian purposes might lead to a chance meeting with someone special. If you’re scheduled to give a speech, lecture or presentation, do pay attention to your audience. Someone may be vying for eye contact.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Matters of the heart will be decidedly spiritual this week, and that’s just how you like it! With Jupiter touring your romance sector, the opportunity to find the love of your life if single is truly spectacular. On Thursday, Jupiter will align with Saturn, the planet of stability and commitment. You could make a love connection during a spiritual retreat, while studying a topic important to you or through a connection with one of your mentors. Soul mate love is possible now, not just in your dreams, but also in your reality.

Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, October 29th

We may feel as if we’re stuck in a loop today if we seek answers by repeatedly analyzing the same data over and over again. We are faced with a dilemma as the logical Virgo Moon opposes imaginative Neptune to stimulate our dreams. However, retrograde Mercury backs into hard-nosed Saturn, requiring us to have all our facts in order. Unfortunately, the truth remains elusive no matter how many times our minds run around in the same circles.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Untangling complex relationship dynamics may be the focus of your world today as you pull away from other social obligations. Although your intention is to keep centered, the Moon’s midday conjunction with your key planet Mars makes you even more impatient than usual. Nevertheless, it’s more important than ever to practice self-restraint so you can get to the source of the current tension before riding the next big wave into the future.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You don’t like being pushed into anything too quickly, especially if you feel like you have nowhere you must go. Your natural tendency is to dig in your heels and hold onto your current position no matter how hard others insist you do something else. Lighten up; being overly stubborn now is not a strategy that will bring you happiness. Instead, pay close attention to what people are telling you. Learning a significant life lesson is more beneficial in the long run than having your own way.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Some days you can talk your way around nearly any obstacle. Today, however, reality has tightened the screws and slammed on the verbal emergency brake, making it tough for you to shift into gear. But don’t give up; whatever may be holding you back will gradually ease over the next few weeks if you remain focused on your goal and continue to put in the effort. Although taking a shortcut is out of the question, consistent hard work leads to success.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Personal relationship issues can eat up your time and attention today, and a particular situation may require direct intervention on your part. Even if you must play a heavy-handed role now, the good news is that you know what you’re talking about and your words carry a sense of authority. Thankfully, your current ability to concentrate on the present moment is working in your favor. Set your feelings aside for a while and do what you know is right.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It could feel as if you are stepping up to the plate and everyone on the other team is pitching to you simultaneously. Others might crumble under such pressure, but you have the mind of a Jedi warrior today. Fortunately, you can remain unflappable as long as your intentions are pure. You’re up for the challenge; pick the incoming toss that you like best and hit it out of the park.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You’re tempted to hide out today, but reality may not be so forgiving. You have pressing responsibilities that need your attention and there’s little room for changing your schedule now. However, you can gain a better perspective that ultimately leads to new options if you take time to listen to your inner thoughts. This self-reflection enables you to come out of your shell later in the day. Remember, contemplation might not appear to be productive, but it’s exactly what you need to clear your mind.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Don’t even consider admitting defeat today just because a big idea seems out of reach or because someone has taken the wind right out of your sails. You still have an excellent chance of reaching your primary goal, even if it won’t likely happen overnight. Take whatever resistance you encounter now as a vital clue from the cosmos. Return to the drawing board and rework the weakest parts of your plans. Your faith gives you the confidence you need to overcome a frustrating setback.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You know exactly what is true today, even if the signals you’re receiving from those around you say something else. If you’re willing to hold on to your integrity and follow your plan all the way through to the end, it will likely work out as it should. Shallow thinking, however, collapses upon itself like a house of cards, leaving you uncertain as to where to go next. Don’t waste time skimming over the top; instead demonstrate what you can do by expressing a bit of your infamous Scorpio passion.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A close friend or associate who often supports your ideas may come down hard on you today, but it’s probably not as bad as it seems at first. Thankfully, there could even be a silver lining in the dark cloud — and it’s to your advantage to locate it as soon as you can. Whatever you do, don’t spew negativity on the messenger, or you might miss an opportunity to improve your thinking process. A change of attitude will do you good.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Don’t second guess your intuitive hunches today, for your psychic faculties are more effective than usual. However, your thinking is also grounded in reality now so you could grow frustrated with your own mental resistance. It might even seem as if your thoughts are just leading you around in circles. Reality may be standing in your way, but you can be exactly where you need to be by the end of the day if you have faith in the process.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

An effective relationship at work may cool off a bit or one of your most exciting ideas could turn into something rather ordinary today. Perhaps you are engaged in serious thinking and have finally realized that friendly chatter alone won’t produce the results you want. Take this change in dynamics in stride now, for you can use the time to continue developing your plan. Thankfully, your enthusiasm may return as soon as tomorrow.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your emotions are a bit tangled today and your current confusion can be a bit disorienting. However, there’s nothing wrong with your analytical abilities. In fact, the source of your problem may be the opposite — arising from your awareness and not from your ignorance. Trust your logic. Be ready to jump right in without hesitating one moment after you have made up your mind.

Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of October 28th

This week’s main event is a heady Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday, which will encourage you to leap into profound personal transformation. Scorpio is all about revealing yourself to someone close in the most vulnerable and soul-baring capacity. Between Mercury’s continued retrograde in Scorpio and this Eclipse, you’ll confront and hopefully eradicate at least one of your personal hang-ups in relationship. This will allow you to finally go “all in” with someone you love.
Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

This week you can’t escape it: When it comes to love, you’ll need to confront your darker side. Those walls of self-protection you hold up to avoid being hurt are about to come crashing down all around you. This is a good thing. If you’ve been the one who gets all dressed up in a suit of armor before going on a date, then it’s time to dress down. In fact, it’s time to disrobe. Surrender those fears and dare to feel something real

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

If you’re not being up-front with your partner about what’s holding you back from falling head over heels in love, then the only person you’re really fooling is yourself. Now, more than ever, the universe wants you to confront the naked truth about romance, relationships and your requirements pertaining to them. It’s OK to revise your concepts around these matters now — in fact, it’s called for. What’s not OK is to keep trying to ignore what needs to happen: Transformation.


Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

This week, trying too hard to control everything happening in your environment may leave little room for pleasure. Work may be all-consuming and you might also need to pay extra attention to your overall well-being. Still, there’s a nugget of gold available in your romantic life if you’re willing to mine for it. On Thursday, you’ll seize an intimate moment at home with a lover. Are you concerned about your sexual health? There isn’t necessarily anything to worry about, but it’s a good time to make an appointment with a healthcare professional. Take care of you.


Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Romance — or the lack thereof — will weigh heavily on your mind this week. If you feel as if you and your sweetheart have lost that loving feeling, this will be a good time to review potential explanations for why things have gone stale. An honest conversation may lead to you both making each other a priority once again. If single, you may struggle with pangs of loneliness or pessimism about love and your ability to “find the one.” It’s time to rewrite the script in your head.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Domestic distractions may challenge you so much this week that it takes your focus away from romantic pursuits. While it’s true you’ll have a lot going on at home, this will be the last week love planet Venus moves through the area of your chart that has to do with pleasure and romance. If you’re hoping to meet someone new and fall in love, there’s still time — but you must go out and mingle! Don’t expect the love of your life to come knocking on your door. Seize it!

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Expect serious and potentially significant alterations in how you communicate this week. Thankfully, these changes symbolize opportunity that will help you convey your deepest desires in a way that no longer makes you feel threatened. Penetrating dialogue between you and someone close will only support deeper intimacy. On Thursday, you and a lover might reach new heights together in the bedroom. With Sunday’s Eclipse, you might be ready to speak up to your mate about what you need emotionally to enjoy a true partnership.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Compared to the stress of last month’s Lunar Eclipse in your partnership sector, this week’s Solar Eclipse might feel like a cakewalk. There won’t be any relationship red flags to look out for or monsters in your love closet to ferret out. What the cosmic climate will demand you reassess this week, however, is your self-worth profile. The old saying is true — if you can’t love yourself, then it’s impossible to love someone else. Where do you stand when it comes to self-love? If you’re not standing tall then an adjustment will be in order.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Be gentle with yourself this week, because Sunday’s Solar Eclipse in your sign might leave you feeling both rattled and energized. On one hand, you know it’s time to make a change in your personal life. On the other hand, the steps you’ll need to take to get there may seem daunting — even terrifying at times. Remember that shedding the skin of what no longer serves you is part of the growth process. You’ll have more to offer someone you love when you have the strength to reveal authenticity.


Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Keeping all of your relationship fears neatly tucked away out of site might seem like a clever move. The truth however, is that you’re only playing yourself for a fool if you continue to ignore them. Most of us have suffered heartbreak and trauma at some point, but the trick to overcoming a broken heart is to keep it broken open. This week you may have a breakthrough if you’re willing to talk about these feelings you try so hard to hide. A conversation with a therapist or trusted friend will work wonders.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It’s time to pay more attention to your social life — or lack thereof — and how it affects your love potential. Making new social contacts may be your key to inviting romantic prospects your way if single. The deeper meaning behind this week’s Solar Eclipse, however, is that it’ll challenge you to reconsider beliefs about your lovability. You don’t seem to have trouble giving love these days, but receiving love — truly being able to accept it — is another story. It’s time to make a change. You are lovable. Period.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

With the ruler of your romance sector, Mercury, now in retrograde motion, this week may be more about dwelling on the past in terms of your love life than anything else. Thankfully, a powerful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will help you face painful memories of love lost or any betrayal you may have endured that has left you scarred. If you want to let love in, it’s time to give yourself permission to release the grip any trauma has on your heart.


Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

This week, you’re questioning everything you thought you knew about the world and your place in it. Not surprisingly, your ideals regarding love are also being challenged. To err is human, but you sometimes have trouble knowing the difference between a lover’s honest mistake versus an outright deception or lie. This is because you prefer to see the best in others and to love unconditionally. This week you may reexamine any overly naive approach in order to achieve healthier margins in intimate matters. A breakthrough is possible on Sunday.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, October 9th

We are enthusiastic about life and are ready to take more risks now, especially if we believe that an opportunity could lead to a memorable experience. We can feel the positive energy from today’s inspirational Sagittarius Moon, even if we’re still dealing with the consequences of yesterday’s challenges. However, impulsive behavior might take us on a detour as we approach tomorrow’s stressful square between beautiful Venus and foggy Neptune.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Although you’re feeling confident about a recent decision, your newly rediscovered optimism could make your energy a little too much to handle. Others may quickly grow tired of hearing your exaggerated tales about your amazing life. Temper your excitement with a strong dose of compassion for others. Scaling back your enthusiasm just a little bit creates a harmonious environment that inspires healthier relationships.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You’re not very shy about your desire to deepen the level of emotional commitment with a very close friend or intimate partner today. Although your straightforward approach may be startling at first, others might be receptive to your ideas once they adjust to your style of direct communication. Being aware of someone’s boundaries doesn’t come easily to you now, but demonstrating respect builds stronger trust in the relationship. Be brave and authentic: take a chance and express what’s in your heart.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You might not be so quick to head off on your own today, since the idea of working with a buddy sounds quite appealing. The Moon’s presence in your 7th House of Relationships shifts the energy away from your personal needs, making you more conscious of what others are thinking. Keep in mind that your discrimination skills may be lacking, so exercise extra caution when choosing who you connect with now, professionally or romantically. You don’t have to follow every whim to be happy.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

It’s exhilarating to think you can power your way through your chores today and still have enough time left over to unwind with some friends. Unfortunately, you could underestimate how long it takes to accomplish your work. Make certain that you allow plenty of extra time, for if you leave a task unfinished, you may not be able to relax fully, just knowing there is more to do. Managing your calendar wisely improves your efficiency and increases your chances for fun.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You’re ready to kick up your heels and have a great time today, even if you haven’t fully met your obligations. Unfulfilled responsibilities don’t have to prevent you from having a memorable experience. You might be so excited in the moment that you’re ready to do whatever is necessary to enjoy yourself. If you must leave some chores undone, at least let others know that you are cutting out early and remember to come back and finish up tomorrow. Play now, work later.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

If you are working too hard, it’s time to start claiming your slice of the fun. But the Moon is in your 4th House of Roots, suggesting it might be nice to hide out at home instead of going out to play. You may even end up undertaking a simple domestic project or, perhaps, inviting a friend over to share some quality conversation. Home is where the heart is.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Controlling your restlessness is complicated today as the exuberant Sagittarius Moon visits your 3rd House of Short Trips. You might even make an extra run to the store or head out to the park during lunchtime just to get out of the house or escape from work. Don’t be too self-critical if you haven’t made much progress by the end of the day. If you’re having trouble concentrating now, it’s probably smart to just call it quits and pick up the pieces tomorrow.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You might be riding high on positive emotions today and feeling confident enough to spend a bit of money on something special. You may have suddenly grown more optimistic about your income potential, allowing you to justify a luxury purchase now. However, it’s still smarter to wait and see how you’re feeling in a few days before making a large expenditure that you could later regret. Sometimes the best things in life really are free.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You are more in touch with your own vulnerability now, since the receptive Moon is hanging out in your sign all day. However, you’re still likely to take an emotional gamble today and reveal your feelings to someone special. But just telling people about your needs or fears is only one part of the equation. Real intimacy has two sides, so make sure to leave room for the other person to share his or her heart, too.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Normally, it doesn’t make sense to keep your optimism to yourself, and yet it may be the most socially astute thing you can do now. You might think your overconfidence could offend someone and you want to avoid any trouble today as you rally support for an idea of yours. Thankfully, your diplomatic skills are currently polished enough to take you far if you trust your instincts and do whatever you believe is best.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your vivid imagination is running on overdrive now and it’s exciting to share your dreams with like-minded people. The Moon is traveling through your 11th House of Groups, prodding you to surround yourself with supportive friends and associates. With just a little extra effort today, you can create exactly the kind of congenial atmosphere you crave. A party might be the perfect venue to find the camaraderie you now want, but a smaller and more intimate gathering could work just as well. It’s the connections you make and not the places that matter.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Passionately defending your social values or political beliefs can be quite empowering today, whether it’s at work, home or in your community. Keep in mind that fulfilling your responsibilities in the present moment is more important than daydreaming about unrealistic possibilities. Nevertheless, your unique perspective inspires others, so there’s no need to hold back now when sharing your visions about the future. Seize the day by being the creative leader that everyone wants to follow.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, October 7th

Often we can use logic to understand what’s happening, but today our hearts override our heads as the passionate Scorpio Moon intensifies our feelings. Nevertheless, our desires grow less obsessive as sweet Venus enters philosophical Sagittarius. Meanwhile, an unsettling alignment between physical Mars and electric Uranus has us on edge. We want to believe that our thoughts can dominate our emotions, but experience reminds us that they do not.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

It’s hard to hide your feelings today, especially if you’re experiencing jealousy now that the possessive Scorpio Moon is visiting your 8th House of Intimacy. You might try to keep everything light and easy, but others aren’t necessarily playing by the same rules. You don’t know whether to heat things up by expressing your feelings or to cool off by withdrawing until you can regain your equilibrium. Take a step back; the intensity settles later in the day, allowing you to address the issue in a calm and collected manner.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You may not understand why someone needs to be so intense today. Nevertheless, a close friend or colleague might appear to be unable to let go of an unnecessary drama. You find it annoying and frustrating if you attempt to use reason to settle down the energy. Your discomfort becomes less problematic when you finally realize that you don’t have to empathize with everyone around you. All you need to do is be present and listen; sometimes offering a supportive shoulder is enough.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

A case of irritability could get the best of your morning, but the emotional skies begin to clear this afternoon. Your restlessness is magnified by so many planets dragging you into the deep waters of Scorpio and drawing you into personal issues that you would rather avoid. Instead of wasting your energy resisting the currents, it’s safer now to go with the flow when Venus shifts into inspirational Sagittarius today. Rather than lingering in the past, start looking forward to the possibilities ahead.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You’re comforted by the change of dynamics today as someone close to you acknowledges your feelings and supports you in an unexpected manner. However, the more you talk, the more you might realize that your goals aren’t in alignment. Keep in mind that you may be a bit oversensitive now, so don’t judge others too quickly just because their assumptions are different from yours. Diversity is healthy because it fosters a more creative approach.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may be feeling the need to retreat as your thoughts pull you into the shadows of your inner world. Exploring the hidden realms of your imagination could be quite productive, but others might be worried about you and attempt to lure you back out into the sunshine. Remember, it’s not necessary to live up to someone else’s expectations now. The most important thing is to learn what you can from your visit to the dark side so you’re ready for the next round of progress.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You feel more secure when you have useful information at your disposal, but being overwhelmed with unnecessary data only fills your head with noise. Unfortunately, you may be caught in a complex swirl of emotions these days, making it difficult to ascertain what to do next. It might feel like an exercise in futility if you can’t immediately apply the lessons you are learning. Practicing patience is your smartest strategy now; integrate your current experiences before swinging into action for the best results.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You’re feeling quite attached to your possessions these days with so much planetary action packed into your 2nd House of Resources. You might even appear to have more than you actually do because you’re willing to get along with less. But feeling good about yourself encourages you to also feel more positive about your finances. Don’t delude yourself and spend more than you should since banking on future income could create trouble. A more realistic approach leads to a richer tomorrow.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your persuasive powers are hard to resist now; it’s as if you can put a spell on someone you love or convince people to see a situation from your perspective. However, there is more going on than meets the eye, so refrain from using your charms for anything other than the common good of all. Controlling anyone for a selfish reason is likely to backfire quicker than you think. Happily, an altruistic attitude sets the stage for success that exceeds your expectations.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your intuition is telling you that sunny days are on the horizon. But you may appear smug today if you truly believe you know something that others don’t. Rather than explaining your point of view, you’re tempted to bask in the light of the superiority of your privileged perspective. Don’t take advantage of your current position because it won’t last forever. As soon as everyone else catches on and recognizes the potential, the playing field will be even again. Sharing the good news right away cultivates a lovely spirit of generosity.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Playing nicely with your friends and family is easy today because you’re able to cut through the noise and be fully present in your personal interactions. It’s not that you forget about more serious issues, but you are tempted to place your ambitions on hold while you deepen your most important social relationships. Don’t waste energy doubting your sentimental approach; you can always put your professional aspirations back on the front burner next week.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Being appreciated for your contributions at work is a real boost to your confidence today, especially if the current recognition is from people you respect in return. But you might be concerned that someone isn’t being totally genuine and their actions aren’t only about you. Even if political complexities exist that could justify someone’s ulterior motives, don’t let your fears prevent you from enjoying the attention in the present moment.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

This is a great time to discuss your plans with others to get their reactions, especially if you have been considering a long vacation or even a quick getaway. Fortunately, with so much action occurring in your 9th House of Travel, you will likely receive the approval you want. Don’t hold back; dream big and share your aspirations. You may be happily surprised at the response. Pack your bags and go before anyone changes their mind.

Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of October 7th

Your heart may fill with wanderlust this week, thanks to love planet Venus moving into adventurous Sagittarius on Monday. You’ll be more inclined to take a leap of faith when it comes to romance now until November 5. Be careful, however, not to jump to fast into anything because your unguarded optimism might lead to disappointment. Venus will crash into Neptune on Thursday, creating an atmosphere that could leave you feeling blindsided, thanks to an open, over-trusting heart.
Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Sharing love with a like-minded soul will be especially important to you this week. Love planet Venus enters your 9th House of Intellectual and Spiritual Expansion on Monday. Until November 5, you and your mate will search for the greater meaning of life together — possibly through travel or study. On Tuesday, it might be difficult to communicate about an intimate matter, and if you feel pushed into a corner you’re likely to respond by shutting down altogether. Living in a romantic bubble of denial? On Thursday it might burst.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

It’ll be easier for you to reveal your erotic side to your partner this week, thanks to Venus moving into your 8th House of Intimacy on Monday. You’ll be more willing to open up to your lover, body and soul, now until November 5. This trend might help nurture your relationship, however, a sober conversation or decision you need to make on Tuesday about the direction of your partnership may tempt you to put the walls right back up. With love these days, it’s one step forward, two steps back.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Expect greater relationship harmony starting on Monday and lasting until November 5. Venus will move through your 7th House of Partnerships, allowing you and your mate to see the best in one another. If you’re in a happy place with someone you’ve recently started to date, this cycle may lead you toward a greater commitment, such as an exclusive relationship, or even a possible engagement. On Thursday, you might feel as if your ideal partnership falls from its pedestal of perfection. This is not necessarily a bad thing — it’ll remind you that your relationship is real and not storybook fodder.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

An office romance may soon heat up. While it might feel as if you’ve finally found someone to love, the quagmire about mixing business with pleasure may also have a chokehold on you. On Tuesday, you and your paramour may decide whether or not you’re ready to risk the potential fallout from exploring a relationship together. If you’re already in a relationship, it’s possible your mate will receive disappointing news about a work situation. Take heart — it’s temporary.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Love is in the air! Venus will move into your 5th House of Romance on Monday, and from then until November 5 you’ll enjoy magnificent potential to attract a new love interest your way. If you’re attached, it’s possible this energy will lead you and your mate to consider starting a family in the near future. One caveat this week: Keep love and money as separate as possible on Thursday. Venus will square off with Neptune, and you’re not likely to see Venusian ruled matters clearly.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Domestic and romantic harmony will go hand-in-hand this week. You and your partner might decide to move forward on a home decorating project, and if so you’re likely to share similar champagne tastes. Whether or not your budget can afford such extravagances, try to remain realistic as you move forward making these home improvements. On Thursday, you might feel a twinge of disappointment when it comes to your relationship and how it affects your family dynamic. Don’t fret, bliss will return by the weekend.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Expect communication between you and your mate to improve dramatically this week. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, will enter your 3rd House of Information on Monday, where she will remain until November 5. Not only will this improve your ability to speak from the heart, but you’ll also find that it’s easier to compromise if there’s a vital decision you and your love need to make together. On Thursday, you might discover that someone has a crush on you at the office. If so, you’ll feel flattered and confused. Now what?

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

As Venus enters your 2nd House of Money on Monday, you’ll notice a definite improvement in your financial situation, but there will be another, more subtle bonus you can certainly take to the bank. This has to do with your confidence and feelings of validation. Your partner will have a stronger ability to make you feel like a million bucks. Maybe you’re just more receptive to his or her compliments now, or maybe you’re actually getting the praise you’ve been missing out on for quite some time. Either way, soak it all in.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You’re beautiful and you know it! On Monday, Venus will enter Sagittarius, and until November 5 there’s no denying that you’re the fairest of them all. Use your powers of attraction wisely and you’ll have the potential to kiss a prince or princess. On Thursday, however, you may also discover that you’ve kissed a frog. A relative might try to warn you that you’re falling for the wrong one, but you’re not likely to listen. Think twice. Love is blind, but thankfully your family isn’t.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Romantic matters are likely to take a more private turn for you this week. Perhaps you just feel a stronger urge to take time away from the noise of your love life in order to consider the direction your relationship is heading. Or it’s possible you’ll need time to grieve a love that was lost — or one that was never reciprocated. Either way, be gentle with yourself and allow the feelings you’ve tried to keep buried to surface. That’s the only way to heal.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Friendship is a prerequisite to love in your eyes, and this week that will become even more of a requirement. Thankfully, you’ll feel especially connected to someone you’re already partnered up with. In fact, you may discover that exploring a mutual interest together adds extra sparks to your love fest. Consider joining a new club or pursuing a mutual aspiration together. If single, you might meet someone new on the Internet or through a friend’s introduction. The affinity you feel will be uncanny. Love is grand, but when your lover is also your BFF you’ve got it made.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

When it comes to love, you might feel a stronger urge to be with someone you can respect and admire. Venus will enter your 10th House of Status on Monday, and you’ll be more conscious of this desire until November 5. It’s natural to want to be with someone who elevates you, however, on Thursday, if you discover your sweetheart isn’t all he or she appears to be, you may decide to end things. If you remain in an unhealthy relationship because of appearances, you’re in for a rude awakening. The only person you’ll fool is yourself.

Your Horoscopes for Sunday, September 29th

Our thoughts are drawn into deeper places as we search for hidden meanings beneath what is apparent. We lose objectivity as Mercury shifts into magnetic Scorpio, intensifying perceptions. Meanwhile, the Moon prances into proud Leo at 3:57 am EDT to lift our spirits. The contrast between the fiery Leo Moon and the watery Scorpio Mercury creates a dilemma. Life runs more smoothly, yet we’re still concerned with the underlying emotional dynamics

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your words gain power today because nearly everything you express is connected to unspoken feelings. However, your mental prowess requires you to be careful so you don’t misuse your ability to influence what someone else is thinking. Selfish intentions may generate unnecessary problems which can be avoided if you consider others in your process. Speak your truth without harboring any hidden agendas.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You are ready to pursue a difficult discussion about old relationship issues now that Mercury is visiting your 7th House of Partners. The dynamics for this conversation have been brewing over the past few weeks, and you finally realize how important it is to talk about the situation. Although the energy is already moving into a new phase, don’t say more than is required just yet. Taking the discussion to the next level makes sense only after you give your feelings time to settle before putting them out in the open.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your powers of concentration continue to improve, but you need to set necessary boundaries with close friends and partners to keep on track. However, you are more open now to following others if it looks like they are having fun, but this isn’t the best use of your time today. Instead of taking the course of least resistance, narrow your mental focus to establish a deeper connection. Defining your limits requires courage but can also sustain the growth of an important relationship.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You may be eager to demonstrate what you have to offer now, especially within the context of romantic or creative endeavors. However, this isn’t about casual flirtation. You are playing for keeps, whether you are working on a project, producing an artistic masterpiece or looking for love. You can increase your chances for success by holding back just enough to feel safe and secure. Once you are ready to take a risk, apply your sense of purpose and go for it.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It feels as if things are about to go your way now that the Moon is back in your playful sign. Although unprocessed feelings may be bugging you, you’re still eager to go out and have a good time. Perhaps you are secretly concerned about a power struggle that is unfolding with a family member. Remember, it’s crucial to get the issues out in the open so there will be fewer surprises in the days ahead.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Use your renowned analytical abilities to discern what are the most essential things to do today. If you don’t make concrete plans, you are likely to waste a lot of energy following the wrong path, even if you have an enjoyable time doing it. Don’t spread yourself too thin or you will regret it later on. Your greatest challenge now is to separate your grandiose visions from what you can actually pull off.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Familiar territory gives way to unfamiliar ground as Mercury, the Winged Messenger, leaves your sign. You might have been developing an idea over these past few weeks, and although it still seems valuable, your attitude is starting to shift. Traveling this path is tricky because you become less objective as you grow more passionate about your life. However, there’s no need to justify your current decisions; trust your intuition and move on.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You’re plugged in and can listen more carefully now as you separate out the most significant ideas from the fluff. Cerebral Mercury is hanging out in your sign for an extended stay due to its upcoming retrograde turn on October 21, deeply affecting all aspects of communication and making you less interested than ever in meaningless chatter. Ask nicely for the intimacy you seek and you might actually receive it.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The atmosphere is buzzing with waves of energy and you feel the optimistic balloons lifting you into the boundless sky of potential. Simultaneously, however, you are also aware of another layer of feelings that is more complicated. Although acknowledging these emotions could quickly bring you back to the ground, don’t let your fears prevent you from taking a little risk. Just make sure to bring along a parachute to ease your fall just in case.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Your social world is growing more complex now that Mercury is visiting your 11th House of Friends. You might even be feeling an emotional undercurrent at work and it’s difficult to know exactly what’s going on. However, your concerns aren’t just coming from within; even your most ardent supporters are reminding you to be careful today. Pay attention; their advice may help you successfully navigate the changes ahead.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Dynamics are shifting at work today, and it may take a while to sort out the mixed cosmic messages and choose a path that makes the most sense in the long run. Use the remainder of this weekend to consider all your options. Talk to others about the potential problems you see in the near future. A little extra planning now — even if it makes you uncomfortable to wait — can better prepare you for the intensity that’s just around the corner.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

It’s tempting to lose yourself in your fantasies, yet you’re quite capable of bringing yourself back down to earth when required. Your dreams are extremely powerful now and you could use them to map out your next moves. Instead of relying on your imagination as an escape, create an inner landscape that matches your goals. Your colorful visualizations can pave the road for your ambitious journey ahead.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, Sept. 25th

We may feel restless today yet we can’t isolate the cause of our emotional unease. We want to have a variety of choices and resist settling on any single option now that the Moon is visiting changeable Gemini. Meanwhile, romantic Venus forms a creative aspect with weird Uranus, luring our desires out of the traditional box. Nevertheless, it’s nearly impossible to know what’s real because the Sun aspects otherworldly Neptune later this evening.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Although the dynamics between you and a close friend may be out of kilter, you can still talk yourself into thinking that everything’s just fine. Don’t lose track of your priorities if social pressures begin to unravel your plans. Focusing on what you need to do for your job is smarter than having to clean up a mess because you were distracted by personal relationship issues. Establishing clear priorities early in the day helps you avoid a crisis later on. Simply acknowledging another person’s feelings may be enough alleviate the tension.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You might believe that you’re simply pursuing love today, but you could still get more than you bargain for if you’re too eager in your approach. Your key planet Venus is visiting your 7th House of Partners and her connection with rebellious Uranus pulls you into a complicated entanglement. You can’t trust your intuition now because you’re overly attached to your dreams. Thankfully, you can make a good decision by sticking to the facts when deciding your next move.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Satisfaction is elusive now because the Moon’s current visit to your sign might tempt you to find other pastures that look greener than yours. Nevertheless, you are committed to meeting your obligations today so you won’t likely escape on a whim. Appreciate the present moment and try to be grateful for whatever you have. Taking a mature approach to relationships could be enough to put your day back on track and calm your restless heart.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

If a friend or associate pushes back against your ideas today, you may be tempted to retreat emotionally. Even if you are secure in the relationship, your fear of rejection could motivate you to avoid the discussion entirely. You believe it’s easier to ignore your gut than to express whatever is in your heart — but it’s not. To the contrary, it’s healthier to share your concerns openly and allow the other person a chance to respond. You might be pleasantly surprised if you’re willing to take a risk.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Feeling a bit insecure today can lead to tricky relationship dynamics, especially if you believe that one of your friends or associates hasn’t been honest with you. In fact, people could be trying to make something appear better than it really is. Normally, you would be too clever for anyone to get away with misleading you, but now it’s also possible for your fears — rather than someone else’s actions — to amplify your anxiety. Double check the facts before jumping to any false conclusions.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You might not know how to make sense out of your feelings today because you are temporarily losing your ability to remain logical while analyzing your options. Even if you try to separate fact from fiction, you’re more likely to accept whatever you are told now, setting you up for later disappointment. Keep in mind that choices colored by your subjective preferences will probably lead you astray. Paring back your options simplifies the decision-making process.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your vivid imagination is working overtime today and you’re preoccupied by a fantasy instead of what’s actually going on. You are being pulled in two different directions now, so you must be careful about choosing dreams over reality. Confusion about your own needs can lead to an unwise choice, so put off important decisions for a day or two until your clarity returns. In the meantime, practicing meditation helps you get in touch with your higher self.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Trying to recall a childhood experience is perplexing today because you might not be able to remember enough of the facts to know if it truly occurred or not. Either way, you realize now that there probably is another side to the story that you haven’t thought about. Take plenty of time and fill in the details. However, your desire for the truth may turn into an obsession, so it’s wise to know when to bring your thoughts back to the present and stop trying to rewrite your past.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Taking charge at home or in your community is where you shine today, but your assumption of authority could also create an awkward situation. Although you think you know what’s best for everyone else, people might disagree with your current strategy. Unfortunately, your sound logic won’t help to convince anyone that you are right. You may have to just let your friends and associates go off on their own to discover what’s true by themselves. Don’t let others rain on your parade.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You may be distracted now even if you’re usually quite astute when dealing with financial matters. If you see something that you immediately want to buy, it’s best to wait a few days before actually finalizing the purchase. Although you might believe that you deserve a reward for all of your hard work, impulsive spending isn’t a smart idea. Giving yourself the gift of personal time could make the payoff even better than you expect.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You’re confident that you’re being absolutely clear about your romantic intentions today, yet someone can totally misunderstand what you’re saying. Complications may arise if your repressed feelings are strong enough to color how you deliver your message. Keep asking for feedback along the way to ensure that your words convey exactly what you mean. Let your heart speak for itself.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your eagerness leads you to anticipate what someone wants from you now, but too much analysis can get in the way. Unfortunately, you’re likely to jump to the wrong conclusions without checking out your assumptions. Don’t stress if you have trouble meeting other people’s expectations today, since they probably have unrealistic hopes, anyway. Instead of worrying about anyone else, just do the best work you can and then move on. Believe in yourself; there’s no need to compromise when it comes to your integrity.

Your Horoscopes For Thursday, August 29th

It’s frustrating if the current circumstances require us to make a choice because the dualistic Gemini Moon allows us to see both sides of an issue today. We don’t want to limit our options, but the critical Virgo Sun demands that we filter out the excess information. Meanwhile, mental Mercury anxiously aligns with erratic Uranus, making it difficult to trust our own logic because our ongoing analysis keeps leading us to different conclusions.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your spontaneous nature is irrepressible now because your thoughts are moving quickly, inspiring you to show off your intelligence and wit. Unfortunately, someone could resent your success if you draw too much attention. There isn’t anything wrong with wanting to be noticed, but there’s no need to hog the spotlight. Don’t waste time trying to impress others; redirect your mental energy to concentrate on doing the best job you can. Let your brilliance shine through your work.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You might become so caught up in wanting to be creative today that you lose track of your real priorities. Fortunately, you don’t have to be quite as productive as you think now. Replenish your energy by doing what feels good to your spirit. In fact, temporarily letting your efficiency slip could give you a chance to recharge your batteries, fueling your next great adventure.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Relationship dynamics are tricky because you don’t have the patience now to follow through with an intense discussion, even if that’s what your partner wants. Although your current avoidance mechanisms are working well with the Moon in your clever sign, sidestepping a difficult conversation only charges the issue with more passion. Thankfully, showing up with a willingness to dig into a tough topic can ultimately lead to the increased intimacy you really crave.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Someone close to you may be blocking your progress, but direct confrontation only increases the resistance today. You are tempted to withdraw and proceed in secret on your own, but there are distinct advantages to working out in the open. Whatever you do now, don’t delay your decision. Make up your mind and live with whatever path you choose. Be kind when you let others know your plans, but don’t waste time giving endless justifications for your choice. You command admiration simply by remaining true to your beliefs.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Making a sensible financial decision today ultimately solidifies your position. You may believe that purchasing beautiful things for those you love is a simple expression of your affection, but others might not care as much as you think they should. Putting on a show with a gift can be a source of temporary enjoyment, but it’s more personal to demonstrate your abundant generosity in non-materialistic ways. A sincere gesture from the heart means more than anything you can buy.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your changing needs add complexity to a current emotional situation, especially if recent experiences get jumbled up with what’s happening now. You may be so entangled in your own thoughts that it’s challenging to be receptive to someone else’s feelings. But letting go of your fear of losing control gives you a chance to share a magical moment with a close friend. Shifting your focus outward increases your compassion and improves your interactions with others.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Although you seem quite talkative today, your chattiness might be part of your strategy to keep something hidden from others. However, your secrets could suddenly be brought out in the open. Rather than protecting yourself or someone else by remaining silent, examine the choices that brought you to the current situation and reassess your motives for being so careful about what you say. In the meantime, relying on your instincts allows you to land gracefully on your feet.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your anger may explode if you think that someone is trying to take something that’s yours. Your hostility might be directed toward a friend who doesn’t appear to have your best interests at heart. Unfortunately, the Moon is traveling through some bumpy territory today, increasing the volatility of your emotions. Before you just blurt out your reactions, take a deep breath and think carefully about what you’re going to say. Overreacting feels cathartic in the moment but could create a situation that’s complicated to untangle. Your message will have more impact if you remain calm, cool and collected.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Other people may seem slightly scattered now that the fickle Gemini Moon is visiting your 7th House of Companions. An inconsistent partner can inadvertently motivate you to concentrate your energy even more. You don’t want to be perceived as a lightweight, so you might overcompensate and act annoyed in order to get your way. Be careful not to fabricate a problem where there is none, for once you stir up trouble, it won’t be so easy to make it go away. Nevertheless, success is more likely if you stay focused on your goals.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You have a feeling now that something significant in your life is about to change, prompting you to plot further ahead in order to hold on to what you have. Keep in mind that you will need your physical energy as the shift gets underway, so don’t fritter away your resources on unimportant activities. Ultimately, exercising self-discipline goes a long way toward establishing healthier routines that prepare you for the amazing future ahead.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You might be inclined to set off on your own, but you still can benefit from the assistance of a partner now. There may be crucial skills that you lack or, perhaps, you require financial support. Start looking for someone who can provide you with exactly what you need to get your project off the ground. However, caution is advised; don’t let others add more input than is necessary or you could be less than happy with the end results. Setting clear boundaries allows you to collaborate without a loss of independence.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

One of your friends may be trying to hand you responsibilities that shouldn’t really be yours. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do about it today without creating more problems. Even if you think you are being treated unfairly, you’re better off to let it go for now. Move through the day with minimum resistance; you’ll have plenty of time later on to settle the score. Taking the high road demonstrates your best self.

Today's Tarot Card for July 26th is The Lovers

The Lovers

Friday, Jul 26th, 2013








Although it has taken on a strictly romantic revision of meaning in some modern decks, traditionally the Lovers card of Tarot reflected the challenges of choosing a partner. At a crossroads, one cannot take both paths. The images on this card in different decks have varied more than most, because we have had so many ways of looking at sex and relationships across cultures and centuries.

Classically, the energy of this card reminded us of the real challenges posed by romantic relationships, with the protagonist often shown in the act of making an either-or choice. To partake of a higher ideal often requires sacrificing the lesser option. The path of pleasure eventually leads to distraction from spiritual growth. The gratification of the personality eventually gives way to a call from spirit as the soul matures.

Modern decks tend to portray the feeling of romantic love with this card, showing Adam and Eve at the gates of Eden when everything was still perfect. This interpretation portrays humanity before the Fall, and can be thought to imply a different sort of choice — the choice of evolution over perfection, or the choice of personal growth through relationship — instead of a fantasy where everything falls into place perfectly and is taken care of without effort.











Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, July 25th

Self-confidence is wonderful, but too much of a good thing can be problematic now as the imaginative Pisces Moon harmonizes with excessive Jupiter, assertive Mars and talkative Mercury. Once again, the magic dance between make-it-real Saturn and make-it-up Neptune inspires us to realize our dreams. However, communication is vital to reach our goals. Even if we’re feeling optimistic about the future, our behavior is likely to be more conservative.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You’re riding on a high horse today and you might not be willing to heed the advice of anyone else. Unfortunately, you could be your own worst enemy if you also forget to listen to your heart. If you are absolutely certain about your recent choices, it may be difficult to even consider someone’s negative feelings simmering beneath the surface now. Slow down just enough to hear your inner voice since it’s healthier to integrate emotions as they arise. Once you’re in sync with yourself it’s easier to be more mindful of others.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You have something important to get off your chest today. Fortunately, a little compassion will go a long way when it comes to sharing your thoughts. It’s not that you are being particularly insensitive, but your feelings are inflated and you may be so emphatic in your expression that others can’t understand what you are trying to say. Step back and take a few breaths before flying off the handle. The good news is that speaking your truth will work out for the best if you remember that everyone is ultimately on the same team.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Pay close attention to your pocketbook, for your inclination now is toward extravagance. The problem is that you may feel so confident that everything appears to be coming up roses. But be careful … you can tend toward overspending what you have or over-committing what you do not have. If you remember to respect your limits and apply your enthusiasm to the details, you will end up in a much better financial position. A penny saved is a penny earned.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Other people may encourage you today while still secretly plotting against you. Perhaps a coworker or acquaintance is being extra nice to you now in an effort to cover his or her own tracks. Luckily, you’re capable of doing magic regardless of anyone else’s actions. Instead of wondering what is going on behind the scenes, just give your best performance. Luckily, your enthusiasm and talent, combined with a relentless determination, empowers you to breeze right past an ill-conceived roadblock, impressing your audience along the way.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The greatest thoughts are of little value unless they are brought out into the open for everyone to see. Share your creative ideas now, for they are more worthwhile than you realize. Recognizing your own power enables you to motivate an entire group by what you choose to say. Even if your innovation becomes unrecognizable as it evolves, you can still feel happy about contributing to the process. Sometimes being a catalyst is the most important role you can play.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Turning up the volume on your own intuitive voice today prevents you from responding too quickly to the actions of others. You will be better off by acting on what you actually need, but you must quiet down enough to figure out how you really feel. Timing is everything … swing into action once you truly know what your heart wants. Your exuberance is contagious and you could end up leading the pack. Even if your idea is a bit of a gamble, it still can work out as long as it’s grounded in reality.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

It may feel like you’ve been treading water recently, without making much progress. Now, however, the tide is shifting, the clouds are lifting, and you can see blue sky and many possibilities on the horizon. Still, you have a big choice in front of you that may determine which way you should go. It’s challenging to make this kind of life-changing decision, but not because you lack confidence or conviction. Instead, it’s simply because you cannot do everything all at once. Fortunately, the process of elimination helps you narrow your options.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You are drawing your personal power from a deep well today, and others can’t help but stand up and take notice. You may find yourself embroiled in a conflict with someone close to you because of your current intensity. Thankfully, an unpleasant situation can be resolved to everyone’s benefit if you choose to travel the high road of integrity. A lively debate or even sexual fireworks with an intimate partner could open a path to a happy resolution.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It’s not easy to relinquish control, yet you should come out ahead if you moderate the expectations you place on yourself. Nevertheless, it’s so tempting to get swept up in someone’s grandiose scheme today that you can promise the sky before you realize what happened. Set your goals high enough to motivate yourself, but not so high that you end up discouraged. It’s better to build a strong foundation than a hastily constructed tower.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You are on a personal mission and have specific tasks to complete today. Woe to anyone who gets in your way as you try to complete your appointed rounds. It’s a special gift to have the inner drive needed to do the work, even though there may be little recognition now for a job well done. It’s okay … you really don’t need any peer acknowledgment to feel good about yourself. Nevertheless, continue on your path without worrying about everyone else. Ultimately, your work will speak for itself.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Quite a lot of change is being packed into a short amount of time these days. Yesterday, you weren’t sure about a relationship. Today, you are raring to go and there is no holding you back. If you are already involved with someone special, you can enjoy the day as you combine your romantic optimism with a practical approach to make things last. Or if there’s a new person catching your eye, you could be ready to make your move. In any event, your spontaneity might set you on a new and exciting course.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, July 19

Our goals seem tantalizingly close, yet we have enough common sense to keep our feet planted firmly on the ground. Harmonious trines to otherworldly Neptune from optimistic Jupiter and energetic Mars encourages overconfidence, yet today’s exact trine from realistic Saturn requires us to balance expansive plans with methodical follow-through. A commitment to making our dreams come true can move even the most stubborn structures in our lives.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

No matter what you face on the road ahead you don’t need to do anything out of the ordinary today except believe in yourself. Naturally, your faith isn’t a guarantee of success; it’s merely your entry ticket. Your upcoming journey could teach you how to be more practical than ever. Exhibiting healthy self-confidence is a good start, but you’ll still have to apply yourself to succeed.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You’re ready to harness your creativity and make it work to your advantage. However, this is not just a one-day project; it could be your main focus for months to come. Even if you are waiting for a more opportune time to put your lofty plans into motion, at least solidify your dreams today. Any idea that receives your current approval is likely worth pursuing to see where it leads.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

You are usually on the move, yet paradoxically, it seems as if you make more progress today by staying in one place. The irony is you must sink deeper into your emotions to gain the knowledge that you seek. Possibilities may open up later in the month if you are willing to fulfill your current obligations now. However, it’s crucial to take time and explore the emotional origins of your restlessness so you don’t needlessly waste your valuable energy.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Be ready for someone to enter your life promising you fame, fortune or simply an opportunity to get ahead. Thankfully, you have the mental acuity now to ascertain if this is the real deal or just a passing pipe dream. Listen carefully to what’s being said and then give yourself plenty of time to roll the potential around in your mind. Don’t second guess your intuition today; just do what feels right.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Although you may think that waiting is a smart idea now, don’t turn down an offer just because it doesn’t seem good enough. Even the most amazing opportunities won’t shock and awe you with their potential today; nevertheless, they still could be very promising. Make no mistake; you will have to work harder than you think to get the results you want. Luckily, the outcome should be well worth your effort if your heart is in the right place.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Although you long for a more relaxing schedule today, your efforts may be rewarded beyond your expectations. You might not be able to recognize the upside of a current opportunity because Mercury Retrograde — which ends tomorrow — limits your ability to see what’s around the corner. However, putting your shoulder to the wheel is still your smartest strategy. Thankfully, you can also have some fun in the process. Remember, the more you enjoy yourself along the way, the better your chances for success.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You may feel a distinct contrast between doing what you know needs to be done today and your desire to pass the time lost in pleasant daydreams. Being aware of this dilemma is the first step, but you must remind yourself more than once that this is no time for escapist behavior. You have important foundational work that’s best started now and procrastinating could make for tougher going later on.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You are all about keeping to yourself today, unless you’re required to interact with others to fulfill a previous commitment. It’s not that you are a loner; it’s just that you have important things to do now that can positively impact your future and you don’t want to be distracted by unnecessary noise. Spend time prioritizing old goals or creating new ones. Following your dreams feeds your soul and rejuvenates your entire being.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Honoring your goals in life is a smart idea today, whether or not they are part of your practical career plan. It’s best to widen your visions of the future because a singular focus on getting ahead can have a negative impact on your personal life. Public recognition is something that you want, but it’s not enough to just fulfill your dreams. Make time to cherish the friendships and intimate relationships that enrich your journey along the road to success.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Opportunities may fall out of the sky today, yet you could easily miss them unless you are looking up. If you are absolutely certain about your current long-term goals, you might not recognize other possibilities that drop into your lap. However, this doesn’t suggest you should be any less focused on the work at hand. It only means that widening your horizons can be an act of courage that pays off down the road.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

It might appear as if you’ve lost interest in your goals today, but this is certainly not the case. It’s just that you’re in the process of redefining what’s most important in your life and it may differ from other people’s fixed assumptions. For example, instead of climbing the ladder at work, you might be more concerned with pursuing your personal or spiritual growth. Luckily, extracurricular explorations at this time can ultimately increase your earning power in the future to give you the best of both worlds.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You could be ready to surrender if you are in a standoff with someone at work. However, backing down is not advisable today; it’s smarter to persistently express what’s in your heart. While it’s true that compromise usually works best, others will likely come around to your point of view if your intentions are sincere. Don’t settle for receiving the short end of the stick. Hang on to your dreams; cultivating patience makes more sense now than giving up too soon.

Cutting the Knot: Handling a Pagan Divorce

Cutting the Knot: Handling a Pagan Divorce

by Freya Ray

Whether it’s three months past the handfasting or twelve years past the wedding, there comes a point in the lives of many pagan couples when it’s time to give it up already. You’ve tried everything you can think of to save the relationship, you’ve both been depressed for far too long, you’ve flailed around and dragged half your friends inside your mess and none of it has done any good.

Then a moment of clarity descends. This relationship is not going to be fixed by couples counseling, karmic clearing rituals, better feng shui or some new sexual interests. You’ve had it, or they’ve had it. Someone has made a simple, clear decision that it’s over.

Now what?

The absolute first thing you need to do is find some alone time to cry and rage and feel sorry for yourself. If you’re still in shock and it hasn’t hit you yet, you’ve got two options. One is to soldier on like an automaton, waiting for the freight train of your feelings to come around a corner and flatten you. The other is to create enough alone time with no distractions when you can invite your feelings to come up to the surface so you can deal with them. It’s a personal choice. Some people need to get things handled before they break down. Just make sure you create time to fall apart at some point.

The emotional basket-case period will vary in length, depending on the relationship, how long you were together, how shocking the end of it was to you, how much control you had in the decision, how badly you were done wrong or how guilty you feel for doing wrong and how much you still love your soon-to-be-ex-partner. However long it’s going to take you to get over it, you still need to find a clear moment in which to make some triage decisions.

When you get to a good break point in your weeping and wailing, dry your eyes, take a long walk and come back to get settled in a quiet, meditative place. What you need to do now is try to project yourself forward. Right at this moment, you’re feeling a whole host of conflicting things, or even worse, one overriding, immense emotion. These feelings are going to control the actions you take in the next few hours and weeks if you don’t make some higher-level decisions.

Setting aside the emotional crap you’re going to be wading through for a while, ask yourself the question, “What kind of relationship do I truly want to have with this person a year from now?” Sit with that until it’s clear to you. Are you “doner than done,” and you’ll never want to see your ex’s face again once you get his or her crap out of your house? Are you going to want to have a caring friendship? Are you still hoping you can get back together and work things out?

Now you have a vision, a dream. The next question is even more important. “How likely is my soon-to-be-ex-partner going to be to participate in this vision of mine?”

Be honest with yourself. At this point, if you’re calling this a divorce, you’ve been together long enough to have seen this person’s shit. Let me tell you, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, he or she is not going to become a nicer or better person during the breakup. It’s never happened. Not once. So if you know he has a tendency to shut down emotionally, or she’s not in touch with any of her exes, or he lies sometimes, or whatever, that trait is going to be worse from here on out than it was when she was still trying to impress you on some level.


This estimation of what’s possible reuqires taking this into account. You take your optimism, your spiritual idealism and then you temper it with a healthy dose of realistic pessimism. It’s okay to gamble on a long shot. Just know you’re doing it. If you want to be friends, and he’s never remained on speaking terms with anyone he’s ever dated, you’ve got a very slim chance of pulling it off. Any effort you expend that direction needs to be effort you can give freely, even if nothing comes back from it.

Actually, that’s a pretty good rule for wherever you want to end up. A breakup is about sorting out stuff, including energy, so that everyone walks away (hopefully!) with what is her own. Don’t keep giving him energy you’re going to need. Give her what you can spare, and let her carry herself the rest of the time.

But I jump ahead. Right now, you’re figuring out what your intent is, your goal. You might even write this down, because I guarantee you that your resolve will be tested.

Quite often, I decide that I am absolutely, given the slightest opening, going to have a nice, friendly, flirtatious, comfortable friendship with an ex. Unless he’s done me country-song wrong, in which case I pick another intention. But if the breakup was due to a more blameless sort of incompatibility, I really want to remain friends with someone I’m no longer dating or living with.

This requires stubbornness after I’ve ended the relationship. Ego is hurt, feelings are hurt, he doesn’t want to see me because he still wants me, he doesn’t want to be near me because he doesn’t still want me, whatever. I have to remain unruffled by attempts to push me away. If I get defensive and hurt, then we’re having drama, and it’s not bringing us closer to being friends. If I wait it out, processing my own hurt on my own time, and holding a friendly open space for him whenever he’s ready to step into it, I’ve got a shot at finding a friend in a few months.

In order to be patient, when he’s saying offensive things or seducing a twit in front of my face, I need to have a clear intention. This anchors me, so my efforts remain in line with the results I wish to produce.

No matter how hurt you are right now, there will be results you will wish to have produced, a few months or a couple years from now. Be clear about them so you don’t slash and burn while you’re upset.

Okay, so you know what you want, you know how likely you are to get it, and you’ve formulated a clear statement of intention. Now you need a plan that’s in line with your intention.

If your intent is to never speak to her again, well, start protecting yourself. I’m sure you have good reason not to want her as a friend, and that means you don’t trust her to make decisions in your best interest during the separation. Don’t be cruel or unfair, but don’t leave all your money in a joint checking account either. Make the material plane decisions as quickly as possible. And be prepared to chew off at least a few toes in order to get yourself free of the trap. Act decisively.

If your intent is to remain friends, start acting like it now. At least when you’re with the new ex. When you’re with your friends, vent all you like. But when together with your ex-partner, be friendly, work toward compromise and offer some peace-treaty gifts. Give her a shared item she enjoys, or even an item of yours she enjoys. Offer to help him move. Call mutual friends and let them know about the breakup, and ask them to provide emotional support to your ex-partner, who really needs it right now. Act like a friend.

If your intent is to get back together, work toward that. Suggest a separation rather than a final decision. Suggest counseling for the both of you. Start counseling yourself. Suggest you pay for him to go to Peru and hang out at a spa getting therapy every day until he feels better about life. If none of these overtures meet with a receptive welcome, consider revising your intention. Your partner might not be open at all to trying it again. But if you’re still intent on your long shot, keep treating this person with love. Wait patiently, periodically testing the waters, seeing if a door opens. Do your emotional work to process the separation and deal with your feelings, so that if that door does open you don’t walk through it saying, “And how dare you shut me out of our own home!” or words to that effect.

Now let’s talk about the energetic and spiritual work that needs to be done with each of our three breakup plans. Any couple is bound by a whole mess of connections, at various chakras and in various stages of health. During a breakup, you need to decide which ones you sever and which you leave in place.

The hostile divorce is the easiest one to handle. Energetically, you slash and burn. Visualize the cords between you and your partner. Visualize a pair of scissors or a knife. Midway between the two of you, cut through the cords. Let her energy go boinging back to her, while yours rebounds inside your own energy body. Do a vacuum maneuver, where you suck up any stray energy that belongs rightfully to you. Do an expulsion, where you send back to him any energy that rightfully belongs to him. Make it clean, decisive and karmically correct.

You might need to repeat this maneuver, as sometimes it will take several separation ceremonies to clear the crud between you and the ex. Enmeshment can go very deep, because of an intense or long relationship this life, past life entanglements, karmic obligations or perfectly matched-up psychological and emotional wounds.

You might discover you’re uncomfortable keeping all your energy for yourself, that your habits of taking care of this person extend to a constant energetic feed heading their direction. You might discover you’ve been receiving a constant energetic feed from your ex, and by cutting the ties you feel depleted, adrift. Either way, it’s better to wallow through the withdrawal period than it is to allow the messy connections to remain in place. Cut the cords.

You should also have some kind of ritual where you release this person from your life, and release each other from any further karmic obligations toward each other. Burn stuff that reminds you of the relationship, chant your intention to be finished, move, something. What you do doesn’t matter, as long as you do it with intent. Use some external event to symbolize the end. Past here, we are no longer partners. In the hostile divorce, you do this ritual by yourself, and she does whatever she does on her own, and you start learning not to care what’s going on with her.

Take some time to put up protection. Surround yourself with white light, get a restraining order, change the locks, put up a send-back spell, whatever feels appropriate for the situation.

Be decisive, get it over with. It is done, it is done, it is done.

A friendly divorce is handled a bit differently. Energetically, you don’t want to cut all the cords in an indiscriminate knife-slash. You wish to leave some of them in place, and cut or diminish others. Visualize the connections between you, and ask which ones are appropriate for the relationship you wish to have now. Leave those, and cut the others. You might leave a strong connection at the heart and decide to sever the rest at least temporarily, allowing the ones that need to be there for your friendship to grow back. You might suck all the sexual energy back into your root and navel, leaving the rest of it alone. You might figure your partner has done enough slashing of connections already in his anger, and not do any more separating, instead feeding energy into a strong, clear, loving line between you.

Trust your intuition to guide you. Remain true to your intent. If you wish to be friends, and you or she are not equipped for casual sexual relationships, than no matter how juicy and delicious the sexual energy is between you, you need to let it go. If the spiritual bond was what drew you together, and on the material plane you drove each other nuts, perhaps you will choose to snip the crown connection for a while, to find out what sorts of connections are possible for you as friends when you’re not blinded by white light.

If your ex is amenable, it can be nice to have a closing ritual together. Plan a symbolic way to officially release the partnership relationship between you. Plan it together, enact it together and then invoke your mutual intention for friendship. If you have a partner you can do this with, you are truly blessed. Treasure that friendship.

For the still-hanging-on divorce, well, the energetic work you’re going to want to do and the energetic work you should do are probably going to be two different things. Your instinctive urge will be to cling with all your might, leaving all connections in place, tugging on them as hard as you can and sending your ex tons of energy as you think about him all the time. Don’t do that.

Basically, you need to clean up whatever the mess was that caused you two to separate or divorce. This means letting go of the icky-sticky codependent connections and doing your own personal work so you’re ready for a healthier relationship. The good news is that whether you and your ex get back together or not, you need to do this work. The bad news is that you will have no guarantees of getting her back after your interior makeover, even if you’re still convinced she’s your soulmate.

Force yourself. Visualize the connections, and be very honest about which ones are healthy and which ones are enmeshed. Have a ritual where you release the karmic obligations between you, where you release the unhealthy habit patterns between you, where you release any connections that are no longer appropriate between you.

Do this right. Be open to the possibility that the two of you really are done. If you find Spirit is telling you to let it all go, let it all go. Sometimes the phoenix cannot rise until things have burned themselves fully down to ash. Whether the phoenix will be a relationship with the same person or a new one, you need to let go.

With any luck, whichever type of divorce you’re going through, cleaning up the energetic and spiritual connections will take you further along the path of healing from the loss. Be gentle with yourself as you get used to life on your own again. Do your own work, and then, when it’s time, believe in a new beginning.

Springtime always follows the winter. Always.

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, November 12

We’re not interested in compromising for the sake of a relationship today; our perceptions are non-negotiable. The Moon’s shift into fixed Scorpio at 6:10 am EST encourages us to believe that what we perceive is absolutely real, settling a previously unstable situation. However, her afternoon conjunction with taskmaster Saturn requires us to defend our feelings. Fortunately, we’re still standing on solid ground even if others disagree with us.


Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You may be required to face the consequences of your desires today. From a positive perspective this process can deepen a relationship, allowing you to grow more intimate with another person. It’s about going further than you normally choose to go. However, difficulties arise if you try to blast through resistance without taking responsibility. Make the most of your time now by slowing down to address the softer side of the story.


Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

It seems as if nothing is simple now as powerful feelings impact your connections with others. Your current inclination to peel away the layers of the onion to see what’s underneath can be a welcome opportunity to take a relationship to the next level. But dissatisfaction might be revealed that leads to renegotiating a partnership agreement or even ending it. Be courageous and accept the changes that are inevitable parts of life.


Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

A task that you thought was already completed could require additional work now. If you rushed through it the first time around, expect to put more effort into it again today. This is an excellent time to do some maintenance, even if you are not very excited about the idea. Cleaning up at home or at work can bring satisfaction if you pick one job and do it thoroughly, rather than spreading your energy too thin.


Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Intensity is the keyword for the day, and there’s no way you just want to kick back and relax. Power and passion can bring fulfillment — and this means taking risks with your heart, even if the situation is complex. Life doesn’t have to be simple now to be good. Romance may shine brightly on your horizon today because you’re capable of discovering new heights of pleasure with the right partner.


Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Expect to face issues of power and control now, especially in family dynamics. You might see a potential conflict as a difficult situation that must be avoided, but it can also be a rare opportunity to break unconscious patterns that limit your choices. Be fearless and know that greatness comes from addressing the toughest issues with frank openness, rather than avoiding them as a matter of pride.


Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Sometimes strategically telling a secret is quite useful, but it can also be very dangerous. The risk is that while you get closer to one person, you might lose the trust of others who are not included in the conversation. The positive side is that you may receive objective insights from someone who has a very clear take on the issues. Use your keen analytical mind today to make sense out of a previously mysterious situation.


Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Although it’s the start of the workweek, your mind may be set on doing some serious shopping today. You have an eye for bargains that will help you spot a real deal. This is perfect for hitting thrift stores or buying antiques, and even if it’s not your style to argue over prices, you can be an extra successful negotiator now. Put your money sense to work for you and buy something that appreciates in value and makes you happy.


Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Although differences of opinion are normal, you don’t need to escalate them into outright conflict today. You’re the passionate type who doesn’t take a half-hearted approach, giving you strength of vision when things get tough. But this intensity can also trap you in an extreme position now. Keep an open mind and a healthy sense of humor. Remember, it isn’t worth damaging a relationship just to make your point.


Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Although your motto might be live and let live, it seems like you could lose some of your easygoing attitude today. Even a simple conversation can build in intensity and volume until tempers grow out of control. Naturally, you have a right to your opinions, but nothing is gained by getting upset now. Keep things on friendly terms or just drop the subject for a while. Make a peaceful exit from the scene before blowing your cool.


Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Others seem to make situations more difficult today, especially if you are inflexible in your attitude. You prefer to stick with your plan, but should prepare yourself to make adjustments if you want to avoid conflict. Don’t use force to get your way; instead, step back and try to understand the opposing viewpoint. You may not agree with the ideas, but you can maintain harmony now if you respectfully listen to what’s being said.


Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You are a great believer in freedom and individuality. Exerting power over other people might not interest you, but you have responsibilities today that require you to step up to the plate and be a leader. Working within specific structures can succeed if the rest of the group shares your enthusiasm for the cause. You may be able to accomplish the impossible now with a dedicated team effort.


Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Someone might require your emotional support today, but all you can bring is a wider perspective on the situation. Your faith and spirituality help create a larger context to balance a sense of loss. Although a situation may seem hopeless, your innate wisdom is comforting to those in need. Trust in your ability to reduce pain and suffering, even if you feel like you’re not doing all that much now.

Daily Horoscopes for Saturday, November 10

Although we may try to be peaceful today, people surprise us with their unexpected behavior often enough that we remain on edge. The Moon’s entry into gentle Libra at 4:35 am EST reminds us that getting along with others is more important than anything else. But the Moon’s stressful aspects with unpredictable Uranus and ruthless Pluto trigger less-than-placid interactions. Meanwhile, a fated Sun-Jupiter alignment means that we aren’t in control.


Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You may be very thankful for those friends and partners who support you even when you’re acting like a pain in the neck. But others still demand a lot from you and they’ll give you their opinions today, even if you don’t ask for them. You are confident that you are doing the right thing now and don’t want anyone to question you. However, remaining open to constructive feedback can help you achieve better results in nearly anything you do.


Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

You may have a lot of chores on your plate today, yet find it difficult to get started. Part of your problem might stem from your easygoing attitude; you believe that you can easily accomplish everything because you tend to underestimate the time tasks will take. Ask someone to help you correctly gauge the job before saying yes so you don’t find yourself in over your head.


Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

Your hands-off management style works well for you today as long as your co-workers agree with your plan. However, they might not tell you if they don’t — and their reluctance to communicate can be problematic. You may go along believing that everyone is on board and supporting you, only to find out that your ship has been abandoned. Avoid unnecessary drama now by checking up on others often throughout the day.


Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You might not realize there are conflicts at home today until they develop into a minor crisis. Paying attention to the details can help you see past your illusions of perfection. Instead of avoiding unpleasant feelings, remember that you are not the only participant, even if you are intimately involved in the situation. Everyone has his or her own particular role to play in the drama.


Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Your weekend is already in full swing and you’re more than ready to enjoy yourself. Perhaps you have been burning the candle at both ends and now think that you deserve a well-earned rest. However, unexpected obstacles keep getting in your way. You will be better able to relax if you clear the responsibilities from your path first.


Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You can be too generous in your approach to finances today, making you a lousy negotiator. You might even be tempted to give away the bank. It’s easy to forget that some decisions about money should not be made with your heart. Just because you like a particular salesperson, this doesn’t mean you should pay more than a service or product is worth. Keep your wallet in your pocket until your logic returns.


Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Even if you have been rather lazy for the last couple of days, you emerge from your go-with-the-flow phase today. You’re more opinionated now and can overreact to others without realizing that anything is wrong. Nevertheless, don’t be afraid of saying what’s on your mind. Your perceptions are keen and you would be smart to trust your impulses as long as you remember to be kind in your delivery.


Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You may feel pressured to tie up loose ends early in the day, and this does make good sense. But you probably won’t want to work much now that the reflective Moon is visiting your 12th House of Escapism. You would be better off spending some quiet time alone, taking a nature walk or sharing an intimate moment with someone special. Even if it’s challenging to settle down your emotions, it’s easier to process them when you’re not in a crowd.


Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your social inclinations are strong today, yet you might have trouble deciding exactly what to do. You don’t want to miss out on any fun now, making it difficult to commit to one event or another. You even have the ability to turn a relaxing interaction with a friend into something that’s a lot more fun. Balancing work and play is smarter now than completely avoiding your responsibilities.


Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You could play the role of a highly skilled diplomat today, because you can clearly see both sides of a complex issue. Additionally, you have analytical tools at your disposal to take what you know and shape it into a convincing argument. But don’t fall into the trap of choosing sides now; instead, help all those involved reach common ground. Your objective outlook is the catalyst to positive change.


Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

It’s challenging to keep your mind in the here and now when your thoughts are being drawn somewhere else. This futuristic thinking enhances your ability to make plans, but may not have anything to do with the chores you must accomplish today. Nevertheless, if you have been dreaming about taking a vacation, get out your calendar and start to make it happen. Just return to the present moment when reality calls.


Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Even a casual interaction can feel very intense today as the Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy dynamically squares relentless Pluto. You might wonder if something has changed because everyone seems more formidable now. Don’t let the demands of others overwhelm you. Ultimately, delivering the goods is less important than you think. What counts more is your integrity and intention.

Morning Prayer to the Goddess

Morning Prayer to the Goddess

Blessed Mother Goddess, Divine Spirits,
We ask for your blessing

We pray for your transformative fires
To help us burn away any remaining
Fears, blocks and resistance we may have In allowing deep intimacy into our lives.
We pray for your healing hands
to touch us to our core,
Making us whole, easing our pain
And healing our wounds.
We pray for your eternal waters to wash over us,
Teaching us how to settle into our bodies,
To feel our emotions and your life force move
Gracefully through us.
We pray for your guidance,
In helping us open fully,
Letting our beauty burst forth,
Radiating sensuality, love and strength.
We pray for your wisdom
So all our intimate relationships
Are healthy, juicy, passionate,
Strong and nurturing.
We pray for your continued support,
As we give life to all our desires,
Bringing conscious knowing
Of our wants and needs into the world.
We pray for your gentle presence
In helping us continue to open our hearts with
Deep compassion and love of ourselves,
Of life and all our relations.
May we always remember
That all acts of love and pleasure
Are your rituals.