Morning Prayer to the Goddess

Morning Prayer to the Goddess

Blessed Mother Goddess, Divine Spirits,
We ask for your blessing

We pray for your transformative fires
To help us burn away any remaining
Fears, blocks and resistance we may have In allowing deep intimacy into our lives.
We pray for your healing hands
to touch us to our core,
Making us whole, easing our pain
And healing our wounds.
We pray for your eternal waters to wash over us,
Teaching us how to settle into our bodies,
To feel our emotions and your life force move
Gracefully through us.
We pray for your guidance,
In helping us open fully,
Letting our beauty burst forth,
Radiating sensuality, love and strength.
We pray for your wisdom
So all our intimate relationships
Are healthy, juicy, passionate,
Strong and nurturing.
We pray for your continued support,
As we give life to all our desires,
Bringing conscious knowing
Of our wants and needs into the world.
We pray for your gentle presence
In helping us continue to open our hearts with
Deep compassion and love of ourselves,
Of life and all our relations.
May we always remember
That all acts of love and pleasure
Are your rituals.