Adding Magic to Your Daily Routine Spell 2 of 6

The Bubble of Love and Protection Spell 

You can turn this one into a full ritual, or you can just speak the words. For example, this is a good spell to start your witchy life. Asking for love and protection is never a bad thing.

So if you want to go the whole way and cast a circle, then do that. However, as implied, the spell itself creates a bubble of protection, so it isn’t really necessary.

This spell relies on visualization and the certain knowledge that it is working.

If you wish to cast a circle, do it right at the beginning. Sit down quietly and start to imagine a pinpoint of light above your home. Visualize the point of light expanding so that a curtain of light slowly falls over the building you’re in, encircling it like a half-sphere. If you have vehicles outside, include those too. Then keep going. The light goes into the solid ground all around until it forms a perfect bubble. It shimmers and wavers, but you know it is absolutely impenetrable by negative energy of any kind.