The Witches Magick for Wednesday – Revenge Curse Jar Spell and How to Protect Yourself From Backlash

Magical Mud-Slinging: How to Protect Yourself from Backlash

A question that I get asked very often (by which I mean about once a week) is some variation of “How do I protect myself from the backlash of casting baneful magic / perform cursing without consequences?”
Well, the truth is that there is no way of performing baneful magic without incurring consequences. As I’ve so often said, “You can’t sling mud without getting your hands dirty.” But just like with mud, there are things you can do to mitigate the mess.

Step 1: “Wear Gloves.”
Protect yourself with a personal ward before you begin. Try to limit the number of tools you use to put the curse together. Cast a protective circle, if you feel the need. Prepare materials to refresh your household wards, if you have them, because they’ll need boosting after you’re done.

Step 2: “Wash Your Hands.”
Once you’ve finished whatever it is you set out to do, cleanse EVERYTHING. Yourself, your tools, your home…everything, top to bottom. Take a shower with a bit of Simple Jinx Remover to keep the magical “sludge” from sticking to you. Refresh your household wards. If you don’t have them, a simple sprinkling of salt across doorways and windowsills will do the trick.

Step 3: “Pay the Price.”
It’s important to know that there is a cost to everything. “All Magic Has A Price.” With baneful spells, the effect is more severe because of the intent of the magic involved. It can range from just having a couple of bad days to a full-on backlash where the curse you threw boomerangs around and bites you square in the ass. Whatever you do, no matter how well you prepare, there will be a cost to cursing. You need to realize and accept this, and if it’s not something you’re prepared to deal with, I’d suggest finding another way to get things done.

–Bree NicGarran

Revenge Curse Jar Spell

Intent: To bring bad luck into the life of one who has wronged you.
Timing: Waning moon

Clay poppet
Toothpicks, pins, or nails
Yarn or thread
Lemon juice
Glass jar
1 fresh egg
Black candle stub

Go to a patch of earth at a crossroads that is not likely to be disturbed. Carve the target’s name into the poppet and say aloud:

Poppet, I name you [Name]. Your limbs are their limbs, your flesh is their flesh. As you suffer, so shall they suffer.

Stick toothpicks/pins/nails into the poppet. Accompany each one with a particular malady you would like the target to suffer. Bind the poppet’s limbs, eyes, and mouth to prevent escape and drop it into the jar. Add more pins or nails if desired.

Add lemon juice while saying,

As the juice destroys the flesh, so let your fortunes sour
Let the sweet be gone from your life forth from this very hour

Add the egg, while saying,

As the egg disintegrates, your luck begins to rot
Relief you will seek from my curse, but find it you will not


Light the black candle and drip the wax into the jar, while saying,

This candle flame doth represent my hurt, my rage, my ire
May all your fortune vanish, as kindling in a fire
(If desired, light a piece of paper with a list of wrongs. Add the ashes to the jar.)
May hardship come to find you with the waning of the moon
[Name], my curse upon you from now till crack of doom

Alternatively (if you just want to teach someone a lesson):

For all that you have angered me, my rage may yet relent
[Name], my curse upon you until you do repent

Drop the candle stub into the jar and shake well. Bury the jar and walk away without looking back. Once at home, bathe thoroughly with the intention of washing away any residual energy still clinging to you. Wash your clothes and tools as well.

–Bree NicGarran

A Little Humor for Your Day – ‘Remove The Curse, lol!’

Remove the Curse

A pagan goes to a Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years.

The Wizard says, “Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you.”

The old man said without hesitation, “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

The Witches’ Spell for Nov. 9th – Cursed or Blessed



You need:

Piece of burlap

piece of wool

piece of silk

Some polished stones (polished) from a river or stream

A live leaf

A bowl of fruit and/or bread

A dead branch

Lay the silk, wool and burlap at the foot of your bed in that order. About 5 feet from the foot of your bed, toward the left, lay the branch. About 5 feet from the foot of your bead, toward the right, place the bowl.  The branch is the barren curse and the bowl is the bountiful life that withers the curse.  Lay one stone on each cloth then lay a path from the wool, straight down the center, between the bowl and the branch.  The stones must touch. At the end lay the leaf.  By laying the stones, you show respect for the fates and the balance of life.  Light three candles and incense and meditate over the rite.  Sleep without touching the items.  When you wake, watch how much the stones have moved.  If they bias the branch, you are cursed.  If they bias the bowl, you are blessed.  If it doesn’t move, no outside force is affecting you.  If you are cursed, how far it has moved will determine the strength of the curse. Reset the path, and that night, light the three candles and the incense and meditate again over the rite.  Sleep again without touching anything. The path should have moved less than the first time.  Repeat this every night until the path stays in the middle.  Next, move the path toward the bowl following the same meditation and sleep process as before.  Continue this every night until the path stays at the bowl.  When it has done so, you may complete the rite.  Touch nothing, but for the three following nights, meditate over the rite, to seal your new fate.  The stones must be returned to the river or stream where you got them from .  The branch must be returned to the forest floor where you found it, and the leaf cast to the wind.  The bowl of fruit must be eaten,  and the cloth must be saved in a dark place, undisturbed.


The Witches’ Spell for Nov. 4th – Get Lost Hex

goth114I know you know that I don’t generally post hexes or curses. But I have had several people write to be about people bothering them, thinking they have been cursed, had a love spell put on them and many more. So I figured instead of emailing each of you individually, I would post the spell here. You can’t never tell there might be someone reading this that is having the same problem. I hope this helps everyone. If it doesn’t suit your circumstances, let me know and I will track down another spell for you.

Get Lost Hex

While this hex will definitely force the target to leave you alone, it also causes enough personal aggravation so that he or she is way too busy to bother anyone else.


Prepared poppet

Black wax, melted

Lost and Away Powder

Brown paper sack

Place the poppet in the sack and sprinkle liberally with Lost and Away Powder, saying:

Lost and away from me you go
As your life’s sprinkled with troubles, problems and woe.

Pour the melted wax on top of the poppet, and quickly douse with the powder again. (Do this before the wax sets up, as you want the powder to adhere to it.) As you sprinkle the powder, say:

Problems stick like black to crow
Like melted wax they ooze and flow,
And when you think they’re finally done,
More arrive with rise of Sun.

Bury the poppet in an area easily accessible to you but away from your home. To keep the hex active, visit the grave once each week and dust it with the powder.


Utterly Wicked, Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions
By Dorothy Morrison

Let’s Talk Witch – Broke Any Mirrors Recently, What to do, What to do????

Witchy Comments

Let’s Talk Witch – Broke Any Mirrors Recently, What to do, What to do????

Mirrors are the perfect example of household furnishings that have been fraught with superstition. Probably the most common belief concerning mirrors is that their breakage causes seven years of bad luck. Whatever the origins of this belief, here are some methods to counteract the curse.

*Throw salt over your shoulder.

*Directly after breaking the mirror, turn around three times counterclockwise.

*Burn the mirror or at least blacken its shards in the flames of a fire. Save the fragments for a year and then bury them, and the curse will be counteracted (so you’ve only had to live through one year of bad luck).

*On the first night after breaking the mirror, light seven white candles and blow them out at midnight with one breath.

*Touch a tombstone with a piece of mirror, and the hex will be lifted.

Any of these rites can be used but bear in mind that the “curse” of the broken mirror is usually a self-created one.

The Witches Spell for August 6th – CURSED OR BLESSED



You need:

Piece of burlap

piece of wool

piece of silk

Some polished stones (polished) from a river or stream

A live leaf

A bowl of fruit and/or bread

A dead branch


Lay the silk, wool and burlap at the foot of your bed in that order. About 5 feet from the foot of your bed, toward the left, lay the branch. About 5 feet from the foot of your bead, toward the right, place the bowl.  The branch is the barren curse and the bowl is the bountiful life that withers the curse.  Lay one stone on each cloth then lay a path from the wool, straight down the center, between the bowl and the branch.  The stones must touch. At the end lay the leaf.  By laying the stones, you show respect for the fates and the balance of life.  Light three candles and incense and meditate over the rite.  Sleep without touching the items.  When you wake, watch how much the stones have moved.  If they bias the branch, you are cursed.  If they bias the bowl, you are blessed.  If it doesn’t move, no outside force is affecting you.  If you are cursed, how far it has moved will determine the strength of the curse. Reset the path, and that night, light the three candles and the incense and meditate again over the rite.  Sleep again without touching anything. The path should have moved less than the first time.  Repeat this every night until the path stays in the middle.  Next, move the path toward the bowl following the same meditation and sleep process as before.  Continue this every night until the path stays at the bowl.  When it has done so, you may complete the rite.  Touch nothing, but for the three following nights, meditate over the rite, to seal your new fate.  The stones must be returned to the river or stream where you got them from .  The branch must be returned to the forest floor where you found it, and the leaf cast to the wind.  The bowl of fruit must be eaten,  and the cloth must be saved in a dark place, undisturbed.

Warning Spell


This one is a good substitute for a hex, when your fear or anger tempts you in that direction:
“Blood turn black and flesh turn blue,
I will curse if you force me to.
By the left hand and the unclean food,
I’ll curse your eyes, I’ll curse your lies,
I’ll call down a plague of flies.
Blood go black and flesh go blue,
Evil from me and back to you
My soul clean and yours on fire,
You f*** with a witch you get burned, liar! “

The Witches Spell for October 8: Reversing A Candle Spell


Do this 5 nights in a row, at dusk – as the sun dies and darkness descends.
Light 2 Black candles and as they burn, speak this invocation:
In the name of the Gods and all ye spirits,
“In the name of Cernunnos, and the light and the dark    
    and the Gods of the Netherworld,    
    Remove thy curse and sting from my heart and mine.    
    And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me,    
    Let he or she suffer their own curse.    
    Let these candles be their candles,    
    This burning be their burning,    
    This curse be their curse.    
    Let the pain they have caused me and mine    
    Fall upon themselves.”    
The two candles are completely burned each night.

Witch hunt

Witch hunt

Sitting in my family’s cabin,
Stitching away at cloth.
My brother’s play, my mother prays,
My father shines his gun.

Outside the wooden door,
Shouts ring out, the light of torches
Casting shadows like demons on our home.

There will be a hanging,
A witch was found in town.
Rope around her neck,
She was quiet, she was easily found.

Her craft was pure,
She practiced alone.
The towns women blamed her, with untrue curses
And screamed about Satan and hell.

She was my friend,
I, her mentor,
Even though we both practice the craft
I could not save her.

Later in the year,
Snow powdered the ground.
I sat in a clearing of snow,
Grinding herbs for my god.
Not the puritan’s god, never their god.

Hark! A twig snaps under a boot.
Turning my head into the biting wind,
A glove-clad hand grabbed my hair,
And dragged me through the ferns.

Soon a witch would burn.

He dragged me through town,
Tied me to a wooden pole,
And called out “Witch, Witch” for all.

People gathered,
Eyes wide with fear.
The man lit the fire,
My family solemn, never shedding any tears.

The flame reared up like an animal,
Hissed at my feet like a snake. My father, nor mother, ever called out my name.

I called out to the town’s folk.
My voice echoing through the air,
‘I will be born again. Wait.”

The flame licked at my hip, and swallowed me whole.
A birthmark now rests on that hip.
This is my new life.

You see me in your town,
Even in your classroom.

I’m born again, and I’ll burn nevermore.


Author ~ Ashley Burnam

Living The Life of The Witch – Decision, Decision, Decision!

Witchy Comments=


Over the course of your magickal practice, this is a question that’s eventually going to pop up. So, maybe some exploration is in order:  Just exactly what warrants a curse and what doesn’t?

The fact that Joe got the job you wanted probably doesn’t warrant anything other than crossing off that place of employment and sending out resumes to the next ten on your list. And if you want to work a little magick to get one of those positions, so be it.

But what if the situation isn’t that simple? What if the job in question was an inner company promotion, and you happen to know that Joe willfully sabotaged you? Maybe he took credit for some of your work–work that may have either qualified you for the position or caused the department head to take special notice of your application. Perhaps he even lied about you, saying that you were difficult to work with, that you weren’t a team player, or that you had an attitude problem. Is that any reason to curse him?

Maybe. Maybe not. It just depends on the circumstances. And to come to a rational decision, you’re going to have to look at the whole picture.

First, review the job description again, and really scrutinize the duties involved. If they’re vague, Joe may have done you a favor, even if unwittingly. It might be that the job in question would take up more time than you’re willing to give: time that would be best enjoyed somewhere else or even spent with your family. It could also be that the extra money involved is not worth what it’s going to take to earn it. And if either is likely, then curses should be the furthest thing from your mind. In fact, you should probably think seriously about sending Joe a congratulatory gift.

But what if neither of those scenarios is true? What if Joe simply set out to ruin your reputation with the company—a company you’ve given your all to—and is now doing his dead level best to get you fired?

While none of that is good by any stretch of the imagination. I’m not sure such action truly deserves a curse either. Why? Because you definitely have other options. You could work magick to protect your job. You could work magick to shed light on Joe’s behavior and show him to all concerned for the jackass that he really is. And if you’re suddenly feeling magnanimous–which is doubtful at this point–you could even go so far as to work magick so that Joe find a position more to his liking outside of the company. Any of those options will take care of the situation nicely–and without the need of a curse.

But now, let’s change the scenario a bit. Let’s say that you’ve been the victim of Joe’s sexual harassment for a very long time and that the promotion was your ticket out of that mess. Let’s say that when he found out you’d decided to apply for the job, he not only lead you to believe that the problems with him would get much worse than you ever dreamed if you went through with it, but he promised to ruin you with the company. That’s not all. He also promised to personally squelch any chance of your getting alternative employment in the area. You’ve already seen how he works, so there’s no doubt he can make good on all of this.

Now do you have good reason for a curse? You bet you do.

Of course, if you’d just turned Joe in to his superiors when he made his first lascivious move–if you’d decided to fight instead of flee back then–he wouldn’t be in any position to bother you. In fact, he probably wouldn’t even still be with the company. You could have avoided this whole mess, you might be sitting pretty in your new corner office, and there would be no reason for any sort of magick at all.

While playing the would’ve should’ve-could be game is normally a complete waste of time, it definitely bears some thought here. For one thing, we need to learn from our mistakes. But perhaps more importantly, this sort of self-examination helps us to figure out what else is necessary to keep us from ever having to curse someone again. And if often takes some mighty deep digging to get to the root of the problem and yank it from our lives forever.

So why didn’t you report Joe’s inappropriate behavior when he first got out of line? Chances are, you were afraid. But since precisely what you were afraid of holds the key here, that’s what we need examine. Was it that you thought reporting him wouldn’t solve the problem and that his superiors wouldn’t take you seriously? Were you afraid that Joe would twist things around in such a way that you’d lose your job? Or were you simply afraid of that sick feeling that makes your stomach churn every time you’re faced with confrontation?

Since such is usually the case when folks won’t stand up for themselves, I’m betting on the latter. And for all practical purposes, let’s say I’m right. What you need now–before you even think of performing that curse– is something to keep you from ever being in that position again. You need some gumption.

Dorothy Morrison has given “The Gimme Gumption Spell” to go along with this article. The spell will following right behind this article.


Excerpt from:

“Utterly Wicked”
Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions
By Dorothy Morrison

~Magickal Graphics~

Living Life As The Witch – Fixing The Mother Of All Screw Ups

Fixing The Mother Of All Screw Ups

No matter how well we research our facts nor how careful we try to be, we’re eventually going to screw up. It’s just a part of the human condition. And there’s no place our screw-ups shine more brightly than in the hexes and curses arena.

That’s because standing up for ourselves doesn’t always come easily. Most of us really do take an awful lot of crap before finally deciding to do something about it. And even the, we don’t get in a hurry. We go about our business, gathering the facts and exploring our options. We peruse the details with the same sort of attention we might exhaust on a multi-million dollar business venture. And then, when we’re sure that everything’s in order, we start the magickal process, feeling absolutely safe in fact that we’re completely justified in our actions and that our target (damn his rotten bananas!) deserves every shread we’re doling out, and then some. If we weren’t and he didn’t things would never have gotten to this point. So, we do our thing and go along our merry ways, never giving it a second thought.

But then one day, it happens. An ugly head breaks through the muck, stares us right in the face, and blinks. And we – those same folks who felt completely justified in damning that target’s rotten bananas-can barely catch our collective breath as we gasp in horror. For there, right in the eyes of the beast, we see our mistake: The target was undeniably innocent. He was never even involved in the fiasco that damned near ruined our lives. Instead, he was just another innocent bystander; just some good, old Joe who was in the wrong place at the right time. A good, old Joe who we forced to pay for someone else’s infractions with a close encounter of the very worst kind. And there we sit, shivering and shaking and wracking our brains, in a desperate search of some way to fix things, wondering how in the hell we could’ve been so wrong.

To start with, today’s world is an interesting place. With its high-fluid technology and far-flung virtual realities, some might even say that it’s nothing short of amazing. But living in such a world also has complications, the most problematical being that because things are seldom as they appear, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. Now take that problem and factor in a fact-finding mission, a little logic, and a few rounds of he-said-she-said and add them all together. I can nearly guarantee that the sum of those components isn’t going to be at all within the scope of reason. Reasonable or not though, it appears to be truth. And because it appears as such, we act on it as such-only to discover later that it was the most wretched mistake we ever made.

While that takes care of how easy it is to screw up-and hopefully, has illustrated just how important it is to factor in gut instinct as well as the facts-we still have a problem on our hands: How in the hell do we fix the mess we made? More to the point, though, is it even possible?

Fortunately, it is. Please understand though, that it won’t be easy, regardless of how simple the instructions appear. There’s absolutely no way to convey the degree of difficult involved in rectifying something like this. So, just be prepared to work long and hard, and as some effects can never be truly erased, be willing to repeat some steps you’ve already taken over and over to ease the problem is the need arises.



Excerpt from
“Reversing the Curse and Vexing the Hex”
Utterly Wicked
Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions
Dorothy Morrison


More Flowers Comments

To Break a Voodoo Curse

To Break a Voodoo Curse

Items You Need:

Blood Root


The Spell:

On a night when the Moon is in a Waning phase, take a blood root (a favorite Voodoo root used for breaking all evil spells and hexes) and throw it onto the doorstop of the person who has placed the curse upon you. You will then be released from his or her magickal power and the imprecation will immediately be turned back to the sender of the curse.

Living The Life Of The Witch – Do You Have What It Takes?

Do You Have What It Takes?


Curses are not for the namby-pamby. Nor are they for fluffy bunnies or for those who insist that even the worst of horrors happen for a reason. They are for gutsy folks with the courage to do something about their situations when all other possibilities have been exhausted.

But just the same, curses aren’t to be taken lightly or flung about without due cause and serious thought. They’re not your normal type of magick and certainly not anything that should be performed as readily as a protection spell or a money spell.  In fact, there’s good reason that they’re usually at the top of the magickal practitioner’s ten-foot-pole list. And contrary to popular belief, taking responsibility for your actions is the least of your worries.

To start with, cursing someone takes an inordinate amount of energy. Your energy. Energy that you’ve stored for other things, like the simple business of everyday living. And cursing someone effectively is going to wipe out all your reserves. But even if that weren’t the case, it’s important to remember that you’re going to be transferring that energy to the person on the other end of your magick. So there’s a good chance that you’re inadvertently going to pick up some of that person’s energy along the way too. Do you really want that nasty stuff on you? Probably not.

Another thing is that the only substance that will fuel a curse properly is anger. Trying to fuel it with love or adding a “for the good of all concerned” codicil simply isn’t going to cut it. In order to even get the spell off the ground, you’re going to have to be so mad that you can’t see straight. So mad that even strangling the person in question with your bare hands wouldn’t be enough to suit you. Yes, you’re going to have to absolutely, uncontrollably, beyond the shadow of a doubt, livid pissed—more infuriated and enraged than you’ve ever been in your entire life and are ever likely to be again. And you need to know whether you’ve got what it take to work yourself up into that sort of irrepressible hissy fit.. What’s more, though, do you even want to?

Further, you’re also going to have to believe that you are unquestionably correct in the need to curse someone. Rationalization to suit your own purposes isn’t going to get it. You have to be right. You have to be sure. There isn’t any room for error or an after-the-fact “Oops…I was mistaken” when it comes to curses. The effects can be finite. What’s more, you can’t even begin to second guess yourself. Do you have that sort of resolve?

If none of this bothers you, and you’re absolutely certain of your position, then a curse is probably the way to go. And if not? Well, it’s best left alone.

Excerpt from:

“A Hex Upon Thee”
Utterly Wicked
Curses, Hexes or Other Unsavory Notions
By Dorothy Morrison



If someone has put roots on you, make a Counter-Curse. It
will do two things: First, remove thier curse by killing
them or stopping them from harming you. Second, the person
who rooted on you will decide their own fate; no other fates
will be affected unless you desire it through guilt or doubt
— and then the spell may fizzle.

Get a paper, a dagger, a white candle, and a black candle
(white on your right, black on your left.) Draw a human
figure on the paper to represent the person who put roots on

Invoke Satan in your own way. Invoke the elements.

Think of all the problems you have been having, project it
into the paper form, feel the anger fully (this is very
important), stomp, humiliate, beat, torture, and vent your
anger on it, hate it with a whole heart, hate who put the
roots on you, next stab the genitalia and direct this
torture to the tormenter, formed or formless, that they are
destroyed in the name of your body’s power and the dark will
of the Satan within you, that they will die, they will feel
pain, they will suffer, their body will betray them, and
their sex will rot off, and they will be plunged into the
void to be driven insane.

Offer this “sorceress/sorcerer” to Satan as a “sacrifice” as
you invoke hate into the form. Draw a reverse pentagram in
the air over the paper form. Label this person a sacrifice
“through justice and vengance and dominion over the spells
and roots that tormented me that I do not desire.”

Burn the figure still impaled in the WHITE candle. This
DISSAPATES him, and makes his energy and power fly away at
the speed of light.This counter curse works well.

Is There a Right Time to Curse?

Is There a Right Time to Curse?

Author: Sleeping Moon

First off, I want to get something straight that even pagans seem to misunderstand. Or have been misguided into believing. (Not all, mind you, but most.) Hexes are NOT curses! Hexes are painted signs posted on barns down in the south to promote positive influences over the property and those that live there.

Curses are quite different. From the Wikipedia (on-line dictionary) the definition is: A curse (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity—one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, “curse” may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural power, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic, witchcraft, a god, a natural force, or a spirit. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result.

They claim that a curse holds no power unless the recipient believes in it. I don’t believe that’s necessarily true. A curse has merit no matter what. It’s a solid form of magick just as a spell is. It has its purpose and has a place. They exist for a reason and if used correctly, they can be a force of nature to be reckoned with.

There are a few pagans who have called a dark deity as their matron/patron. Kali, The Morrigan, Calliach, Hecate, Badb, Skatha, Nemisis, Morgana, Innana and Lilith, Hades, Anubis, Setesh, Hoder, just to name a few.

What’s the difference with calling one of these dark deities and a curse? There are many forms of magic to use in calling forth the dark deities, but all in all, the dark deities are: Dark. You wouldn’t call on Kali or The Morrigan to cast a love spell. They are more for revenge and war than love and laughter.

In the beginning I would never have even thought about cursing any one. For any reason whatsoever. Many years later, my logic has changed.

I feel that there is a time to curse and a time to use another approach. If harm befell upon your loved one, for example if he/she was raped, shot, or killed, (these being the more serious offenses) , I can agree that a curse is more of an appropriate form of magick than to send that person ‘peace and love’. The damage has been done and is irrevocable so in my opinion, a curse is warranted and justifiable. Surrounding yourself with protection and that loved one (whether living or not) is always a positive take, but you would want to see that person get the justice he/she deserves. Right? You wouldn’t want that person to be able to harm other folk, right? You’d do every thing with in your capable means (with in the law) to get what they deserve.
So why not a curse?

I understand that Wiccans, the traditional ones, wouldn’t condone such a notion because of the three-fold law. But, as I stated beforehand, the damage HAS been done, so there is no further harm. Every thing in life has a good and bad side to it, just as it does in magick. No matter what we do in magick, we are taking something from some one else. That extra energy we use to cast a spell could be used for some one fighting a serious illness. In the air we breathe, we are taking that air from some one else. We use a candle to focus. We use that source of light from some one that may need it during a power outage or in a third world country that has no power what so ever. The list could go on and on. It’s a nice rule, but it’s an oxy moron. It doesn’t fit. Not technically.
Of course I would never agree to a curse just because I didn’t like some one. The damage that would warrant a curse from me would have to be severe.

Curses have a long history. It dates back to ancient Egyptian times. Probably dates back to the cave men, but for theory’s use, I will stick to then.

In Haiti, curses are called getting “crossed”. In Voodoo it’s called a jinx as well as a form of foot track magic. The “evil eye” is thought to stem from the Middle Eastern and the Mediterranean areas.

In Greece they are called katadesmoi and in Rome, tabulae defixiones. In Ireland there are many known forms of curses such as curse stones or egg curses, New Year curses and milk curses. Chinese peoples have them. The Indonesians, the Indians (not with the feather!) the Europeans, the Brits and the Scottish people have curses in their history. Even Native Americans.

The Native American people of the southern plains called these types of witches Skin Walkers. Skin Walkers where as nasty as one witch or wizard could possible get with the use of black magick. These beings are supposed to be able to extract revenge upon the help less victim by placing an animal skin over their human bodies and thus shape shifting into the form of that animal. While in the guise of the animal they choose, they can wreck havoc upon the poor soul they choose to victimize.

Even in the bible there are curses hidden within. God himself placed a curse upon the snake “You are cursed more than all cattle”, (Genesis 3:14) . As a result of Adam and Eve disobeying God, the ground is also cursed: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.” (3:17) . Cain is cursed from the earth, “So now you are cursed from the earth”, (4:11) . In the New Testament Paul sees curses as central to the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion. In Galatians 3:13 he says: “Christ redeems us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us…”. He refers to Deuteronomy: ” anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse.” (21:23 RAEDM)

So if even God himself used them, they are credited aren’t they? Why can’t we use them if the damage has been done?

I wish the world were all frilly and white. But, it’s not. There are lines of grey that border on crossing over to black; there are lines of grey that border on crossing over to the lines of white. That’s the way life works. It’s the way Nature lives and the way humans are bred. Nature is neither cruel nor loving, it just is. And magick is the same, in my book.

Again, if the damage has been done, why can’t a curse be warranted?

Removing Hexes/Curses

Removing Hexes/Curses 

Items you will need:

Old Cooking pot

Black Candle


Get yourself an old cooking pot, place a black candle in the center, fill the pot with water until it is 2” below the wick of the candle. Light the candle and say:

“If truly hexed or cursed I am, let it break with quench of flame.”

Then stare into the flame and see all the negative energy being drawn into it. When the candle burns down to the water level, and the flame sputters out, say:

“So Mote It Be!”

Dig a hole and empty the water into it. Now bury the candle. It is done.



Light two black candles and chant:
In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits
In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark
And the Gods of the Netherworld
And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me
Let them suffer their own curse
Let these candles be their candles
This burning be their burning
This curse be their curse
Let the pain they have caused me and mine
Fall upon themselves
Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night
chant the spell until the candles are spent.



Light two black candles and chant:
In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits
In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark
And the Gods of the Netherworld
And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me
Let them suffer their own curse
Let these candles be their candles
This burning be their burning
This curse be their curse
Let the pain they have caused me and mine
Fall upon themselves
Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night
chant the spell until the candles are spent.

Don’t Fear The Dark: A Discussion On Cursing

Don’t Fear The Dark: A Discussion On Cursing

Author: Ravenix

I can imagine that the title of this article has already raised a few Wiccan eyebrows, so before I launch into the discussion proper, let me say this to them: Don’t worry. I’m not flaming you. I’m not going to ridicule your beliefs, and to do so would be hypocritical, as I myself devoted several years of my life to Wicca. It’s a good, sound, well-structured system, with a wonderful sense of community and empowerment.

So don’t panic.

If you want to follow the Wiccan Rede, great! It’s an admirable ethic. But it’s not for me anymore. Yes, I have cursed, yes, I do curse, yes, I will probably curse again. But don’t run away just yet; hear me out, and bear what I’m saying in mind.

In Neopaganism, there has been something of a shying away from the ‘dark side’ of spirituality; there is a great emphasis on being ‘nice’, on focusing only on the ‘good’ and ‘light’ side of things. Yet in comparison, our ancestors before us cursed each other like there was no tomorrow. To this day, archaeological digs uncover smashed clay portraits, bottles of punctured animal organs and other such wonderfully wicked hexes (just type ‘curse’ into the Boscastle Museum Of Witchcraft’s database search and you’ll soon see what I mean) . If you mention these items to a Neopagan, they’ll be likely to change the subject sharpish, or blame it on the witch hunters of old.

Everywhere you look, the Law of Threefold Return is drilled into you, as well as other such warnings and cautions about the ‘dangers’ of cursing. Terms such as ‘white’ and ‘black’ magick don’t exactly help. But is cursing as horrid and malicious an act as it is made out to be? Do we have to sacrifice this art completely to be spiritually ‘good’?

As a Wiccan, I always found that the Wiccan Rede was a hard act to follow; the Rede stated that, as a Wiccan, I could not harm anyone, in any circumstance, ever. The questions that came to me were these; what if they harmed me first? Doesn’t that entitle me to some kind of counter? Moreover, what if they deserved it? Then again, who’s to decide?

If we look at Western Heathenism as a whole, there is very little evidence that an idea like the Law of Threefold Return existed before the 1950’s, and it is in fact derived from Eastern spiritualism. Traditional Cornish Witchcraft, perhaps the only Traditional form that has truly thrived in the British Isles, makes great use of cursing.

Have any of these witches, or any of our ancestors, been made to pay for their actions?

Historically, only by the witch hunters. There are no reports that I know of relating to Traditional Witches being punished by the Gods for cursing in itself. Of course that’s not to say that cursing doesn’t require a certain degree of caution- indeed all spellcraft does.

My partner, for example, performed a curse on a group of people that had refused to act when his friend was date-raped at her own birthday party; he consequently suffered from minor blackouts for months afterwards. This, you might say, is proof enough of celestial punishment. However I propose a slightly different view.

Keep in mind that anger and hatred are incredibly violent emotions; they could be argued to be more ‘powerful’ than happiness and calm due to their speed, severity, and unpredictability. Compare how exhausted you are after laughing for five minutes, and after shouting and screaming in rage for the same amount of time. You would probably agree that the latter leaves you feeling much more empty and drained. Also think of the amount of times you’ve flown off the handle for trivial things. This is what makes cursing so risky: the power behind these negative emotions, and their tendency to amplify far beyond what is fitting to their cause.

Basically, if you wish death on someone for stealing your car, the Gods probably will turn around and admonish you for being harsh. On the other hand, if someone hurts your family and you want payback, the anger and hate you unleash in that spell will burst out of you far more readily than a healing spell. In all cursing, then, moderation of your emotions and a good deal of consideration beforehand are key; I believe that my partner’s blackouts occurred because he either wore himself out completely from the spell’s severity, or the Gods deemed him too severe and made him pay accordingly- but they weren’t admonishing him for cursing in itself.

In particular, the idea of your family being hurt is one that does not sit well with the Rede. What if someone did willingly hurt your family? Would you sit and wait for the Gods to avenge you?

This view is one that I imagine the Gods find slightly arrogant; they’re not there to hold your hand, and they don’t heal your friends for you- you have to do most of that yourself, even if you do ask for help, so why isn’t cursing the same?

Or, would you turn the other cheek, letting the instigator get away with their cruelty?

Now I’ve never been the most forgiving person, and I don’t see why I can’t give back what I get from people who wish to hurt me and mine. The trick is to cast a curse that is equivalent to the harm done; something that is very hard to do when the human condition makes us bloodthirsty for revenge of the worst kind.

I would definitely say that cursing is harder than well-wishing, as it requires more control; it also requires you to make contact with a part of yourself that you may not like. This I think is why many Wiccans and Neopagans turn away from it, to the point of fearing it; they refuse to accept the ugly side of their nature, as do most people. This is understandable, but it’s also an imbalanced way of life to me; it’s a sad truth that the world is both beautiful and terrible, and I believe that true balance comes if your spirituality reflects that.

Curses are nothing to fear (unless you’re on the receiving end of course!) , and they can be quite trivial; I performed a curse on a flea infestation in my house a few months ago, with the help of Tiw, and I haven’t had trouble since.

All in all, pins in poppets and mutilated animal organs are extreme examples of what is, really, just another form of spellcraft; if you look past the hype and fight your fear, you’ll find that curses aren’t as terrible as they’re made out to be. Remember that the more severe curses are a last resort; like everything else, you must think twice and use caution.

And like all spells, curses are just a means to an end, usually getting rid of something undesirable when there’s no other way of doing so.

Of course I can’t convince you to agree, and if you’re still dead against cursing, so be it; you’re welcome to your views. But at least consider what I’ve said, and try not to be afraid of something that is, at its heart, an integral part of the Traditional Craft.


Curses! And the Magical Mechanics Thereof…

Curses! And the Magical Mechanics Thereof…

Author: Treasach

I’m not above quoting fantasy books myself if they say it well. “The most professional curse ever snarled or croaked or thundered can have no effect on a pure heart.” — The Last Unicorn. This is essentially true.

Curses work the same way other magic works. A Contact spell, for example, sends out feelers across the chaotic systems. A lot like a computer match up. If the potential person/s you are interested in meeting is also interested, as some of your energy is going along with it, you both work together to pull the chaos strings so that you will both meet up in an appropriate location and time for you to pursue an acquaintance. Rather like “your people” and “their people” calling a meeting. It is a two way street.

Curses are much the same. It is a two way street between the curser and cursed. The curser has decided that someone really need a kick in the ass for something, and sends out feelers. Their energies comes in contact, and if the ‘cursee’s’ own guilt, that is, their own inner Goddess of Vengeance, decides that they must be punished, both humans use that energy to create the curse effect. Rather like a karmic string tied around one’s finger to remind one of this guilt, which might not have remembered otherwise, or not gotten to it as quickly. Which is why someone must go to the trouble of cursing another in the first place, and why a curse has no effect on a pure heart. No self-need for punishment, no curse.

I believe we should most definitely treat others by the Golden Rule. There is indeed a version of that in every major tradition. But that’s almost entirely for our own benefit. We cannot become enlightened and self fulfilled without it. With neophytes terrified to practice spellcraft on their own without the aid of their ‘teacher’, the Three Fold or Karmic Laws has become an enslaving chain left over from our reClaiming days that should be abandoned as quickly as possible.

The 3 fold, ten fold, or even 11 ‘Law’ is a MYTH, told to keep newbies in line.

I’m sorry I’m breaking the conspiracy of some of the Adepts in disabusing you of this notion. There are many reasons for it, but I break from much of the crowd and teach like a heritage. I believe we must always and only discuss the true metaphysics of witchcraft to prove ourselves a mature spirituality and not a mystery cult.

Spewing the pat fluffy Threefold or Karmic Law is such an oversimplification of the complexity of the Universe that it is an obscenity to the dignity of seekers of Enlightenment and those who assist them. How does witchcraft compare as a viable path for those of intelligence and wisdom with such an obvious disprovable flaw as it’s main tenant? It’s deeply embarrassing for a spirituality of maturity and strength.

That doesn’t mean that the Universe doesn’t slap you if you choose to be an ass. You often do get what’s coming to you. But that is most definitely NOT the same performing so-called ‘black magic’ (which sounds abominably racist) and expecting to be punished for it.

Cursing, for example, is simply a form of dispensing justice where you believe it required, same as you would protect someone from getting beat up. You should get punished for NOT redressing a serious imbalance, in my opinion, same as you would for not getting stopping someone being physically victimized.

No. It’s simply that the ‘Rule’ or ‘Law’ or whatever that many teachers tell newbies when they are first starting out is merely fantasy. There are numerous reasons for this, but it is designed to scare them, control them, and ensure that they don’t go trying spellcraft on their own.

The truth is really much harder. The Universe does pay people back, but certainly not in such a lovely symmetry like three or any other number. It is ridiculous to assume that a quantitative quality can be put on someone trying to harm another, and take into account whether it was deliberate, or only slightly, or not at all, and ‘repay’ that back in some sort of mathematical formula. Like some suffering or blessing of mine can even compare to someone else’s in sensitivity, or life disruption, or level of joy, or some other feeling or quality in the first place.

If you are nasty to people, they will be nasty to you. Most times. Sometimes you can be nice to everyone, and you will be assassinated. Sometimes bad guys really do win. Totally and completely. The Universe is not so cut and dried as the ‘Law’ makes it out to be. It is not fair. And it certainly doesn’t balance. And even if it could, it is so vast that we would never be able to see it, with our limited shells.

But that’s where we come in, as Her representatives. We can see what’s in front of us and report back, so to speak, to draw Her attention to something that we would like to see remedied right now, and we specify a manner that we can comprehend. That’s one of the functions of spellcraft, particularly blessings, curses, and healings.

All people are intelligent and sensitive to some degree and deserve to be treated like seekers of truth and self-fulfillment. We do them and ourselves a great disservice when we do not teach the metaphysics and theology of witchcraft correctly from the start. In all it’s complexity.

My curses are extremely good. They can take up to two years to manifest, and they attack whatever it was that caused the person to be cursed in the first place. Completely. And, due to my style of asking the Goddess to take care of it Herself without my suggestions or too much interference, they manifest in a far more creative and complete manner than I ever could have imagined, exactly matching the infraction with the punishment. So I never worry about justice for infractions against me, though it would be nice to have the wisdom to avoid them in the first place…

And as aggressive as I am, curses come far more naturally than Blessings. Perhaps that’s where my real challenge lies…