The Witches Magick for Wednesday – Revenge Curse Jar Spell and How to Protect Yourself From Backlash

Magical Mud-Slinging: How to Protect Yourself from Backlash

A question that I get asked very often (by which I mean about once a week) is some variation of “How do I protect myself from the backlash of casting baneful magic / perform cursing without consequences?”
Well, the truth is that there is no way of performing baneful magic without incurring consequences. As I’ve so often said, “You can’t sling mud without getting your hands dirty.” But just like with mud, there are things you can do to mitigate the mess.

Step 1: “Wear Gloves.”
Protect yourself with a personal ward before you begin. Try to limit the number of tools you use to put the curse together. Cast a protective circle, if you feel the need. Prepare materials to refresh your household wards, if you have them, because they’ll need boosting after you’re done.

Step 2: “Wash Your Hands.”
Once you’ve finished whatever it is you set out to do, cleanse EVERYTHING. Yourself, your tools, your home…everything, top to bottom. Take a shower with a bit of Simple Jinx Remover to keep the magical “sludge” from sticking to you. Refresh your household wards. If you don’t have them, a simple sprinkling of salt across doorways and windowsills will do the trick.

Step 3: “Pay the Price.”
It’s important to know that there is a cost to everything. “All Magic Has A Price.” With baneful spells, the effect is more severe because of the intent of the magic involved. It can range from just having a couple of bad days to a full-on backlash where the curse you threw boomerangs around and bites you square in the ass. Whatever you do, no matter how well you prepare, there will be a cost to cursing. You need to realize and accept this, and if it’s not something you’re prepared to deal with, I’d suggest finding another way to get things done.

–Bree NicGarran

Revenge Curse Jar Spell

Intent: To bring bad luck into the life of one who has wronged you.
Timing: Waning moon

Clay poppet
Toothpicks, pins, or nails
Yarn or thread
Lemon juice
Glass jar
1 fresh egg
Black candle stub

Go to a patch of earth at a crossroads that is not likely to be disturbed. Carve the target’s name into the poppet and say aloud:

Poppet, I name you [Name]. Your limbs are their limbs, your flesh is their flesh. As you suffer, so shall they suffer.

Stick toothpicks/pins/nails into the poppet. Accompany each one with a particular malady you would like the target to suffer. Bind the poppet’s limbs, eyes, and mouth to prevent escape and drop it into the jar. Add more pins or nails if desired.

Add lemon juice while saying,

As the juice destroys the flesh, so let your fortunes sour
Let the sweet be gone from your life forth from this very hour

Add the egg, while saying,

As the egg disintegrates, your luck begins to rot
Relief you will seek from my curse, but find it you will not


Light the black candle and drip the wax into the jar, while saying,

This candle flame doth represent my hurt, my rage, my ire
May all your fortune vanish, as kindling in a fire
(If desired, light a piece of paper with a list of wrongs. Add the ashes to the jar.)
May hardship come to find you with the waning of the moon
[Name], my curse upon you from now till crack of doom

Alternatively (if you just want to teach someone a lesson):

For all that you have angered me, my rage may yet relent
[Name], my curse upon you until you do repent

Drop the candle stub into the jar and shake well. Bury the jar and walk away without looking back. Once at home, bathe thoroughly with the intention of washing away any residual energy still clinging to you. Wash your clothes and tools as well.

–Bree NicGarran