Brief Look At Different Traditions In Witchcraft

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Ceremonial Witchcraft


Followers of this Tradition uses a great deal of ceremonial magick in their practices. Detailed rituals with a flavor of Egyptian magick are sometimes a favorite, or they may use the Qabbalistic magick.

Black Magick Money Spell


*This is some-what ceremonial Magick, you will be conjuring darks spirits.

You Will Need:

·3 White candles
1 black candle.
Piece of paper 3X3.

This spell should be done on a Thursday at 3 pm or Saturday, anytime when the suns down. On the sheet of paper, write where it is that you would like to work. Hold it in your hands and focus on your desire. See yourself wearing the uniform, or see you stocking products or working at the cash register. Let the feeling of accomplishment flow into it.

Cleanse yourself, meditate or do what I did, shower. Cast the Magick circle; invoke Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Have the white candles positioned in a triangle symbolize the cone of power, energy building, etc. Put the black candle in the middle. Sit, get comfortable, take a couple of breaths get everything together and straight. Light the candles, and focus on your desire. Taste it, feel it, hear it, see it, smell it. Make it real. Recite the incantation 4 times, each time with more power, focus, love, command, and full of motions.

“Gods of dark Magick, Gods of hate.
Myself employed is my fate.
Dark spirits of nature, this sorcerer conjures thee.
I conjure thee, I conjure thee, I conjure thee.
Heed my call dark essences that roam,
Heed my call I ask with my heart and my soul.
Bring forth all your power; bring forth all your might.
Strip obstacles to ashes, disintegrate them from sight.
Let my hearts desires and wishes be met,
Let no individuals be put to death.”

Focus on your desire again. Set the piece of paper on fire, and focus on your desire once more.

So Mote It Be.

Thank the elements, thank the gods. And close the circle. Visualize a big, dark, and thick mist of energy with white figures surrounding it (Spirits) see all of it go up through your ceiling up to space and into the cosmos. And FORGET ABOUT IT!!


Let’s Talk Witch – The Sword

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Let’s Talk Witch – The Sword

Magick swords have historically played a role in Chinese, Japanese, Jewish and Persian magickal traditions. They remain popular in East Asian magick, High Ceremonial Magick and modern Wicca.

Magick swords maybe actual functional swords complete with sharp blades or ceremonial replicas. Swords invoke primal metal magick although wooden swords exist, particularly in East Asia. Swords are powerfully associated with the primorial magickal traditions of metal working.

Swords radiate masculine energy; the scabbard is its feminine partner. Swords are most commonly associated with the element air, however, this is controversial, some also identify swords with fire. Swords do not fit neatly into elemental categories being the product of all elements. The raw material for swords is dug from Earth and the process of crafting a sword involves the interplay of air, fire and water.

Crafting swords was a secret magickal operation. Spellcasting and spiritual invocation was once involved in the creation of powerful magick swords (and in some cases it still is). Rumors periodically circulated that blood sacrifice, including human sacrifice, was required to forge magick swords. Vestiges of these legends survive in Japanese mythology.

Swords maybe engraved with runes, sigils, Names of Power, Kabalistic inscriptions or other magickal embellishments. They are used for casting circles and for various magickal practices including protection spells, exorcisms, spirit summoning and banishing spells.

Swords are among the four tarot suits, corresponding to the playing card suit of Spades.