To Make (Banish) An Enemy & Make Them Move Away

To Make (Banish) An Enemy & Make Them Move Away

Get a Bottle, like Pepsi bottle. Urinate in it. Have a sheet of paper with the person’s name on it. Get a Black candle and imagine the person moving away, feel the your hate make it happen. Pour the hate into the candle by tapping the wick. That’s how I anoint candles sometimes.

Anyways. Start to imagine the person move away, see them walk away with luggage, see them in a car driving away. See them packing up their clothes. See them on a plane flying away. Repeat to yourself:

“Move away, I banish you away, move away”

Touch the paper and let the feeling flow into the paper. Light the candle. Invoke Saturn. Open the bottle, set the paper on fire a little bit and throw it in the bottle. Throw in some vinegar, and some salt. Close the bottle and begin to imagine them leaving again, really want it. Repeat:

“Move away _______,
Move away. I banish you, move away.”

Then that’s it.

Explanation of items used in this spell:

Vinegar – Sour their lives

Salt – Banishing

Mars – Binding, Banishing, etc

Black Candle – Cause its black magick and its for banishing, binding and breaking through obstacles

Fire – Destruction.



To Overcome an Enemy


Get a pot, fill it with water and feel the hate for the person and pout it into the water. See the water turn black or red. Get something of the persons or just write their name on paper. Put the pot on the stove and let the water boil. Pour in a some milk so the water turns white.

Pour some vinegar, salt, and ashes. To get the ashes, just write on a piece of paper the name of the person, pour some hate in the paper and sit it on fire…over the pot and let it drop. When all that is done…throw in the paper with  the person’s name on it and you can say an incantation with it or just let it boil for half an hour.


The Witches Magick for Thursday, April 17th – The Vexation Box Spell

Celtic & British Isles Graphics
The Witches Magick for Thursday, April 17th – The Vexation Box Spell



This spell is for dealing with someone who is more of an annoyance than a threat, someone who really gets on your nerves or stresses you out by intruding in your life or violating your space. It is for someone you have already asked to stop but who persists in bothering you. It is not a spell to use on someone whose actions you object to within their own life or space.

You need:

A box
Herbs for protection
Two heads of garlic (or more, if you are using a big box or dealing with a group of people)
A photograph of the person, or their name written on a piece of paper

Put everything in the box. Cover the box and give it a good hard shake, mentally yelling at the person to modify the behavior that annoys you. Put the box away, in a drawer or up on a shelf. Take it out and give it a hard shake, yelling at them, every time they annoy you.

After the first week or so you should seldom need to shake the box. Throw the box away in a few months, when the garlic begins to spoil.

Witches Magick for Thursday, April 10th – Turn the Tables Spell

Gothic Comments
Witches Magick for Thursday, April 10th – Turn the Tables Spell


Turn the Tables Spell

Is someone making your life difficult? Turn the tables on the person with this spell.

Items you will need:

Small Mirror
A photo of your tormentor (if available)

The Spell

1. Place the candle in its holder and set it on top of the photo at one end of a table. If you can’t obtain a photo, inscribe your enemy’s name on the candle—the ca ndle represents the person who’s causing you trouble.

2. Light the candle, then seat yourself at the other end of the table.

3. Hold the mirror so that it reflects the flame and say aloud:


“Behold, this mirror is my shield.
Your wicked ways will be revealed.
Any evil that you do
Will instantly turn back to you.”

4. Imagine the mirror deflecting harm away from you and back onto the other person.

5. When you’ve finished, snuff out the candle.

6. Hand the mirror on the outside of the door to your home or office to ward off unwanted energies.

7. Melt the candle completely and bury the residue along with the photo far from your home.

Spell To Get Your Boss’s Job

Spell To Get Your Boss’s Job


Could you do a better job than your boss? Let magick help you get the promotion you deserve.

Best time to cast:

  • During the Waning Moon
  • When the Sun or Moon is in Leo or Capricorn
  • On Thursdays or Sundays

Items You Will Need:

  • A camera and film
  • A picture of yourself, looking happy and confident
  • A pen
  • One (or more) of your hairs

The Spell:

!.  Photograph your boss’s office or workspace when she/he isn’t there, then paste a picture of yourself on the photo. Or have a trusted friend photograph you seated at your boss’s desk.

2.  On the back of the photo, write your name and new job title.

3.  Focus your attention on the photo first thing every morning and last thing every night for one week minimum.

4.  When the opportunity arises, hide the photo in your boss’s office in a spot where she/he won’t find it.

5.  Tie your hair to the doorknob or sprinkle a few hair clippings in your boss’s desk drawer.

6.  Say aloud:

“This office and job are now mine. (Boss’s name) now take another job for which she/he is better suited. We are both very happy and successful in our new positions.”

7.  Continue visualizing yourself performing your new job until you receive your well deserved promotion.



To use this spell you must be able to picture the evil you wish to bind within your mind. It is very important to be able to see strands or bonds or knots that hold it together. Those are what you are going to release slowly.

Do note that this spell can take a long time depending on the strength and complexity of the evil. You must imagine yourself undoing the knots or bonds and then say out loud as many times as needed:

“I bind this evil from doing harm
To those around us And itself
I bind it to be free But not harmful.”

You MUST do this slowly.
If you do it quickly and try to overwhelm the evil it could overwhelm you
or just manifest on it’s evil on the energy you are giving out.
If you plan to do this spell please be very careful and know that it is very draining.



This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell.
This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy.
It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself.
Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell’s energy:

By the Pentagram I wear,
Water, Fire, Earth, and Air,
Ruled by Spirit as All should be
As I speak So Mote It Be!

*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us. We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Seance Protection Candle Spell

Seance Protection Candle Spell

This candle provides protection during seance proceedings:

1. Slice the top off a small white votive candle.

2. Carve the bottom of the candle so that the wick is exposed and maybe lit.

3. Fill a glass half full of spring water.

4. Place a saucer on top and quickly flip it over so that the glass rests on the saucer but no water is spilled. This is easier done with practice.

5. Place this on the floor behind the door.

6. Place the reversed candle on top of the glass and light it.


*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us. We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Scottish Necromantic Spell

Scottish Necromantic Spell

In order to perform this Scottish Necromantic spell, one must arrange to have a room with total and complete privacy.

1. Spiritually cleanse the room and oneself prior to beginning the spell at nightfall.

2. Using a compass, cast a circle in the middle of the room, large enough for you, a table and chair.

3. Place objections of protection on the table. The traditional spell calls for a Bible and/or a crucifix. Substitute as needed. If the Bible doesn’t work for you substitute another lengthy spiritual work, both for protection and to occupy you until the ghost shows up.

4. Light a white candle: this is your only source of light.

5. Sit down and concentrate on your desires. Call the specific ghost you need. Read the book. Wait for the ghost to show up, perhaps in person. Should you fall asleep, be prepared to speak with the ghost in your dreams and remember and record the conversation.

*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us. We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Post Necromancy Cleansing Spells

Post Necromancy Cleansing Spells

After communicating with ghosts, strong cleansing is recommended.

Get into the tub and scrub virgorously with salt.

Make a paste using salt, Holy Water or one of the other formula waters and cleanse the body.

Form a paste with olive oil and salt and scrub the body.

Create a paste with salt, olive oil and fresh rosemary leaves. Scrub the body.

Any of these methods should be very effective for cleansing.


*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If author is known, please contact us.

We will then give credit where credit is due.*



You can make this ceremony as simple or as elaborate as you like.

To perform this ceremony you will need a smudge stick, a candle, and lavender or some other pleasant scent. Start by calling on your protector.
Once you feel its presence, say a simple prayer of protection, such as:
Creator, Great Spirit, Universal Energy,
I call upon your love and your protection.
I call upon the beings of light and all those
beings that help lost souls.
See this being that has lost its way home.
It believes it is of the dark; it has forgotten it is of the light.
Please surround it with your love and gently guide it back
to the light so that it may heal.
Please surround this place and all within it with your love and protection.
I give thanks.
Light the candle and smudge stick.
Thoroughly smudge the area and yourself and allow the smoke to clear the area of any negativity. Then stand in the center of the room and declare that only beings of light are allowed in aura or dwelling place. Call upon beings of light to protect you and your location.
Demand that all lower energy forces leave now and return to the light. Declare that this place is only for those who live in love and light.See yourself and the room filled with and surrounded by bright white light.Know you are safe and protected. Sprinkle lavender around the room.
Make sure you protect yourself for a few days after you release the beings.One way to do this is to visualize your energy field and see it filled with white light. Mentally seal it with white light and see flecks of green and pink light floating around your body. Do this several times a day for the next few days.
You tend to be more open to negative beings once one has been removed,and this process will help seal up your energy field.
If you again feel a negative presence, repeat the ceremony.The easiest thing to do is make sure you don’t attract one in the first place. If you remember to call upon your protector and keep yourself surrounded by white light, they can’t get near you.

Exorcism Spell (1)

Exorcism Spell (1)

1. Use intensive cleansing methods to purify the area.

2. In addition to whichever methods are employed ring bells, cymbals and sistra loudly.

3. Invoke benevolent protective spirits, like Archangel Michael, Kwan Yin and/or Isis.

4. Draw up talismans of protection.

5. Summon the demons, demanding that they come forward and depart.

6. Observe for signs of departure. Dramatic spirits will let you know they’ve gone. Otherwise use divination techniques to determine whether your methods have been effective or, if not, what further action should be taken.

7. If you’re sure they’ve departed burn the talismans.

8. Mix a teaspoon of the ashes into cooled boiled spring water. Have the person drink it.

9. Close the ceremony.


*Spell removed from old Yuku group. If you know the author, please let us know. We will then give credit where credit is due.*

Enemy Black Magick Spell

Enemy Black Magick Spell


1 ice cube tray

1 piece of paper



Put the name or names in a blue ice tray (I’m sure the color of ice tray is insignificant) in each cubicle, if you have their signature that would be even better. Fill the tray with water and put in freezer (this prevents them from taking any energy against/towards you.) If you want to sweeten them up add sugar or honey to water.

Reflection Spell


This calls for casting a circle because you are using your subconscious mind, and not your conscious mind. Use a round, blessed mirror. Light Patchouli incense. Smear a light coating of allspice around the outer Circle, starting at the top, going in counter clockwise position. Chant:

Bind this (man/woman) I name ________
Bind him/her from our home and life.
Give us peace, remove the strife.
Let their will be free, as long as he/she stays away from me.
Protect our family from this day forth,
Allow _______ to never darken our door.
Reflect back now and please be Quick.
Keep him/her away, if _______ breaks the spell.
Make him/her hear well,
If _____ Comes back here
Make _____ become violently ill.
As I have Willed, So it shall be.

Thank all Elements for attending the right. Close Circle.

Spell Against Your Enemies


A medium sized fish is bought in Yemaya’s name.

The names of all of the persons the petitioner distrusts or feels are their enemies are on a piece of paper which is then inserted in the fish’s mouth. The fish is placed in a dish filled with sugar cane syrup and offered to Yemaya. It remains at her feet for seven days and then it is thrown into the sea with seven cents.–it may stink your house up for a week but it is very effective.

Binding Someone Annoying Spell

Binding Someone Annoying Spell

Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be bound on a “3×3” piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a pencil.

While you do this visualize the face of the person on your mind. When you have written the name cross it with an inverted pentacle (5 pointed star within a circle).

Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following…

“To be protected from you,
This magic charm i will do,
With this words i bind thee,
For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm,
I now seal this charm”.

Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn’t have to be so loud that everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth time say…




This one is a good substitute for a hex, when your fear or anger tempts you in that direction:

“Blood turn black and flesh turn blue,
I will curse if you force me to.
By the left hand and the unclean food,
I’ll curse your eyes, I’ll curse your lies,
I’ll call down a plague of flies.
Blood go black and flesh go blue,
Evil from me and back to you
My soul clean and yours on fire, 
When you screw with a witch you get burned, liar! “

The Witches Magick for February 27th – Binding Someone Annoying Spell

Witchy Comments & Graphics
The Witches Magick for February 27th

Binding Someone Annoying Spell

Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be bound on a “3×3” piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a pencil.

While you do this visualize the face of the person on your mind. When you have written the name cross it with an inverted pentacle (5 pointed star within a circle).
Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following…
“To be protected from you,
This magic charm i will do,
With this words i bind thee,
For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm,
I now seal this charm”.
Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn’t have to be so loud that everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth time say…


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  God: I call upon Zeus, chief ruler of immortals

And mortals alike, most powerful of all the gods,

Who was known as the omnipotent Father Zeus,

And to the Romans as Jupiter, and who punishes

those who lie and break. 

Around I bind you three times three 

No more bad things you’ll think of me    

Around I bind you three times three 

No more bad things you’ll say of me 

Around I bind you three times three 

No more bad things you’ll do to me 

Around I bind you three times three    

And if these things continue to be 

Then back upon you three times three 

‘Til totally vanquished you will be 

By the powers of three times three 

By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea 

I fix this spell, then set it free

‘Twill give no harm to mine or me    

As I so will, So Mote It Be!

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  Do this spell on a Saturday ruled by Saturn and good for Justice spells    

You will need: a black candle pin olive oil sea salt candle holder    

Carve the person’s name on the candle using the pin – or if you don’t know their name, carve ‘thief’.   Mix a good handful of salt with a cup of olive oil and allow the candle to soak in it for three hours.   Take the candle, wipe it down and carve out the bottom so the wick is exposed.    

Stand the candle on it’s head and light the bottom wick – gaze at the flame, concentrate and say:    

“Thief your deeds are no longer tolerated    

It’s time for you to stop this behavior.    

By my will you shall cease and restore in me a sense of peace.”    

Let the candle burn out and if you can bury the stub near where the person lives or where they most commonly commit their crime – otherwise bury under a tree.

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