Spell for Today – Full Moon Silver Coin Money Spell

Every Witch loves a good money spell, and nothing goes better with money magic than a full moon! This prosperity spell uses sympathetic magic, meaning that you’ll use your power of visualization and mimicking to symbolize the magic playing out. After all, the essence of all successful spells is the ability to see the final result happening!

This spell does not use candles, making it great for Water Witches, Wiccans in college, or magical practitioners who need to be discreet! Simply gather a bowl, a silver coin, some water, and the full moon and you’re ready to make magic!

Spell Timing: Full Moon, clear sky, night ( Can be done 2 days before or after the full Moon calendar date)

Spell Ingredients

Silver Coin, cleaned and sterilized

Bowl or clean Cauldron



Spell instructions:

  1. Prepare sacred space: Outside, sweep dirt and harmful energy out of your space. Using your sage, cleanse your spell items. Set up your altar with any other prosperity or full moon items you’d like to pull energy from.
  2. Cast your protective circle: Using your favorite circle casting ritual, surround the working area with protection. Don’t know how to cast a circle? Try this simple circle casting ritual!
  3. Prepare the Spell: Place your coin in the bottom of the bowl. Fill the bowl with water and position it so that it reflects the full moon in the surface of the water.
  4. Cast the Spell: Visualize the coin being multiplied by the moon’s power until you see a bowl full of money. With both hands, scoop up your wealth by scooping the water into your hands. Drink the handful of water while seeing your life, bank account, and home being filled with wealth. When all of the wealth water has been transferred to you, say “And it harm none, so mote it be.”
  5. Release your protective circle: Pull up your circle and send the energy to the universe.
  6. Clean up: Keep your silver coin in your purse or on your altar.

Full Moon Wish Spell Printable

The Full Moon & The Perfect Spell for When It Fall On Friday – Making Love Grow Spell

The Full Moon & The Perfect Spell for When It Fall On Friday – Making Love Grow Spell


Love is in the air … especially on a Friday full moon. For this bewitching recipe, we combine all those ripe, full, mystical, and inspiring lunar energies of a full moon mixed together with the special day of the week aligned with the planet Venus. Now sprinkle in a dash of love and romance, add a teaspoon of flower and color magick, and you’ve got yourself one powerful formula with which to work loving and romantic theme spells.

This full moon spell works with a common variety of houseplant, which is also a magickal flower: the African violet. This hearth-and-home spell is designed to increase the loving vibrations and the feelings of the fullness of love in your home. Just like the common violet, the African violet falls under the planetary influences of Venus. These little blooming houseplants make a lovely addition to your Friday full moon spells. Basically, this spell is a floral fascination. A floral fascination is a term that I coined years ago, and it means practical and powerful magick worked with a flower or a blooming plant.
Making Love Grow Spell

• 1 African violet plant-a pink blooming variety is best (if for some reason you cannot find a pink blooming violet, go with a white variety; white is an all-purpose color)
• 1 pink votive candle
• 1 votive candle cup
• A pin or nail to engrave the candle with the symbol of Venus
• A small tumbled rose quartz stone to increase warm, fuzzy feelings
• Lighter or matches
• A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell

Again, I would suggest working this spell out under the moonlight or at least near a window that allows you a view of the full moon. To start, set the African violet and the rose quartz stone in the center of your working area. Take the pin and gently carve the planetary symbol of Venus into the side of the votive candle. Drop the votive inside of the cup, and set it to one side. Take a few moments to visualize the spirit of love blessing ing your home. Feel the fun and the joy of love, and let it fill up your heart. Now light the candle, and place your hands on either side of the potted plant. Repeat the following verse:

Under the light of Friday’s full moon
I ask the Goddess to grant me a boon
By the energy of a Venus flower
Mix with this a rose quartz’s warm, fuzzy powers
Bless this home with love and your grace
Let it expand out and fill up this place.

Close the spell with these lines:

By flower petal and moonlight, this spell is begun
For the good of all, this witchery brings harm to none.

Pocket the rose quartz stone and keep it with you. Care for your houseplants and enjoy the richness of love that is sure to bless your days and your home.
Book of Witchery – Spells, Charms & Correspondences For Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

When The Full Moon Falls on Tuesday & The Perfect Corresponding Spell

in the branches of night ♰ im Geäst der NachtWhen The Full Moon Falls on Tuesday & The Perfect Corresponding Spell

For this Tuesday night Full Moon spell, we are working with fire magick and warrior energy. This spell incorporates one of the court cards from the tarot deck, the Knight of Swords. If you recall, the Knight of Swords can be summed up in two words: no fear!


The Knight of Swords is a card of movement, bravery and decisive action, which makes it ideal for this full moon spell.


The “No Fear” Spell


This spell is best worked outdoors.

Supplies are as follows:
1 red taper illuminator candle
1 black taper illuminator candle
2 coordinating black metal candle holders (use wrought iron, if possible)
A pin or nail to engrave Mars’s symbol on the candles
The Knight of Swords card from your tarot deck
A fireproof small metal cauldron
A sheet of paper, no larger than 6 inches square
Black ink pen
Rubbing alcohol
Wooden matches


An outdoor working area-make sure it is a flat, safe surface to set up all of the spell supplies on (you need to be outside for this one, otherwise you will set off the smoke alarms while you are burning the paper in the cauldron; dron; talk about blowing the magickal mood!)


You have to be careful with the fire. Anytime you have an open flame inside of a cauldron, fire pit, or fireplace and you add magick and intention, things tend to be unpredictable with the flames. Also, just a few drops of alcohol will help that paper burn. So don’t go overboard and singe yourself. Safety first! The spell fire is symbolic. A little fire held within a metal cauldron that is lit with intention does pack more power than you realize, so please be smart and safe and work this full moon spell with care.


Arrange the outdoor setup as follows. Engrave and then place the candles in their holders, and set them toward the back of your working area. Position the metal cauldron dron in the center. Leave a small area to place the Knight of Swords card in front of the cauldron, where it is easily visible. Set the rubbing alcohol, the matches, and paper and pen to the side and within reach.


To start, take up the paper and pen and write down what it is that you fear. Keep it short and to the point. Then, fold the paper in half and drop it into the cauldron. Sprinkle kle a bit of rubbing alcohol on the paper. Close up the bottle and set it off and away to the side. Now put your game face on. Call up whatever courage you can muster. Visualize those Spartan soldiers or the god Mars standing strong and right alongside of you. Come on, tap into that warrior energy. Growl. Get tough, and raise up some courageous energy. Hold your hands out and over the cauldron. Now repeat this verse with intention:


Mars energy is bolstered by the full moon light
I remove anxiety and stress on this night
Mighty warrior energy now defeats the shadows and fear
As I conjure bravery and courage to reside with me here!

Move your hands away from the cauldron. Step back from the work area and strike the match. Carefully drop it on top of the paper inside of the cauldron. If necessary, you can hold the match to the edge of the paper and encourage it to completely burn. If you need to use a couple of matches, that’s fine. Just drop the spent matches inside of the cauldron. Keep going until the paper is ash. Then close the spell with these lines:


Ashes to ashes and dust to moon dust
My courage soars and my magick is just
I work boldly with the days of witchery
This lunar spell is sealed; set the magick free!

You may snuff the black and red illuminator candles and take them inside with you. If you wish, use them again for other Tuesday spells or to repeat this spell if necessary. Allow the contents of the cauldron to cool completely, then take a little garden spade and bury the ashes in the garden. Pour water on top of the spot to make doubly sure nothing is smoldering. Tap your fist on the ground on top of it, and say:


So mote it be!


—Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan