Have you heard about the 7 Hermetic Laws? by Guest Author Andy

Hey there! Have you heard about the 7 Hermetic Laws? These are ancient universal principles said to guide the workings of the universe and everything in it.

Understanding these laws can help you gain deeper wisdom about yourself and the world. Let’s explore what each one means and how you can apply them in your life!


1. The Principle of Mentalism

The first law states “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” This means that there is one universal mind at play behind everything. This creative intelligence expresses itself through all of existence, including our individual minds!

The Principle of Mentalism states that everything in the universe originated from thought. All matter begins in the mind as an idea or thought form. Physical reality springs from the mental plane of existence. The universe itself is mental and everything is interconnected through consciousness.

This means your thoughts and beliefs shape your outer world. By mastering your inner mental processes, you gain the power to direct energy and manifest the experiences you desire. Your thoughts and expectations influence the flow of events. To transform any circumstance, first shift your state of mind.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

Now for the second law: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This law tells us there are connections between the physical and spiritual realms. There are parallels between what happens on the inner planes of ideas and emotions and the outer planes of actions and events.

The Principle of Correspondence reveals the interconnectedness between different planes of reality. It states that what happens on one level of existence happens on every other level in similar patterns and ratios. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

You can look to fundamental universal laws to better understand any field of knowledge. The ancient phrase “as within, so without” also applies here. The same natural forces operate in our bodies, relationships, societies, and galaxies. By observing nature’s patterns, you gain higher wisdom.

3. The Principle of Vibration

The third law is “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” This law indicates that all energy expressed through the universe is in constant motion and has its own frequency.

The Principle of Vibration decrees that all energy vibrates at specific frequencies. It states that nothing rests; everything moves and vibrates in the universe. The differences between forms of matter and energy are the result of varying rates of vibration. Higher vibration equals higher consciousness.

You attract what you emit vibrationally. By raising your frequency, you elevate your experience. You can change any condition by harmonizing your inner vibration with your desired outcome. To ascend to higher states, attune yourself to joy, gratitude, and love through thoughts and actions.

4. The Principle of Polarity

Now we come to the fourth law: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.” This law acknowledges that all things have an equal yet opposing force. There are always two sides to every person, situation, or idea.

According to Wisdom Tavern, the Principle of Polarity teaches that everything contains opposite poles or pairs of opposites. Heat and cold, light and dark, male and female are examples of polarities. Opposite extremes are actually the same, differing only in degree. All truths are but half-truths, and to see the whole picture, you must synthesize opposites.

Challenges provide contrast needed for growth. By accepting and reconciling seeming contradictions, you gain wisdom and wholeness. Remain open to all perspectives so you can transcend polarized thinking and recognize the whole truth. Extremes serve the greater balance.

5. The Principle of Rhythm

Are you noticing a pattern here? The fifth law says “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides.” This law recognizes the natural ebb and flow of life between periods of activity and periods of rest.

The Principle of Rhythm decrees that everything flows in cycles, pulses, and patterns. It states that the pendulum swing manifests in all things. The measure of the swing between extremes is the measure of harmony and equilibrium. Mastering rhythm allows you to utilize natural cycles beneficially.

Nature’s ebbs and flows create periods of activity and rest. By cooperating with life’s rhythm, you align with divine flow. There is a season and purpose for every phase. Allow what no longer energizes you to fade so what resonates can emerge. Change is nature’s rhythm.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

Now for a big one – the sixth law: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” This law reminds you that all actions have consequences. Even thoughts and emotions can be causes that ripple out as effects.


The Principle of Cause and Effect explains that every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause. It states that there is a law of sowing and reaping and that actions produce results of corresponding magnitude. To change any outcome, alter the energy you extend.

You shape your reality through your deeds. What you send out returns multiplied. Every thought, word, and action plants seeds that will blossom similarly. Fulfill your desires by sowing their seeds through focused intention, integrity, and purposeful action.

7. The Principle of Gender

Finally, the seventh law states “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.” This law conveys that all forms contain the energies of both masculine and feminine essence.

The Principle of Gender embodies the truth that gender exists in all things. It states that everything contains both the masculine and feminine principles. The masculine projects, directs, and gives life. The feminine receives, integrates, and nurtures. True mastery involves balancing both qualities.

Even same-sex partnerships contain complementary energies. Everyone possesses both energies inside. By embracing your wholeness, you integrate both halves intuitively. Gender principles are essential creative forces. Balancing your inner masculine and feminine allows you to manifest powerfully.