The Spell of the Shell



To perform this spell, you must find a suitable shell in shallow water. Take the shell and dry it thoroughly. Next, place a symbol of your desire upon the surface of the shell. The symbol must be made with a substance which will easily wash off in water. Place the shell upon the shore, so that the tide will bring waves across the shell. 

*Take care to note the phase of the Moon (waxing moon for the gain of something, waning for the dissolving of something).

When the shell is in place, draw a triangle in the sand, enclosing the shell completely. The symbol upon the shell must be facing upwards (toward the Moon). Meaningful words, or phrases, may be placed upon the shell also, or simply written in the sand (inside the triangle). 

Finally, give the words of enchantment: (toward the moon)

Goddess of Moon, Earth, and the Sea, 
Each wish in Thy name must come to be. 
Powers and Forces which Tides do make, 
Now summon Thy waves, my spell to take 

Leave the area now, and the spell is set. 

Once the waves come, then your wish will be taken out to the Old Ones. It will usually take about 7 days for a Lunar spell to begin to manifest, but can take as long as 28 days.

2 thoughts on “The Spell of the Shell

  1. Beautiful! I love this spell. What if I’m not near a beach? Any alternative I can use to be effective? Thank you and blessed be.


    1. We don’t have a beach around us either but….we do have several rivers and lakes. When we have a spell like this we want to use, we drive over to the river in the game reserve. Any body of flowing water will work. We have several ponds around us but they don’t work because they are not a flowing body of water. As long as you use a source that is flowing the spell will work fine. You want a flowing body so your desires and intentions will be carried with the water. A river or lake that flows out, would work great for this. Our ponds don’t work because they do not flow, they stay stationery and our intent wouldn’t go anywhere. But as long as you have a flowing body of water around you, the spell will work fine. I hope I answered your question. It is great to see you today. Thank you for all your lovely comments. Have a great Sunday.
      Lady A

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