Astronomy Picture of the Day ~ The View Toward M101 

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2018 May 4

The View Toward M101 
Image Credit & CopyrightJoonhwa LeeExplanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is one of the last entries in Charles Messier’s famous catalog, but definitely not one of the least. About 170,000 light-years across, this galaxy is enormous, almost twice the size of our own Milky Way galaxy. M101 was also one of the original spiral nebulae observed by Lord Rosse’s large 19th century telescope, the Leviathan of Parsontown. M101 shares this modern telescopic field of view with spiky foreground stars within the Milky Way and a companion dwarf galaxy NGC 5474 (lower right). The colors of the Milky Way stars can also be found in the starlight from the large island universe. Its core is dominated by light from cool yellowish stars. Along its grand design spiral arms are the blue colors of hotter, young stars mixed with obscuring dust lanes and pinkish star forming regions. Also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy, M101 lies within the boundaries of the northern constellation Ursa Major, about 23 million light-years away. NGC 5474 has likely been distorted by its past gravitational interactions with the dominant M101.

Earth Sky News for May 4th: Eta Aquariids before dawn May 5 and 6

Eta Aquariids before dawn May 5 and 6

Before dawn this weekend – May 5 and 6, 2018 – the Eta Aquariid meteor shower reaches its annual peak. Here’s the bad news. A bright moon will interfere with meteor-watching. Here’s the good news. There are some tricks to watching in moonlight. More good news if you live south of the equator … this shower particularly favors the Southern Hemisphere.

It’s true. The moon will be out in force during the prime viewing hours of this predawn meteor shower in 2018. To optimize your chances for seeing meteors, try one or both of these two things. First, try watching in a dark country sky in very late evening, or around midnight, when the moon is either still below the horizon, or low in the sky. You won’t catch as many meteors, but you might catch a few. Don’t know when the moon rises in your sky? Find out with this handy custom sunrise-sunset calendar.

Second, if you’re watching in the prime hours before dawn – when the Eta Aquariid radiant point is highest in your sky, and the most meteors will be flying – try sitting in a moonshadow. That could be the shadow of a barn or large solitary tree or even a mountain, anyplace you can create some extra darkness for yourself while gazing up at an open sky.

It’s hard to say with certainty whether May 5 or May 6 will be the better morning to watch. This shower has a relatively broad peak. Try both mornings. Just remember that – as seen from all parts of Earth – the dark hour before dawn typically presents the greatest number of Eta Aquariid meteors.

And, as always for meteor-watching, be sure to avoid city lights …

Under ideal conditions, the Eta Aquariid meteor shower produces up to 20 to 40 meteors per hour. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, and you have a very dark sky with no moon, you might see that many in a year when the moon is not in the sky. In the Northern Hemisphere, those living at subtropical and tropical latitudes have the advantage over their more northern counterparts.

North of about 40 degrees north latitude the meteors tend to be sparser. The reason has to do with the time of twilight and sunrise on the various parts of Earth. To learn more, check this post on why more Eta Aquariid meteors are visible in the Southern Hemisphere.

Bottom line: In 2018, the Eta Aquariid meteor produces the most meteors before dawn on May 5 and 6 in the glare of a bright waning gibbous moon.


EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2018



Originally published on EarthSky

Your Daily Planet Tracker for May 4: The Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn: Ambitious, Determined, Practical

May 3 – May 6, 2018


Before we talk about the Moon in Capricorn, let’s first learn a little bit about the Moon itself. The Moon is considered a planet in astrology, and it moves so quickly that it passes through each of the zodiac signs every month. While your Sun sign represents your basic nature, your Moon sign represents your inner emotions and moods. It’s important to know this piece of your astrological puzzle because it determines elements of your personality such as your fears, instincts, and romantic compatibility.

When the Moon is in Capricorn

When the Moon moves into the conservative sign of Capricorn, we tend to be a little bit more cautious, a little more serious, and a little more grounded than we normally are. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals.

During the Capricorn Moon you might find that you have an increased desire for professional success. The good news is that this industrious Earth sign also gives you a shot of determination to achieve whatever it is you’ve set your sights on. Capricorn is a natural born leader so you may end up volunteering to head up a big project at work. You might also feel the urge to start looking at the next stage of your career and map out how you’ll get there.

New Moon in Capricorn

New Moons are always a time of new beginnings. Our calendar New Year begins with the Sun in Capricorn so the Capricorn New Moon is like the beginning of a brand new personal year. We think of it this way because it’s a time when we set our intentions for what we want in the year ahead. These goals become like a mountain, and that mountain becomes the object we set out to climb. Luckily, Capricorn has a determination that equips us with the patience, discipline, and persistence to reach the top.

Full Moon in Capricorn

Every Full Moon has us working to finish what we started around the time of the New Moon, but when the Full Moon is in Capricorn it works even harder to finish what was started at the beginning of the lunar cycle. You’ll ask yourself what you obtained, what you have yet to achieve, and what you need to adjust to make things happen. A Capricorn Full Moon is all about success and never taking “no” for an answer. So, this is the time when you’ll get to the finish line because this Moon will help you tackle any obstacles you face along the way.

During this time the Moon in Capricorn faces the Sun in Cancer. Both signs are associated with security, yet they seek it in different ways. Capricorn is concerned with accomplishments and external status while Cancer wants us to tune into our feelings in search of comfort and safety. It’s not a matter of choosing to be hard or soft, sensitive or insensitive; this Full Moon is about learning how to be tough or tender depending on the circumstances. When the lesson is learned, we feel at home within ourselves and within the world around us.

If you were born with the Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn is ruled by taskmaster Saturn so it’s no surprise that those with a Capricorn Moon like to set the bar high. It’s isn’t just their patience and ambition that gets them far in life, it’s also that they also have a sense of responsibility to do well. They take pride in how reliable they are in their personal and professional lives.

Someone with their Moon in Capricorn can appear rather detached, but there is a very loyal and loving layer beneath the serious image they project to the world. They may not always use their words to express how they feel about another person, but their actions speak volumes about how much they care. While it does take Lunar Capricorns awhile to open up, it’s worth the wait as they’re one of the most stable and committed signs in the zodiac.

Capricorn has a reputation for being cool, calm, and collected. This is because those with this natal Moon sign don’t allow their emotions to rule them. They view tough situations through a pragmatic lens, and find a way to rationally approach each problem they face. This ability gives those with a Capricorn Moon the strength to push through any of life’s adversities. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Your Daily Witches Rune for May 4th is The Blank Rune


Witches Rune for the Day

The Blank Rune

Meaning: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your life’s path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone, it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances.

Shuffling the Cards, Your Weekend Influence for May 4 thru 6

Your Weekend Influences


Tarot Influence

King of Cups

Fairness on all levels. Generosity and morality abound. A high degree of skill is displayed in all things attempted.











Astrological Influence


Sagittarius upright denotes strength and energy tempered by worldly wisdom and civility.











Element Influence

Fire Reversed

Fire reversed denotes calamity that may be on a catastrophic level. Prepare to deal with changes you do not want.

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for May 4th is Death

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today


First and foremost Death does not specifically pertain to our physical death. The Death card marks ends and beginnings. Although most illustrations of the Death card tend to be morbid, the forces behind the Death card are actually quite exciting. Yes Death does mark the end of something. But ends are often brought about by completion and not loss. Most endings are actually good, and make room for us to begin new adventures.

Unlocking Secrets with Tarot

Unlocking Secrets with Tarot

Let a Tarot reading guide you toward the truth


Article provided by AskNow

Are important secrets about your future, past and present life lurking in the shadows? Find out what they are quickly and easily with the help of the Tarot!

The deck of Tarot is an incredible tool, which can shed light onto the darkest corners of your life. These amazing cards make it possible to illuminate and bring to light what you have never been able to see before.

What do you want to know? Does something irk you but you can not seem to find the source? Are you ready to shake that nagging suspicion that something is not quite right under the surface. Unseen secrets can be uncovered by using the all powerful Tarot.

This could be your opportunity to no longer feel afraid to the unknown. It is not so hard to figure out what is really happening in your life. The missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle may be just the flip of a card away.

Listen to your gut and ask yourself a difficult question. Is there a person or people in your life who you suspect of keeping secrets from you? Aren’t you tired of sorting through shady behavior, half-truths, deception and disloyal words and actions for evidence and kernels of truth?

Consult the Tarot for honest answers. Remove the wool from your eyes so that you can see what your situation really is like and become more in tune with the reality around you. You need to know the whole story, not just the version others want you to know.

When it comes to knowing what is up in your world, you are not just left to your own devices. No one can be everywhere, all the time. Even with today’s modern technology, the Tarot is still the best private investigator. Why? Agendas, motivations and plans become clear and easy to spot with the cards.

With the Tarot acting as a skeleton key to the closet that holds all the secrets in your life, you never have to worry, wonder or feel powerless against the unseen energies of the universe. Like a honing device, the Tarot can help pinpoint the true, honest aspects of your concerns so that you can focus on solutions.

Does anyone in your life speak to you as though they are censoring what they say? When they share things with you does it sound as though they are using security software for their words? This is a red flag indicating a hidden wealth of secrets, carefully woven into a web of exclusion.

When you consult with the Tarot you have a chance to get the most privileged information about the people in your life: employer/employees, friends, family, lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, landlord, accountant, roommate and anyone else who might be keeping an impactful secret from you!

Who knows what vital tidbits you can get your hands on with the enlightenment of the Tarot? Just imagine having the ability to peer into the secrets you deserve to know! Ask the Tarot about your job, your love life or anything else that is on your mind.

Are they being faithful to you or are they cheating? Are you about to get a promotion or get fired? Are your kids telling you everything you need to know in order to keep them safe? Has an ex been thinking or talking secretively about you?

Furthermore, hard facts about your secret life may be on the verge of coming out. Find out who knows what! All the effort you have taken to skirt around the truth for fear of consequences, judgment or loss may be unearthed during a Tarot card reading. Be prepared to both accept and deliver full disclosure.

How does the Tarot reveal the concealed murky depths? Like a Cryptologist decoding an encrypted message, a Tarot card expert is able to receive messages from these ancient cards so you can put an end confusion and mysteries with trustworthy answers. Even the most enigmatic, classified and confidential events are not stealthy enough to hide from a covert operations specialist like the Tarot.

No matter whether they are trying to keep secrets from you because they love you and think it is best for you to be left in the dark on a particular matter or because they are wishing you ill-will or want to put you at a disadvantage in life, the fact of the matter is they are still hiding a secret from you.

Is whispering in the other room and their hush-hush attitude got your sixth sense tingling? Is cloak and dagger behavior leading you to wonder what is so private and under wraps? It is human nature to be curious!

It is time to expose the truth and unlock the answers. Ask and you shall know with the power of the Tarot! is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Your Daily Tarot Card for May 4th is Nine of Coins

Tarot Card of the Day

Nine of Coins

The Nine of this suit points to a person who is financially secure enough to live comfortably. This is about someone supported by her own business, inheritance or property. This is one person in a thousand.

This fortunate individual has turned a historical accident into a personal opportunity. This is one who has the vision and strength of character to hold onto gains against all odds. Do not be fooled at the apparent ease displayed on this card — the person pictured is at the tail end of a long and stressful process of winning the right to be taken seriously. All of this grace has been paid for several times over. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

If You Were Born Today, May 4

Happy Birthday, dear Peter!

If You Were Born Today, May 4


You are hard-working, and somewhat of a perfectionist. Stability and security are especially important to you, and many of the choices you make in life are driven by the desire to achieve these things. As a people person, you tend to feel that life is much better when shared. You are excellent at promoting cooperation and creating harmony. Famous people born today: Audrey Hepburn, Randy Travis, Lance Bass, Will Arnett, Alexander Gould.

Your Birthday Year Forecast

With the Sun and Moon in harmony in your Solar Return chart, the year ahead should be satisfying and balanced overall. You are in comfortable demand and personally popular, and you are able to achieve a decent balance between work and play; personal and professional life. For the most part, you are on top of your game this year, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there is less stress on both your mind and body. Your self-confidence and positive attitude will reward you!

Until December, a Neptune transit continues to influence you, softening and smoothing rough edges. You are gentler, more intuitive, spiritual, and creative with this transit, and others are drawn to these qualities. Your natural ability to help others heal and calm down is enhanced. A higher purpose to your life is what you seek, and you rely more heavily upon your intuition in order to achieve it. You could find that your intuition is subtly enhanced and that you’re often in the right place at the right time, probably because your hunches are more likely to be correct. You’re tuning into your imaginative and artistic side. It’s a good period for self-improvement programs or efforts. The need to “get away from it all” — for some peace and quiet now and again — will be strong. A more sensitive, even mysterious, persona is projected, and this can attract pleasantly unusual circumstances (and people) into your life. You will want to spend more time away from chaotic situations.

From January 2019 forward, you have a strong, protective, and stabilizing influence with you as Saturn forms a harmonious aspect to your Sun. This transit helps you stay on track and meet your responsibilities. Your popularity tends to be strong, and your leadership skills are valued. Work you have done in the past begins to pay off this year–not necessarily in dramatic ways, but in small, measurable ways. You may be recognized or rewarded in some manner for the efforts you put forth. Because you project a more responsible and credible “you”, people in authority are more inclined to appreciate you and recognize your work. During these months, you can put your life in order in some significant manner. Improved concentration, a more realistic outlook, and a practical awareness of the limits of time all help you to make steady progress, particularly in your career. Your concern for your future at this time is stronger than usual, and you may find that projects you start, or investments you make, will benefit you for years to come.

Your ambition is stimulated, and you are determined to meet or exceed your goals. You can bring great discipline and meaning to your life this year. You might totally revise an important project or area of your life, or you could be bent on getting rid of something in your life so that you can move forward. The tendency to be too willful this year should probably be avoided. You should also watch for overdoing to the point of exhaustion. This can be a compulsive time when power struggles are more likely. On the other hand, it can be a time when you enjoy a strong sense of purposefulness, focus, and determination.

In your relationships, be wary of competitiveness or tension, as your passions are ignited easily this year, whether they’re feelings of love or anger! Finances and/or love matters can be a little more complicated than usual. It’s quite possible that you will be re-evaluating certain relationships in terms of whether or not they are contributing to your personal growth. Changes in your spending habits are likely necessary, but you are motivated to make improvements, and this takes you past obstacles. Do your best to watch out for tendencies towards self-deception. Things might look too good to be true, simply because you want to see the best. Relationship ups and downs are possible, as this could be a year when romantic mirages are more likely.

For the most part, the year ahead is good for public relations, advertising, marketing, studies, short trips, and contacts with the general public. Your judgment is sound. Exchanging ideas, intellectual pursuits, and learning are all exciting and favorable at this time. Researching cooking, health, and nutrition can be fruitful now. Meeting people who share common interests or through your studies can be rewarding.

The year ahead is a mostly steady, protected, and stable year in your life. You are bound to get important matters organized, and, for the most part, adopting a “slowly but surely” approach is your very best bet. Your love or social life is more eventful, largely due to some restlessness. You are determined and focused in the year ahead, and you can move mountains in important areas of your life. It’s a powerful year for making lifestyle changes.

2018 is a Number Two year for you. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship. It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is generally not as active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract what–and who–you want into your life now. This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice – be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect, develop, build, and attract.

2019 will be a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time when you find it natural and easy to enjoy life and other people. The focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure than you are in other years. It’s likely to be a rather lighthearted year when opportunities for “play” time are greater than usual. It’s also a favorable year for expressing your creativity. Advice – reach out and connect but avoid scattering your energies.




May 2018 Astrology & Numerology forecast

Marvelous May is here!

What a magical month this will be! This is a time to expect the unexpected. There will be delightful surprises and delicious opportunities.

Love is in the air – and so is change. New possibilities abound.

In this numerology and astrology forecast video, I share with you how to transform your life in the most expansive ways. It can be a magnificent month if you know how to navigate the celestial energies.

Enjoy and share the love!