The Wisdom of Buddha

The Wisdom of Buddha

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Your Witches Rune for May 23 is Woman

Today’s Witches Rune


Meaning: The first meaning of this rune is quite obvious: it represents women. Any woman that is important in the question, whether you know her or not, will be represented by this rune. Mother, sister, aunt, grandma, a female boss, friend, lover or even enemy… all can be symbolized by the appearance of this rune.

In a more general sense, this rune is related to traditional female abilities and characteristics, such as giving birth, nurturing, comforting and healing. When this rune appears, you can count on the sympathy of others towards you or your situation. In its most negative aspects, the Woman rune can show over-protectiveness, a patronizing attitude or co-dependency. It often strives to maintain the status quo, refusing to change even if the situation is bad.

The Woman rune is connected to nurturing – nurturing a relationship, a person or a project. Like the Moon rune, it can be related to finding a safe place to rest and heal, but while the Moon implies a solitary retreat, the Woman often shows that you need to go back to the people you trust, the people you feel safe with.

Healing is another strong aspect of this symbol, as well as teaching. You can be both the patient/student or the healer/teacher when this rune appears. This rune is also connected to creativity, but in a way that is different from the Romance rune. While the latter is about the conception of a project – the initial stages of creation – the Woman is about the birth of this project. When your creation is brought out into the world, fully manifested.

In relationship readings, this rune isn’t bad, but rather weak. While it can indicate subtle ties between people, these are usually so, so subtle that the partners can easily drift away from each other. It can show that one of the partners sees the other as someone who needs to be protected and healed, rather than an equal. Usually, the romance is a bit stagnated when this rune appears, or very close to becoming a friendship.


Your Rune Stone Drawn For You Is Uruz

Today’s Rune Stone Drawn For You Is Uruz


Alternative Name:- Uraz, Uros, Ur


Keywords : – Beginnings, Spirituality, Opportunity, Harmony


More About Your Rune StoneThe rune represents ‘aurochs’ or wild bison like animals. As it took great strength, courage and speed to tackle these animals, this rune is associated with the hunting ability of a hunter. It shows highly energetic, bold and challenging personality. It also heals physical and mental illnesses.This is the rune of inner strength, harmony and peace. It also brings about new business opportunities and realization of goals. This is the time to tackle new challenges and make new beginnings.

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card for Wednesday, May 23

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card

The World

Like The Sun, The World brings good blessings. The World appears where all is in balance. It allows you to act effectively not only as an individual but as a member of a group too. The World promises contentment, fulfillment and completeness to those under its influence. It doesn’t guarantee there will not be moments of strife or discord in your life, but it does indicate that your trials and tribulations will be overcome; that ultimately you will know inner-peace and contentment. The World suggests you have found or will find your place in our Universe—that place where all is as it should be

If You Were Born Today, May 23:

Happy Birthday 4

If You Were Born Today, May 23:


You are versatile, witty, creative, and full of spunk. You have a lot to teach but simply enjoy sharing your knowledge and ideas with others. People love your sense of humor and playfulness. At times you can be unreliable, simply because you have more ideas than you can put into action. Starting a new project is your forte. Famous people born today: Joan Collins, Jewel, Drew Carey, Margaret Fuller, Artie Shaw.

Your Birthday Year Forecast:

With the Sun and Moon in harmony in your Solar Return chart, the year ahead should be satisfying and balanced overall. You are in comfortable demand and personally popular, and you are able to achieve a decent balance between work and play; personal and professional life. For the most part, you are on top of your game this year, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. With the ability to handle your emotions successfully, there is less stress on both your mind and body. Your self-confidence and positive attitude will reward you!

You are likely to be recognized for your more unique qualities this year. Your personal magnetism runs high. You have the chance to improve your relationships with others–and with yourself! A humbly confident approach to life earns you respect. You tend to be looked upon favorably by others. You have the chance to shine, and you are especially appealing and charming just by being yourself. Opportunities—both personal and professional—are likely to present themselves. Teaching others may be part of the picture, informally or formally.

This can be a year in which you are bolder, more assertive, and energetic. You are especially interested in setting goals and challenges for yourself this year and taking the necessary action to meet them. You may meet or interact with others who encourage or inspire you in some way to have more confidence in yourself. Your energy levels are generally strong this year, and your sense of timing better than usual. Independent work is favored and competitive activities may also thrive this year, although you may need to tone things down at times and learn more patience. Your passions and enthusiasm run high, and the trick is to channel this extra energy constructively.

Even so, this can also be an imaginative year. You are more sensitive artistically, your imagination is stirred, and you have an increased appreciation for subtleties. You are inspired and could even inspire others with your words. Some of your hunches could be prophetic. You are thinking more creatively, and express yourself with more sensitivity, compassion, and warmth during this period.

It is easier than ever to express your individuality in a manner that is true to you this year. This can be a year when bursts of restlessness, rebellion, and impatience figure prominently, however. You have a tendency to take risks and to act on sudden impulses without considering consequences. You assert your will and individuality powerfully, and you are ready to fight for freedom. There may be changes in work schedules, or life’s circumstances could challenge you in such a way that you need to change your goals or actions. This can also be a time when you tend to resist others and challenge them if they are trying to hold you back. Arguments and confrontations are likely. If you aren’t too rash or impulsive, you might be able to free yourself from restrictive circumstances. You could also have more courage than usual to do things that break the routine, and confrontations engaged in this year could clear the air and help you to move forward. There may be a significant break from the past this year as a result.

Venus-Uranus is a favorable influence for social meetings and events, and for situations that call for treating others with equality and respect. You may lose your fear of taking risks at this time, and happily embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements as well as financial undertakings. You are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit. This could be a good year for financial undertakings involving electronics, technology, the internet, metaphysics, and the arts, as well as group activities. You have a taste for the offbeat this year, and this energy can bring sudden or unexpected romance into your life, perhaps a scenario that feels like love at first sight. Childbirth is sometimes associated with this aspect.

Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface this year. Making connections with others from different backgrounds may figure strongly. Widening your mind through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. You more easily make personal sacrifices for what you believe to be the better good this year.

Cooperation brings rewards this year. It’s a powerful period for making lifestyle changes but you may do battle with variable energy levels and wasting time on anger. Watch also for impatient actions or trying to cut corners frequently, which can put unnecessary pressure on you. Your love or social life can be rewarding. The year is particularly strong for friendship. This can be a wonderful time for learning and connecting with people who inspire you. New interests are fun and exciting, and you can bring more imagination to your work or hobbies.

2018 is a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time when you find it natural and easy to enjoy life and other people. The focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure than you are in other years. It’s likely to be a rather lighthearted year when opportunities for “play” time are greater than usual. It’s also a favorable year for expressing your creativity. Advice – reach out and connect but avoid scattering your energies.

2019 will be a Number Four year for you. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development. It’s “nose to the grindstone” time. It’s a time to pay special attention to practical matters, and it’s not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. Positive new relationships are often not formed in a Four personal year. However, it can be a wonderful year for building, development, and laying a solid foundation for future successes. Advice – get yourself organized, work to build your resources, keep busy.


Cafe Astrology

Dictionary of the Gods

Dictionary of the Gods



AAH: The Moon God. I notice that the moon is male here just as it is in
Sumer and Babylon. Aah is egyptian for Moon.


AMON-RE: This is Re as the “Invisible God”. He seems to be all of the
Egptian Gods combined into one unified god-head, and was not outwardly
worshipped. It simply shows that the Egyptians knew that All was part of one
underlying Unity.


AMMUT: The Eater of the Dead. This is the monster that sits within the
judgment chamber and devoures those who do not pass the trial. He has the head
of a crocodile, the forebody of a leapord, and the hindquarters of a


ANUBIS: This jackle-headed god is the one who comes to you at death and
guides you through the darkness to the judgment chamber. Messenger of the gods.
Son of Osiris and Nephthys. Guardian of the tombs.


ANUKIS: Wife of Khnum.


APIS BULL, THE: God of lust and desire for life.


APOPHIS (ZET): This myth is not really a creation myth, but the energies it
involves are the same. It resembles the stories of Lotan, Zu, Asag, and
Leviathan. Actually, it is the idea of the day (Re) defeating the night
(Typhon). It is also the new year defeating the old. In either case, it is an
“Order from Chaos” type story. Typhon is a serpent god who is an enemy of Re.
Re sends the gods to slay him. They are, of course, successful. In one version
of the myth, Seth himsself is the one to kill Apophis each day (which is strange
as Seth and Apophis seem to be the same basic god-form: see Seth).


AROUERIS (Horus the Elder): See Horus the Elder.


ATEN (Amon-Re-Harakhti): This God was worshipped by Akhenaten as the “One
True God”. He had only a brief worship; Akhenaten was not liked for his
break from the Atum-Re (see below) cult. However, it would seem that Moses was
affected by Akhenaten’s ideas as he (Moses) studied the Egyptian mysteries. It
seems Aten is the forerunner of Yahweh. Aten is Egyptian for Sun.


ATUM-RE: This is Re as he emerged out of the Nun (Primordial Sea), appointed
the Ogdoad (see below) to their proper places in the Heavens, and
single-handedly created all in existance. Also, Re is told to have seperated
the lovers Geb and Nuit from their lovemaking, setting Nuit as the Sky and Geb
as the Earth.


AURAMOOUTH: Daughter of Nuit. Sky-goddess of Water.


BAST: A cat Goddess, and a cat-headed deity. Goddess of occultism and


GEB: This is the Earth God, with Nuit as the Sky Goddess. Thier union
brought forth Isis and Osiris, Seth and Nephthys, and Horus the Elder.


HAPI: God of the Nile, and a protection deity of the North, and the small
viscerae of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Mestha, Tuamautef, and Qubhsennuf).


HATHOR: This Goddess is a Love/War (Passion) Goddess. She is the Eye of Re
(i.e the Sun itself) whome, when angry, even the Gods fear. She can take the
form of a Cow or Cat. She also comes to new-born children, in the form of Seven
Women, to tell them their destinies.


HORUS THE ELDER (Aroueris): Son of Geb and Nuit, He is a Cosmic Being who’s
right eye is the Sun and who’s left eye is the Moon. If Seth was origonally the
New Moon (see Seth), then the story of Seth removing Horus’ eye may well be a
story of a solar eclipse.


HORUS THE YOUNGER (Heru): The hawk-headed god is the son of Isis and the
newly resurected Osiris. He removed Seth from the Throne of Egypt and ruled as
successor to his father. He is also the one who leads the soul before Osiris
upon passing the Weighing of the Heart. In the battle against Seth, Horus lost
an eye and later regained it. This gives us the symbol of the Eye of Horus (see
Horus the Elder).


HU: He and his partner Sia are two aspects of the Creative Power of the Gods.


ISIS (Au-Seth): Wife/sister of Osiris. Goddess of Magick and Healing. She
is also much like Ishtar/Innana. (See Osiris). The Egyptian Goddess-force.


KHNUM: Lord of barley and wheat, fruit and flowers, birds, fish, and all
animals. Created Man on a potters wheel. He lives on the first mound of Earth
that rose from the Nun, where the Source of the Nile lies, in a Temple called
“Joy of Life”. It is He who opens the flood-gates each year.


KHONSU: Son of Amon and Mut.


MAAT: Goddess of Truth and Justice. Wife of Thoth. She existed before the
birth of the gods. (See Hokhmah of the Hebrews). Her symbol is the feather
that can be seen on the Judgment Scale.


MESTHA: A god of Protection of the South, and the stomach and large
intestines of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Hapi, Tuamautef, and Qebhsennuf).


MIN: A fertility God.


MUT: Amon’s wife. Keep in mind that Amon was fused with Re, and was not the
same Deity to begin with.


NEITH: Sky goddess of War and Fire.


NEKHBET: Symbolised as a Vulture. Guardian of Upper Egypt (See Ua-Zit).


NEPHTHYS: Goddess of women. Wife of Seth, and the Dark Twin of Isis. Sister
of Osiris. She is also the mother of Anubis.


NUIT: Goddes of Sky and sister/wife of Geb. (See Geb).


NUN: Nun is listed with the Ogdoad. However, I wish to single him out here
as it is from him the name of the Primordial Waters was taken. He is the
oldest of the Gods.


OGDOAD, THE: This myth is from the mythos where Atum-Re is the Creator God.
There were eight Ogdoad, four frogs and four snakes, who were the Primordial
Waters- the Nun. Atum-Re arose from the Nun, and appointed the Ogdoad to their
proper places in the Heavens (thus, brought order from chaos). Their names are:
Nun and his consort Naunet, Kuk and Kuaket, Huh and Huahet, and Amon and


OSIRIS (Au-Saur): Osiris was eventually merged with Re and seems to be nearly
the same deity in many aspects (forming a kind of Divine Loop). He is a God
Force with Isis as his Goddess Force. Osiris was probably origonally a
fertility god (like Tammuz), but was elevated when associated with Re.
Mythologically, he was origonally a Pharoah who brough civilzation to the
people. He is the Egyptian God-force. As the lord of the Underworld, he is
Khent-Amenti. (His real name is Au Sar: “exceeding king”).


PTAH: This god is a parallel myth to the Atum-Re mythos (see above). Ptah is
equated with the Nun (the Egyptian Primordial Waters). In this mythos, Ptah
creates Atum-Re and all the other gods, as well as all in existance. Also,
patron god of Architechs.


QEBHSENNUF: A god of Protection of the West, and the liver and gall-bladder
of the deceased. Son of Horus (see Mestha, Hapi, and Tuamautef).


RE: This is the falcon-headed sun god who is born each morning, grows old by
the end of the day, and enters the land of the dead each night. He is
Khephira in the morning, Re at midday, and Atum at night.


SATIS: Daughter of Khnum.


SHU: The god of Air and the husband/brother of Tephnuit. Atum-Re fertilized
himself and brought this god, and his wife into existance. Shu and Tephnuit’s
union brought forth Geb and Nuit, the Earth and Sky. Shu was placed, by Re,
between Geb and Nuit and he acts as a support to Nuit herself.


SIA: His name means “mind” or “thought”. He is most often paired with Hu,
and together they are two aspects of the Creative Power of the Gods.


SELKIS: Scorpion Goddess.


SETH: This is the brother of Osiris who destroyed him and dismembered his
body in order to take his throne. He is the Dark Serpent aspect of the God.
God of drought and storm, Lord of the Red Land (the desert). In Sanscrit the
word “sat” means to destroy by hewing into pieces. In the myth of Osiris…it
was Seth who killed Osiris and cut his body into fourteen pieces. But it may be
significant that the word “set” is also defined as “queen” or “princess” in
Egyptian. Au Set, known as Isis by the Greeks, is defined as “exceeding queen”.
In the myth of the combat Seth tries to mate sexually with Horus; this is
usually interpreted as being an insult. But the most primitive identity of the
figure Seth, who is also closely related to the serpent of darkness known as
Zet, and often refered to by classical Greek writers as Typhon, the serpent of
the goddess Gaia, may once have been female, or in some way symbolic of the
Goddess religion, perhaps related to the Goddess Ua Zit, “Great Serpent”, the
cobra Goddess of Neolithic times. Lastly, there is a theory that is pure
speculation on Seth’s battle with Horus. First, we look at Horus as a Solar
Deity. Then, we look at Isis as being the Full Moon (as she is the Goddess of
Magick). Next, if we consider that Seth was origonally female, then it is easy
(or just convenient) to assign him/her to the new moon. Put these together, and
the story of Seth attempting to mate with Horus, and then taking his eye, may
very well be a story of a solar eclipse (see Horus the Elder).


SOTHIS: Goddess of the dog-star, and of initiation. Isis.


TEPHNUIT: The Goddess of Moisture, wife/sister of Shu. (See Shu).


THOTH: This ibis-headed god is the Scribe of the Gods and the God of Wisdom.
He is the Logos, the Word of Re. He was Self-Created before the Creation.
Husband of Maat.


TUAMAUTEF: A god of Protection of the East, and the heart and lungs of the
deceased. Son of Horus (see Mestha, Hapi, and Qebhsennuf).


TUM: It is also a name of Re, usually seen as Atum.


UA ZIT: “Great Serpent” Cobra Goddess, guardian of Lower Egypt (see
Nekhbet). (Also see Seth for an interesting note).


ZET: See Apophis.




ANATH: This was a Love and War Goddess, the Venus star. She is also known
for slaying the enimies of her brother Baal much in the same way Hathor
slaughtered much of mankind (Anath is heavily related to Hathor). After the
Defeat of Mavet and Yam, a feast was thrown for Baal. Anath locked everyone
inside, and proceeded to slay everyone (as they had all been fickle toward Baal
with both Mavet and Yam, as well as Ashtar). Baal stopped her and conveinced
her that a reign of peace is what was needed. She also has confronted Mavet and
was responsible for Baal’s liberation from the underworld. She is the twin
sister of Marah. Daughter of Asherah. She is also known as Astarte. Astarte
is the Canaanite Name of Ishtar; just as Ishtar is the Babylonian Name of
Inanna. In all cases the Name means, simply, “Goddess”. Astarte itself
translates literally as “She of the Womb”.


ARSAY: Daughter of Baal. An underworld Goddess.


ASHERAH: The Mother of the Gods, Qodesh (just like El), Queen of Heaven. She
is a goddess of Love and, as Astarte, a War Goddess. She is also an Earth
Goddess. Wife of El. (see El). When the gods decided to entreat Yam to ease
his reign of tyranny, it was Asherah who went to him and even offered herself.
The gods agreed to let her do this, except for Baal who was enraged at the idea.
(See Baal). Asherah is said to have given birth to seventy gods.


ASHTAR: Possibly a male version of Ishtar (Astarte in Canaan), the Venus
Star. When Baal was killed by Mavet, Asherah had Ashtar, her son, placed on the
throne. However, Ashtar was not big enough to fill the position, and resigned.
I believe one of his titles is Malik (the King) and other names for him are
Abimilki and Milkilu.


ASTARTE: A Name of Anath which means “Goddess”, or literally “She of the
Womb”. Astarte is simply the Canaanite version of the Name Ishtar.


BAAL: He is the Canaanite Ruler God (like Marduk). Baal and Yam-Nahar
origonally competed for kingship of the gods. The matter was brought before El,
who decided in favour of Yam. Yam then proceeded with a reign of tyranny over
the gods, and none of them felt they had the power to defeat Yam. So, they sent
Asherah to entreat him to lossen his grip. Asherah even offered herself to Yam.
Upon hearing this, Baal was enraged, and decided to defeat Yam. Yam got wind of
Baal’s plan and sent messengers to El with the demand that Baal be delivered to
him. El, afraid, agreed. Baal then taunted the gods for their cowardice and
went to face Yam. He had two weapons made, Yagrush (chaser) and Aymur (driver).
He struck Yam on the chest with Yagrush to no avail. Then he struck him on the
forehead with Aymur and fell Yam to the earth. After Yam’s defeat, Baal had a
palace built for himself; closely resembeling the story of Marduk. It also
resembles Marduk’s story in that the Primeval Waters threatened the gods, and
the High God and others were afraid to face them, with the exception of the
soon-to-be Ruler God. The Baal epic then continues to describe his fight
against Mavet. Baal is also a Storm God like Marduk, and a fertility god like
Tammuz. Dagon is his father. Baal is the Canaanite God-force (the goddess
force seems to be split between Anath and Asherah). Baal’s proper name is
Hadad, relating to his storm-god aspect. Baal is really a title, meaning


DAGON: A vegitation God (especially corn). Father of Baal.


EL: The Father of the Gods, the Creator of Created Things, The Kindly, Kodesh.
Asherah is his wife. He wears bull horns on his helmet.


GAPEN: A messenger of Baal. His name either means Vine or Field. Probably
the former.


HADAD: See Baal.


HIRIBI: God of Summer.


HAURON: A God that is related to Ninurta of Mesopotamia and Horus of Egypt.


KOSHAROTH, THE: The Wise Goddesses. These may be somewhat along the lines of
the Greek Graces, or the Seven Hathors of Egypt. As we see them, they are
called to set up a Wedding. They are also sometimes symbolized as sparrows,
which indicated fertility. They were Goddesses of childbirth.


KOSHAR U KHASIS: Craftsman of the Gods. Built the palaces of both Yam-Nahir
and Baal. He also fashioned the two clubs that Baal used to defeat Yam.


KOSHARTU: Wife of Koshar.


LEVIATHAN: Another Name for Lotan or Tannin. See Lotan.


LOTAN: This may be another story like Apophis, Zu, Asag, and Leviathan where
it is not an actual creation story, but still involves the same energies. On
the other hand, it may be some kind of alternate Creation story where Lotan
replaces Yam-Nahar. Lotan is a seven headed serpent defeated by Baal with the
help of Mavet. Anath also claims a role in the defeat of the Serpent. Also
known as Tannin or Leviathan.


MARAH: Merciful Goddess of the Waters. Twin sister of Anath. Daughter of


MAVET: God of Death and Sterility. His name means Death. A son of El.
After Baal defeated Yam, he then sent a message to Mavet demanding that he keep
his domain in the underworld where he belonged. Mavet was enraged by this and
sent a threatening message to Baal, who was afraid and attempted to flatter his
way out of it. This, however, was to no avail and Baal was forced to face
Mavet. Mavet defeated him and held him in the underworld until Anath tracked
him (Mavet) down and defeated him herself. Mavet did not actually die, as he
and Baal had to face off once more seven years later. Neither defeated the
other, but Mavet did give in (at the command of Shapash) and proclaimed Baal the
King of the Gods.


NIKKAL: Consort of Yarikh. (S = Ningal). Goddess of the fruits of the Earth.
Daughter of Hiribi.


PIDRAY: Girl of Light. A daughter or consort of Baal.


QADISH-U-AMRAR: The two messengers of Asherah fused into one God.


RAHMAYA: A goddess impregnated, along with Asherah, by El. The Goddesses
then gave birth to the twin gods Shahar and Shalem, though I don’t know who gave
birth to whom.


RESHEPH: Probably a War God. Lord of the Arrow. Has gazel horns on his
helmet. He destroys men in mass by war and plague. He is the porter of the sun
Goddess Shepesh (this seems to resemble Khamael of the Hebrews). He is also
called Mekal (Annialator). Related to Nergal of Mesopotamia.


SHAHAR: God of dawn. Either a son of Asherah, or of Rohmaya.


SHALEM: God of Dusk. The Contemplation of Day. Either a son of Asherah, or
of Rohmaya.


SHAPASH: Sun Goddess. The Torch of the Gods.


SIN: Moon God.


TALLAY: Girl of Rain. A daughter or consort of Baal.


TANNIN: Another Name for Leviathan or Lotan. See Lotan.


UGAR: A messenger of Baal. His name either means Vine or Field, probably the


YAHWEH: Yahweh is added here because there was a short time in which He was
simply part of the Canaanite pantheon. When the Khabiru moved into Isra-El,
their young Volcano God, known as Yahweh (or “Everflowing”), was accepted as a
Son of El. Later, Yahweh was equated with El, and Asherah became His wife. H.


YAM-NAHAR: Yam-Nahar is the Primordial Waters that were defeated by Baal (see
Baal and Asherah). His name means Sea-River. He was originally given kingship
by El, and ruled as a tyrant over the Gods. Baal finally rose up against him.


YARIKH: Moon God.




Babylonian: “S” indicates a parallel in Sumer.


ADAD: A storm, or weather, god. (See Hadad of Canaan).


ADAR: See Ninib


ANSHAR: “Whole Heaven” He and his wife, Kishar, are the children of Lamu and
Lahamu. They are said to be the circular Horizons of the sky and earth. Their
union brought forth Ea and Anu. (See Kishar)


ANU: This was the Sky God. S=An


ANUNNAKI, THE: The 50 great gods who deside the destiny of man. S.


ANZU: Deamon who stole the Tablets of Destiny. See Ninurta.


APSU: Tiamat’s first husband, symbolising the Sweet Waters (rivers).
Origonally, he and Tiamat (The Salt Waters of the Sea) were intermingled as one,
until he was killed by Ea for plotting against the younger gods.


ASUSHUNAMIR: Sexless creature created by Ea to descend into the Underworld
and charm Ereshkigal into reviving Ishtar with the Waters of Life. He is
Successful. S= Kurgarru, and Kalaturru.


EA (Ia): The Babylonian god of Wisdom and Magick, as well as Earth and Water.
Also called Nudimmud. Also called Enki. Father of Marduk. Atfter he killed
Apsu, he built his palace in the Sweet Waters, and called it Apsu. S=Enki (only
he was a ruler god and Water God. Ki was the Earth Goddess). In Babylon, Ea
replaces the works of Enlil. H= Yah.


ENLIL: Lord Wind or Lord Air, a storm God. God of Air. S.


ENKI: See Ea.


ERESHKIGAL: Queen of the Underworld. S.


ERRA: Also called Nergal. A god of pestilence and war. Husband of
Ereshkigal and King of the Underworld. See Nergal.


GAD: A god of luck and fortune related to the sign of Aries. (There most
definately must be link between this god and the Hebrew tribe of Gad, also
related to Aries).


GIBIL: A fire god invoked, with two others, against black magick. (See Gira
and Nusku)


GIRA: A fire god invoked, with two others, against black magick. (See Gibil
and Nusku)


ISHTAR: Wife of Tammuz, Queen of Heavaen. (see Tammuz). She is a Goddess of
Love and War. The Venus Star. The Babylonian Goddess-force. S= Inanna.


KI: Earth Goddess, sister/wife of An. Later, mother/wife of Enlil. S.


KISHAR: “Whole Earth” Wife/sister of Anshar. (See Anshar)


LAMU: He and his wife Lahamu are said to be the silt created by the junction
of the primeval Waters, the rivers and sea. They are the Children of Apsu and
Tiamat. (see Lahamu).


LAHAMU: Wife/sister of Lamu. (See Lamu).


LAMASHTU: Demoness who steals babies from their mothers. A probable source
for much of the Hebrew Lilith.


MARDUK: Also known as Bel (The Lord). The son of Ea who defeated Tiamat
(because the other gods were afraid to face her), thus destroying Chaos and
reigning in Order. He was appointed High God because of this, and he took the
Tablets of Destiny from Qingu. He is the Hero of the Gods, and also a storm
deity. The story of Marduk is very similar to Baal. Marduk had no real place
among the gods until he agreed to defeat Tiamat. Baal, likewise, had no place
among the gods until he defeated Yam, and then he had a palace built for
himself. S=Nunurta (not a direct relation, but this is probably where Marduk
came from). Marduk and his son, Nabu, are, in part, solar deities much like
Osiris and Seth. For an explanation, see Nabu. Marduk is related to Jupiter,
therefore making him a Wandering God.


MUMMU: This is Apsu’s vizier, who was captured by Ea. He symbolised mist and
fog. This also happens to be a Name of Marduk.


NABU: Son of Marduk. God of Scribal Art and Wisdom. Marduk is the Lord of
the Waxing Year, and his son is the Lord of the Waning Year. I don’t know of
any mythology dealing with a defeat of Marduk, especially by Nabu. However,
there is a ritual involving both of them that embodies the Solar Cycle. At
Midsummer (Litha), two minor Goddesses (otherwise known as th hairdressers of
Marduk’s wife, Sarpanitum[?] ) would go in solomn procession from the Temple of
Marduk (The Dayhouse) to the Temple of Nabu (The Nighthouse). At Midwinter
(Yule), the two Goddesses would return to the Dayhouse. He is associated with
Mercury and is said to be the god of Science, and the guardian of the gods. He
supposedly appears as an old man, long of beard, with a crown of one hundred
horns, and a long robe. He is one of the Wandering Gods.






ABU: King of plants (see the Eight children of Ki).


AN: An was the Sky or Heaven God. He and his wife Ki are the children of
Nammu. An is the creator of the Anunnaki.


ANUNNAKI, THE: These are the gods created by An, and appointed their
positions by Enki. Possibly they are children of An and Ki. There are also the
Seven Anunnaki who are the dreaded judges of the underworld. I believe there
are supposed to be 50 of them in all. The Anunnaki, and some others who may or
may not be Anunnaki, are marked with an “A”. A question mark, or course,
indicates questionable choices.


ASAG (KUR): Dragon of the Abyss (or Abzu). Daemon of Disease. Asag was not
seperated like Tiamat. Instead, he lived within the Abyss *after* creation and
held back the Primordial Waters from consuming the Earth. At one point, he
kidnapped Ereshkigal, and Enlil went to rescue her. The outcome of the battle
is not known. However, we do know that Enlil is the Lord of the Waters, and
that he built his home on the Sea. On the other hand, Ereshkigal herself, to
this day, is the Queen of the Underworld, as if she remained there. In any
case, Asag was not killed for, later, another god decided to destroy him for
reasons unknown. This was Ninurta (possibly a model for Marduk). (See
Ninurta). The story of Ninurta and Asag seem to parallel the myths of Typhon,
Lotan, Zu, and Leviathan. Note: Asag can be thought of as the Abyss itself.
Kur is the name of the Underworld, as well as a name for this Serpent. Perhaps
he is also an Anunnaki, but I doubt it.


ASHNAN: The grain goddess. She was created (along with Lahar) by Enlil and
Enki so that the Anunnunki would have food to eat and cloths to wear. However,
the two gods became drunk and could not perform their duties: it was to remedy
this that Man was created. (See Lahar).


BAU: Wife of NInurta (or Ningirsu).


DAZIMUA: Married Ningishzida (see the Eight children of Ki).


DUMUZI: The Sumerian God-force. A sheperd god and fertility god. Husband of
Inanna. (see Inanna). It seems he is an Anunnaki.


EIGHT CHILDREN OF KI, THE: (See Abu, Nintul, Ninsutu, Ninkasi, Nazi, Dazimua,
Ninti, Enshagag.) The Goddess Uttu, in the paradise of Dilmun, had born 8
plants from her union with Enki. He then proceeded to eat them all. Ki cursed
him for this and he became ill. He convinced her to remove her curse, and she
created these eight gods of healing, one for each pain he was having, to cure
him. There is a punning relation between the names of the gods and the names of
the body parts they healed.


EMESH: Summer. He and his brother Enten were created by Enlil. (See Enten).


ENBILULU: God in charge of the Tigris and Euphrates.


ENKI: This was the Water God, and also a lesser ruler under Enlil. It seems
Enlil created the world, and Enki was left to run it. Enlil simply resided in
his palace and issued blessings. Enki, with Ki, created Man. He is also a God
of Wisdom. Also, Enki is just a title. His name is Ea. It is not sure whoes
son he is. Also, there was one point when he became jealous of Enlil’s
superiority over him ,so he took it out on man through the “confusion of


ENKIMDU: God in charge of farm tools. He was origonally favoured by Inanna
for a husband. However, Dumuzi threatened him, and he gave Inanna up.


ENLIL: This was the Air God, and the supreme ruler and creator, son of An and
Ki. See Enki. Enlil also took Ki as his wife. God of wisdom and magick.
His name means Lord of the Winds, so he is also a Storm God.


ENSHAGAG: Lord of the Paradise City of Dilmun (see the eight children of Ki).


ENTEN: Winter. He and his brother Emesh were created by Enlil so that the
Earth could produce food, animals, etc… (See Emesh).


ERESHKIGAL: Queen of the underworld (Kur), of death, and enemy of Inanna.
All underwold deities are called Chthonic Deities. She is said to be the sister
of Inanna, making her the daughter of Nanna. She is defineitly not one of the
Seven Chthonic Anunnaki, yet she is still an Anunnaki. Most likely she is the
Destructive Forces of Saturn as Inanna is Venus.


GALAS, THE: The demons of the underworld.


GESHTINANNA: Dumuzi’s sister. Divine poetress, singer, and interpreter of


GILGAMESH: A human hero who was later deified. As a psudo-god, he resides in
the underworld and organizes it, sending souls to their proper places. He was
origonally a Priest-King.


GUGALANNA: This god is mentioned in the myth of the Descent of Inanna. When
Neti asks why she has come, Inanna says something about Lord Gugalnna, the
husband of Ereshkigal. The text reads: “My older sister, Ereshkigal, Because
her husband, the Lord Gugalanna, had been killed to witness the funeral rites
… so be it!”


HAIA: Nidaba’s or Nanshe’s husband.


IGIGI, THE: It seems that these were very early deities who guide and control
every aspect of nature. Either they were not given much promenance later, or
they simply were never given much attention. Chances are that these are Angels
were the gods are Archangels.


INANNA: The Summerian Goddess-force. Inanna is the daughter of the moon,
sister of the sun, and the planet Venus. She was a War Goddess and a Love
Goddess. (see Dumuzi). Note on the myth of her descent: the myth of Enlil and
Ninlil’s descent into the underwold may combined to Inanna’s descent. If it is,
then we have a full story of the cycle of the god and goddess’ descent.


ISHKUR: God in charge of rain and winds


ISIMUD: Messenger of Enki. Has two faces.


KALATURRU: Sexless created created by Enki and given the Food and Water of
Life to revive Inanna in the underworld. He was created with another like it:
Kurgarru. (see Kurgarru).


KI: She is the Earth Goddess. Also known as Ninhursag, Nintu, or Ninma.
First, she was the wife/sister of An. After she was seperated from him by their
son Enlil…”An carried off Heaven, and Enlil carried off Earth. In this she
became the mother/wife of Enlil.


KULLA: God in charge of building tools and bricks.


KUR: The Underworld. (See Asag).


KURGARRU: Sexless creature created by Enki and given the Food and Water of
Life to revive Innana in the underworld. He was created with another like it:
Kalaturru. (see Kalaturru).


LAHAR: The Cattle God. He and Ashnan were created (by Enlil and Enki) so the
Anunnaki would have food to eat and clothes to wear. (See Ashnan).


LILITH: A succubis. She is known from a story where she made her home in the
trunk of Inanna’s Sacred Tree. Anzu made his home in the branches, and a
serpent had made it’s home in the roots. This infestation had caused the Tree
to cease growing. Inanna called upon Gilgamesh to rid the Tree of it’s
occupants. For this, Inanna gave him his famous Bow.


MARTU: God of the Semites, or Amurru (Amorites), who were still nomadic,
“barbaric” people at the time of Sumer. They later moved into the land of Sumer
and conquered it….thus arose Babylonia.


MESLAMTAEA: One of the three underwold gods. These are not part of the Seven
Dreaded Anunnaki, as they are children of Enlil and Ninlil. (See Ninazu and


MUSHDAMMA: In charge of active building. The Builder of Enlil.


NAMMU: The goddess who was the Primordial Waters.


NANNA: The Moon god. Father of Utu and Inanna, as well as all the other
planets and stars. Son of Enlil and Ninlil. Enlil had raped Enlil and was
sentenced to the Underworld for His crime. Ninlil, however, loved Him and
followed Him downward. She gave birth to a number of Underworld Gods, but Enlil
was able to remove Her from the underworld before she gave birth to Nanna.
Nanna enters the land of the dead once a month (the New Moon) and judges the
dead with his son Utu. Nanna travels the sky in a boat. He is long of beard
and carries a wand of lapis lazuli in his palm.


NANSHE: Goddess in charge of Sea. Goddess of Justice. Judges Mankind on
NewYears, with Nidaba at her side. Also interprets dreams for the gods.


NAZI: Married Nindar (see the eight children of Ki).


NEDU: See Neti.


NERGAL: King of the Underwold, the Ambusher. A god of pestilence. See
Babylonia. He is a god of War and Mars, and therefore a Wandering God.


NETI: The gatekeeper of the first of seven gates to the underworld. I wonder
if this is not one of the seven Chthonic Anunnaki… Also called Nedu


NIDABA: This goddess was a serpent who was in charge of Temple record
keeping. She is also the Goddess of Writing.


NINAZU: One of the three underworld deities. Child of Enlil and Ninlil (from
the begetting of Nanna). (See Meslamtaea, and ????2)


NINGAL: Wife of Nanna.




NINISINNA: Goddess in charge of Healing and the art of Medicine.


NINKASI: The Goddess who sates the heart; meaning the goddess of intoxicating
drink. (see the Eight Children of Ki).


NINKUR: Daughter of Enki and Ninsar. (from the myth of the 8 plants).


NINLIL: Enlil’s wife. This Goddess followed Enlil to the underworld after he
had been banished there by the Anunnaki for raping her. At this point she was
pregnant with Nanna (from the rape). In the underworld she gave birth to the
Three Underworld Deities and gave birth to Nanna after she made it back out.


NINSAR: Daughter of Enki and Ki. (from the myth of the 8 plants).


NINSHUBUR: Inanna’s messenger. Possibly an Anunnaki?


NINSIKI: Enki’s wife.


NINSUTU: Wife of Ninazu (see the Eight children of Ki).


NINTI: Queen of the Month (see the Eight children of Ki). Note: The part of
Enki’s body that was healed by this goddess was his rib. The Sumerian word for
rib is “Ti”. Therefore Nin-ti means “lady of the rib”. On the other hand, the
word “Ti” can also be translated as “to make live”. Therefore, Ninti can also
mean “lady who brings life”. Later, as we all know, Eve was made from Adam’s
rib. The word Eve (heb.- Havah) also means “to make live”. Perhaps, and most
likely, the Hebrew myth of Adam’s rib comes directly from this myth. However,
something was lost in the translation, as Havah has no relation to the Hebrew
word for rib.


NINTU: See Ki.


NINTUL: Lord of the city Magon (see the Eight children of Ki).


NINURTA: Hero of the Gods. God of the Stormy South Winds. Possible
pre-cursur to Marduk. This god owned a weapon that was alive. This weapon,
Sharur, for some reason, convenced Nunurta to destroy Asag. This he did.
However, once Asag was gone, the Waters rose up and engulfed the Earth. Nothing
could grow. So, Nunurta built a stone wall over Asag’s body that stopped and
held back the Waters. Then he took the Waters that had already engulfed the
land and dumped them into the Euphrates. This caused the overflow of the
Euphrates, and the land became abundant. Obviously, this is a myth relating to
the yearly flooding of the river. Ninurta is the son of Enlil and Ki. Also, as
Ningirsu, brother of Nanshe. See Ninurta in Babylon.


NIMUG: Goddess given task by Enki at the time he organized the world, but we
don’t know what.


NUNGAL: Ereshkigal’s daughter. Judge and protector of the Black Heads.


NUSKU: Messenger of Enlil.


SUMUGAN: Enki set him as lord of the steppe lands. He may be one of the
Anunnaki, but there is at least one indication that he was created later.


UTU: The Sun God. As he travels through the underworld at night (making it
daytime there), he judges the dead. Nanna, as he visits the underworld once
each month (at the New Moon), also judges with his son. He travels the sky in a
chariot drawn by four mythological beasts. He was set by Enki in charge of
cities and bounderies, or (possibly) the entire universe. This would fit as he
is the ruling deity just under Enki. Son of Nanna.


UTTU: Daughter of Enki and Ninkur. Goddess of plants and weaving. (from the
myth of the 8 plants).


????: “Who loves fish” in charge of marshlands.


????2: One of the three underworld deities.. Child of Enlil and Ninlil (from
the begetting of Nanna). (See Ninazu and Meslamtaea).




Hebraic: list does not include most Archangels and Angels. H = a Human.


H AARON: Aaron is another of the Seven Sheperds. He balances Moses (Netzach)
as the other Sphere of Prophesy (Hod). Aaron is the brother of Moses.


H ABRAHAM: Abraham is one of the Seven Sheperds, and one of the Four Legs of
the Throne in the Chariot. He is the Mild, Watery (Chesed) aspect of the Four
Legs. Abundant Love. Historically, it is said that Abraham may have been an
Amorite who had settled in Sumer before Babylon (also Amorites) conquered it.
He was the first to make a covenatnt with Yahweh (or possibly El of Canaan).


H ADAM: This is Adam after Eve was seperated from him. He is the Father of
Mankind. (See Eve).


H ADAM KADMON: Adam Kadmon is not Primordial as it relates to “before
creation”. However, his creation marked the Primordial Man. He was both Male
and Female in one being, not yet seperated into Adam and Eve.


ADONAI: This means “Lord”. However, the word itself is feminine in nature,
thus making it similar in nature to Elohim: both male and female. Once again,
this name could be thought of as the combined force of Yahweh and Asherah.
This, too, is a very primordial name.


ASHERAH: Asherah is listed here and with the Canaanites. She is the same
Goddess, but seems to have been adopted by the Hebrews as the wife of Yahweh and
the Manifest Shekinah. The Hebraic Goddess-force.


ASMODEUS: This is the King of the Deamons. There are two types of deamon,
the malevolent kind, and those who have accepted the Torah and live in
indifference (at best) to man. Asmodeus is the king of these latter deamons, as
the malevolent kind have no leader. Samael will often rally the malevolent
deamons himself. Asmodeus is also the husband of the Younger Lilith.


AURIEL: The Divine Avenger. In some instances, Auriel is seen as an Angel of
Severity and Vengence. Otherwise, she is the Archangel of Earth. Supposedly
one of the Seven, yet with her included there are eight.


AZAZEL: An Archangel who descended to earth with Shemhazai. (See Shemhazai).
He taught mortal woen the art of seduction and make-up. When he was told of the
coming flood, he refused to repent. For this, he was cast into a pit and
covered with darkness, to remain there until the final days.


BEHEMOTH: This beast was set as the King of Beasts. At the “end” of
Creation, he will be sent against Leviathan, and both Creatures will die in the
battle. Behemoth will be fed to the pious along with Leviathan.


H DAVID: David is one of the Seven Sheperds, and one of the Four Legs of the
Throne in the Chariot. He represents Divinity Manifested in that he is the
Founder of the Kingship of Israel. (Malkuth).


EHEIEH: This means “I am”. It was the Name given to Moses at the scene of
the burning bush. Basically, this name relates more to YHVH, a concept, than it
does to Yahweh, a god.


EL: This is another name for Yahweh, usually translated to mean “God”.
Undoubtedly this comes from the Canaanite High God El. This name is used in
conjunction with the title Shaddai (heb.- Almighty), as well as Chai (heb.-
Living). Example: Shaddai El Chai = Almighty Living God.


ELOHIM: This means “Gods” and basically relates to a female force enfolded in
a male force. Or, a Male God with the ability to Create like a female. This is
because the root word here is “Goddess” (Eloah), and the pluaral “im” is
masculine. Mythologically, this could be thought of as the combined force of
the Seven Archangels as They Created the World in seven days. Elohim is the
pronunciation of YHVH for Binah. It should be thought of as leaning more toward
the feminine, and is actually a very primordial name. (See Yah).


H ESAU: Twin brother of Jacob who sold his brithright for a bowl of soup.
Mythologically, he is the founder of Canaan before the Israelites arrived. He
later became an Angel: the Guardian Angel of Edom.


H EVE: This is the second wife of Adam. She is the female half of Adam Kadmon
after he was seperated and became Adam. Her name means “Life” and she is the
Mother of Mankind. As a point of interest, see Ninti of Sumeria.


GABRIEL: The Strength of Divinity. Gabrael is a Divine messenger and
teacher. He (sometimes a she) is the benign Angel of Death, as well as the
ArchAngel of Water. He is lord of the Ashim. One of the Seven.


HANAEL: Divine Grace. The Archangel of Love and Passion. He is Lord of the
Elohim. One of the Seven.


HOKHMAH (TORAH): This Goddess’ name means “Wisdom”. It is said that she was
created before all else. In fact, she took part in the dividing of the
Primordial Waters (Prov. 8:23, 28). She is equated with the Torah, wich is said
to have been created first, and is the embodiment of Wisdom to the Jewish
people. (See Maat of the Egyptians).


H ISAAC: Isaac is one of the Seven Sheperds, and also one of the Four Legs of
the Throne in the Chariot. He is the Fire to his father’s Water. Strict
Justice (Geburah). The myth of his near-sacrifice at the hand of Abraham was
the injection of Divine Severity into Abraham’s Mercy (see above). He is
Abraham’s son.


H JACOB: Jacob was the third Patriarch, and thus is the balancer of his
predecessor Abraham (Chesed) and Isaac (Geburah). Mercy (Tiphareth). He is
also one of the Seven Sheperds, and one of the Four Legs of the Throne in the
Chariot. He is the son of Isaac, and twin brother of Esau.


H JOSEPH: Joseph is one of the Seven Sheperds. He displays the ability to
resist the sexual temptation of Yesode. This is displayed in the myth of the
Egyptian woman’s attempted seduction of him. He is the Keeper of the Covenant
to the pure Yahwists. He is the son of Jacob who first went to Egypt and was
responsible for the Hebrew presence there.


KHAMAEL: This Archangel is the Archangel of Divine Severity, just as Samael.
In fact, the two angels are one and the same. Classical Qabalah lists Samael as
the leader of the Seraphim, but modern Qabalah has replaced the name with
Khamael. Further, the Archangel Shemhazai, who hung himself between heaven and
earth, is also Samael. This puts him in the perfect postion to fullfill his
duties as the Porter of Heaven: Khamael, who resides at the very fringes of
Heaven with hundreds of thousands of angels of destruction at his command. His
purpose there is to keep intruders from entering the Heavens. He once attempted
to stop Moses from entering, but was defeated by the Prophet. One of the Seven.


LAILAH: This Goddess’ name is Hebrew for “Night”. It was the Darkness
mentioned in Gen 1:2, and she was named by Yahweh in Gen 1:5.


LEVANAH: The Moon (goddess).


LEVIATHAN: This could very possibly be related to the ideas of Typhon, Lotan,
Zu, and Asag; where it resembles the creation myth, yet is seperate there-from.
In this myth, there are two Leviathan, a male and a female. Once these two
beasts are created, to rule the seas, Yahweh decides against letting the female
live. Yahweh fears that the offspring of these two great beasts would destroy
the world. The female is thusly killed. At the “end” of Creation, the male
Leviathan is going to be killed in a battle with Behemoth (the Angels having
failed at the task), and his skin will be set as a canopy over the heads of the
pious, while his meat is fed to them. Certainly, the relation to this myth and
Tiamat’s destruction, and the setting of half of her body as the Sky, can be
easily seen. Interestingly, Leviathan is thought to be another name for the
Canaanite Lotan (See Lotan).


H LILITH: The Hebrew form of Lilith is the first wife of Adam. She refused to
bow down to him and left the Garden. She mated with daemons and became the
patron Goddess of the Night and all it’s creatures. She represnets the
subconscious mind, that part of us that is most primal and sexual and defiant.
She is the other half of the submissive Eve. There are two forms of Lilith, the
Younger and the Elder. As the younger, she is the wife of Asmodeus (this being
when she was in her cave mating with deamons). As the older, she is the wife of
Samael (this being when she joined with him in bringing down Adam and Eve from
the Garden.


METETRON: The Prince of the Face. This was once the human Enoch, who was
permited to ascend to Heaven without dieing. He was transformed into the
ArchAngel with 360 eyes and 36 pairs of wings. His palace was set on high and
his word was to be followed as if it were the voice of Yahweh HImself.
Personally, I feel that Metetron and Yahweh are synonimous. Metetron is even
known as the “Lesser YHVH”, and one of his many names is Yahoel, which is Y, H,
and V (transliterated as O) with “el” added to the end. Metetron is the lord of
the Chaioth haQodesh.


MICHAEL: The Protector of the Divine. He is the High Priest of Heaven and
it’s main guardian. Seen to be the Guardian Angel of Israel and all of
humanity. He is the ArchAngel of Fire, and sometimes a benign Angel of Death.
He is lord of the Malachim. One of the Seven.


H MOSES: Moses is one of the Seven Sheperds, relateing to Netzach. In the
case of the Seven Sheperds, Netzach and Hod are Spheres of Prophesy. He is the
prophet that lead the Exodus.


RAHAB: This serpent is also much like Tiamat, more so than Tehom. He is
described as an Archangel in Hebrew mythos.


RAPHAEL: The Divine Physician. Self explanitory. Raphael is also the
ArchAngel of Air. He is lord of the Beney Elohim. One of the Seven.


RAZIEL: The Divine Scribe. There is a veil in Heaven that seperates the
Divine Throne from the angelic hosts. Ratziel stands behind this veil and
records all the goings on at the Merkabah into a book. This book, the Book of
the Angel Raziel, a book containing all the knowledge of heaven and earth, was
given to Adam by Raziel. The other angels, jealous, took the book and cast it
into the sea. Yahweh, upon hearing of this transgression, ressurected Rahab to
retrieve it for Adam. After this the book fades away. It resurfaces when it is
given to Noah because it contains the instructions for the Ark. From there it
passed down the family line until it reached Solomon. It is said that Solomon
obtained all of his great Wisdom from this book. Another job of Ratziel is to
stand before the Merkabah with outstretched wings, lest the breath of the
Chaioth haQodesh consume all of the Heavens. He is Lord of the Auphanim. He is
also listed as one of the seven, but with his inclusion, and Auriel’s, there are


RUACH ELOHIM (SHEKINAH): Ruach Elohim is the Spirit of the Gods, and the
Shekinah is the Presence of Divinity. Shekinah is also seen as a Goddess. (Gen


SAMAEL: The Poison of Divinity. Samael is the greatest of Angels (excepting
Metetron HImself), with twelve wings as opposed to the normal six of the the
other ArchAngels. He is the most beautiful angel. He is the main Angel of
Death, and is the Archangel of Divine Severity. His angelic order is the
Seraphim; the Firey Serpents sent to punish Israel for it’s transgressions. He
is also the husband of the elder Lilith. See also Khamael and Shemhazai; two
other names for Samael. As Khamael, he is one of the seven.


SANDALPHON: She is the twin of Metetron and the Archangel of Earth (as in the
physical Universe, as opposed to the Element of Earth like Auriel). It is
written that she descended to Earth as the male prophit Elijah as a guardian and
protector. She is Ruler of the Kerubim. It is said that She stands at the foot
of the Merkabah, and weaves prayers into garlands to rest on Yahweh’s head.




SHEKINAH: See Ruach Elohim.


SHEMESH: The Sun (god).


SHEMHAZAI: This Archangel, along with Azazel, descended with his angelic host
before the flood to steer Man back onto the right path. This order of Angels
became known as the Watchers. However, the angels soon fell prey to the same
vices as man and began to take wives from the Cainite women. For sex, they
would sell the secrets of Heaven to the women. They gave knowledge on
everything from making weapons of war, to the Qabalah itself. The offspring of
these unions are known as the Nephilim (giants), and were destructive giants
that plagued mankind. Others even became the heroes of ancient times (such as
Gilgamesh from Sumer). The Flood was then sent to destroy these giants. When
told of the news, Shemhazai repented his deeds and hung himself, upside-down,
between heaven and earth. To this day, he can be seen there as the consellation
Orion. Shemhazai is actually a form of the Archangel Samael. Also see Khamael.


TEHOM: This Goddess’ name is Hebrew for “Deep”. (Gen. 1:2). She is similar
to the Babylonian Tiamat, yet is more along the lines of the Sumerian Nammu.


TZADKIEL: Divine Justice. He is the Archangel of Divine Benevolence, and
Lord of the Chashmalim. One of the Seven.


TZAPHKIEL: Divine Contemplation. Lord of the Aralim. One of the Seven.


UZZA: Archangel of Egypt.


YAH: This, in Hebrew, is spelled “YH”. This, esetoricaly, is the combination
of the Y and H of YHVH. It is where the God and Goddess principals emerge from
the Primordial Waters and mate. Literally, it is the Hebrew version of
Babylon’s Ea (spelled IA- A and H, just like I and Y, are interchangable in this
context). It is the Name of Chockmah. In this, it should be thought of as
leaning toward the masuline (as opposed to Elohim), and is a primordial name.


YAHWEH: Yahweh is the God Force. Yahweh is also a War God, Storm God, and a
Volcano Deity. The name Yahweh itself may be from the Sanscrit “YHVH”, meaning
“Ever-Flowing” and thus relates him to volcanic activity. After a short time,
Yahweh became the National Deity of Isra-El, and was equated with El of Canaan.
Along with this, He adopted Asherah (the wife of El) as His own wife. Also, the
Hebrews seemed to have associated Yahweh with Baal, making the two gods (just as
with El and Yahweh) nearly identical.


YAM: Sea God.


YHVH: as differenciated from Yahweh, who was not the only god to the early
Hebrews. it is a formula to “sum up” the Ain (Nothingness)- or The One. The
Face of Divinity.


ZIZ SHADAI: This mighty beast is the King of Birds.




Hittite: B = Babylonian


ALALUS: Father of Anus. Anus removed him from the throne.


ANUS: Sky God. Removed his father Alalus from the throne, and was, himself,
removed by his son Kumarbis. B = Anu.


ARINNA: Sun Goddess. She sent an Eagle out in search of Telepinus. The
effort failed.


EA: He resides in the Apsu, just as he does in Babylonia. What he does in
the Hittite pantheon I don’t know. He is the one who decided on how to defeat
Ulikummis, by using the copper knife that was “used to seperate heaven and
earth”. B.


ENLIL: Enlil also makes a guest appearance in the Ulikummis myth. He saw
Ulikummis as a child and told the gods later, after the child had grown to it’s
great size, that they could not hope to defeat it.


HEBAT: Wife of Teshub.


HANNAHANNAS: Queen of Heaven. She urges Teshub to do something about
Telepinus’ disappearance. Teshub went as far as Telepinus’ own door, where he
banged on the door until he broke his hammer, and thus abandoned the quest.


ILLUYANKAS: A dragon slain by Teshub. There are two versions of this myth.
In the old version, they two gods fight and Illuyankas wins. Teshub” then goes
to Inaras for advice, and she devises a trap for the dragon. She goes to him
with large quantities of liqure, and entices him to drink his fill. Once drunk,
the dragon is bound, and Teshub appears with the other gods and kills him. In
the later version, the two gods fight and Teshub, again, loses. Illuyankas then
takes Teshub’s eyes and heart. Teshub then has a son, who grows and marries
Illuyankas’ daughter. Teshub tells his son to ask for his eyes and heart as a
wedding gift, and it is given. Restored, Teshub goes to face Illuyankas once
more. At the point of vanquishing the dragon, Teshub’s son finds out about the
battle; realizing that he had been used for this purpose. He demaned that his
father take him along with Illuyankas, and so Teshub killed them both.


illuyankas’s daughter: See Illuyankas.


IMBALURIS: A messenger of Kumarbis.


INARAS: Goddess who set a trap for Illuyankas in the old version of the myth.


IRSIRRA DEITIES, THE: Either the “Maidens of Heaven” or else they are
underworld deities.


ISHTAR: Only appears in Hittite myth in an attempt to lull Ulikummis by
undressing and singing to him. Her attempt failed as the creature didn’t see or
hear her. B.


KAMRUSEPAS: Goddess of healing and magick. She calms and purified Telepinus
upon his return.


KUMARBIS: The Hittlte High God (like El of the Canaanites), Father of the
Gods. Removed his father, Anus, from the throne. In order to keep his son
Teshub from removing him from the throne, he made Ulikummis to oppose him.


MUKISANUS: Vizier of Kumarbis.


sea goddess: Kumarbis went to this goddess for advice on how to stop Teshub
from taking the throne. Her advice seems to have lead to the creation of


SHAUSHKA: a Love Goddess.


teshub’s son: See Illuyankas.


TELEPINUS: He is like Tammuz, a fertility god. He becomes enraged for
reasons unknown and storms off into the stepp lands where he falls asleep.
Draught and famine ensue. He was brought back by a Bee, after extensive
searching by the gods had failed. Son of Teshub.


TESHUB: Ruler God (like Baal of the Canaanites), son of Kumarbis. He is also
a sun God, and a fertility God. He carries a hammer as a weapon. He defeated
Ulikummis with the help of Ea. When Kumarbis first attempted to remove his
father, Anus, from the throne, he bit off the Anus’ loins in the struggle.
Thus, Anus’ seed was implanted within Kumarbis and Teshub was born.


UBELLURIS: This deity is much like the Greek Atlas, who supports the world on
his shoulders. Ulikummis was placed on his right shoulder by the Irsirra
deities to grow tall and strong. Ubelluris didn’t even notice the presence
until Ea pointed it out to him.


ULIKUMMIS: Son of Kumarbis. He was made to oppose Teshub. There is also
mention that he destoys some of mankind. However, he is actually described as
being blind, deaf, and dumb; as well as immobile. He was made of stone and
placed on Ubelluris’ shoulder to grow. He grew until he reached heaven itself.
When the gods found him, Ishtar removed her clothing and attempted to lull him
with music, but he didn’t see or hear her (as he was a blind and deaf creature).
The gods attempted to destroy him, but had no affect (he didn’t even notice).
Finally, Ea called for the Copper Knife that had been used in the seperation of
heaven and earth. He then used the blade to sever Ulikummis from Ubelluris’
shoulder; lopping the creature off at the feet. Teshub was then able to destroy
the creature totally. It is interesting to note that this god’s name is the
same as a pair of twin volcanic mountains in Asia Minor. This may explain why
he is said to be destroying mankind, even in his seemingly catatonic state.



By the Earth that is Her Body

Wiccan Magick

By the Earth that is Her Body


Earth holds and supports us like the arms of the great Goddess. It’s the
ground we stand on. Trees take root in it. Meadows rise from it. Crystals
grow within it. It grows our grain and gives us our green herbs. No other
element captures the Mystery of the Mother as well as the element that composes
Her body.


All the elements, earth, air, fire and water, have correspondences: magickal
tools and qualities that are associated with them, which can vary from
tradition to tradition. (Women’s traditions tend to be pretty flexible, so
don’t think of these as graven in stone.) The correspondences are part of the
symbolic richness of women’s rituals. What we know about Goddess can’t be
expressed in words, and rituals rife with symbolism lead us to that
inexpressible knowledge better than any speech could ever do. When we invoke
the qualities of the elements, we surround ourselves with the images of


The element of Earth corresponds to the direction North. Its season is winter,
and with winter comes quiet, thoughtfulness, and awareness without distraction.
Moving waters freeze. The riot of summer growth is dormant. With quiet comes
the ability to keep silent, to hold secrets, to listen, and to speak mindfully
and purposefully. Its magickal tool is the pentacle, the five-pointed star
inscribed in the circle, an ancient symbol of magick. Earth corresponds to
midnight, the witching hour, a time when truth is laid bare. Earth’s
corresponding colors are black, like night, and the colors of what it supports,
green and brown. It is also the element of metals, ores, crystals and
minerals. For this reason, the element of Earth corresponds to wealth and
material comfort, from gold and jewels to career and home. Earth and its
correspondences are heavily used in spellwork because material lack is a
problem for many women, maybe most of us. And, Earth is the final return of
energy when we ground. Earth is something we can readily touch and feel and
smell. It’s so prevalent that it only takes a little opening up to become
aware of the Mystery that continually surrounds us.


Earth is both a comfort and a source of disquiet, even fear. You can break
open a newly baked loaf and smell the Earth in its intoxicating scent. You can
also seek the unseen and find yourself in the dark. The Dark Goddess is
symbolized by Earth. The Old One knows and loves the Light. She has been a
Maiden and a Mother, and She knows what passion is. But She is also the
Destroyer, not just cleaning up after the party’s over, but a necessary part of
the Wheel of Life. In the end, the Dark Goddess will cradle us when the Crone
beckons us from across the Veil, kind and loving, but also inexorable.


Dark and Light are parts of the same weave. The element of Earth can teach us
to embrace them both.

– Silverskye


A Midsummer's Dream


The Goddess speaks:

I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior to
their consciousness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal.

I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic. The winds and
moving leaves sing My name. I wear the crescent Moon upon My brow and My feet
rest among the starry heavens. I am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in Me
and know the fullness of youth.

I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest. I am clothed
with the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with
grain. By Me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition
according to My season. I am refuge and healing I am the life-giving Mother,
wondrously fertile.

Worship Me as the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth.
I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon. I rule the tides of women and men and
give release and renewal to weary soul. Though the darkness of death is My
domain, the joy of birth of My gift.

I am the Goddess of the Moon, the Earth, the Seas. My names and strengths
are manifold. I pour forth magic and power, peace and wisdom. I am the eternal
Maiden, Mother of all, and Crone of darkness and I send you My blessings of
limitless love.


Wiccan Girl



I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior to their
conscious-ness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal.

I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magick. The winds and
moving leaves sing my name. I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet
rest among the starry heavens. I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set
upon. I am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in me and know the fullness of

I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest. I am clothed with the
deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain. By
me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition according to my
reason. I am refuge and healing. I am the life-giving Mother, wondrously

Worship me as the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth. I am
the wheel, the shadow of the Moon. I rule the tides of women and men and give
release and renewal to weary souls. Though the darkness of death is my domain,
the joy of birth is my gift.

I am the Goddess of the Moon, the Earth, the Seas. My names and strengths are
manifold. I pour forth magick and power, peace and wisdom. I am the eternal
Maiden, Mother of all, and Crone of darkness, and I send you blessings of
limitless love.

Charge of the God (Different Version)

Green Man

Charge of the God


Listen the the words of the Great Father, who of old was called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by may other names:


“My Law is Harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth. I give the knowledge of life everlasting, and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the father of all things, and my protection blankets the earth.”


Hear the words of the dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons:


“I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me. For I am the flesh of the earth and all it’s beings. Thru me all things must die and with me are reborn. Let my worship be in the body that sings, for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals. Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself, within me, all beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings.”


So Mote It BE!


Credit: Siobhan

The Charge of the Goddess (Different Version)

Harm None

The Charge of the Goddess


I am the quickening of the seed in Springtime, the glory of ripe fields in Summer, and the peace of the quiet woods as the snow calms the Earth in Winter. I am the lilt of the maidens’ melody in the morning, the patient hand of the Mother and the deep river of the mysteries taught by moonlight.


I give the creatures of the earth the gifts of song rising from the heart, the joy of autumn sunset, the cool touch of the renewing waters, and the compelling call of the drum in the dance. To you I give the joy of creation and the companion of beauty to light your days.


By the powers of the steadfast Earth and the wheeling stars I charge thee; by the darkness of death and the white light of birth I charge thee; and by the terrible strength of your human spirits, I charge thee:


Strive always for the growth of your eternal soul, never intentionally diminish your strength, your compassion, your ties to the earth or your knowledge.


Challenge your mind, never accept complacently that which has been the standard merely for the reason that it is the standard by which the majority judges itself.


Thirdly, I charge thee, act always for the betterment of your brothers and sisters. To strengthen them is to forge the true chain of humanity, and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


You are my children, my brothers and sisters and my companions. You are known in great part by the company you keep, and you are strong and wise and full of the powers of life. It is yours to use them in my service, and I also, am known by the company I keep.


Go forth in joy and the light of my love, turning to me without fear when the darkness threatens to overcome you, and turning also to me to share your triumphs and your achievements, and know in your heart of hearts that we are together in blood and spirit ’til the last star darkens in the sky and winter comes to the universe.

—Kyri Comyn, Author


To banish A Skinwalker


“What is `spirituality’? Does it matter much today?
And what is something `sacred’? Is it black and white…or grey?”
These were the queries of a youngster, and gave me pause for thought;
And as I rummaged through my mind, I found the words I sought.
“Spirituality is a relationship ‘twixt the Universe and you,
And how you behave will manifest, no matter what you do!

It’s a friendship with creation – with stones and plants and trees,
With birds and deer and butterflies…and even bumblebees;
It’s knowing that the life you have, is found in them, as well;
It’s awareness that creation is found in every realm,
And that all of it is sacred and all of it’s divine!
That means it’s very special – and will be for all time!

The answers to your questions are both black and white, and gray,
As spirituality and sacredness depends on you…each day!”
I pondered well his queries as he slipped out the door,
And wondered if I’d answered well – or if I should say more…
But looking out the window, I saw him smile at me,
And knew that I’d said plenty, as he reached out and hugged a tree!



Pagan’s Way (Different Version)

Wiccan Magic

Pagan’s Way

Not for my feet, the Mage’s High Golden Road.
My heart is set in silver,
Wind in the trees,
Green grass beneath my feet,
And the Moonlit grove.

Content with the power in the deep bones of the Earth Mother,
I would not command the heavens.
I have trod the Solitary Path, and shall again.
I have heard the Lady’s laughter at Moonrise,
And suffered Her tender scourge in my heart.

I have eaten with the Lord of Shadows
And been re-born
I have spied shy, horned faces
Peering golden-eyed from the rocks at the circle’s edge.

And I have called to the Watchers at the World’s four quarters.
And from their gates, They answered.
I have watched the Salamanders dance in the fire’s embers,
And the Undines in the chortling streams.

All this I know, and more
I have no need of the passionate cold of the Celestial vault.
Or the comet’s fire.
I will walk my quiet road in peace,
And conjure spiral wonders
For the morning’s Sun is gold enough for me.

—Gale Perrigo, Author