Spell for Today – A Pet Blessing Spell

A Pet Blessing Spell

Spoken – As needed, perhaps even on a regular basis to bless and protect your fur-babies. No materials are required however you may want to anoint your pets forehead with some protection oil, this is optional.

Dog Blessing

Hecate, Dark Mother
In protecting this home
In your place as is right
Stands one of your own
In defending this house
And all creatures within
Your sacred beast
A true loyal friend.
Keep him from harm
As he guards all he loves
And watch over him
So below, as above.


Blessing For Dogs

Diana, Goddess of the Wind
Keeper of dogs both fierce and mild
Hold (name of pet) safely in your arms
And protect this creature from all harm
And should the day come that he/she roams
Guide him/her to the path back home
Bless (name of pet) with a joyful life
Free of hardship, stress and strife

Blessing For Cats

Bast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm
Watch over (name of pet) from day to day
And guide him/her home, if he/she should stray
And grant him/her much happiness
and a good life free of strife and stress.


Cat Blessing

O great Goddess Bast, I ask
That you keep (name) at home
Safe from all mischief
And wanting to roam
Grant the contentment
Known to his/her race.
See that he’s/she’s happy
In this his/her rightful place

Your Animal Spirit for Feb. 13th is The Opossum

Your Animal Spirit for Today
February 13, 2014


You’ve heard the expression “playing possum”? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum’s ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it’s practical to play dead, so be it; if it’s to Opossum’s advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor today—and play the role that will serve you best.

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BOYCOTT! Copenhagen Zoo Murders Young Giraffe BOYCOTT!

A healthy young giraffe named Marius was shot dead and necropsied, which is an autopsy for animals, in the presence of visitors.

I don’t know if you have read this horrific story or not. I heard it last night on the News and it made me sick. The young, healthy giraffe, above, was shot in the head and this dissected in front of visitors. The reason for shooting this beautiful animal is because they did not want their animals to interbreed. There was an offer from another zoo to take the animal but the original zoo declined their offer. Instead of giving the beautiful giraffe to another zoo to help with their repopulation they shoot it in the head. Murdering it.

Signing a petition does no good. Boycotting these barbarians does. Hit them where it hurts in their wallets. I sincerely hope if you live in the Copenhagen area you boycott this zoo. I hope it is picketed and I sincerely hope it is eventually closed down. People that treat one poor animal like this have no business dealing with any animals at all.

Please pass this story along and call for a  boycott against this zoo and their inhumane treatment of animals.

Read the entire story here.

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Animals, Nature, and the Craft

Animals, Nature, and the Craft

Author:   Flame warped mind 

I love animals — not all of them mind you, little bugs, spiders, bees, and rodents still freak me — but I respect each for what they are. Respect. It’s a big part of being Pagan. Ants and spiders are just as important as cows and elephants, each being distinctly different from the next.

‘Witches only love their black cats! They sacrifice everything else to the Devil!’

Really? I don’t like cats at all, and I’ve never sacrificed anything to the devil. I’m just far too busy trying to gather what understanding I can from the animal kingdom to worry about sacrificing to a being I don’t believe exists. “What we have here is failure to communicate.” –Cool Hand Luke.

For as long people outside the Craft have known about any form of earth based spirituality and the people involved in such practice (whom we will refer to as Pagan for the remainder of this piece) , there have been misconceptions involving animals and the Craft. An animal spiritually tied to a person practicing witchcraft (often called a familiar) , was and still is often thought of as a demon in animal form sent to assist in spells against and bewitchment of the God-fearing public. This theory is both prejudicial and nonsensical, not just to the person but also to the animal involved as well. During the Witch Hunts, animals were routinely sentenced and executed for witchcraft along with their masters. This practice went so far that in medieval Europe cats were massacred based on the theory that all cats were Witches’ familiars.

Oftentimes people assume that all Pagans have cat familiars (as though it were a requirement) and while cats have been a part of Pagan society since before the Pyramids were built, they are not by any means spiritual requirements for practicing Pagans.

Another old (incorrect) theory, which has become common knowledge is that Pagans routinely sacrifice animals to appease the devil, a demon, or a god or goddess. The vast majority of Pagans love and respect animals as much, if not more so, than the average person because of an inherent desire to be close to nature. Some pagans forgo all meats in order to avoid the feeling of having caused the death of an animal. The confusion here lies in the difference between “animal sacrifice” and an animal that was hunted to be eaten. Sometimes a ritual item or personal belonging fulfills this function. Sometimes the sacrifice is the worshiper’s dinner. Ask a deity bound pagan, a bought offering is rarely as desirable as an offering strived for.

In my home we have several animals. If at any time animals are used in my practice, the cat is the absolute last choice for a spiritual partner I would seek out. For me, there is only one choice of animal to partner myself with spiritually, ball pythons. Don’t run away screaming just yet.

Snakes are amazingly beautiful creatures contrary to their poor reputation. Captive bred snakes are wonderful animals to work with. The temperament is different between wild (aggressive) to captive bred (calm) snakes. You can have an animal very close to its naturally occurring instinct, (usually) without the aggressive nature. I have three beautiful ball pythons all of which have been involved with some ritual or another. One of their biggest strengths in a ritual is how predicable they are. Dogs, cats, rodents, arachnids, lizards, all have a tendency to be unpredictable, and occasionally volatile. Dogs bark and fight. Cats don’t do what their pets (owners) tell them. Arachnids are entirely unpredictable and easily injured in my estimation. Lizards have a tendency to run away or get into obnoxious places when no ones looking. They’re all too impatient for my taste.

A snake will sit still until they smell food, get too cold/hot, or get curious enough to slowly wander off. They don’t make noise, and, for the most part, don’t resist where they are placed. Best of all, when there is an occasion where they get aggressive/defensive, the posturing and hissing gives those around ample warning as to the change in demeanor. If this occurs, it is normally during a very active part of the ritual; snakes don’t like things being moved past their heads quickly. (At this point most other species of animals are retired from the rites anyway.) Also as long as the surrounding temperature is amiable, they can be placed in a bag, which is then tied up, to prevent wandering and to bolster the animal’s sense of security. I’ll bet your dog wouldn’t let you do that!

When humans allow themselves to be as close to nature as animals, our instincts take over. Some of the most powerful and well-balanced magical workings I have ever witnessed involved Pagans reverting to base instinct. Powerful and pure, Nature is instinct. Nature is not always civilized and pleasant; oftentimes it is harsh, cruel, and gory. The more “civilized” humans become, the more we forget how powerful instinct can be. Animals are the epitome of instinct, and so it is wise to sit back, watch, and learn from the varying multitudes our scaly, slimy, furry, feathered, chitinous, brethren encompass. Even though their speech is limited to sounds that mean nothing to humans, they each have something to say. There is always something new to learn, an untapped facet of primal knowledge… if only we know where to look.

Some of the smallest animals often teach us the most valuable lessons. The ants learned long ago that to cooperate is to survive; infighting only leads to ruin. Salmon show that life is an uphill battle, but anything worth doing should receive our full effort. A snake could have easily inspired Theodore Roosevelt when he said, “speak softly, but carry a big stick.” These are but a few of the lessons that nature offers those willing to listen.

So sit back, shut up, watch and learn, and above all remember nature is “natural”. It’s not good or evil. It’s not right or wrong. It is spectacular and beautiful, bountiful, and calm and at the same time, nature is savage, bloody, vicious, and violent… a self-sustaining balance at its finest.


Cool Hand Luke
Theodore Roosevelt

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December 11 – Daily Feast

December 11 – Daily Feast

When peace is scattered, imagine a flock of gentle sheep and lambs feeding in sunny meadows. Their slow gentle gait across the slopes and among the grasses is so peaceful that the whole atmosphere is laced with serenity. And then think what it is when a few goats get in with the sheep. Mischief begins. It is not the nature of goats to graze peacefully. They move among the sheep causing restlessness until the whole flock is ill at ease. There are goats among us. They cry and nip and bite, they stir up activity that is not congenial, and it is a real job to separate the sheep from the goats. And more than this, we have to make sure we are not one of the goats.

~ Selfhood is ever calm and unshaken by the storms of existence. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Your Animal Spirit for December 9th is The Porcupine

Your Animal Spirit for Today
December 9, 2013


Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust??

An Overview of Your Daily Chinese Astrology for Nov. 21st

2013 The Year Of the snake

Daily Overview

If you feel that loneliness is burdening you or that nervousness is taking over, think of adopting a pet. Some problems with your neighbors: choose either conversation or silence instead of confrontation. Get out of your humdrum routine a little. Don’t be so touchy with your loved one; try to keep up harmonious relations. A new business venture appears to be advantageous, especially if you exert an independent or commercial profession.

Daily OM for November 13th – The Ecology Around You

The Ecology Around You
Finding Nature in Your Neighborhood

by Madisyn Taylor

Nature is all around us and there is a plethora in every neighborhood, one only needs to become still and watch.

Because both cities and tightly packed suburbs offer wildlife bountiful nooks and crannies in which to hide, it can be difficult to spot the animals that live in our midst. Many thrive among paved streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking lots, and high-ris

es. There are animals in abundance burrowing in the soil of center medians and tiny backyard gardens, making nests in the trees that line broad and busy avenues, and buzzing round the flowers that beautify our parks. To find these creatures, we only need to stop, look, and listen. Nature’s drama is continually playing out on the window ledges where weary birds stop to roost, in the shadowy places where cautious nocturnal mammals wait for night’s mantel to fall, and the fountains where playful waterfowl splash and frolic. In observing the animals that share our habitat, we become a part of their beautiful, complex, and exciting world.

Season by season, cities offer diverse ecosystems for you to explore. If your search for urban and suburban wildlife is challenging, try to look at your community with an animal’s eyes. Where there are shrubs and flowers, insects such as butterflies, ladybugs, beetles, and spiders can usually be found. The insects, in turn, attract the birds who feast upon them. Even the smallest green spaces are hosts to squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, and moles. Decorative awnings offer falcons a place to raise their young. At night, a different community of animals wakens to the world. Raccoons, skunks, and possums emerge to examine our human leftovers for edibles. Even pets feel the call of the wild—it’s not uncommon for well-fed cats in colorful collars to stalk the streets in search of prey. Signs of habitation, like nests or hives, and audible evidence, like chirps, will help you find them.

Recognizing that you share your city with a wide range of animals can make you feel like a part of the grand circle of life and help you appreciate the importance of a healthy urban environment. You can admire the hardiness and adaptability of the urban animal while developing a sense of stewardship that inspires you to become their champion. The shrill calls of birds, the hum of bees, and the sweet squeaks of city-dwelling mammals can be a symphony that help you develop a deeper connection with the nature world.

The Daily OM

Your Animal Spirit for October 23 is the Squirrel

Your Animal Spirit for Today
October 23, 2013


Hoard, hoard, hoard! Squirrel has been a busy fellow, gathering food for the long winter ahead—and he advises you to do the same. Have you set enough money aside to get you through lean times, or do you squander what you earn? We all love a shopping spree, but if Squirrel scurries into your reading, he’s cautioning you to spend a little, but also save a little.

Your Animal Spirit for Sept. 20th is The Butterfly

Your Animal Spirit for Today
September 20, 2013


Beautiful butterfly has fluttered into your reading to remind you of the powerful transformational energies at work in your life. If something important seems to be stagnating, know that transformation is at work just below the surface—and just like the caterpillar, the “cocooned” situation you’re fretting about is about to be freed.

Today's Herb for September 1 is Wormwood

Today’s Herb for September 1


Wormwood can be burnt to summon the spirits of the dead. The balsam is used in black magickal workings for wrath and revenge. Wormwood also induces strong dreams. It is poisonous and should only be ingested in very small amounts. Placing Wormwood in the path of a hated one will cause them bad luck. Wormwood should be infused with the earth element when the planet Saturn should be strongly placed and waxing. The Moon should be waning.

The Witches Spell for February 18th – Communicate With Animals


Communicate With Animals


Items You Will Need:



The animal kingdom is very important to those who immerse themselves in natural magick. Sometimes you may want to communicate with animals or simply see the world through their eyes. A simple spell for merging your mind with animal is as follows:

Center yourself by sitting or lying upon the ground, closing your eyes, and imagine a whirlpool of energy surrounding you travelling in  clockwise motion from your head down to your feet, back up to your head, and back down to your feet. Continue this imagery until you feel grounded and centered, oblivious to daily distractions and cares. Once centered, allow your mind to wander to the animal you wish to merge with. Don’t force the imagery, rather allow it to happen.

Picture this animal clearly in your mind. Watch it, empathize with it, feel yourself merging with it. Imagine what it is like to be the animal. Imagine the sights it sees, the smells it senses, the motivations and ways of thinking it may have. Become those thoughts. Merge with the animal by dissolving the distinctions that make it separate.

Once you have fully merged with the animal, you can communicate with it. Ask it what you want to know. Tell it what you want it to know.

——By Ghost Writer

Monday, Monday, Oh It’s Monday Again! Happy & Blessed Monday To All The Witches Of The Craft!

Oh, well if you had a Monday like we are having around here, you might feel the same way. We have contractors running out of our ears. And to think this place was once so peaceful, AH! Hammers banging, wood being threw about, gee! We got up once and went to the other side of the building and be darned if they didn’t follow us over there. But at least we are getting everything fixed, FINALLY!


Now changing the subject, Mystie and myself had numerous animal calls this weekend. We had so many I am going to apply for the Animal Warden’s job before its over with, lol! But we are currently swamped with animal and needs some help. We are currently running low on baby bottles, formula, feed, cat food, straw and a few other things. We are in need of donations desperately. We have so many animals and any amount can help. You don’t realize how much cat food a $1.00 will buy. That is why we say no amount is too small and is always greatly appreciated. I have took some photos of our latest arrivals, so you can see were your donations are going and who they are benefiting.

Thank you so much for your help,

Lady A


hawkwithhurtwing Hawk recovering from arrow in wing


Orphaned baby deer being fed with bottle


How we managed baby piglets I don’t know. They were found out in a field by theirselves and we were called.


Mystie had their attention with a ribbon. Ain’t they adorable?

Now you see, we are desperately needing donations. Anything you can give, we will appreciate and so will the animals.

Thank you again.

More Monday Comments

Lady Of The Abyss’ Magick Spell for Feb. 8th – Pet Protection Collar



Pet Protection Collar


We all love our fuzzy little family members. We want to keep them safe and sound. This is the perfect spell to protection your pet from all harm and bring them back to your loving arms. It is a Pet Protection Collar.

You will Need:

Tiny amber beads with holes through them

Jeweler’s elastic


Best time to cast:



The Spell:

Collect the ingredients listed. Cast a circle around the area were you will do your spell. Cut a piece of stretchy jeweler’s elastic long enough to fit over your pet’s head. It shouldn’t be so loose that your pet can slip out of it easily, nor so tight that it’s uncomfortable around his/her neck. Leave enough elastic to tie a knot when you’re finished.

String the beads on the elastic, one at a time. With each bead say the following affirmation also: “{Pet’s name} is safe and sound at all times and in all situations, now and always.” Visualize a ball of white light surround your pet, keeping him/her safe. When you’ve finished, tie a knot and repeat the affirmation a final time. Open te circle. Slip the protection collar over your pet’s head.


Note: Get a name tag for your pet with your name, address, and phone umber on it and attach it to the gemstone collar.

A Word Abou Pet Passing Rituals

Pet Passing Rituals

I posted Silver RavenWolf’s Pet Rite today for a reason. The reason it was the first Rite as far as a beloved animal passing I had to do. I always had my family around me and they would do the Rite for my animals. I also watched them do their own.

The first time I had an animal pass on me, I was all by myself.  It was my first hybrid wolf dog, Rocky. He died with me holding him in my arms singing to him. I felt his Spirit leave but I wouldn’t let go of him. Finally I put him gently down and said my good-byes to him. After watching my mother, aunts, uncle, grandmother, I knew he needed a proper burial. I knew bits and pieces of the ritual but I didn’t know the whole thing. So I found Silver RavenWolf’s book and I used that exact passage when my first wolf passed on.

Since that time, I adapted that Rite to my needs and hopefully made it much more formal.

Mine differs quite a bit. Let’s take a look at it……

Before you arrive, the men will go and dig a final resting place for the animal. Then like Egyptians, we wrap the body up.. When the body is securely wrapped, it is solemnly transported to the grave site.

We now all have on our ritual attire. I am gathering up what was special to the animal in the refuge. If the animal was close to me, I will include something from me on the altar. I do gather up the same amount of candles, the mint, lavender, food and a purple sash. I put all this in my wicker basket, pull my hood up and we walk up to the grave in a silent procession.

When we reach the grave, the procession surround the burial site. I take my place at the altar. I arrange all the items on the altar. I proceed to light the candles. I light the mint. I do not light the lavender and you will see why in a moment.

Next, I ask the Goddess to guide this poor creature to a happier life. Let him/her be by the Goddess side continuously. Show him/her love, love they did not know on this plane. (If it is one of our personal animals that last part is changed.)

Now I walk over to the grave, I raise the lavender to the sky. I ask it to give this creature peace. Let them know nothing but peace from now on out, in the next plane and in his/her next life. My she/him reincarnate into a world of love and nothing but peace. I gently lay the lavender across the creature.

Next, I pick up the purple sash. I raise it to the sky. I ask for blessings of protection on this simple sash. I ask the sash protect the animal to he/she reaches the love and security of our Goddess. Then let the sash be a constant reminder that he/she is part of something bigger than all of us. He is a child of the Goddess. No more cruelty, no more mistreatment, just love and comfort. I then lay the sash across the animal’s chest.

I then return to the altar and ask anyone if they have any blessings they would like to send. If so, their blessings are said.

Afterwards it is time for the Rite to end. I pick up a clump of dirt and say,

“For the earth you came,

to the Earth you shall return.”

So Mote it be!

The others are now allowed to leave if they like. I stand solemnly at the head of the grave. I chant softly as the grave is filled in. Once the gave is filled in, I give a final blessing and the leave.

Personally I think the way we do the Rite is very beautiful and has a true meaning to it. The first Rite I gave you today was to inspire you the way it did me. You see now what kind of Rite we perform. Frankly it doesn’t even resemble Silver RavenWolf’s rite at all anymore.

I always tell you to use the spells and rituals found on this site as examples. Learn to write your own. See what a difference it makes. See how beautiful they can turn out.

Good Blessed Tuesday Dear Friends!

momma cougar

Good morning friends! Lady A isn’t going to be able to be here today. She is chasing baby turkey vultures. In the meantime, she asked me if I would casually bring up that our feed and supplies for the animals is starting to run low. The above picture is of our mother cougar. She doesn’t look that happy does she. According to her diet requirements, she has to be fed red meat at least every other day. This is in order to maintain her health. We have had several local companies that dress out deer donate the parts they can’t use. Those parts are going to feed the cougar. Deer season is now on its way out and we are hoping the local cattle company has leftovers for us. All of them have been very generous because they know we have the cougar. But we are eventually going to have to start purchasing food for her and the other animals. Plus formula for the babies, hay, straw, tent tarping plus many other issues that come up. You cannot imagine what costs are incurred in caring for these animals.

We would appreciate any help that you can give to our animals at this time. It doesn’t take a lot to buy a bale of hay or straw. So any amount would be helpful. Thank you for your help.

Blessings to you this day,




Our new turkey vulture

Good Afternoon Dear Family & Friends!

Gothic Comments
 Good afternoon dear family and friends! Today we will only make one quick post, this one. In a matter of a few minutes, I will be conducting an Animal Passing Ritual. The male cougar that was brought to us did not make it. He passed this morning at 6:45 a.m. In spite of all my efforts, I did not want to face facts. His injuries were too much for him to recover from and it was his time to leave this plane. Needless to say, all my energy and powers are exhausted. I was with him till the time we got him till the time he passed. I believe no one, not even an animal should have to leave this world alone. He has his head in my lap when he passed. I looked in his eyes and saw his gentle soul leave his wounded body. He was a magnificent animal and deserve all the respect we can give him as we bury him.

 Due to this fact, we will not be doing any posting today. We will honoring this great animal and easing his passing over to the next realm. I pray he will be reborn into a much kinder and gentler world. Please enjoy our site, look around and we will be back tomorrow as usual. This is just one of the many hazards of dealing with witches. You never know when the unexpected is going to hit.

 Thank you for your understanding and your love,

Lady Of The Abyss

Good Morning/Afternoon To All of Our Dear Family & Friends!

Good morning or afternoon depending on your time of day! We hope you are having a  good day. I wish I could say we were having a good day.  Thanks to the fire yesterday, we are now a computer short.  None of the fire department heard Lady A screaming at them, “the fire’s back here!” Instead they bust the door down of course, they are firefighters. Then they saw smoke coming through a vent right above Annie’s computer. One of the firemen picked up his ax and hit the vent. He came all the way down the wall right into Annie’s computer.  Her computer is destroyed. We are now one computer short. The insurance deductible is $500, so the insurance won’t cover it. I’ll take that back the insurance might pay some of it but not all of the cost of a replacement. The fire department said forget it. Lady A said the, never mind what she said. She decided she would take a break and go and check on the animals. She got a new cougar in this morning at 7:00 am. We had always heard about a mythological cougar that roamed these parts but we never believed it. We do now. This cougar came from here. He had been mauling horses, killing cattle and coyotes. He tried to kill one too many cows. A farmer almost shot him to death. I don’t understand it. These idoits around here will shot an animal till it is almost dead then call someone. What the hell? Do they like to see the animal suffer in torment? I mean, if they are that angry then why not finish the job. All of a sudden, they get a conscious and say oh, no I shouldn’t have shoot that poor creature. Well if that is the case, they shouldn’t pick up the damn gun to start with.  All they do is leave the vet and poor people like Lady A to stew and worry about pulling the animal back to life.

Lady A is outside right now with the burns on her arm and leg nursing that cougar. She doesn’t know if he is going to make it or not. But I guarantee you, she will do her best to make sure he does. Someone ought to go and get the damn fool that shot him and make him nurse the cougar. People like that wouldn’t though. If they had cared anything at all about animals, they would have never picked the rifle up to start with. I know the man couldn’t let him eat all his cattle but there are other ways to scare it off. Shoot up in the air, shoot over his head, make lots of noise, do something besides shoot him. It just upsets me to see Lady being so upset over an animal. She will stay with him till she knows he is out of the woods. We will end up taking her food too. I guess if the male cougar gets on his feet, our momma cougar will have a boyfriend. That will be a treat keeping them two apart. I don’t even want to think about it. I will go off the deep end for sure.

I am going to get to work now. I have said my peace for the day. One thing before I go. I don’t suppose anybody out there is rich enough to have a old, good spare laptop? You know, one you just tossed aside because you wanted a new one? Well if you do, I know of a great, tax-deductible place you could donate it too. Stop to think about it, I bet you do too. We would appreciate it and it would surprise Lady A. Really I want to see her cry tears of joy for a change. Seriously think about it. If you do, we would really appreciate it. Or if you would like to make a donation, we would appreciate that as well.

Thank you for listening,

Have a very blessed day,

The Countess

More Thursday Comments

Just To Let You Know…….

Before I forget, I don’t know if you have checked out our Pinterest page or not. But there is a section on there that has to do with “Furry Creatures.” That’s not the entire title but you see that you will know where to go. I found my camera and I am going to start taking photos of the animals we take in and care for at the refuge there. I already have my three on there but I look at them as if they are the “animal wardens,” lol!

But anyway, check that section out. In the future when I ask very politely for help with the critters, you will be able to see what your money is going to help.

Anyway, got to run. Get a moment check it out, Pinterest button in the right hand corner.

Love ya!




More Animals Comments

Stress-Free Holidays for Pets

Stress-Free Holidays for Pets


The holidays have arrived, and if you are one of the fortunate ones with  friends and family that you like to spend time with, the holidays mean parties,  dinners, gift exchanges and get-togethers. Whether you will be the host of one  of these fetes, or whether you’ll be packing up the family and pet for a  cross-town trip to visit family and/or friends, know before you go how you are  going to keep everyone calm and comfortable, so that everyone has  a good time.

Visiting …  Visitors

If you are the “visitee,” you will want to do a little preparation before the  guests arrive. Many of us consider our pets to be members of the family, and we  enjoy having them with us in as we celebrate good times. But, when our pets are  not used to have more than a few people around, they can get overly excited, and  things can stop being fun. The jumping, the grabbing food from hands and tables,  the barking … all of these things can lead to some embarrassing situations, and  can even frighten some guests who are not accustomed to having animals around.  In the weeks before the event, take some time to work on your pet’s manners and  reinforce obedience training. You might try some small gatherings with some pet  friendly people who can help you to reinforce your pet’s manners, so that when  the bigger party night comes, your pet will already be prepared.

If, on the other hand, you know that your pet will not be able to hold back  his exuberance, set aside a safe room where he can stay for the duration of the  event. Make the space comfortable with a bed or rug, water, toys, and maybe some  treats. Close this area off to the guests so that you can be sure that your pet,  and your guests, are safe. Remember to either tell your guests that your pet  should be left alone, tape a sign to the door saying “do not open,” or place a  hook and eye lock on the door so that people know that it is not to be opened.  The last thing you want is for a very excited pet to dash through the house, and  possibly out the door to the outside of the house.

Traveling With Your  Pet

Leaving the familiarity of home can provoke anxiety in people and animals. If  you are traveling by car, be sure to bring along some of your pet’s favorite  toys, a blanket or pillow bed, and his regular food. If your pet is used to  sleeping in a crate, bring it along so he can sleep in his familiar space.

We advise keeping pets in a travel safe crate so that the animal is not able  to move freely though the car. This covers a few bases. Keeping animals in  travel crates prevents them from getting underfoot or on your lap while you are  driving — an obvious hazard — it prevents them from being thrown from the car  should an accident occur, and it prevents them from getting free/running away  during rest stops or after minor accidents have occurred. We can tell you that  these unhappy events do occur and are reported in the news frequently enough to  make them worth noting. If you cannot fit a crate into your car, you can use a  pet approved safety belt/harness to keep your pet in her seat, where she  belongs.

On that note, make sure your pet is wearing identification at all times, and  pack an emergency first aid kit for pets in case of an emergency. And don’t  forget to take frequent breaks to allow for rest and relief.

If You Leave Your Pet  Behind — Boarding

Before choosing a boarding facility for your pet, take a quick tour of the  facility to check out the accommodations. You will want to be sure that it is  clean and well kept, and that there is ample space given for the animals to  exercise daily.

Have your questions ready before you go. Things you may want to know are: how  many animals are kept together in one space; can you bring your pet’s food so  that his digestive system will not be upset by an abrupt change in food; will  you be able to bring along toys and other familiar comfort objects from  home?

If you do not feel comfortable with a boarding facility, whether for your  pet’s emotional comfort or because of health concerns, and you do not have the  option of taking your pet along with you, give yourself plenty of time to ask  around the neighborhood for someone to pet-sit in your home or theirs, or do  some research into local pet-sitters that will come to your home to check in and  care for your pet, or will take your pet into their home. The better prepared  you are, the less stress there will be for you and your pet, and the better your  holiday celebrations will be.

Keep to a  Routine

One of the best things you can do throughout it all is to stay to a familiar  schedule. This means taking walks at the same time that you always do, and  feeding at the same time as usual. It might help to create an alarm system on  your mobile phone to remind you of your pet’s daily routine. Also, don’t forget  to take time to play and show affection, so that your pet does not feel thrown  off balance by all of the activity and distractions.