Good Morning/Afternoon To All of Our Dear Family & Friends!

Good morning or afternoon depending on your time of day! We hope you are having a  good day. I wish I could say we were having a good day.  Thanks to the fire yesterday, we are now a computer short.  None of the fire department heard Lady A screaming at them, “the fire’s back here!” Instead they bust the door down of course, they are firefighters. Then they saw smoke coming through a vent right above Annie’s computer. One of the firemen picked up his ax and hit the vent. He came all the way down the wall right into Annie’s computer.  Her computer is destroyed. We are now one computer short. The insurance deductible is $500, so the insurance won’t cover it. I’ll take that back the insurance might pay some of it but not all of the cost of a replacement. The fire department said forget it. Lady A said the, never mind what she said. She decided she would take a break and go and check on the animals. She got a new cougar in this morning at 7:00 am. We had always heard about a mythological cougar that roamed these parts but we never believed it. We do now. This cougar came from here. He had been mauling horses, killing cattle and coyotes. He tried to kill one too many cows. A farmer almost shot him to death. I don’t understand it. These idoits around here will shot an animal till it is almost dead then call someone. What the hell? Do they like to see the animal suffer in torment? I mean, if they are that angry then why not finish the job. All of a sudden, they get a conscious and say oh, no I shouldn’t have shoot that poor creature. Well if that is the case, they shouldn’t pick up the damn gun to start with.  All they do is leave the vet and poor people like Lady A to stew and worry about pulling the animal back to life.

Lady A is outside right now with the burns on her arm and leg nursing that cougar. She doesn’t know if he is going to make it or not. But I guarantee you, she will do her best to make sure he does. Someone ought to go and get the damn fool that shot him and make him nurse the cougar. People like that wouldn’t though. If they had cared anything at all about animals, they would have never picked the rifle up to start with. I know the man couldn’t let him eat all his cattle but there are other ways to scare it off. Shoot up in the air, shoot over his head, make lots of noise, do something besides shoot him. It just upsets me to see Lady being so upset over an animal. She will stay with him till she knows he is out of the woods. We will end up taking her food too. I guess if the male cougar gets on his feet, our momma cougar will have a boyfriend. That will be a treat keeping them two apart. I don’t even want to think about it. I will go off the deep end for sure.

I am going to get to work now. I have said my peace for the day. One thing before I go. I don’t suppose anybody out there is rich enough to have a old, good spare laptop? You know, one you just tossed aside because you wanted a new one? Well if you do, I know of a great, tax-deductible place you could donate it too. Stop to think about it, I bet you do too. We would appreciate it and it would surprise Lady A. Really I want to see her cry tears of joy for a change. Seriously think about it. If you do, we would really appreciate it. Or if you would like to make a donation, we would appreciate that as well.

Thank you for listening,

Have a very blessed day,

The Countess

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