The Best of Divination Methods for Samhain


The Best of Divination Methods for Samhain


Communication between worlds is at its best on Samhain, so any divination you perform on this night is rods, or a pendulum to find answers to yes-or-no questions.

Tea leaves. A traditional way of seeing the future by interpreting the leftover tea leaves in a cup.

Tarot. Reading the pattern of the cards and the symbols to discern past, present, and future. There are many forms of tarot cards available.

Reading palms. Following the lines on the hand to foretell life events.

Runes. Interpreting symbols painted or engraved on sets of stones or wood.

Automatic writing. Writing without thinking, usually done in a meditative state.

These are just a few divination methods you can try; this is by no means an exhaustive list. One technique may suit you better than the others. This is definitely the right time of year to have a go and pick up a new skill.



Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year

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